/* * $Source: /cvsroot/dxx-rebirth/d2x-rebirth/arch/svgalib/gr.c,v $ * $Revision: $ * $Author: zicodxx $ * $Date: 2006/03/17 19:54:29 $ * * SVGALib video functions * * $Log: gr.c,v $ * Revision 2006/03/17 19:54:29 zicodxx * initial import * * Revision 1.1 2001/10/25 08:25:34 bradleyb * Finished moving stuff to arch/blah. I know, it's ugly, but It'll be easier to sync with d1x. * * Revision 1.2 2001/01/29 13:47:52 bradleyb * Fixed build, some minor cleanups. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "gr.h" #include "grdef.h" #include "palette.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "error.h" #ifdef SVGALIB_INPUT #include #endif #include "gamefont.h" int gr_installed = 0; int usebuffer; extern void mouse_handler (int button, int dx, int dy, int dz, int drx, int dry, int drz); GraphicsContext *physicalscreen, *screenbuffer; void gr_update() { if (usebuffer) gl_copyscreen(physicalscreen); } void gr_flip(void) { gr_update(); //FIXME: Add double buffer support to remove cockpit/status bar flicker } // Set the buffer to draw to. 0 is front, 1 is back // Currently unused void gr_set_draw_buffer(int buf) { buf = buf; } int gr_set_mode(u_int32_t mode) { unsigned int w, h; char vgamode[16]; vga_modeinfo *modeinfo; int modenum, rowsize; void *framebuffer; #ifdef NOGRAPH return 0; #endif if (mode<=0) return 0; w=SM_W(mode); h=SM_H(mode); gr_palette_clear(); sprintf(vgamode, "G%dx%dx256", w, h); modenum = vga_getmodenumber(vgamode); vga_setmode(modenum); #ifdef SVGALIB_INPUT mouse_seteventhandler(mouse_handler); #endif modeinfo = vga_getmodeinfo(modenum); if (modeinfo->flags & CAPABLE_LINEAR) { usebuffer = 0; vga_setlinearaddressing(); // Set up physical screen only gl_setcontextvga(modenum); physicalscreen = gl_allocatecontext(); gl_getcontext(physicalscreen); screenbuffer = physicalscreen; framebuffer = physicalscreen->vbuf; rowsize = physicalscreen->bytewidth; } else { usebuffer = 1; // Set up the physical screen gl_setcontextvga(modenum); physicalscreen = gl_allocatecontext(); gl_getcontext(physicalscreen); // Set up the virtual screen gl_setcontextvgavirtual(modenum); screenbuffer = gl_allocatecontext(); gl_getcontext(screenbuffer); framebuffer = screenbuffer->vbuf; rowsize = screenbuffer->bytewidth; } memset(grd_curscreen, 0, sizeof(grs_screen)); grd_curscreen->sc_mode = mode; grd_curscreen->sc_w = w; grd_curscreen->sc_h = h; grd_curscreen->sc_aspect = fixdiv(grd_curscreen->sc_w*3,grd_curscreen->sc_h*4); grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_x = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_y = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_w = w; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_h = h; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_rowsize = rowsize; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_type = BM_LINEAR; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_data = framebuffer; gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); //gamefont_choose_game_font(w,h); return 0; } int gr_init(void) { int retcode; int mode = SM(320,200); // Only do this function once! if (gr_installed==1) return -1; MALLOC(grd_curscreen,grs_screen, 1); memset(grd_curscreen, 0, sizeof(grs_screen)); vga_init(); if ((retcode=gr_set_mode(mode))) return retcode; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_color = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_drawmode = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font = NULL; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font_fg_color = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font_bg_color = 0; gr_set_current_canvas( &grd_curscreen->sc_canvas ); gr_installed = 1; atexit(gr_close); return 0; } void gr_close () { if (gr_installed==1) { gr_installed = 0; free(grd_curscreen); gl_freecontext(screenbuffer); gl_freecontext(physicalscreen); } } // Palette functions follow. static int last_r=0, last_g=0, last_b=0; void gr_palette_clear () { int colors[768]; memset (colors, 0, 768 * sizeof(int)); vga_setpalvec (0, 256, colors); gr_palette_faded_out = 1; } void gr_palette_step_up (int r, int g, int b) { int i = 0; ubyte *p = gr_palette; int temp; int colors[768]; if (gr_palette_faded_out) return; if ((r==last_r) && (g==last_g) && (b==last_b)) return; last_r = r; last_g = g; last_b = b; while (i < 768) { temp = (int)(*p++) + r + gr_palette_gamma; if (temp<0) temp=0; else if (temp>63) temp=63; colors[i++] = temp; temp = (int)(*p++) + g + gr_palette_gamma; if (temp<0) temp=0; else if (temp>63) temp=63; colors[i++] = temp; temp = (int)(*p++) + b + gr_palette_gamma; if (temp<0) temp=0; else if (temp>63) temp=63; colors[i++] = temp; } vga_setpalvec (0, 256, colors); } //added on 980913 by adb to fix palette problems // need a min without side effects... #undef min static inline int min(int x, int y) { return x < y ? x : y; } //end changes by adb void gr_palette_load (ubyte *pal) { int i; int colors[768]; for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { gr_current_pal[i] = pal[i]; if (gr_current_pal[i] > 63) gr_current_pal[i] = 63; colors[i] = (min(gr_current_pal[i] + gr_palette_gamma, 63)); } vga_setpalvec (0, 256, colors); gr_palette_faded_out = 0; init_computed_colors(); } int gr_palette_fade_out (ubyte *pal, int nsteps, int allow_keys) { int i, j; ubyte c; fix fade_palette[768]; fix fade_palette_delta[768]; int fade_colors[768]; if (gr_palette_faded_out) return 0; if (pal==NULL) pal=gr_current_pal; for (i=0; i<768; i++) { gr_current_pal[i] = pal[i]; fade_palette[i] = i2f(pal[i]); fade_palette_delta[i] = fade_palette[i] / nsteps; } for (j=0; j i2f(pal[i] + gr_palette_gamma)) fade_palette[i] = i2f(pal[i] + gr_palette_gamma); c = f2i(fade_palette[i]); if (c > 63) c = 63; fade_colors[i] = c; } vga_setpalvec (0, 256, fade_colors); } gr_palette_faded_out = 1; return 0; } int gr_palette_fade_in (ubyte *pal, int nsteps, int allow_keys) { int i, j; ubyte c; fix fade_palette[768]; fix fade_palette_delta[768]; int fade_colors[768]; if (!gr_palette_faded_out) return 0; for (i=0; i<768; i++) { gr_current_pal[i] = pal[i]; fade_palette[i] = 0; fade_palette_delta[i] = i2f(pal[i] + gr_palette_gamma) / nsteps; } for (j=0; j i2f(pal[i] + gr_palette_gamma)) fade_palette[i] = i2f(pal[i] + gr_palette_gamma); c = f2i(fade_palette[i]); if (c > 63) c = 63; fade_colors[i] = c; } vga_setpalvec (0, 256, fade_colors); } gr_palette_faded_out = 0; return 0; } void gr_palette_read (ubyte *pal) { int colors[768]; int i; vga_getpalvec (0, 256, colors); for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) pal[i] = colors[i]; }