/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Inferno main menu. * */ #include #include #include "menu.h" #include "inferno.h" #include "game.h" #include "gr.h" #include "key.h" #include "iff.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "error.h" #include "bm.h" #include "screens.h" #include "joy.h" #include "vecmat.h" #include "effects.h" #include "slew.h" #include "gamemine.h" #include "gamesave.h" #include "palette.h" #include "args.h" #include "newdemo.h" #include "timer.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "gameseq.h" #include "text.h" #include "gamefont.h" #include "newmenu.h" #include "net_ipx.h" #include "scores.h" #include "playsave.h" #include "kconfig.h" #include "titles.h" #include "credits.h" #include "texmap.h" #include "polyobj.h" #include "state.h" #include "mission.h" #include "songs.h" #include "jukebox.h" // for jukebox_exts #include "config.h" #include "gauges.h" #include "hudmsg.h" //for HUD_max_num_disp #include "strutil.h" #include "multi.h" #ifdef USE_IPX #include "net_ipx.h" #endif #ifdef USE_UDP #include "net_udp.h" #endif #ifdef EDITOR #include "editor/editor.h" #endif // Menu IDs... enum MENUS { MENU_NEW_GAME = 0, MENU_GAME, MENU_EDITOR, MENU_VIEW_SCORES, MENU_QUIT, MENU_LOAD_GAME, MENU_SAVE_GAME, MENU_DEMO_PLAY, MENU_LOAD_LEVEL, MENU_CONFIG, MENU_REJOIN_NETGAME, MENU_DIFFICULTY, MENU_HELP, MENU_NEW_PLAYER, #if defined(USE_UDP) || defined (USE_IPX) MENU_MULTIPLAYER, #endif MENU_SHOW_CREDITS, MENU_ORDER_INFO, #ifdef USE_UDP MENU_START_UDP_NETGAME, MENU_JOIN_MANUAL_UDP_NETGAME, MENU_JOIN_LIST_UDP_NETGAME, #endif #ifdef USE_IPX MENU_START_IPX_NETGAME, MENU_JOIN_IPX_NETGAME, MENU_START_KALI_NETGAME, // xKali support (not Windows Kali! Windows Kali is over IPX!) MENU_JOIN_KALI_NETGAME, #endif }; //ADD_ITEM("Start netgame...", MENU_START_NETGAME, -1 ); //ADD_ITEM("Send net message...", MENU_SEND_NET_MESSAGE, -1 ); #define ADD_ITEM(t,value,key) do { m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text=t; menu_choice[num_options]=value;num_options++; } while (0) static window *menus[16] = { NULL }; // Function Prototypes added after LINTING int do_option(int select); int do_new_game_menu(void); int do_load_level_menu(void); void do_multi_player_menu(); extern void newmenu_free_background(); extern void ReorderPrimary(); extern void ReorderSecondary(); // Hide all menus int hide_menus(void) { window *wind; int i; if (menus[0]) return 0; // there are already hidden menus for (i = 0; (i < 15) && (wind = window_get_front()); i++) { menus[i] = wind; window_set_visible(wind, 0); } Assert(window_get_front() == NULL); menus[i] = NULL; return 1; } // Show all menus, with the front one shown first // This makes sure EVENT_WINDOW_ACTIVATED is only sent to that window void show_menus(void) { int i; for (i = 0; (i < 16) && menus[i]; i++) if (window_exists(menus[i])) window_set_visible(menus[i], 1); menus[0] = NULL; } //pairs of chars describing ranges char playername_allowed_chars[] = "azAZ09__--"; int MakeNewPlayerFile(int allow_abort) { int x; char filename[14]; newmenu_item m; char text[CALLSIGN_LEN+9]=""; strncpy(text, Players[Player_num].callsign,CALLSIGN_LEN); try_again: m.type=NM_TYPE_INPUT; m.text_len = CALLSIGN_LEN; m.text = text; Newmenu_allowed_chars = playername_allowed_chars; x = newmenu_do( NULL, TXT_ENTER_PILOT_NAME, 1, &m, NULL, NULL ); Newmenu_allowed_chars = NULL; if ( x < 0 ) { if ( allow_abort ) return 0; goto try_again; } if (text[0]==0) //null string goto try_again; strlwr(text); sprintf( filename, GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir? "Players/%s.plr" : "%s.plr", text ); if (PHYSFS_exists(filename)) { nm_messagebox(NULL, 1, TXT_OK, "%s '%s' %s", TXT_PLAYER, text, TXT_ALREADY_EXISTS ); goto try_again; } if ( !new_player_config() ) goto try_again; // They hit Esc during New player config strncpy(Players[Player_num].callsign, text, CALLSIGN_LEN); strlwr(Players[Player_num].callsign); write_player_file(); return 1; } void delete_player_saved_games(char * name); int player_menu_keycommand( listbox *lb, d_event *event ) { char **items = listbox_get_items(lb); int citem = listbox_get_citem(lb); switch (((d_event_keycommand *)event)->keycode) { case KEY_CTRLED+KEY_D: if (citem > 0) { int x = 1; x = nm_messagebox( NULL, 2, TXT_YES, TXT_NO, "%s %s?", TXT_DELETE_PILOT, items[citem]+((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0) ); if (x==0) { char * p; char plxfile[PATH_MAX], efffile[PATH_MAX]; int ret; char name[PATH_MAX]; p = items[citem] + strlen(items[citem]); *p = '.'; strcpy(name, GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir ? "Players/" : ""); strcat(name, items[citem]); ret = !PHYSFS_delete(name); *p = 0; if (!ret) { delete_player_saved_games( items[citem] ); // delete PLX file sprintf(plxfile, GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir? "Players/%.8s.plx" : "%.8s.plx", items[citem]); if (cfexist(plxfile)) PHYSFS_delete(plxfile); // delete EFF file sprintf(efffile, GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir? "Players/%.8s.eff" : "%.8s.eff", items[citem]); if (cfexist(efffile)) PHYSFS_delete(efffile); } if (ret) nm_messagebox( NULL, 1, TXT_OK, "%s %s %s", TXT_COULDNT, TXT_DELETE_PILOT, items[citem]+((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0) ); else listbox_delete_item(lb, citem); } return 1; } break; } return 0; } int player_menu_handler( listbox *lb, d_event *event, char **list ) { char **items = listbox_get_items(lb); int citem = listbox_get_citem(lb); switch (event->type) { case EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: return player_menu_keycommand(lb, event); break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: if (citem < 0) return 0; // shouldn't happen else if (citem == 0) { // They selected 'create new pilot' return !MakeNewPlayerFile(1); } else { strncpy(Players[Player_num].callsign,items[citem] + ((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0), CALLSIGN_LEN); strlwr(Players[Player_num].callsign); } break; case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: if (read_player_file() != EZERO) return 1; // abort close! WriteConfigFile(); // Update lastplr PHYSFS_freeList(list); d_free(items); break; default: break; } return 0; } int fname_sort_func(char **e0, char **e1); //Inputs the player's name, without putting up the background screen int RegisterPlayer() { char **m; char **f; char **list; char *types[] = { ".plr", NULL }; int i = 0, NumItems; int citem = 0; int allow_abort_flag = 1; if ( Players[Player_num].callsign[0] == 0 ) { if (GameCfg.LastPlayer[0]==0) { strncpy( Players[Player_num].callsign, "player", CALLSIGN_LEN ); allow_abort_flag = 0; } else { // Read the last player's name from config file, not lastplr.txt strncpy( Players[Player_num].callsign, GameCfg.LastPlayer, CALLSIGN_LEN ); } } list = PHYSFSX_findFiles(GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir ? "Players/" : "", types); if (!list) return 0; // memory error if (!*list) { MakeNewPlayerFile(0); // make a new player without showing listbox PHYSFS_freeList(list); return 0; } for (NumItems = 0; list[NumItems] != NULL; NumItems++) {} NumItems++; // for TXT_CREATE_NEW MALLOC(m, char *, NumItems); if (m == NULL) { PHYSFS_freeList(list); return 0; } m[i++] = TXT_CREATE_NEW; for (f = list; *f != NULL; f++) { char *p; m[i++] = *f; p = strchr(*f, '.'); if (p) *p = '\0'; // chop the .plr if ((p - *f) > 8) *f[8] = 0; // sorry guys, can only have up to eight chars for the player name } // Sort by name, except the string qsort(&m[1], NumItems - 1, sizeof(char *), (int (*)( const void *, const void * ))fname_sort_func); for ( i=0; itype) { case EVENT_WINDOW_ACTIVATED: if ( Players[Player_num].callsign[0]==0 ) RegisterPlayer(); else keyd_time_when_last_pressed = timer_get_fixed_seconds(); // .. 20 seconds from now! break; case EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: // Don't allow them to hit ESC in the main menu. if (((d_event_keycommand *)event)->keycode==KEY_ESC) return 1; break; case EVENT_IDLE: curtime = timer_get_fixed_seconds(); if ( keyd_time_when_last_pressed+i2f(45) < curtime || GameArg.SysAutoDemo ) { if (curtime < 0) curtime = 0; keyd_time_when_last_pressed = curtime; // Reset timer so that disk won't thrash if no demos. newdemo_start_playback(NULL); // Randomly pick a file } break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_DRAW: draw_copyright(); break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: return do_option(menu_choice[newmenu_get_citem(menu)]); break; case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: d_free(menu_choice); d_free(items); break; default: break; } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create the main menu. void create_main_menu(newmenu_item *m, int *menu_choice, int *callers_num_options) { int num_options; #ifndef DEMO_ONLY num_options = 0; ADD_ITEM(TXT_NEW_GAME,MENU_NEW_GAME,KEY_N); ADD_ITEM(TXT_LOAD_GAME,MENU_LOAD_GAME,KEY_L); #if defined(USE_UDP) || defined(USE_IPX) ADD_ITEM(TXT_MULTIPLAYER_,MENU_MULTIPLAYER,-1); #endif ADD_ITEM(TXT_OPTIONS_, MENU_CONFIG, -1 ); ADD_ITEM(TXT_CHANGE_PILOTS,MENU_NEW_PLAYER,unused); ADD_ITEM(TXT_VIEW_DEMO,MENU_DEMO_PLAY,0); ADD_ITEM(TXT_VIEW_SCORES,MENU_VIEW_SCORES,KEY_V); if (!cfexist("warning.pcx")) /* SHAREWARE */ ADD_ITEM(TXT_ORDERING_INFO,MENU_ORDER_INFO,-1); ADD_ITEM(TXT_CREDITS,MENU_SHOW_CREDITS,-1); #endif ADD_ITEM(TXT_QUIT,MENU_QUIT,KEY_Q); #ifndef RELEASE if (!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI )) { //m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; //m[num_options++].text=" Debug options:"; ADD_ITEM(" Load level...",MENU_LOAD_LEVEL ,KEY_N); #ifdef EDITOR ADD_ITEM(" Editor", MENU_EDITOR, KEY_E); #endif } #endif *callers_num_options = num_options; } //returns number of item chosen int DoMenu() { int *menu_choice; newmenu_item *m; int num_options = 0; MALLOC(menu_choice, int, 25); if (!menu_choice) return -1; MALLOC(m, newmenu_item, 25); if (!m) { d_free(menu_choice); return -1; } memset(menu_choice, 0, sizeof(int)*25); memset(m, 0, sizeof(newmenu_item)*25); create_main_menu(m, menu_choice, &num_options); // may have to change, eg, maybe selected pilot and no save games. newmenu_do3( "", NULL, num_options, m, (int (*)(newmenu *, d_event *, void *))main_menu_handler, menu_choice, 0, Menu_pcx_name); return 0; } extern void show_order_form(void); // John didn't want this in inferno.h so I just externed it. //returns flag, true means quit menu int do_option ( int select) { switch (select) { case MENU_NEW_GAME: select_mission(0, "New Game\n\nSelect mission", do_new_game_menu); break; case MENU_GAME: break; case MENU_DEMO_PLAY: select_demo(); break; case MENU_LOAD_GAME: state_restore_all(0); break; #ifdef EDITOR case MENU_EDITOR: Function_mode = FMODE_EDITOR; create_new_mine(); SetPlayerFromCurseg(); keyd_editor_mode = 1; hide_menus(); editor(); if ( Function_mode == FMODE_GAME ) { Game_mode = GM_EDITOR; editor_reset_stuff_on_level(); N_players = 1; } else show_menus(); break; #endif case MENU_VIEW_SCORES: scores_view(NULL, -1); break; #if 1 //def SHAREWARE case MENU_ORDER_INFO: show_order_form(); break; #endif case MENU_QUIT: #ifdef EDITOR if (! SafetyCheck()) break; #endif return 0; case MENU_NEW_PLAYER: RegisterPlayer(); break; #ifndef RELEASE case MENU_LOAD_LEVEL: select_mission(0, "Load Level\n\nSelect mission", do_load_level_menu); break; #endif //ifndef RELEASE #ifdef USE_UDP case MENU_START_UDP_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_UDP; select_mission(1, TXT_MULTI_MISSION, net_udp_setup_game); break; case MENU_JOIN_MANUAL_UDP_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_UDP; net_udp_manual_join_game(); break; case MENU_JOIN_LIST_UDP_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_UDP; net_udp_list_join_game(); break; #endif #ifdef USE_IPX case MENU_START_IPX_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_IPX; ipxdrv_set(NETPROTO_IPX); select_mission(1, TXT_MULTI_MISSION, net_ipx_setup_game); break; case MENU_JOIN_IPX_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_IPX; ipxdrv_set(NETPROTO_IPX); net_ipx_join_game(); break; case MENU_START_KALI_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_IPX; ipxdrv_set(NETPROTO_KALINIX); select_mission(1, TXT_MULTI_MISSION, net_ipx_setup_game); break; case MENU_JOIN_KALI_NETGAME: multi_protocol = MULTI_PROTO_IPX; ipxdrv_set(NETPROTO_KALINIX); net_ipx_join_game(); break; #endif #if defined(USE_UDP) || defined(USE_IPX) case MENU_MULTIPLAYER: do_multi_player_menu(); break; #endif case MENU_CONFIG: do_options_menu(); break; case MENU_SHOW_CREDITS: songs_stop_all(); credits_show(NULL); break; default: Error("Unknown option %d in do_option",select); break; } return 1; // stay in main menu unless quitting } void delete_player_saved_games(char * name) { int i; char filename[FILENAME_LEN + 9]; for (i=0;i<10; i++) { sprintf( filename, GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir? "Players/%s.sg%x" : "%s.sg%x", name, i ); PHYSFS_delete(filename); } } int fname_sort_func(char **e0, char **e1) { return stricmp(*e0, *e1); } int demo_menu_keycommand( listbox *lb, d_event *event ) { char **items = listbox_get_items(lb); int citem = listbox_get_citem(lb); switch (((d_event_keycommand *)event)->keycode) { case KEY_CTRLED+KEY_D: if (citem >= 0) { int x = 1; x = nm_messagebox( NULL, 2, TXT_YES, TXT_NO, "%s %s?", TXT_DELETE_DEMO, items[citem]+((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0) ); if (x==0) { int ret; char name[PATH_MAX]; strcpy(name, DEMO_DIR); strcat(name,items[citem]); ret = !PHYSFS_delete(name); if (ret) nm_messagebox( NULL, 1, TXT_OK, "%s %s %s", TXT_COULDNT, TXT_DELETE_DEMO, items[citem]+((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0) ); else listbox_delete_item(lb, citem); } return 1; } break; case KEY_CTRLED+KEY_C: { int x = 1; char bakname[PATH_MAX]; // Get backup name change_filename_extension(bakname, items[citem]+((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0), DEMO_BACKUP_EXT); x = nm_messagebox( NULL, 2, TXT_YES, TXT_NO, "Are you sure you want to\n" "swap the endianness of\n" "%s? If the file is\n" "already endian native, D1X\n" "will likely crash. A backup\n" "%s will be created", items[citem]+((items[citem][0]=='$')?1:0), bakname ); if (!x) newdemo_swap_endian(items[citem]); return 1; } break; } return 0; } int demo_menu_handler( listbox *lb, d_event *event, void *userdata ) { char **items = listbox_get_items(lb); int citem = listbox_get_citem(lb); userdata = userdata; switch (event->type) { case EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: return demo_menu_keycommand(lb, event); break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: if (citem < 0) return 0; // shouldn't happen newdemo_start_playback(items[citem]); return 1; // stay in demo selector case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: PHYSFS_freeList(items); break; default: break; } return 0; } int select_demo(void) { char **list; char *types[] = { ".dem", NULL }; int NumItems; list = PHYSFSX_findFiles(DEMO_DIR, types); if (!list) return 0; // memory error if ( !*list ) { nm_messagebox( NULL, 1, TXT_OK, "%s %s\n%s", TXT_NO_DEMO_FILES, TXT_USE_F5, TXT_TO_CREATE_ONE); PHYSFS_freeList(list); return 0; } for (NumItems = 0; list[NumItems] != NULL; NumItems++) {} // Sort by name qsort(list, NumItems, sizeof(char *), (int (*)( const void *, const void * ))fname_sort_func); newmenu_listbox1(TXT_SELECT_DEMO, NumItems, list, 1, 0, demo_menu_handler, NULL); return 1; } int do_difficulty_menu() { int s; newmenu_item m[5]; m[0].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[0].text=MENU_DIFFICULTY_TEXT(0); m[1].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[1].text=MENU_DIFFICULTY_TEXT(1); m[2].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[2].text=MENU_DIFFICULTY_TEXT(2); m[3].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[3].text=MENU_DIFFICULTY_TEXT(3); m[4].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[4].text=MENU_DIFFICULTY_TEXT(4); s = newmenu_do1( NULL, TXT_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL, NDL, m, NULL, NULL, Difficulty_level); if (s > -1 ) { if (s != Difficulty_level) { PlayerCfg.DefaultDifficulty = s; write_player_file(); } Difficulty_level = s; return 1; } return 0; } int do_new_game_menu() { int new_level_num,player_highest_level; new_level_num = 1; player_highest_level = get_highest_level(); if (player_highest_level > Last_level) player_highest_level = Last_level; if (player_highest_level > 1) { newmenu_item m[4]; char info_text[80]; char num_text[10]; int choice; int n_items; try_again: sprintf(info_text,"%s %d",TXT_START_ANY_LEVEL, player_highest_level); m[0].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[0].text = info_text; m[1].type=NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[1].text_len = 10; m[1].text = num_text; n_items = 2; strcpy(num_text,"1"); choice = newmenu_do( NULL, TXT_SELECT_START_LEV, n_items, m, NULL, NULL ); if (choice==-1 || m[1].text[0]==0) return 0; new_level_num = atoi(m[1].text); if (!(new_level_num>0 && new_level_num<=player_highest_level)) { m[0].text = TXT_ENTER_TO_CONT; nm_messagebox( NULL, 1, TXT_OK, TXT_INVALID_LEVEL); goto try_again; } } Difficulty_level = PlayerCfg.DefaultDifficulty; if (!do_difficulty_menu()) return 0; StartNewGame(new_level_num); return 1; // exit mission listbox } int do_load_level_menu(void) { newmenu_item m; char text[10]=""; int new_level_num; m.type=NM_TYPE_INPUT; m.text_len = 10; m.text = text; newmenu_do( NULL, "Enter level to load", 1, &m, NULL, NULL ); new_level_num = atoi(m.text); if (new_level_num!=0 && new_level_num>=Last_secret_level && new_level_num<=Last_level) { StartNewGame(new_level_num); return 1; } return 0; } void do_sound_menu(); void input_config(); void change_res(); void do_graphics_menu(); void do_misc_menu(); int options_menuset(newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata) { switch (event->type) { case EVENT_NEWMENU_CHANGED: if ( newmenu_get_citem(menu)==4) { gr_palette_set_gamma(newmenu_get_items(menu)[4].value); } break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: switch(newmenu_get_citem(menu)) { case 0: do_sound_menu(); break; case 2: input_config(); break; case 5: change_res(); break; case 6: do_graphics_menu(); break; case 8: ReorderPrimary(); break; case 9: ReorderSecondary(); break; case 10: do_misc_menu(); break; } return 1; // stay in menu until escape break; case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: { newmenu_item *items = newmenu_get_items(menu); d_free(items); write_player_file(); break; } default: break; } userdata++; //kill warning return 0; } int gcd(int a, int b) { if (!b) return a; return gcd(b, a%b); } void change_res() { u_int32_t modes[50], new_mode = 0; int i = 0, mc = 0, num_presets = 0, citem = -1, opt_cval = -1, opt_cres = -1, opt_casp = -1, opt_fullscr = -1; num_presets = gr_list_modes( modes ); { newmenu_item m[num_presets+8]; char restext[num_presets][12], crestext[12], casptext[12]; for (i = 0; i <= num_presets-1; i++) { snprintf(restext[mc], sizeof(restext[mc]), "%ix%i", SM_W(modes[i]), SM_H(modes[i])); m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[mc].text = restext[mc]; m[mc].value = ((citem == -1) && (Game_screen_mode == modes[i]) && GameCfg.AspectY == SM_W(modes[i])/gcd(SM_W(modes[i]),SM_H(modes[i])) && GameCfg.AspectX == SM_H(modes[i])/gcd(SM_W(modes[i]),SM_H(modes[i]))); m[mc].group = 0; if (m[mc].value) citem = mc; mc++; } m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[mc].text = ""; mc++; // little space for overview // the fields for custom resolution and aspect opt_cval = mc; m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[mc].text = "use custom values"; m[mc].value = (citem == -1); m[mc].group = 0; mc++; m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[mc].text = "resolution:"; mc++; snprintf(crestext, sizeof(crestext), "%ix%i", SM_W(Game_screen_mode), SM_H(Game_screen_mode)); opt_cres = mc; m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[mc].text = crestext; m[mc].text_len = 11; modes[mc] = 0; mc++; m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[mc].text = "aspect:"; mc++; opt_casp = mc; snprintf(casptext, sizeof(casptext), "%ix%i", GameCfg.AspectY, GameCfg.AspectX); m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[mc].text = casptext; m[mc].text_len = 11; modes[mc] = 0; mc++; m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[mc].text = ""; mc++; // little space for overview // fullscreen opt_fullscr = mc; m[mc].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[mc].text = "Fullscreen"; m[mc].value = gr_check_fullscreen(); mc++; // create the menu newmenu_do1(NULL, "Screen Resolution", mc, m, NULL, NULL, 0); // menu is done, now do what we need to do // check which resolution field was selected for (i = 0; i <= mc; i++) if ((m[i].type == NM_TYPE_RADIO) && (m[i].group==0) && (m[i].value == 1)) break; // now check for fullscreen toggle and apply if necessary if (m[opt_fullscr].value != gr_check_fullscreen()) gr_toggle_fullscreen(); if (i == opt_cval) // set custom resolution and aspect { u_int32_t cmode = Game_screen_mode, casp = Game_screen_mode; if (!strchr(crestext, 'x')) return; cmode = SM(atoi(crestext), atoi(strchr(crestext, 'x')+1)); if (SM_W(cmode) < 320 || SM_H(cmode) < 200) // oh oh - the resolution is too small. Revert! { nm_messagebox( TXT_WARNING, 1, "OK", "Entered resolution is too small.\nReverting ..." ); cmode = new_mode; } casp = cmode; if (strchr(casptext, 'x')) // we even have a custom aspect set up { casp = SM(atoi(casptext), atoi(strchr(casptext, 'x')+1)); } GameCfg.AspectY = SM_W(casp)/gcd(SM_W(casp),SM_H(casp)); GameCfg.AspectX = SM_H(casp)/gcd(SM_W(casp),SM_H(casp)); new_mode = cmode; } else if (i >= 0 && i < num_presets) // set preset resolution { new_mode = modes[i]; GameCfg.AspectY = SM_W(new_mode)/gcd(SM_W(new_mode),SM_H(new_mode)); GameCfg.AspectX = SM_H(new_mode)/gcd(SM_W(new_mode),SM_H(new_mode)); } // clean up and apply everything newmenu_free_background(); set_screen_mode(SCREEN_MENU); if (new_mode != Game_screen_mode) gr_set_mode(new_mode); Game_screen_mode = new_mode; game_init_render_buffers(SM_W(Game_screen_mode), SM_H(Game_screen_mode), VR_NONE); } } int input_menuset(newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata) { newmenu_item *items = newmenu_get_items(menu); int citem = newmenu_get_citem(menu); userdata = userdata; switch (event->type) { case EVENT_NEWMENU_CHANGED: switch (citem) { case 0: (items[citem].value)?(PlayerCfg.ControlType|=CONTROL_USING_JOYSTICK):(PlayerCfg.ControlType&=~CONTROL_USING_JOYSTICK); break; case 1: (items[citem].value)?(PlayerCfg.ControlType|=CONTROL_USING_MOUSE):(PlayerCfg.ControlType&=~CONTROL_USING_MOUSE); break; case 9: PlayerCfg.JoystickSensitivityX = items[citem].value; break; case 10: PlayerCfg.JoystickSensitivityY = items[citem].value; break; case 11: PlayerCfg.JoystickDeadzone = items[citem].value; break; case 14: PlayerCfg.MouseSensitivityX = items[citem].value; break; case 15: PlayerCfg.MouseSensitivityY = items[citem].value; break; case 16: PlayerCfg.MouseFilter = items[citem].value; break; } break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: switch (citem) { case 3: kconfig(0, "KEYBOARD"); break; case 4: kconfig(1, "JOYSTICK"); break; case 5: kconfig(2, "MOUSE"); break; case 6: kconfig(3, "WEAPON KEYS"); break; case 18: show_help(); break; case 19: show_netgame_help(); break; case 20: show_newdemo_help(); break; } return 1; // stay in menu break; default: break; } return 0; } void input_config() { newmenu_item m[21]; int nitems = 21; m[0].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[0].text = "USE JOYSTICK"; m[0].value = (PlayerCfg.ControlType&CONTROL_USING_JOYSTICK); m[1].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[1].text = "USE MOUSE"; m[1].value = (PlayerCfg.ControlType&CONTROL_USING_MOUSE); m[2].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[2].text = ""; m[3].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[3].text = "CUSTOMIZE KEYBOARD"; m[4].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[4].text = "CUSTOMIZE JOYSTICK"; m[5].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[5].text = "CUSTOMIZE MOUSE"; m[6].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[6].text = "CUSTOMIZE WEAPON KEYS"; m[7].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[7].text = ""; m[8].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[8].text = "Joystick"; m[9].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[9].text="X Sensitivity"; m[9].value=PlayerCfg.JoystickSensitivityX; m[9].min_value = 0; m[9].max_value = 16; m[10].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[10].text="Y Sensitivity"; m[10].value=PlayerCfg.JoystickSensitivityY; m[10].min_value = 0; m[10].max_value = 16; m[11].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[11].text="Deadzone"; m[11].value=PlayerCfg.JoystickDeadzone; m[11].min_value=0; m[11].max_value = 16; m[12].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[12].text = ""; m[13].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[13].text = "Mouse"; m[14].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[14].text="X Sensitivity"; m[14].value=PlayerCfg.MouseSensitivityX; m[14].min_value = 0; m[14].max_value = 16; m[15].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[15].text="Y Sensitivity"; m[15].value=PlayerCfg.MouseSensitivityY; m[15].min_value = 0; m[15].max_value = 16; m[16].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[16].text="Mouse Smoothing/Filtering"; m[16].value=PlayerCfg.MouseFilter; m[17].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[17].text = ""; m[18].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[18].text = "GAME SYSTEM KEYS"; m[19].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[19].text = "NETGAME SYSTEM KEYS"; m[20].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[20].text = "DEMO SYSTEM KEYS"; newmenu_do1(NULL, TXT_CONTROLS, nitems, m, input_menuset, NULL, 3); } void do_graphics_menu() { newmenu_item m[9]; int i = 0, j = 0; do { m[0].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[0].text="Texture Filtering:"; m[1].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[1].text = "None (Classical)"; m[1].value = 0; m[1].group = 0; m[2].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[2].text = "Bilinear"; m[2].value = 0; m[2].group = 0; m[3].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[3].text = "Trilinear"; m[3].value = 0; m[3].group = 0; m[4].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[4].text=""; m[5].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[5].text="Transparency Effects"; m[5].value = PlayerCfg.OglAlphaEffects; m[6].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[6].text="Vectorial Reticle"; m[6].value = PlayerCfg.OglReticle; m[7].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[7].text="VSync"; m[7].value = GameCfg.VSync; m[8].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[8].text="4x multisampling"; m[8].value = GameCfg.Multisample; m[GameCfg.TexFilt+1].value=1; i = newmenu_do1( NULL, "Graphics Options", sizeof(m)/sizeof(*m), m, NULL, NULL, i ); if (GameCfg.VSync != m[7].value || GameCfg.Multisample != m[8].value) nm_messagebox( NULL, 1, TXT_OK, "To apply VSync or 4x Multisample\nyou need to restart the program"); for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++) if (m[j+1].value) GameCfg.TexFilt = j; PlayerCfg.OglAlphaEffects = m[5].value; PlayerCfg.OglReticle = m[6].value; GameCfg.VSync = m[7].value; GameCfg.Multisample = m[8].value; gr_set_attributes(); gr_set_mode(Game_screen_mode); } while( i>-1 ); } #define CUR_DIRLIST "DirectoryListDXX" typedef struct browser { char *title; // The title - needed for making another listbox when changing directory int (*when_selected)(void *userdata, const char *filename); // What to do when something chosen void *userdata; // Whatever you want passed to when_selected char **list; // All menu items char *list_buf; // Buffer for menu item text: hopefully reduces memory fragmentation this way char **ext_list; // List of file extensions we're looking for (if looking for a music file many types are possible) int select_dir; // Allow selecting the current directory (e.g. for Jukebox level song directory) int num_files; // Number of list items found (including parent directory and current directory if selectable) int max_files; // How many entries we can have before having to grow the array int max_buf; // How much text we can have before having to grow the buffer char view_path[PATH_MAX]; // The absolute path we're currently looking at int new_path; // Whether the view_path is a new searchpath, if so, remove it when finished } browser; // Figure out if we need to remove the view_path searchpath when finished // We don't, and shouldn't, if it was already there void searchpath_matches(browser *b, const char *str) { if (!strcmp(b->view_path, str)) b->new_path = 0; } void list_dir_el(browser *b, const char *origdir, const char *fname) { char *ext; char **i = NULL; ext = strrchr(fname, '.'); if (ext) for (i = b->ext_list; *i != NULL && stricmp(ext, *i); i++) {} // see if the file is of a type we want if ((!strcmp((PHYSFS_getRealDir(fname)==NULL?"":PHYSFS_getRealDir(fname)), b->view_path)) && (PHYSFS_isDirectory(fname) || (ext && *i)) #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) && stricmp(fname, "Volumes") // this messes things up, use '..' instead #endif ) { char *next_path = b->list[b->num_files - 1] + strlen(b->list[b->num_files - 1]) + 1; // Need to grow an array? if (b->num_files >= b->max_files) { char **new_list = d_realloc(b->list, b->max_files*sizeof(char *)*MEM_K); if (new_list == NULL) return; b->max_files *= MEM_K; b->list = new_list; } if (next_path + strlen(fname) + 1 - b->list_buf >= b->max_buf) { char *new_buf = d_realloc(b->list_buf, b->max_buf*sizeof(char)*MEM_K); if (new_buf == NULL) return; b->max_buf *= MEM_K; b->list_buf = new_buf; } strcpy(next_path, fname); b->list[b->num_files++] = next_path; } } int list_directory(browser *b) { char *temp_buf, **temp_list; int i, j; b->max_files = 1024; MALLOC(b->list, char *, 1024); if (b->list == NULL) return 0; b->max_buf = 1024; // bigger? MALLOC(b->list_buf, char, 1024); if (b->list_buf == NULL) { d_free(b->list); return 0; } strcpy(b->list_buf, ".."); // go to parent directory b->list[b->num_files++] = b->list_buf; if (b->select_dir) { b->list[b->num_files] = b->list[b->num_files - 1] + strlen(b->list[b->num_files - 1]) + 1; strcpy(b->list[b->num_files++], ""); // choose the directory being viewed } PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback("", (PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback) list_dir_el, b); // Reduce memory fragmentation temp_list = d_realloc(b->list, sizeof(char *)*b->num_files); if (temp_list) b->list = temp_list; temp_buf = d_realloc(b->list_buf, b->list[b->num_files - 1] + strlen(b->list[b->num_files - 1]) + 1 - b->list_buf); if (temp_buf) { for (i = 0; i < b->num_files; i++) b->list[i] += (temp_buf - b->list_buf); b->list_buf = temp_buf; } // Sort by name, except the .. string and 'this directory', if applicable qsort(&b->list[1 + (b->select_dir ? 1 : 0)], b->num_files - 1 - (b->select_dir ? 1 : 0), sizeof(char *), (int (*)( const void *, const void * ))fname_sort_func); // Remove duplicates // Can't do this before reallocating, otherwise it makes a mess of things (the strings in the buffer aren't ordered) for (i = 1 + (b->select_dir ? 1 : 0), j = 1 + (b->select_dir ? 1 : 0); i < b->num_files; i++) #ifdef __LINUX__ if (strcmp(b->list[i - 1], b->list[i])) #else if (stricmp(b->list[i - 1], b->list[i])) #endif b->list[j++] = b->list[i]; b->num_files = j; return 1; } int select_file_recursive(char *title, const char *orig_path, char **ext_list, int select_dir, int (*when_selected)(void *userdata, const char *filename), void *userdata); int select_file_handler(listbox *menu, d_event *event, browser *b) { char newpath[PATH_MAX]; char **list = listbox_get_items(menu); int citem = listbox_get_citem(menu); const char *sep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); memset(newpath, 0, sizeof(char)*PATH_MAX); switch (event->type) { #ifdef _WIN32 case EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: { if (((d_event_keycommand *)event)->keycode == KEY_CTRLED + KEY_D) { newmenu_item *m; char *text = NULL; int rval = 0; MALLOC(text, char, 2); MALLOC(m, newmenu_item, 1); snprintf(text, sizeof(char)*PATH_MAX, "c"); m->type=NM_TYPE_INPUT; m->text_len = 3; m->text = text; rval = newmenu_do( NULL, "Enter drive letter", 1, m, NULL, NULL ); text[1] = '\0'; snprintf(newpath, sizeof(char)*PATH_MAX, "%s:%s", text, sep); if (!rval && strlen(text)) { select_file_recursive(b->title, newpath, b->ext_list, b->select_dir, b->when_selected, b->userdata); // close old box. event->type = EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED; window_close(listbox_get_window(menu)); } d_free(text); d_free(m); return 0; } break; } #endif case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: strcpy(newpath, b->view_path); if (citem == 0) // go to parent dir { char *p; if ((p = strstr(&newpath[strlen(newpath) - strlen(sep)], sep))) if (p != strstr(newpath, sep)) // if this isn't the only separator (i.e. it's not about to look at the root) *p = 0; p = newpath + strlen(newpath) - 1; while ((p > newpath) && strncmp(p, sep, strlen(sep))) // make sure full separator string is matched (typically is) p--; if (p == strstr(newpath, sep)) // Look at root directory next, if not already { #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) if (!stricmp(p, "/Volumes")) return 1; #endif if (p[strlen(sep)] != '\0') p[strlen(sep)] = '\0'; else { #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) // For Mac OS X, list all active volumes if we leave the root strcpy(newpath, "/Volumes"); #else return 1; #endif } } else *p = '\0'; } else if (citem == 1 && b->select_dir) return !(*b->when_selected)(b->userdata, ""); else { if (strncmp(&newpath[strlen(newpath) - strlen(sep)], sep, strlen(sep))) { strncat(newpath, sep, PATH_MAX - 1 - strlen(newpath)); newpath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; } strncat(newpath, list[citem], PATH_MAX - 1 - strlen(newpath)); newpath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; } if ((citem == 0) || PHYSFS_isDirectory(list[citem])) { // If it fails, stay in this one return !select_file_recursive(b->title, newpath, b->ext_list, b->select_dir, b->when_selected, b->userdata); } return !(*b->when_selected)(b->userdata, list[citem]); break; case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: if (b->new_path) PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(b->view_path); if (list) d_free(list); if (b->list_buf) d_free(b->list_buf); d_free(b); break; default: break; } return 0; } int select_file_recursive(char *title, const char *orig_path, char **ext_list, int select_dir, int (*when_selected)(void *userdata, const char *filename), void *userdata) { browser *b; const char *sep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); char *p; MALLOC(b, browser, 1); if (!b) return 0; b->title = title; b->when_selected = when_selected; b->userdata = userdata; b->ext_list = ext_list; b->select_dir = select_dir; b->num_files = b->max_files = 0; b->view_path[0] = '\0'; b->new_path = 1; // Set the viewing directory to orig_path, or some parent of it if (orig_path) { // Must make this an absolute path for directory browsing to work properly #ifdef _WIN32 if (!(isalpha(orig_path[0]) && (orig_path[1] == ':'))) // drive letter prompt (e.g. "C:" #elif defined(macintosh) if (orig_path[0] == ':') #else if (orig_path[0] != '/') #endif { strncpy(b->view_path, PHYSFS_getBaseDir(), PATH_MAX - 1); // current write directory must be set to base directory b->view_path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; #ifdef macintosh orig_path++; // go past ':' #endif strncat(b->view_path, orig_path, PATH_MAX - 1 - strlen(b->view_path)); b->view_path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(b->view_path, orig_path, PATH_MAX - 1); b->view_path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; } p = b->view_path + strlen(b->view_path) - 1; PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback((PHYSFS_StringCallback) searchpath_matches, b); while (!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(b->view_path, 0)) { while ((p > b->view_path) && strncmp(p, sep, strlen(sep))) p--; *p = '\0'; if (p == b->view_path) break; PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback((PHYSFS_StringCallback) searchpath_matches, b); } } // Set to user directory if we couldn't find a searchpath if (!b->view_path[0]) { strncpy(b->view_path, PHYSFS_getUserDir(), PATH_MAX - 1); b->view_path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback((PHYSFS_StringCallback) searchpath_matches, b); if (!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(b->view_path, 0)) { d_free(b); return 0; } } if (!list_directory(b)) { d_free(b); return 0; } return newmenu_listbox1(title, b->num_files, b->list, 1, 0, (int (*)(listbox *, d_event *, void *))select_file_handler, b) >= 0; } int opt_sm_digivol = -1, opt_sm_musicvol = -1, opt_sm_revstereo = -1, opt_sm_mtype0 = -1, opt_sm_mtype1 = -1, opt_sm_mtype2 = -1, opt_sm_mtype3 = -1, opt_sm_redbook_playorder = -1, opt_sm_mtype3_lmpath = -1, opt_sm_mtype3_lmplayorder1 = -1, opt_sm_mtype3_lmplayorder2 = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file1_b = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file1 = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file2_b = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file2 = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file3_b = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file3 = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file4_b = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file4 = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file5_b = -1, opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file5 = -1; void set_extmusic_volume(int volume); int get_absolute_path(char *full_path, const char *rel_path) { PHYSFSX_getRealPath(rel_path, full_path); return 1; } #define SELECT_SONG(t, s) select_file_recursive(t, GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[s], jukebox_exts, 0, (int (*)(void *, const char *))get_absolute_path, GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[s]) int sound_menuset(newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata) { newmenu_item *items = newmenu_get_items(menu); int citem = newmenu_get_citem(menu); //int nitems = newmenu_get_nitems(menu); int replay = 0; int rval = 0; switch (event->type) { case EVENT_NEWMENU_CHANGED: if (citem == opt_sm_digivol) { GameCfg.DigiVolume = items[citem].value; digi_set_digi_volume( (GameCfg.DigiVolume*32768)/8 ); digi_play_sample_once( SOUND_DROP_BOMB, F1_0 ); } else if (citem == opt_sm_musicvol) { GameCfg.MusicVolume = items[citem].value; songs_set_volume(GameCfg.MusicVolume); } else if (citem == opt_sm_revstereo) { GameCfg.ReverseStereo = items[citem].value; } else if (citem == opt_sm_mtype0) { GameCfg.MusicType = MUSIC_TYPE_NONE; replay = 1; } else if (citem == opt_sm_mtype1) { GameCfg.MusicType = MUSIC_TYPE_BUILTIN; replay = 1; } else if (citem == opt_sm_mtype2) { GameCfg.MusicType = MUSIC_TYPE_REDBOOK; replay = 1; } else if (citem == opt_sm_mtype3) { GameCfg.MusicType = MUSIC_TYPE_CUSTOM; replay = 1; } else if (citem == opt_sm_redbook_playorder) { GameCfg.OrigTrackOrder = items[citem].value; replay = (Game_wind != NULL); } else if (citem == opt_sm_mtype3_lmplayorder1) { GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder = MUSIC_CM_PLAYORDER_CONT; replay = (Game_wind != NULL); } else if (citem == opt_sm_mtype3_lmplayorder2) { GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder = MUSIC_CM_PLAYORDER_LEVEL; replay = (Game_wind != NULL); } break; case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: if (citem == opt_sm_mtype3_lmpath) { char *ext_list[] = { NULL }; // only select a directory (for now) select_file_recursive( #ifndef _WIN32 "Select directory to\n play level music from", #else "Select directory to\n play level music from.\n CTRL-D to change drive", #endif GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath, ext_list, 1, // look in current music path for ext_list files and allow directory selection (int (*)(void *, const char *))get_absolute_path, GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath); // just copy the absolute path } else if (citem == opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file1_b) #ifndef _WIN32 SELECT_SONG("Select main menu music", SONG_TITLE); #else SELECT_SONG("Select main menu music.\nCTRL-D to change drive", SONG_TITLE); #endif else if (citem == opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file2_b) #ifndef _WIN32 SELECT_SONG("Select briefing music", SONG_BRIEFING); #else SELECT_SONG("Select briefing music.\nCTRL-D to change drive", SONG_BRIEFING); #endif else if (citem == opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file3_b) #ifndef _WIN32 SELECT_SONG("Select credits music", SONG_CREDITS); #else SELECT_SONG("Select credits music.\nCTRL-D to change drive", SONG_CREDITS); #endif else if (citem == opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file4_b) #ifndef _WIN32 SELECT_SONG("Select escape sequence music", SONG_ENDLEVEL); #else SELECT_SONG("Select escape sequence music.\nCTRL-D to change drive", SONG_ENDLEVEL); #endif else if (citem == opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file5_b) #ifndef _WIN32 SELECT_SONG("Select game ending music", SONG_ENDGAME); #else SELECT_SONG("Select game ending music.\nCTRL-D to change drive", SONG_ENDGAME); #endif rval = 1; // stay in menu break; case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: d_free(items); break; default: break; } if (replay) { songs_uninit(); if (Game_wind) songs_play_level_song( Current_level_num, 0 ); else songs_play_song(SONG_TITLE, 1); } userdata = userdata; return rval; } #ifdef USE_SDLMIXER #define SOUND_MENU_NITEMS 32 #else #ifdef _WIN32 #define SOUND_MENU_NITEMS 11 #else #define SOUND_MENU_NITEMS 10 #endif #endif void do_sound_menu() { newmenu_item *m; int nitems = 0; char old_CMLevelMusicPath[PATH_MAX+1], old_CMMiscMusic0[PATH_MAX+1]; memset(old_CMLevelMusicPath, 0, sizeof(char)*(PATH_MAX+1)); snprintf(old_CMLevelMusicPath, strlen(GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath)+1, GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath); memset(old_CMMiscMusic0, 0, sizeof(char)*(PATH_MAX+1)); snprintf(old_CMMiscMusic0, strlen(GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE])+1, GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE]); MALLOC(m, newmenu_item, SOUND_MENU_NITEMS); if (!m) return; opt_sm_digivol = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[nitems].text = TXT_FX_VOLUME; m[nitems].value = GameCfg.DigiVolume; m[nitems].min_value = 0; m[nitems++].max_value = 8; opt_sm_musicvol = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[nitems].text = "music volume"; m[nitems].value = GameCfg.MusicVolume; m[nitems].min_value = 0; m[nitems++].max_value = 8; opt_sm_revstereo = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[nitems].text = TXT_REVERSE_STEREO; m[nitems++].value = GameCfg.ReverseStereo; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = ""; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = "music type:"; opt_sm_mtype0 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[nitems].text = "no music"; m[nitems].value = (GameCfg.MusicType == MUSIC_TYPE_NONE); m[nitems].group = 0; nitems++; #if defined(USE_SDLMIXER) || defined(_WIN32) opt_sm_mtype1 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[nitems].text = "built-in/addon music"; m[nitems].value = (GameCfg.MusicType == MUSIC_TYPE_BUILTIN); m[nitems].group = 0; nitems++; #endif opt_sm_mtype2 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[nitems].text = "cd music"; m[nitems].value = (GameCfg.MusicType == MUSIC_TYPE_REDBOOK); m[nitems].group = 0; nitems++; #ifdef USE_SDLMIXER opt_sm_mtype3 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[nitems].text = "jukebox"; m[nitems].value = (GameCfg.MusicType == MUSIC_TYPE_CUSTOM); m[nitems].group = 0; nitems++; #endif m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = ""; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = "cd music options:"; opt_sm_redbook_playorder = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[nitems].text = "force mac descent cd track order"; m[nitems++].value = GameCfg.OrigTrackOrder; #ifdef USE_SDLMIXER m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = ""; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = "jukebox options:"; opt_sm_mtype3_lmpath = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[nitems++].text = "path to music used for levels (...)"; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[nitems].text = GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath; m[nitems++].text_len = NM_MAX_TEXT_LEN-1; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = ""; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = "level music play order:"; opt_sm_mtype3_lmplayorder1 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[nitems].text = "continuously"; m[nitems].value = (GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder == MUSIC_CM_PLAYORDER_CONT); m[nitems].group = 1; nitems++; opt_sm_mtype3_lmplayorder2 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_RADIO; m[nitems].text = "one track per level"; m[nitems].value = (GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder == MUSIC_CM_PLAYORDER_LEVEL); m[nitems].group = 1; nitems++; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = ""; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[nitems++].text = "non-level music:"; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file1_b = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[nitems++].text = "main menu (browse...)"; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file1 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[nitems].text = GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE]; m[nitems++].text_len = NM_MAX_TEXT_LEN-1; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file2_b = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[nitems++].text = "briefing (browse...)"; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file2 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[nitems].text = GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_BRIEFING]; m[nitems++].text_len = NM_MAX_TEXT_LEN-1; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file3_b = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[nitems++].text = "credits (browse...)"; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file3 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[nitems].text = GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_CREDITS]; m[nitems++].text_len = NM_MAX_TEXT_LEN-1; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file4_b = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[nitems++].text = "escape sequence (browse...)"; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file4 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[nitems].text = GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDLEVEL]; m[nitems++].text_len = NM_MAX_TEXT_LEN-1; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file5_b = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[nitems++].text = "game ending (browse...)"; opt_sm_cm_mtype3_file5 = nitems; m[nitems].type = NM_TYPE_INPUT; m[nitems].text = GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDGAME]; m[nitems++].text_len = NM_MAX_TEXT_LEN-1; #endif Assert(nitems == SOUND_MENU_NITEMS); newmenu_do1( NULL, "Sound Effects & Music", nitems, m, sound_menuset, NULL, 0 ); #ifdef USE_SDLMIXER if ( ((Game_wind != NULL) && strcmp(old_CMLevelMusicPath, GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath)) || ((Game_wind == NULL) && strcmp(old_CMMiscMusic0, GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE])) ) { songs_uninit(); if (Game_wind) songs_play_level_song( Current_level_num, 0 ); else songs_play_song(SONG_TITLE, 1); } #endif } #define ADD_CHECK(n,txt,v) do { m[n].type=NM_TYPE_CHECK; m[n].text=txt; m[n].value=v;} while (0) void do_misc_menu() { newmenu_item m[4]; int i = 0; do { ADD_CHECK(0, "Ship auto-leveling", PlayerCfg.AutoLeveling); ADD_CHECK(1, "Show reticle", PlayerCfg.ReticleOn); ADD_CHECK(2, "Persistent Debris",PlayerCfg.PersistentDebris); ADD_CHECK(3, "Screenshots w/o HUD",PlayerCfg.PRShot); i = newmenu_do1( NULL, "Misc Options", sizeof(m)/sizeof(*m), m, NULL, NULL, i ); PlayerCfg.AutoLeveling = m[0].value; PlayerCfg.ReticleOn = m[1].value; PlayerCfg.PersistentDebris = m[2].value; PlayerCfg.PRShot = m[3].value; } while( i>-1 ); } #if defined(USE_UDP) || defined(USE_IPX) static int multi_player_menu_handler(newmenu *menu, d_event *event, int *menu_choice) { newmenu_item *items = newmenu_get_items(menu); switch (event->type) { case EVENT_NEWMENU_SELECTED: // stay in multiplayer menu, even after having played a game return do_option(menu_choice[newmenu_get_citem(menu)]); case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: d_free(menu_choice); d_free(items); break; default: break; } return 0; } void do_multi_player_menu() { int *menu_choice; newmenu_item *m; int num_options = 0; MALLOC(menu_choice, int, 12); if (!menu_choice) return; MALLOC(m, newmenu_item, 12); if (!m) { d_free(menu_choice); return; } #ifdef USE_UDP m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[num_options].text="UDP:"; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="HOST GAME"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_START_UDP_NETGAME; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="FIND LAN GAMES"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_JOIN_LIST_UDP_NETGAME; num_options++; //m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="FIND LAN/ONLINE GAMES"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_JOIN_LIST_UDP_NETGAME; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="JOIN GAME MANUALLY"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_JOIN_MANUAL_UDP_NETGAME; num_options++; #endif #ifdef USE_IPX m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[num_options].text=""; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[num_options].text="IPX:"; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="HOST GAME"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_START_IPX_NETGAME; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="JOIN GAME"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_JOIN_IPX_NETGAME; num_options++; #ifdef __LINUX__ m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[num_options].text=""; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[num_options].text="XKALI:"; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="HOST GAME"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_START_KALI_NETGAME; num_options++; m[num_options].type=NM_TYPE_MENU; m[num_options].text="JOIN GAME"; menu_choice[num_options]=MENU_JOIN_KALI_NETGAME; num_options++; #endif #endif newmenu_do3( NULL, TXT_MULTIPLAYER, num_options, m, (int (*)(newmenu *, d_event *, void *))multi_player_menu_handler, menu_choice, 0, NULL ); } #endif void do_options_menu() { newmenu_item *m; MALLOC(m, newmenu_item, 11); if (!m) return; m[ 0].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[ 0].text="Sound effects & music..."; m[ 1].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[ 1].text=""; m[ 2].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[ 2].text=TXT_CONTROLS_; m[ 3].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[ 3].text=""; m[ 4].type = NM_TYPE_SLIDER; m[ 4].text = TXT_BRIGHTNESS; m[ 4].value = gr_palette_get_gamma(); m[ 4].min_value = 0; m[ 4].max_value = 16; m[ 5].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[ 5].text="Screen resolution..."; #ifdef OGL m[ 6].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[ 6].text="Graphics Options..."; #else m[ 6].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[ 6].text=""; #endif m[ 7].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT; m[ 7].text=""; m[ 8].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[ 8].text="Primary autoselect ordering..."; m[ 9].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[ 9].text="Secondary autoselect ordering..."; m[10].type = NM_TYPE_MENU; m[10].text="Misc Options..."; // Fall back to main event loop // Allows clean closing and re-opening when resolution changes newmenu_do3( NULL, TXT_OPTIONS, 11, m, options_menuset, NULL, 0, NULL ); }