/* * This is an alternate backend for the music system. * It uses SDL_mixer to provide a more reliable playback, * and allow processing of multiple audio formats. * * -- MD2211 (2006-04-24) */ #include #include #include #include #include "args.h" #include "hmp.h" #include "digi_mixer_music.h" #include "cfile.h" #include "u_mem.h" Mix_Music *current_music = NULL; /* * Plays a music file from an absolute path */ int mix_play_file(char *filename, int loop, void (*hook_finished_track)()) { SDL_RWops *rw = NULL; PHYSFS_file *filehandle = NULL; char tmp_file[PATH_MAX], real_filename[PATH_MAX]; char *basedir = "music", *fptr, *buf = NULL; int bufsize = 0; mix_free_music(); // stop and free what we're already playing, if anything fptr = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (fptr == NULL) return 0; snprintf(tmp_file, sizeof(char)*(strlen(filename)+1), filename); // It's a .hmp. Convert to mid, store ind music/ and pass the new filename. if (!stricmp(fptr, ".hmp")) { strcpy(tmp_file+strlen(tmp_file)-4,".mid"); if (!PHYSFS_isDirectory(basedir)) PHYSFS_mkdir(basedir); snprintf(real_filename, strlen(basedir)+strlen(tmp_file)+6, "%s/%s", basedir, tmp_file); hmp2mid(filename, real_filename); } else { snprintf(real_filename, sizeof(char)*(strlen(filename)+1), filename); } loop = loop ? -1 : 1; // loop means loop infinitely, otherwise play once // try loading music via given filename current_music = Mix_LoadMUS(real_filename); // no luck. so either it's in an archive or Searchpath if (!current_music) filehandle = PHYSFS_openRead(real_filename); if (filehandle != NULL) { buf = realloc(buf, sizeof(char *)*PHYSFS_fileLength(filehandle)); bufsize = PHYSFS_read(filehandle, buf, sizeof(char), PHYSFS_fileLength(filehandle)); rw = SDL_RWFromConstMem(buf,bufsize*sizeof(char)); PHYSFS_close(filehandle); current_music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(rw); } if (current_music) { Mix_PlayMusic(current_music, loop); Mix_HookMusicFinished(hook_finished_track ? hook_finished_track : mix_free_music); return 1; } else { con_printf(CON_CRITICAL,"Music %s could not be loaded\n", real_filename); Mix_HaltMusic(); } return 0; } // What to do when stopping song playback void mix_free_music() { Mix_HaltMusic(); if (current_music) { Mix_FreeMusic(current_music); current_music = NULL; } } void mix_set_music_volume(int vol) { vol *= MIX_MAX_VOLUME/8; Mix_VolumeMusic(vol); } void mix_stop_music() { Mix_HaltMusic(); } void mix_pause_music() { Mix_PauseMusic(); } void mix_resume_music() { Mix_ResumeMusic(); } void mix_pause_resume_music() { if (Mix_PausedMusic()) Mix_ResumeMusic(); else if (Mix_PlayingMusic()) Mix_PauseMusic(); }