; THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX ; SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO ; END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ; ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS ; IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS ; SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE ; FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE ; CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS ; AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. ; COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .386 option oldstructs .nolist include pstypes.inc include psmacros.inc .list assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_DATA _DATA segment dword public USE32 'DATA' rcsid db "$Id: winckpit.asm,v 2006/03/17 20:00:39 zicodxx Exp $" align 4 _DATA ends _TEXT segment dword public USE32 'CODE' ; gr_winckpit_blt_span ; blts a span region from source to dest buffer given a span ; list ; ; EBX = xmin ; ECX = xmax ; ESI = bm_data source at start of y ; EDI = bm_data dest PUBLIC gr_winckpit_blt_span gr_winckpit_blt_span: push ebp inc ecx ; Better for counting and testing NewSpanBlt: mov al, [esi+ebx] ; else blt odd pixel then check right mov [edi+ebx], al inc ebx cmp ebx, ecx jl NewSpanBlt pop ebp ret ; gr_winckpit_blt_span_long ; blts a span region from source to dest buffer given a span ; list ; This uses word optimization, and should be used for spans longer ; than 10 pixels, and can't be used for spans of 3 pixels or less. ; ; EBX = xmin ; ECX = xmax ; ESI = bm_data source at start of y ; EDI = bm_data dest PUBLIC gr_winckpit_blt_span_long gr_winckpit_blt_span_long: ; EDX = right word boundary push ebp inc ecx ; Better for counting and testing mov edx, ecx ; Current right word boundary test ebx, 1 ; is left boundary odd? jz TestRightBound ; if even check right boundary. mov al, [esi+ebx] ; else blt odd pixel then check right mov [edi+ebx], al inc ebx ; Assured even left boundary and find right word boundary. TestRightBound: test ecx, 1 ; if even, then we have an even bound jz NewSpanBlt2_0 dec edx ; if odd, force even boundary jmp NewSpanBlt2_1 ; This is a word only blt. No odd pixels. NewSpanBlt2_0: mov ax, [esi+ebx] mov [edi+ebx], ax ; straight out blt. add ebx, 2 cmp ebx, edx ; do up to right word boundary jl NewSpanBlt2_0 jmp EndProc ; Blts word span and odd right byte is needed. NewSpanBlt2_1: mov ax, [esi+ebx] mov [edi+ebx], ax ; straight out blt. add ebx, 2 cmp ebx, edx ; do up to right word boundary jl NewSpanBlt2_1 mov al, [esi+ebx] ; blt right odd pixel. mov [edi+ebx], al EndProc: pop ebp ret _TEXT ends end