/* * Portions of this file are copyright Rebirth contributors and licensed as * described in COPYING.txt. * Portions of this file are copyright Parallax Software and licensed * according to the Parallax license below. * See COPYING.txt for license details. THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Functions for weapons... * */ #include #include #include #include #include "hudmsg.h" #include "game.h" #include "laser.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "player.h" #include "gauges.h" #include "dxxerror.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "text.h" #include "powerup.h" #include "fireball.h" #include "newdemo.h" #include "multi.h" #include "object.h" #include "segment.h" #include "newmenu.h" #include "gamemine.h" #include "ai.h" #include "args.h" #include "playsave.h" #include "physfs-serial.h" #include "compiler-range_for.h" #include "highest_valid.h" #include "partial_range.h" static int POrderList (int num); static int SOrderList (int num); // Note, only Vulcan cannon requires ammo. // NOTE: Now Vulcan and Gauss require ammo. -5/3/95 Yuan //ubyte Default_primary_ammo_level[MAX_PRIMARY_WEAPONS] = {255, 0, 255, 255, 255}; //ubyte Default_secondary_ammo_level[MAX_SECONDARY_WEAPONS] = {3, 0, 0, 0, 0}; constexpr tt::integral_constant has_weapon_result::has_weapon_flag; constexpr tt::integral_constant has_weapon_result::has_energy_flag; constexpr tt::integral_constant has_weapon_result::has_ammo_flag; // Convert primary weapons to indices in Weapon_info array. #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) const array Primary_weapon_to_weapon_info{{0, VULCAN_ID, 12, PLASMA_ID, FUSION_ID}}; const array Secondary_weapon_to_weapon_info{{CONCUSSION_ID, HOMING_ID, PROXIMITY_ID, SMART_ID, MEGA_ID}}; //for each Secondary weapon, which gun it fires out of const array Secondary_weapon_to_gun_num{{4,4,7,7,7}}; #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) #include "fvi.h" const array Primary_weapon_to_weapon_info{{ LASER_ID, VULCAN_ID, SPREADFIRE_ID, PLASMA_ID, FUSION_ID, SUPER_LASER_ID, GAUSS_ID, HELIX_ID, PHOENIX_ID, OMEGA_ID }}; const array Secondary_weapon_to_weapon_info{{ CONCUSSION_ID, HOMING_ID, PROXIMITY_ID, SMART_ID, MEGA_ID, FLASH_ID, GUIDEDMISS_ID, SUPERPROX_ID, MERCURY_ID, EARTHSHAKER_ID }}; //for each Secondary weapon, which gun it fires out of const array Secondary_weapon_to_gun_num{{4,4,7,7,7,4,4,7,4,7}}; #endif const array Secondary_ammo_max{{20, 10, 10, 5, 5, #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) 20, 20, 15, 10, 10 #endif }}; //for each primary weapon, what kind of powerup gives weapon const array Primary_weapon_to_powerup{{POW_LASER,POW_VULCAN_WEAPON,POW_SPREADFIRE_WEAPON,POW_PLASMA_WEAPON,POW_FUSION_WEAPON, #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) POW_LASER,POW_GAUSS_WEAPON,POW_HELIX_WEAPON,POW_PHOENIX_WEAPON,POW_OMEGA_WEAPON #endif }}; //for each Secondary weapon, what kind of powerup gives weapon const array Secondary_weapon_to_powerup{{POW_MISSILE_1,POW_HOMING_AMMO_1,POW_PROXIMITY_WEAPON,POW_SMARTBOMB_WEAPON,POW_MEGA_WEAPON, #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) POW_SMISSILE1_1,POW_GUIDED_MISSILE_1,POW_SMART_MINE,POW_MERCURY_MISSILE_1,POW_EARTHSHAKER_MISSILE #endif }}; weapon_info_array Weapon_info; unsigned N_weapon_types; primary_weapon_index_t Primary_weapon; sbyte Secondary_weapon; static primary_weapon_index_t Delayed_primary; static sbyte Delayed_secondary; // autoselect ordering #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) static const array DefaultPrimaryOrder{{ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 255 }}; static const array DefaultSecondaryOrder{{ 4, 3, 1, 0, 255, 2 }}; #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) static const array DefaultPrimaryOrder={{9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,255}}; static const array DefaultSecondaryOrder={{9,8,4,3,1,5,0,255,7,6,2}}; //flags whether the last time we use this weapon, it was the 'super' version array Primary_last_was_super; array Secondary_last_was_super; #endif static unsigned get_mapped_weapon_index(unsigned weapon_index = Primary_weapon) { #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) if (weapon_index == primary_weapon_index_t::LASER_INDEX && get_local_player().laser_level > MAX_LASER_LEVEL) return primary_weapon_index_t::SUPER_LASER_INDEX; #endif return weapon_index; } // ; (0) Laser Level 1 // ; (1) Laser Level 2 // ; (2) Laser Level 3 // ; (3) Laser Level 4 // ; (4) Unknown Use // ; (5) Josh Blobs // ; (6) Unknown Use // ; (7) Unknown Use // ; (8) ---------- Concussion Missile ---------- // ; (9) ---------- Flare ---------- // ; (10) ---------- Blue laser that blue guy shoots ----------- // ; (11) ---------- Vulcan Cannon ---------- // ; (12) ---------- Spreadfire Cannon ---------- // ; (13) ---------- Plasma Cannon ---------- // ; (14) ---------- Fusion Cannon ---------- // ; (15) ---------- Homing Missile ---------- // ; (16) ---------- Proximity Bomb ---------- // ; (17) ---------- Smart Missile ---------- // ; (18) ---------- Mega Missile ---------- // ; (19) ---------- Children of the PLAYER'S Smart Missile ---------- // ; (20) ---------- Bad Guy Spreadfire Laser ---------- // ; (21) ---------- SuperMech Homing Missile ---------- // ; (22) ---------- Regular Mech's missile ----------- // ; (23) ---------- Silent Spreadfire Laser ---------- // ; (24) ---------- Red laser that baby spiders shoot ----------- // ; (25) ---------- Green laser that rifleman shoots ----------- // ; (26) ---------- Plasma gun that 'plasguy' fires ------------ // ; (27) ---------- Blobs fired by Red Spiders ----------- // ; (28) ---------- Final Boss's Mega Missile ---------- // ; (29) ---------- Children of the ROBOT'S Smart Missile ---------- // ; (30) Laser Level 5 // ; (31) Laser Level 6 // ; (32) ---------- Super Vulcan Cannon ---------- // ; (33) ---------- Super Spreadfire Cannon ---------- // ; (34) ---------- Super Plasma Cannon ---------- // ; (35) ---------- Super Fusion Cannon ---------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Return: // Bits set: // HAS_WEAPON_FLAG // HAS_ENERGY_FLAG // HAS_AMMO_FLAG // See weapon.h for bit values has_weapon_result player_has_primary_weapon(int weapon_num) { int return_value = 0; // Hack! If energy goes negative, you can't fire a weapon that doesn't require energy. // But energy should not go negative (but it does), so find out why it does! if (get_local_player().energy < 0) get_local_player().energy = 0; const auto weapon_index = Primary_weapon_to_weapon_info[weapon_num]; if (get_local_player().primary_weapon_flags & HAS_PRIMARY_FLAG(weapon_num)) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_weapon_flag; // Special case: Gauss cannon uses vulcan ammo. if (weapon_index_uses_vulcan_ammo(weapon_num)) { if (Weapon_info[weapon_index].ammo_usage <= get_local_player().vulcan_ammo) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_ammo_flag; } /* Hack to work around check in do_primary_weapon_select */ else return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_ammo_flag; #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) //added on 1/21/99 by Victor Rachels... yet another hack //fusion has 0 energy usage, HAS_ENERGY_FLAG was always true if(weapon_num == primary_weapon_index_t::FUSION_INDEX) { if(get_local_player().energy >= F1_0*2) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_energy_flag; } #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) if (weapon_num == primary_weapon_index_t::OMEGA_INDEX) { // Hack: Make sure player has energy to omega if (get_local_player().energy || Omega_charge) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_energy_flag; } #endif else if (Weapon_info[weapon_index].energy_usage <= get_local_player().energy) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_energy_flag; return return_value; } has_weapon_result player_has_secondary_weapon(int weapon_num) { int return_value = 0; const auto weapon_index = Secondary_weapon_to_weapon_info[weapon_num]; if (get_local_player().secondary_weapon_flags & HAS_SECONDARY_FLAG(weapon_num)) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_weapon_flag; if (Weapon_info[weapon_index].ammo_usage <= get_local_player().secondary_ammo[weapon_num]) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_ammo_flag; if (Weapon_info[weapon_index].energy_usage <= get_local_player().energy) return_value |= has_weapon_result::has_energy_flag; return return_value; } void InitWeaponOrdering () { // short routine to setup default weapon priorities for new pilots PlayerCfg.PrimaryOrder = DefaultPrimaryOrder; PlayerCfg.SecondaryOrder = DefaultSecondaryOrder; } void CyclePrimary () { int loop=0; const auto autoselect_order_slot = POrderList(255); auto cur_order_slot = POrderList(get_mapped_weapon_index()); const auto use_restricted_autoselect = (cur_order_slot < autoselect_order_slot) && (1 < autoselect_order_slot) && (PlayerCfg.CycleAutoselectOnly); while (loop<(MAX_PRIMARY_WEAPONS+1)) { loop++; cur_order_slot++; // next slot if (cur_order_slot >= MAX_PRIMARY_WEAPONS+1) // loop if necessary cur_order_slot = 0; if (cur_order_slot == autoselect_order_slot) // what to to with non-autoselect weapons? { if (use_restricted_autoselect) { cur_order_slot = 0; // loop over or ... } else { continue; // continue? } } auto desired_weapon = PlayerCfg.PrimaryOrder[cur_order_slot]; // now that is the weapon next to our current one #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) // some remapping for SUPER LASER which is not an actual weapon type at all if (desired_weapon == primary_weapon_index_t::LASER_INDEX && get_local_player().laser_level > MAX_LASER_LEVEL) continue; if (desired_weapon == primary_weapon_index_t::SUPER_LASER_INDEX) { if (get_local_player().laser_level <= MAX_LASER_LEVEL) continue; else desired_weapon = primary_weapon_index_t::LASER_INDEX; } #endif // select the weapon if we have it if (player_has_primary_weapon(desired_weapon).has_all()) { const auto weapon_name = PRIMARY_WEAPON_NAMES(desired_weapon); select_primary_weapon(weapon_name, desired_weapon, 1); return; } } } void CycleSecondary () { auto cur_order_slot = SOrderList(Secondary_weapon); int loop=0; const auto autoselect_order_slot = SOrderList(255); const auto use_restricted_autoselect = (cur_order_slot < autoselect_order_slot) && (1 < autoselect_order_slot) && (PlayerCfg.CycleAutoselectOnly); while (loop<(MAX_SECONDARY_WEAPONS+1)) { loop++; cur_order_slot++; // next slot if (cur_order_slot >= MAX_SECONDARY_WEAPONS+1) // loop if necessary cur_order_slot = 0; if (cur_order_slot == autoselect_order_slot) // what to to with non-autoselect weapons? { if (use_restricted_autoselect) { cur_order_slot = 0; // loop over or ... } else { continue; // continue? } } auto desired_weapon = PlayerCfg.SecondaryOrder[cur_order_slot]; // now that is the weapon next to our current one // select the weapon if we have it if (player_has_secondary_weapon(desired_weapon).has_all()) { const auto weapon_name = SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(desired_weapon); select_secondary_weapon(weapon_name, desired_weapon, 1); return; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //if message flag set, print message saying selected void select_primary_weapon(const char *const weapon_name, const uint_fast32_t weapon_num, const int wait_for_rearm) { if (Newdemo_state==ND_STATE_RECORDING ) newdemo_record_player_weapon(0, weapon_num); { if (Primary_weapon != weapon_num) { #ifndef FUSION_KEEPS_CHARGE //added 8/6/98 by Victor Rachels to fix fusion charge bug Fusion_charge=0; //end edit - Victor Rachels #endif if (wait_for_rearm) multi_digi_play_sample_once(SOUND_GOOD_SELECTION_PRIMARY, F1_0); if (wait_for_rearm) Next_laser_fire_time = GameTime64 + REARM_TIME; else Next_laser_fire_time = 0; Global_laser_firing_count = 0; } else { #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) if (wait_for_rearm) digi_play_sample( SOUND_ALREADY_SELECTED, F1_0 ); #endif } Delayed_primary = Primary_weapon = static_cast(weapon_num); #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) //save flag for whether was super version Primary_last_was_super[weapon_num % SUPER_WEAPON] = (weapon_num >= SUPER_WEAPON); #endif } if (weapon_name) { #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) if (weapon_num == primary_weapon_index_t::LASER_INDEX) HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s Level %d %s", weapon_name, get_local_player().laser_level+1, TXT_SELECTED); else #endif HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s", weapon_name, TXT_SELECTED); } } void select_secondary_weapon(const char *const weapon_name, const uint_fast32_t weapon_num, const int wait_for_rearm) { if (Newdemo_state==ND_STATE_RECORDING ) newdemo_record_player_weapon(1, weapon_num); { if (Secondary_weapon != weapon_num) { if (wait_for_rearm) multi_digi_play_sample_once(SOUND_GOOD_SELECTION_SECONDARY, F1_0); if (wait_for_rearm) Next_missile_fire_time = GameTime64 + REARM_TIME; else Next_missile_fire_time = 0; Global_missile_firing_count = 0; } else { if (wait_for_rearm) { digi_play_sample_once( SOUND_ALREADY_SELECTED, F1_0 ); } } Delayed_secondary = Secondary_weapon = weapon_num; #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) //save flag for whether was super version Secondary_last_was_super[weapon_num % SUPER_WEAPON] = (weapon_num >= SUPER_WEAPON); #endif } if (weapon_name) { HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s", weapon_name, TXT_SELECTED); } } #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) static bool reject_shareware_weapon_select(const uint_fast32_t weapon_num, const char *const weapon_name) { // do special hud msg. for picking registered weapon in shareware version. if (PCSharePig) if (weapon_num >= NUM_SHAREWARE_WEAPONS) { HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s!", weapon_name,TXT_NOT_IN_SHAREWARE); return true; } return false; } static bool reject_unusable_primary_weapon_select(const uint_fast32_t weapon_num, const char *const weapon_name) { const auto weapon_status = player_has_primary_weapon(weapon_num); const char *prefix; if (!weapon_status.has_weapon()) prefix = TXT_DONT_HAVE; else if (!weapon_status.has_ammo()) prefix = TXT_DONT_HAVE_AMMO; else return false; HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s!", prefix, weapon_name); return true; } static bool reject_unusable_secondary_weapon_select(const uint_fast32_t weapon_num, const char *const weapon_name) { const auto weapon_status = player_has_secondary_weapon(weapon_num); if (weapon_status.has_all()) return false; HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s%s", TXT_HAVE_NO, weapon_name, TXT_SX); return true; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Select a weapon, primary or secondary. void do_primary_weapon_select(uint_fast32_t weapon_num) { #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) //added on 10/9/98 by Victor Rachels to add laser cycle //end this section addition - Victor Rachels const auto weapon_name = PRIMARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_num); if (reject_shareware_weapon_select(weapon_num, weapon_name) || reject_unusable_primary_weapon_select(weapon_num, weapon_name)) { digi_play_sample(SOUND_BAD_SELECTION, F1_0); return; } #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) has_weapon_result weapon_status; const auto current = Primary_weapon; const auto last_was_super = Primary_last_was_super[weapon_num]; const auto has_flag = weapon_status.has_weapon_flag; if (current == weapon_num || current == weapon_num+SUPER_WEAPON) { //already have this selected, so toggle to other of normal/super version weapon_num += weapon_num+SUPER_WEAPON - current; weapon_status = player_has_primary_weapon(weapon_num); } else { const auto weapon_num_save = weapon_num; //go to last-select version of requested missile if (last_was_super) weapon_num += SUPER_WEAPON; weapon_status = player_has_primary_weapon(weapon_num); //if don't have last-selected, try other version if ((weapon_status.flags() & has_flag) != has_flag) { weapon_num = 2*weapon_num_save+SUPER_WEAPON - weapon_num; weapon_status = player_has_primary_weapon(weapon_num); if ((weapon_status.flags() & has_flag) != has_flag) weapon_num = 2*weapon_num_save+SUPER_WEAPON - weapon_num; } } //if we don't have the weapon we're switching to, give error & bail const auto weapon_name = PRIMARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_num); if ((weapon_status.flags() & has_flag) != has_flag) { { if (weapon_num == primary_weapon_index_t::SUPER_LASER_INDEX) return; //no such thing as super laser, so no error HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s!", TXT_DONT_HAVE, weapon_name); } digi_play_sample( SOUND_BAD_SELECTION, F1_0 ); return; } //now actually select the weapon #endif select_primary_weapon(weapon_name, weapon_num, 1); } void do_secondary_weapon_select(uint_fast32_t weapon_num) { #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) //added on 10/9/98 by Victor Rachels to add laser cycle //end this section addition - Victor Rachels // do special hud msg. for picking registered weapon in shareware version. const auto weapon_name = SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_num); if (reject_shareware_weapon_select(weapon_num, weapon_name) || reject_unusable_secondary_weapon_select(weapon_num, weapon_name)) { digi_play_sample(SOUND_BAD_SELECTION, F1_0); return; } #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) int current,has_flag; ubyte last_was_super; has_weapon_result weapon_status; { current = Secondary_weapon; last_was_super = Secondary_last_was_super[weapon_num]; has_flag = weapon_status.has_weapon_flag | weapon_status.has_ammo_flag; } if (current == weapon_num || current == weapon_num+SUPER_WEAPON) { //already have this selected, so toggle to other of normal/super version weapon_num += weapon_num+SUPER_WEAPON - current; weapon_status = player_has_secondary_weapon(weapon_num); } else { const auto weapon_num_save = weapon_num; //go to last-select version of requested missile if (last_was_super) weapon_num += SUPER_WEAPON; weapon_status = player_has_secondary_weapon(weapon_num); //if don't have last-selected, try other version if ((weapon_status.flags() & has_flag) != has_flag) { weapon_num = 2*weapon_num_save+SUPER_WEAPON - weapon_num; weapon_status = player_has_secondary_weapon(weapon_num); if ((weapon_status.flags() & has_flag) != has_flag) weapon_num = 2*weapon_num_save+SUPER_WEAPON - weapon_num; } } //if we don't have the weapon we're switching to, give error & bail const auto weapon_name = SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_num); if ((weapon_status.flags() & has_flag) != has_flag) { HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s %s%s", TXT_HAVE_NO, weapon_name, TXT_SX); digi_play_sample( SOUND_BAD_SELECTION, F1_0 ); return; } //now actually select the weapon #endif select_secondary_weapon(weapon_name, weapon_num, 1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Automatically select next best weapon if unable to fire current weapon. // Weapon type: 0==primary, 1==secondary void auto_select_primary_weapon() { int looped=0; { if (!player_has_primary_weapon(Primary_weapon).has_all()) { int try_again = 1; auto cur_weapon = POrderList(Primary_weapon); const auto cutpoint = POrderList (255); while (try_again) { cur_weapon++; if (cur_weapon>=cutpoint) { if (looped) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, TXT_NO_PRIMARY); select_primary_weapon(nullptr, 0, 1); try_again = 0; continue; } cur_weapon=0; looped=1; } if (cur_weapon==MAX_PRIMARY_WEAPONS) cur_weapon = 0; // Hack alert! Because the fusion uses 0 energy at the end (it's got the weird chargeup) // it looks like it takes 0 to fire, but it doesn't, so never auto-select. // if (PlayerCfg.PrimaryOrder[cur_weapon] == FUSION_INDEX) // continue; const auto weapon_num = PlayerCfg.PrimaryOrder[cur_weapon]; if (weapon_num == Primary_weapon) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, TXT_NO_PRIMARY); select_primary_weapon(nullptr, 0, 1); try_again = 0; // Tried all weapons! } else if (weapon_num != 255 && player_has_primary_weapon(weapon_num).has_all()) { const auto weapon_name = PRIMARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_num); select_primary_weapon(weapon_name, weapon_num, 1); try_again = 0; } } } } } void auto_select_secondary_weapon() { int looped=0; if (!player_has_secondary_weapon(Secondary_weapon).has_all()) { int try_again = 1; auto cur_weapon = SOrderList(Secondary_weapon); const auto cutpoint = SOrderList(255); while (try_again) { cur_weapon++; if (cur_weapon>=cutpoint) { if (looped) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "No secondary weapons selected!"); try_again = 0; continue; } cur_weapon=0; looped=1; } if (cur_weapon==MAX_SECONDARY_WEAPONS) cur_weapon = 0; if (PlayerCfg.SecondaryOrder[cur_weapon] == Secondary_weapon) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "No secondary weapons available!"); try_again = 0; // Tried all weapons! } else if (player_has_secondary_weapon(PlayerCfg.SecondaryOrder[cur_weapon]).has_all()) { const auto weapon_num = PlayerCfg.SecondaryOrder[cur_weapon]; const auto weapon_name = SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_num); select_secondary_weapon(weapon_name, weapon_num, 1); try_again = 0; } } } } void delayed_autoselect() { if (!Controls.state.fire_primary && Delayed_primary != Primary_weapon) select_primary_weapon(nullptr, Delayed_primary, 1); if (!Controls.state.fire_secondary && Delayed_secondary != Secondary_weapon) select_secondary_weapon(nullptr, Delayed_secondary, 1); } static void maybe_autoselect_primary_weapon(int weapon_index) { const auto want_switch = [weapon_index]{ const auto cutpoint = POrderList(255); const auto weapon_order = POrderList(weapon_index); return weapon_order < cutpoint && weapon_order < POrderList(get_mapped_weapon_index(Delayed_primary)); }; if (Controls.state.fire_primary && PlayerCfg.NoFireAutoselect != FiringAutoselectMode::Immediate) { if (PlayerCfg.NoFireAutoselect == FiringAutoselectMode::Delayed) { if (want_switch()) Delayed_primary = static_cast(weapon_index); } } else if (want_switch()) select_primary_weapon(nullptr, weapon_index, 1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //called when one of these weapons is picked up //when you pick up a secondary, you always get the weapon & ammo for it // Returns true if powerup picked up, else returns false. int pick_up_secondary(int weapon_index,int count) { int num_picked_up; const auto max = PLAYER_MAX_AMMO(get_local_player(), Secondary_ammo_max[weapon_index]); if (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[weapon_index] >= max) { HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT|HM_REDUNDANT|HM_MAYDUPL, "%s %i %ss!", TXT_ALREADY_HAVE, get_local_player().secondary_ammo[weapon_index],SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_index)); return 0; } get_local_player().secondary_weapon_flags |= (1< max) { num_picked_up = count - (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[weapon_index] - max); get_local_player().secondary_ammo[weapon_index] = max; } if (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[weapon_index] == count) // only autoselect if player didn't have any { const auto weapon_order = SOrderList(weapon_index); const auto want_switch = [weapon_index, weapon_order]{ return weapon_order < SOrderList(255) && ( get_local_player().secondary_ammo[Delayed_secondary] == 0 || weapon_order < SOrderList(Delayed_secondary) ); }; if (Controls.state.fire_secondary && PlayerCfg.NoFireAutoselect != FiringAutoselectMode::Immediate) { if (PlayerCfg.NoFireAutoselect == FiringAutoselectMode::Delayed) { if (want_switch()) Delayed_secondary = weapon_index; } } else if (want_switch()) select_secondary_weapon(nullptr, weapon_index, 1); #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) //if it's a proxbomb or smart mine, //we want to do a mini-auto-selection that applies to the drop bomb key if (weapon_index_is_player_bomb(weapon_index) && !weapon_index_is_player_bomb(Secondary_weapon)) { auto &last = Secondary_last_was_super[PROXIMITY_INDEX]; if (weapon_order < SOrderList(last ? SMART_MINE_INDEX : PROXIMITY_INDEX)) last = (weapon_index == SMART_MINE_INDEX); } #endif } //note: flash for all but concussion was 7,14,21 if (num_picked_up>1) { PALETTE_FLASH_ADD(15,15,15); HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%d %s%s",num_picked_up,SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_index), TXT_SX); } else { PALETTE_FLASH_ADD(10,10,10); HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s!",SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(weapon_index)); } return 1; } #define DXX_WEAPON_TEXT_NEVER_AUTOSELECT "--- Never Autoselect below ---" void ReorderPrimary () { newmenu_item m[MAX_PRIMARY_WEAPONS+1]; int i; for (i=0;i= cutpoint) /* Preferred weapon is not auto-selectable */ return; if (better >= POrderList(get_mapped_weapon_index(Primary_weapon))) /* Preferred weapon is not as desirable as the current weapon */ return; maybe_autoselect_primary_weapon(weapon_index); } //called when ammo (for the vulcan cannon) is picked up // Returns the amount picked up int pick_up_vulcan_ammo(uint_fast32_t ammo_count, const bool change_weapon) { auto &plr = get_local_player(); const auto max = PLAYER_MAX_AMMO(plr, VULCAN_AMMO_MAX); if (plr.vulcan_ammo >= max) return 0; const auto old_ammo = plr.vulcan_ammo; plr.vulcan_ammo += ammo_count; if (plr.vulcan_ammo > max) { ammo_count += (max - plr.vulcan_ammo); plr.vulcan_ammo = max; } if (change_weapon && !old_ammo) maybe_autoselect_vulcan_weapon(plr); return ammo_count; //return amount used } #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) #define SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME (F1_0*2) #define MAX_SMEGA_DETONATES 4 static array Smega_detonate_times; // Call this to initialize for a new level. // Sets all super mega missile detonation times to 0 which means there aren't any. void init_smega_detonates(void) { Smega_detonate_times = {}; } fix Seismic_tremor_magnitude; int Seismic_tremor_volume; static fix64 Next_seismic_sound_time; static bool Seismic_sound_playing; const int Seismic_sound = SOUND_SEISMIC_DISTURBANCE_START; static void start_seismic_sound() { if (Seismic_sound_playing) return; Seismic_sound_playing = true; Next_seismic_sound_time = GameTime64 + d_rand()/2; digi_play_sample_looping(Seismic_sound, F1_0, -1, -1); } // If a smega missile been detonated, rock the mine! // This should be called every frame. // Maybe this should affect all robots, being called when they get their physics done. void rock_the_mine_frame(void) { range_for (auto &i, Smega_detonate_times) { if (i != 0) { fix delta_time = GameTime64 - i; start_seismic_sound(); if (delta_time < SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME) { // Control center destroyed, rock the player's ship. int fc, rx, rz; // -- fc = abs(delta_time - SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME/2); // Changed 10/23/95 to make decreasing for super mega missile. fc = (SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME - delta_time)/2; fc /= SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME/32; if (fc > 16) fc = 16; if (fc == 0) fc = 1; Seismic_tremor_volume += fc; if (d_tick_step) { rx = fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32); rz = fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32); ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += rx; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += rz; // Shake the buddy! if (Buddy_objnum != object_none) { Objects[Buddy_objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += rx*4; Objects[Buddy_objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += rz*4; } // Shake a guided missile! Seismic_tremor_magnitude += rx; } } else i = 0; } } // Hook in the rumble sound effect here. } fix64 Seismic_disturbance_end_time; void init_seismic_disturbances(void) { Seismic_disturbance_end_time = 0; } // Return true if time to start a seismic disturbance. static bool seismic_disturbance_active() { if (Level_shake_duration < 1) return false; if (Seismic_disturbance_end_time && Seismic_disturbance_end_time < GameTime64) return true; const fix level_shake_duration = Level_shake_duration; bool rval; rval = (2 * fixmul(d_rand(), Level_shake_frequency)) < FrameTime; if (rval) { Seismic_disturbance_end_time = GameTime64 + level_shake_duration; start_seismic_sound(); if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) multi_send_seismic(level_shake_duration); } return rval; } static void seismic_disturbance_frame(void) { if (Level_shake_frequency) { if (seismic_disturbance_active()) { int fc, rx, rz; fix delta_time = static_cast(GameTime64 - Seismic_disturbance_end_time); fc = abs(delta_time - Level_shake_duration / 2); fc /= F1_0/16; if (fc > 16) fc = 16; if (fc == 0) fc = 1; Seismic_tremor_volume += fc; if (d_tick_step) { rx = fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32); rz = fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32); ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += rx; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += rz; // Shake the buddy! if (Buddy_objnum != object_none) { Objects[Buddy_objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += rx*4; Objects[Buddy_objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += rz*4; } // Shake a guided missile! Seismic_tremor_magnitude += rx; } } } } // Call this when a smega detonates to start the process of rocking the mine. void smega_rock_stuff(void) { fix64 *least = &Smega_detonate_times[0]; range_for (auto &i, Smega_detonate_times) { if (i + SMEGA_SHAKE_TIME < GameTime64) i = 0; if (*least > i) least = &i; } *least = GameTime64; } static int Super_mines_yes = 1; static bool immediate_detonate_smart_mine(const vcobjptridx_t smart_mine, const vcobjptridx_t target) { if (smart_mine->segnum == target->segnum) return true; // Object which is close enough to detonate smart mine is not in same segment as smart mine. // Need to do a more expensive check to make sure there isn't an obstruction. if (likely((d_tick_count ^ (static_cast(smart_mine) + static_cast(target))) % 4)) // Maybe next frame return false; fvi_query fq{}; fvi_info hit_data; fq.startseg = smart_mine->segnum; fq.p0 = &smart_mine->pos; fq.p1 = &target->pos; fq.thisobjnum = smart_mine; auto fate = find_vector_intersection(fq, hit_data); return fate != HIT_WALL; } // Call this once/frame to process all super mines in the level. void process_super_mines_frame(void) { int start, add; // If we don't know of there being any super mines in the level, just // check every 8th object each frame. if (Super_mines_yes == 0) { start = d_tick_count & 7; add = 8; } else { start = 0; add = 1; } Super_mines_yes = 0; for (objnum_t i=start; i<=Highest_object_index; i+=add) { const auto io = vobjptridx(i); if (likely(io->type != OBJ_WEAPON || get_weapon_id(io) != SUPERPROX_ID)) continue; Super_mines_yes = 1; if (unlikely(io->lifeleft + F1_0*2 >= Weapon_info[SUPERPROX_ID].lifetime)) continue; const auto parent_num = io->ctype.laser_info.parent_num; const auto &bombpos = io->pos; range_for (const auto j, highest_valid(Objects)) { if (unlikely(j == parent_num)) continue; const auto jo = vobjptridx(j); if (jo->type != OBJ_PLAYER && jo->type != OBJ_ROBOT) continue; const auto dist_squared = vm_vec_dist2(bombpos, jo->pos); const vm_distance distance_threshold{F1_0 * 20}; const auto distance_threshold_squared = distance_threshold * distance_threshold; if (likely(distance_threshold_squared < dist_squared)) /* Cheap check, some false negatives */ continue; const fix64 j_size = jo->size; const fix64 j_size_squared = j_size * j_size; if (dist_squared - j_size_squared >= distance_threshold_squared) /* Accurate check */ continue; if (immediate_detonate_smart_mine(io, jo)) io->lifeleft = 1; } } } #endif #define SPIT_SPEED 20 //this function is for when the player intentionally drops a powerup //this function is based on drop_powerup() objptridx_t spit_powerup(const vobjptr_t spitter, int id,int seed) { d_srand(seed); auto new_velocity = vm_vec_scale_add(spitter->mtype.phys_info.velocity,spitter->orient.fvec,i2f(SPIT_SPEED)); new_velocity.x += (d_rand() - 16384) * SPIT_SPEED * 2; new_velocity.y += (d_rand() - 16384) * SPIT_SPEED * 2; new_velocity.z += (d_rand() - 16384) * SPIT_SPEED * 2; // Give keys zero velocity so they can be tracked better in multi if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (id >= POW_KEY_BLUE) && (id <= POW_KEY_GOLD)) vm_vec_zero(new_velocity); //there's a piece of code which lets the player pick up a powerup if //the distance between him and the powerup is less than 2 time their //combined radii. So we need to create powerups pretty far out from //the player. const auto new_pos = vm_vec_scale_add(spitter->pos,spitter->orient.fvec,spitter->size); if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) { if (Net_create_loc >= MAX_NET_CREATE_OBJECTS) { return object_none; } } auto obj = obj_create( OBJ_POWERUP, id, spitter->segnum, new_pos, &vmd_identity_matrix, Powerup_info[id].size, CT_POWERUP, MT_PHYSICS, RT_POWERUP); if (obj == object_none ) { Int3(); return obj; } obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity = new_velocity; obj->mtype.phys_info.drag = 512; //1024; obj->mtype.phys_info.mass = F1_0; obj->mtype.phys_info.flags = PF_BOUNCE; obj->rtype.vclip_info.vclip_num = Powerup_info[get_powerup_id(obj)].vclip_num; obj->rtype.vclip_info.frametime = Vclip[obj->rtype.vclip_info.vclip_num].frame_time; obj->rtype.vclip_info.framenum = 0; if (spitter == ConsoleObject) obj->ctype.powerup_info.flags |= PF_SPAT_BY_PLAYER; switch (get_powerup_id(obj)) { case POW_MISSILE_1: case POW_MISSILE_4: case POW_SHIELD_BOOST: case POW_ENERGY: obj->lifeleft = (d_rand() + F1_0*3) * 64; // Lives for 3 to 3.5 binary minutes (a binary minute is 64 seconds) if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) obj->lifeleft /= 2; break; default: //if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) // obj->lifeleft = (d_rand() + F1_0*3) * 64; // Lives for 5 to 5.5 binary minutes (a binary minute is 64 seconds) break; } return obj; } void DropCurrentWeapon () { if (num_objects >= MAX_USED_OBJECTS) return; auto &plr = get_local_player(); powerup_type_t drop_type; const auto Primary_weapon = ::Primary_weapon; const auto GrantedItems = (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) ? Netgame.SpawnGrantedItems : 0; auto weapon_name = PRIMARY_WEAPON_NAMES(Primary_weapon); if (Primary_weapon==0) { if ((plr.flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_QUAD_LASERS) && !GrantedItems.has_quad_laser()) { /* Sorry, no message. Need to fall through in case player * wanted to drop a laser powerup. */ drop_type = POW_QUAD_FIRE; weapon_name = TXT_QUAD_LASERS; } else if (plr.laser_level == LASER_LEVEL_1) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "You cannot drop your base weapon!"); return; } #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) else if (plr.laser_level > MAX_LASER_LEVEL) { /* Disallow dropping any super lasers until someone requests * it. */ HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "You cannot drop super lasers!"); return; } #endif else if (plr.laser_level <= map_granted_flags_to_laser_level(GrantedItems)) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "You cannot drop granted lasers!"); return; } else drop_type = POW_LASER; } else { if (HAS_PRIMARY_FLAG(Primary_weapon) & map_granted_flags_to_primary_weapon_flags(GrantedItems)) { HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "You cannot drop granted %s!", weapon_name); return; } drop_type = Primary_weapon_to_powerup[Primary_weapon]; } const auto seed = d_rand(); const auto objnum = spit_powerup(ConsoleObject, drop_type, seed); if (objnum == object_none) { HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "Failed to drop %s!", weapon_name); return; } HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s dropped!", weapon_name); #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) digi_play_sample (SOUND_DROP_WEAPON,F1_0); #endif if (weapon_index_uses_vulcan_ammo(Primary_weapon)) { //if it's one of these, drop some ammo with the weapon auto ammo = plr.vulcan_ammo; #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) if ((plr.primary_weapon_flags & HAS_VULCAN_FLAG) && (plr.primary_weapon_flags & HAS_GAUSS_FLAG)) ammo /= 2; //if both vulcan & gauss, drop half #endif plr.vulcan_ammo -= ammo; objnum->ctype.powerup_info.count = ammo; } #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) if (Primary_weapon == primary_weapon_index_t::OMEGA_INDEX) { //dropped weapon has current energy objnum->ctype.powerup_info.count = Omega_charge; } #endif if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) multi_send_drop_weapon(objnum,seed); if (Primary_weapon == primary_weapon_index_t::LASER_INDEX) { if (drop_type == POW_QUAD_FIRE) plr.flags &= ~PLAYER_FLAGS_QUAD_LASERS; else -- plr.laser_level; } else plr.primary_weapon_flags &= ~HAS_PRIMARY_FLAG(Primary_weapon); auto_select_primary_weapon(); } void DropSecondaryWeapon () { int seed; ushort sub_ammo=0; if (num_objects >= MAX_USED_OBJECTS) return; if (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[Secondary_weapon] ==0) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "No secondary weapon to drop!"); return; } auto weapon_drop_id = Secondary_weapon_to_powerup[Secondary_weapon]; // see if we drop single or 4-pack switch (weapon_drop_id) { case POW_MISSILE_1: case POW_HOMING_AMMO_1: #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) case POW_SMISSILE1_1: case POW_GUIDED_MISSILE_1: case POW_MERCURY_MISSILE_1: #endif if (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[Secondary_weapon] % 4) { sub_ammo = 1; } else { sub_ammo = 4; //4-pack always is next index weapon_drop_id = static_cast(1 + static_cast(weapon_drop_id)); } break; case POW_PROXIMITY_WEAPON: #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) case POW_SMART_MINE: #endif if (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[Secondary_weapon]<4) { HUD_init_message_literal(HM_DEFAULT, "You need at least 4 to drop!"); return; } else { sub_ammo = 4; } break; case POW_SMARTBOMB_WEAPON: case POW_MEGA_WEAPON: #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) case POW_EARTHSHAKER_MISSILE: #endif sub_ammo = 1; break; case POW_EXTRA_LIFE: case POW_ENERGY: case POW_SHIELD_BOOST: case POW_LASER: case POW_KEY_BLUE: case POW_KEY_RED: case POW_KEY_GOLD: case POW_MISSILE_4: case POW_QUAD_FIRE: case POW_VULCAN_WEAPON: case POW_SPREADFIRE_WEAPON: case POW_PLASMA_WEAPON: case POW_FUSION_WEAPON: case POW_HOMING_AMMO_4: case POW_VULCAN_AMMO: case POW_CLOAK: case POW_TURBO: case POW_INVULNERABILITY: case POW_MEGAWOW: #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) case POW_GAUSS_WEAPON: case POW_HELIX_WEAPON: case POW_PHOENIX_WEAPON: case POW_OMEGA_WEAPON: case POW_SUPER_LASER: case POW_FULL_MAP: case POW_CONVERTER: case POW_AMMO_RACK: case POW_AFTERBURNER: case POW_HEADLIGHT: case POW_SMISSILE1_4: case POW_GUIDED_MISSILE_4: case POW_MERCURY_MISSILE_4: case POW_FLAG_BLUE: case POW_FLAG_RED: case POW_HOARD_ORB: #endif break; } HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, "%s dropped!",SECONDARY_WEAPON_NAMES(Secondary_weapon)); #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) digi_play_sample (SOUND_DROP_WEAPON,F1_0); #endif seed = d_rand(); auto objnum = spit_powerup(ConsoleObject,weapon_drop_id,seed); if (objnum == object_none) return; if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && objnum!=object_none) multi_send_drop_weapon(objnum,seed); get_local_player().secondary_ammo[Secondary_weapon]-=sub_ammo; if (get_local_player().secondary_ammo[Secondary_weapon]==0) { get_local_player().secondary_weapon_flags &= (~(1< Next_seismic_sound_time) && Seismic_tremor_volume) { int volume; volume = Seismic_tremor_volume * 2048; if (volume > F1_0) volume = F1_0; digi_change_looping_volume(volume); Next_seismic_sound_time = GameTime64 + d_rand()/4 + 8192; } } } #endif DEFINE_BITMAP_SERIAL_UDT(); #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) DEFINE_SERIAL_UDT_TO_MESSAGE(weapon_info, w, (w.render_type, w.model_num, w.model_num_inner, w.persistent, w.flash_vclip, w.flash_sound, w.robot_hit_vclip, w.robot_hit_sound, w.wall_hit_vclip, w.wall_hit_sound, w.fire_count, w.ammo_usage, w.weapon_vclip, w.destroyable, w.matter, w.bounce, w.homing_flag, w.dum1, w.dum2, w.dum3, w.energy_usage, w.fire_wait, w.bitmap, w.blob_size, w.flash_size, w.impact_size, w.strength, w.speed, w.mass, w.drag, w.thrust, w.po_len_to_width_ratio, w.light, w.lifetime, w.damage_radius, w.picture)); #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) namespace { struct v2_weapon_info : weapon_info {}; } template void postprocess_udt(Accessor &, v2_weapon_info &w) { w.children = -1; w.multi_damage_scale = F1_0; w.hires_picture = w.picture; } DEFINE_SERIAL_UDT_TO_MESSAGE(v2_weapon_info, w, (w.render_type, w.persistent, w.model_num, w.model_num_inner, w.flash_vclip, w.robot_hit_vclip, w.flash_sound, w.wall_hit_vclip, w.fire_count, w.robot_hit_sound, w.ammo_usage, w.weapon_vclip, w.wall_hit_sound, w.destroyable, w.matter, w.bounce, w.homing_flag, w.speedvar, w.flags, w.flash, w.afterburner_size, w.energy_usage, w.fire_wait, w.bitmap, w.blob_size, w.flash_size, w.impact_size, w.strength, w.speed, w.mass, w.drag, w.thrust, w.po_len_to_width_ratio, w.light, w.lifetime, w.damage_radius, w.picture)); DEFINE_SERIAL_UDT_TO_MESSAGE(weapon_info, w, (w.render_type, w.persistent, w.model_num, w.model_num_inner, w.flash_vclip, w.robot_hit_vclip, w.flash_sound, w.wall_hit_vclip, w.fire_count, w.robot_hit_sound, w.ammo_usage, w.weapon_vclip, w.wall_hit_sound, w.destroyable, w.matter, w.bounce, w.homing_flag, w.speedvar, w.flags, w.flash, w.afterburner_size, w.children, w.energy_usage, w.fire_wait, w.multi_damage_scale, w.bitmap, w.blob_size, w.flash_size, w.impact_size, w.strength, w.speed, w.mass, w.drag, w.thrust, w.po_len_to_width_ratio, w.light, w.lifetime, w.damage_radius, w.picture, w.hires_picture)); #endif void weapon_info_write(PHYSFS_File *fp, const weapon_info &w) { PHYSFSX_serialize_write(fp, w); } /* * reads n weapon_info structs from a PHYSFS_file */ void weapon_info_read_n(weapon_info_array &wi, std::size_t count, PHYSFS_File *fp, int file_version, std::size_t offset) { auto r = partial_range(wi, offset, count); #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) (void)file_version; #elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) if (file_version < 3) { range_for (auto &w, r) PHYSFSX_serialize_read(fp, static_cast(w)); /* Set the type of children correctly when using old * datafiles. In earlier descent versions this was simply * hard-coded in create_smart_children(). */ wi[SMART_ID].children = PLAYER_SMART_HOMING_ID; wi[SUPERPROX_ID].children = SMART_MINE_HOMING_ID; return; } #endif range_for (auto &w, r) { PHYSFSX_serialize_read(fp, w); } }