#SConstruct # needed imports from collections import (defaultdict, Counter as collections_counter) import binascii import errno import itertools import subprocess import sys import os import SCons.Util # Disable injecting tools into default namespace SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment(tools = []) def message(program,msg): print "%s: %s" % (program.program_message_prefix, msg) def get_Werror_string(l): if l and '-Werror' in l: return '-W' return '-Werror=' class StaticSubprocess: # This class contains utility functions for calling subprocesses # that are expected to return the same output for every call. The # output is cached after the first call, so that callers can request # the output again later without causing the program to be run again. # # Suitable programs are not required to depend solely on the # parameters, but are assumed to depend only on state that is # unlikely to change in the brief time that SConstruct runs. For # example, a tool might be upgraded by the system administrator, # changing its version string. However, we assume nobody upgrades # their tools in the middle of an SConstruct run. Results are not # cached to persistent storage, so an upgrade performed after one # SConstruct run, but before the next, will not cause any # inconsistencies. from shlex import split as shlex_split class CachedCall: def __init__(self,out,err,returncode): self.out = out self.err = err self.returncode = returncode # @staticmethod delayed so that default arguments pick up the # undecorated form. def pcall(args,stderr=None,_call_cache={},_CachedCall=CachedCall): # Use repr since callers may construct the same argument # list independently. ## >>> a = ['git', '--version'] ## >>> b = ['git', '--version'] ## >>> a is b ## False ## >>> id(a) == id(b) ## False ## >>> a == b ## True ## >>> repr(a) == repr(b) ## True a = repr(args) try: return _call_cache[a] except KeyError: pass p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr) (o, e) = p.communicate() _call_cache[a] = c = _CachedCall(o, e, p.wait()) return c def qcall(args,stderr=None,_pcall=pcall,_shlex_split=shlex_split): return _pcall(_shlex_split(args),stderr) @staticmethod def get_version_head(cmd,_qcall=qcall): v = _qcall('%s %s' % (cmd, '--version'), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: return v.__version_head except AttributeError: v.__version_head = r = (v.out or v.err).splitlines()[0] if not v.returncode and (v.out or v.err) else None return r pcall = staticmethod(pcall) qcall = staticmethod(qcall) shlex_split = staticmethod(shlex_split) class ToolchainInformation(StaticSubprocess): @staticmethod def get_tool_path(env,tool,_qcall=StaticSubprocess.qcall): # Include $LINKFLAGS since -fuse-ld=gold influences the path # printed for the linker. tool = env.subst('$CXX $CXXFLAGS $LINKFLAGS -print-prog-name=%s' % tool) return tool, _qcall(tool).out.strip() @staticmethod def show_partial_environ(env, f): for v in ( 'CXX', 'CPPDEFINES', 'CPPPATH', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LIBS', 'LINKFLAGS', ): f("%s: %r" % (v, env.get(v, None))) penv = env['ENV'] for v in ( 'CCACHE_PREFIX', 'DISTCC_HOSTS', ): f("$%s: %r" % (v, penv.get(v, None))) class Git(StaticSubprocess): class ComputedExtraVersion(object): __slots__ = ('describe', 'status', 'diffstat_HEAD', 'revparse_HEAD') def __init__(self,describe,status,diffstat_HEAD,revparse_HEAD): self.describe = describe self.status = status self.diffstat_HEAD = diffstat_HEAD self.revparse_HEAD = revparse_HEAD UnknownExtraVersion = ComputedExtraVersion('', None, None, None) # None when unset. Instance of ComputedExtraVersion once cached. __computed_extra_version = None __path_git = None @classmethod def __pcall_missing_git(cls,args,stderr=None,_missing_git=StaticSubprocess.CachedCall(None, None, 1)): return _missing_git @classmethod def __pcall_found_git(cls,args,stderr=None,_pcall=StaticSubprocess.pcall): return _pcall(cls.__path_git + args, stderr=stderr) @classmethod def pcall(cls,args,stderr=None): git = cls.__path_git if git is None: cls.__path_git = git = cls.shlex_split(os.environ.get('GIT', 'git')) cls.pcall = f = cls.__pcall_found_git if git else cls.__pcall_missing_git return f(args, stderr) def spcall(cls,args,stderr=None): g = cls.pcall(args, stderr) if g.returncode: return None return g.out @classmethod def compute_extra_version(cls,_spcall=spcall): c = cls.__computed_extra_version if c is None: v = cls.__compute_extra_version() cls.__computed_extra_version = c = cls.ComputedExtraVersion( v, _spcall(cls, ['status', '--short', '--branch']), _spcall(cls, ['diff', '--stat', 'HEAD']), _spcall(cls, ['rev-parse', 'HEAD']).rstrip(), ) if v is not None else cls.UnknownExtraVersion return c # Run `git describe --tags --abbrev=12`. # On failure, return None. # On success, return a 3-tuple of: # first line of output of describe # '*' if there are unstaged changes else '' # '+' if there are staged changes else '' @classmethod def __compute_extra_version(cls): try: g = cls.pcall(['describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=12'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return None raise if g.returncode: return None _pcall = cls.pcall return (g.out.split('\n')[0] + \ ('*' if _pcall(['diff', '--quiet']).returncode else '') + \ ('+' if _pcall(['diff', '--quiet', '--cached']).returncode else '') ) class ConfigureTests: class Collector: class RecordedTest(object): __slots__ = ('desc', 'name') def __init__(self,name,desc): self.name = name self.desc = desc def __init__(self): self.tests = [] self.record = self.tests.append def __call__(self,f): desc = None doc = getattr(f, '__doc__', None) if doc is not None: doc = doc.rstrip().splitlines() if doc and doc[-1].startswith("help:"): desc = doc[-1][5:] self.record(self.RecordedTest(f.__name__, desc)) return f class Cxx11RequiredFeature(object): __slots__ = ('main', 'name', 'text') def __init__(self,name,text,main=''): self.name = name name = {'N' : 'test_' + name.replace(' ', '_')} self.text = text % name self.main = ('{' + (main % name) + '}\n') if main else '' class CxxRequiredFeatures(object): __slots__ = ('features', 'main', 'text') def __init__(self,features): self.features = features self.main = ''.join([f.main for f in features]) self.text = ''.join([f.text for f in features]) class PCHAction: def __init__(self,context): self._context = context def __call__(self,text,ext): # Ignore caller-supplied text, since _Test always includes a # definition of main(). Using the caller-supplied text # would provide one main() in the PCH and another in the # test which includes the PCH. env = self._context.env s = env['OBJSUFFIX'] env['OBJSUFFIX'] = '.h.gch' result = self._context.TryCompile(''' /* Define this here. Use it in the file which includes the PCH. If the * compiler skips including the PCH, and does not fail for that reason * alone, then it will fail when the symbol is used in the later test, * since the only definition comes from the PCH. */ #define dxx_compiler_supports_pch ''', ext) env['OBJSUFFIX'] = s return result class PreservedEnvironment: # One empty list for all the defaults. The comprehension # creates copies, so it is safe for the default value to be # shared. def __init__(self,env,keys,_l=[]): self.flags = {k: env.get(k, _l)[:] for k in keys} self.__getitem__ = self.flags.__getitem__ def restore(self,env): env.Replace(**self.flags) class ForceVerboseLog(PreservedEnvironment): def __init__(self,env): # Force verbose output to sconf.log self.flags = {} for k in ( 'CXXCOMSTR', 'LINKCOMSTR', ): try: # env is like a dict, but does not have .pop(), so # emulate it with a lookup + delete. self.flags[k] = env[k] del env[k] except KeyError: pass class pkgconfig: def _get_pkg_config_exec_path(context,msgprefix,pkgconfig): Display = context.Display if not pkgconfig: Display("%s: pkg-config disabled by user settings\n" % msgprefix) return pkgconfig if os.sep in pkgconfig: Display("%s: using pkg-config at user specified path %s\n" % (msgprefix, pkgconfig)) return pkgconfig join = os.path.join # No path specified, search in $PATH for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep): fp = join(p, pkgconfig) try: os.close(os.open(fp, os.O_RDONLY)) except OSError as e: # Ignore on permission errors. If pkg-config is # runnable but not readable, the user must # specify its path. if e.errno == errno.ENOENT or e.errno == errno.EACCES: continue raise Display("%s: using pkg-config at discovered path %s\n" % (msgprefix, fp)) return fp Display("%s: no usable pkg-config %r found in $PATH\n" % (msgprefix, pkgconfig)) def __get_pkg_config_path(context,message,user_settings,display_name, _get_pkg_config_exec_path=_get_pkg_config_exec_path, _cache={}): pkgconfig = user_settings.PKG_CONFIG if pkgconfig is None: CHOST = user_settings.CHOST pkgconfig = ('%s-pkg-config' % CHOST) if CHOST else 'pkg-config' if sys.platform == 'win32': pkgconfig += '.exe' try: return _cache[pkgconfig] except KeyError: _cache[pkgconfig] = path = _get_pkg_config_exec_path(context, message, pkgconfig) return path @staticmethod def merge(context,message,user_settings,pkgconfig_name,display_name, guess_flags, __get_pkg_config_path=__get_pkg_config_path, _cache={}): Display = context.Display Display("%s: checking %s pkg-config %s\n" % (message, display_name, pkgconfig_name)) pkgconfig = __get_pkg_config_path(context, message, user_settings, display_name) if not pkgconfig: Display("%s: skipping %s pkg-config; using default flags %r\n" % (message, display_name, guess_flags)) return guess_flags cmd = '%s --cflags --libs %s' % (pkgconfig, pkgconfig_name) try: flags = _cache[cmd] Display("%s: reusing %s settings from `%s`: %r\n" % (message, display_name, cmd, flags)) return flags except KeyError as e: Display("%s: reading %s settings from `%s`\n" % (message, display_name, cmd)) try: flags = { k:v for k,v in context.env.ParseFlags('!' + cmd).items() if v and (k[0] == 'C' or k[0] == 'L') } Display("%s: %s settings: %r\n" % (message, display_name, flags)) v = '%s --modversion %s' % (pkgconfig, pkgconfig_name) Display("%s: reading %s version from `%s`\n" % (message, pkgconfig_name, v)) v = StaticSubprocess.qcall(v) if v.out: Display("%s: %s version: %r\n" % (message, display_name, v.out.split('\n')[0])) except OSError as o: Display("%s: %s pkg-config failed; using default flags for `%s`: %r\n" % (message, display_name, cmd, guess_flags)) flags = guess_flags _cache[cmd] = flags return flags # Force test to report failure sconf_force_failure = 'force-failure' # Force test to report success, and modify flags like it # succeeded sconf_force_success = 'force-success' # Force test to report success, do not modify flags sconf_assume_success = 'assume-success' expect_sconf_success = 'success' expect_sconf_failure = 'failure' _implicit_test = Collector() _custom_test = Collector() implicit_tests = _implicit_test.tests custom_tests = _custom_test.tests comment_not_supported = '/* not supported */' __python_import_struct = None __flags_Werror = {'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Werror']} _cxx_conformance_cxx11 = 11 _cxx_conformance_cxx14 = 14 __cxx_conformance = None __cxx11_required_features = CxxRequiredFeatures([ Cxx11RequiredFeature('constexpr', ''' struct %(N)s {}; static constexpr %(N)s get_%(N)s(){return {};} ''', ''' get_%(N)s(); '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('extern constexpr', ''' /* std::nullptr_t %(N)s1 = nullptr; int *%(N)s2 = nullptr; ''', ''' %(N)s2 = %(N)s1; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('explicit operator bool', ''' struct %(N)s { explicit operator bool(); }; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('template aliases', ''' using %(N)s_typedef = int; template struct %(N)s_struct; template using %(N)s_alias = %(N)s_struct; ''', ''' %(N)s_struct *a = nullptr; %(N)s_alias *b = a; %(N)s_typedef *c = nullptr; (void)b; (void)c; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('trailing function return type', ''' auto %(N)s()->int; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('class scope static constexpr assignment', ''' struct %(N)s_instance { }; struct %(N)s_container { static constexpr %(N)s_instance a = {}; }; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('braced base class initialization', ''' struct %(N)s_base { int a; }; struct %(N)s_derived : %(N)s_base { %(N)s_derived(int e) : %(N)s_base{e} {} }; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('std::array', ''' #include "compiler-array.h" ''', ''' arrayb; b[0]=1; ''' ), Cxx11RequiredFeature('range-based for', ''' #include "compiler-range_for.h" ''', ''' int b[2]; range_for(int&c,b)c=0; ''' ), Cxx11RequiredFeature('', ''' #include ''', ''' typename std::conditional::type a = 0; typename std::conditional::type b = 0; (void)a; (void)b; ''' ), Cxx11RequiredFeature('std::unordered_map::emplace', ''' #include ''', ''' std::unordered_map m; m.emplace(0, 0); ''' ), ]) def __init__(self,msgprefix,user_settings,platform_settings): self.msgprefix = msgprefix self.user_settings = user_settings self.platform_settings = platform_settings self.successful_flags = defaultdict(list) self._sconf_results = [] self.__tool_versions = [] self.__defined_macros = '' # Some tests check the functionality of the compiler's # optimizer. # # When LTO is used, the optimizer is deferred to link time. # Force all tests to be Link tests when LTO is enabled. self.Compile = self.Link if user_settings.lto else self._Compile def _quote_macro_value(v): return v.strip().replace('\n', ' \\\n') def _check_sconf_forced(self,calling_function): return self._check_forced(calling_function), self._check_expected(calling_function) @staticmethod def _find_calling_sconf_function(): try: 1//0 except ZeroDivisionError: frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_back while frame is not None: co_name = frame.f_code.co_name if co_name[:6] == 'check_': return co_name[6:] frame = frame.f_back # This assertion is hit if a test is asked to deduce its caller # (calling_function=None), but no function in the call stack appears to # be a checking function. assert False, "SConf caller not specified and no acceptable caller in stack." def _check_forced(self,name): # This getattr will raise AttributeError if called for a function which # is not a registered test. Tests must be registered as an implicit # test (in implicit_tests, usually by applying the @_implicit_test # decorator) or a custom test (in custom_tests, usually by applying the # @_custom_test decorator). # # Unregistered tests are never documented and cannot be overridden by # the user. return getattr(self.user_settings, 'sconf_%s' % name) def _check_expected(self,name): # The remarks for _check_forced apply here too. r = getattr(self.user_settings, 'expect_sconf_%s' % name) if r is not None: if r == self.expect_sconf_success: return 1 if r == self.expect_sconf_failure: return 0 return r def _check_macro(self,context,macro_name,macro_value,test,_comment_not_supported=comment_not_supported,**kwargs): r = self.Compile(context, text=""" #define {macro_name} {macro_value} {test} """.format(macro_name=macro_name, macro_value=macro_value, test=test), **kwargs) if not r: macro_value = _comment_not_supported self._define_macro(context, macro_name, macro_value) def _define_macro(self,context,macro_name,macro_value): context.sconf.Define(macro_name, macro_value) self.__defined_macros += '#define %s %s\n' % (macro_name, macro_value) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ccache_distcc_ld_works', "assume ccache, distcc, C++ compiler, and C++ linker work")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ccache_ld_works', "assume ccache, C++ compiler, and C++ linker work")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_distcc_ld_works', "assume distcc, C++ compiler, and C++ linker work")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ld_works', "assume C++ compiler and linker work")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ld_blank_libs_works', "assume C++ compiler and linker work with empty $LIBS")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ld_blank_libs_ldflags_works', "assume C++ compiler and linker work with empty $LIBS and empty $LDFLAGS")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_cxx_blank_cxxflags_works', "assume C++ compiler works with empty $CXXFLAGS")) # This must be the first custom test. This test verifies the compiler # works and disables any use of ccache/distcc for the duration of the # configure run. # # SCons caches configuration results and tests are usually very small, so # ccache will provide limited benefit. # # Some tests are expected to raise a compiler error. If distcc is used # and DISTCC_FALLBACK prevents local retries, then distcc interprets a # compiler error as an indication that the volunteer which served that # compile is broken and should be blacklisted. Suppress use of distcc for # all tests to avoid spurious blacklist entries. # # During the main build, compiling remotely can allow more jobs to run in # parallel. Tests are serialized by SCons, so distcc is helpful during # testing only if compiling remotely is faster than compiling locally. # This may be true for embedded systems that distcc to desktops, but will # not be true for desktops or laptops that distcc to similar sized # machines. @_custom_test def check_cxx_works(self,context): """ help:assume C++ compiler works """ # Use %r to print the tuple in an unambiguous form. context.Log('scons: dxx: version: %r\n' % (Git.compute_extra_version(),)) cenv = context.env penv = cenv['ENV'] self.__cxx_com_prefix = cenv['CXXCOM'] # Require ccache to run the next stage, but allow it to write the # result to cache. This lets the test validate that ccache fails for # an unusable CCACHE_DIR and also validate that the next stage handles # the input correctly. Without this, a cached result may hide that # the next stage compiler (or wrapper) worked when a prior run # performed the test, but is now broken. CCACHE_RECACHE = penv.get('CCACHE_RECACHE', None) penv['CCACHE_RECACHE'] = '1' most_recent_error = self._check_cxx_works(context) if most_recent_error is not None: raise SCons.Errors.StopError(most_recent_error) if CCACHE_RECACHE is None: del penv['CCACHE_RECACHE'] else: penv['CCACHE_RECACHE'] = CCACHE_RECACHE # If ccache/distcc are in use, disable them during testing. # This assignment is also done in _check_cxx_works, but only on an # error path. Repeat it here so that it is effective on the success # path. It cannot be moved above the call to _check_cxx_works because # some tests in _check_cxx_works rely on its original value. cenv['CXXCOM'] = cenv._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix self._check_cxx_conformance_level(context) def _show_tool_version(self,context,tool,desc,save_tool_version=True): # These version results are not used for anything, but are # collected here so that users who post only a build log will # still supply at least some useful information. # # This is split into two lines so that the first line is printed # before the function call required to format the string for the # second line. Display = context.Display Display('%s: checking version of %s %r ... ' % (self.msgprefix, desc, tool)) try: v = StaticSubprocess.get_version_head(tool) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT or e.errno == errno.EACCES: Display('error: %s\n' % e.strerror) raise SCons.Errors.StopError('Failed to run %s.' % tool) raise if save_tool_version: self.__tool_versions.append((tool, v)) Display('%r\n' % v) def _show_indirect_tool_version(self,context,CXX,tool,desc): Display = context.Display Display('%s: checking path to %s ... ' % (self.msgprefix, desc)) tool, name = ToolchainInformation.get_tool_path(context.env, tool) self.__tool_versions.append((tool, name)) if not name: # Strange, but not fatal for this to fail. Display('! %r\n' % name) return Display('%r\n' % name) self._show_tool_version(context,name,desc) def _check_cxx_works(self,context,_crc32=binascii.crc32): # Test whether the compiler+linker+optional wrapper(s) work. If # anything fails, a StopError is guaranteed on return. However, to # help the user, this function pushes through all the combinations and # reports the StopError for the least complicated issue. If both the # compiler and the linker fail, the compiler will be reported, since # the linker might work once the compiler is fixed. # # If a test fails, then the pending StopError allows this function to # safely modify the construction environment and process environment # without reverting its changes. most_recent_error = None Link = self.Link cenv = context.env use_distcc = self.user_settings.distcc use_ccache = self.user_settings.ccache if self.user_settings.show_tool_version: CXX = cenv['CXX'] self._show_tool_version(context, CXX, 'C++ compiler') self._show_indirect_tool_version(context, CXX, 'as', 'assembler') self._show_indirect_tool_version(context, CXX, 'ld', 'linker') if use_distcc: self._show_tool_version(context, use_distcc, 'distcc', False) if use_ccache: self._show_tool_version(context, use_ccache, 'ccache', False) # Use C++ single line comment so that it is guaranteed to extend # to the end of the line. repr ensures that embedded newlines # will be escaped and that the final character will not be a # backslash. self.__commented_tool_versions = s = ''.join('// %r => %r\n' % (v[0], v[1]) for v in self.__tool_versions) self.__tool_versions = ''' /* This test is always false. Use a non-trivial condition to * discourage external text scanners from recognizing that the block * is never compiled. */ #if 1 < -1 %.8x %s #endif ''' % (_crc32(s), s) ToolchainInformation.show_partial_environ(cenv, lambda s, _Display=context.Display, _msgprefix=self.msgprefix: _Display("%s:\t%s\n" % (_msgprefix, s))) if use_ccache: if use_distcc: if Link(context, text='', msg='whether ccache, distcc, C++ compiler, and linker work', calling_function='ccache_distcc_ld_works'): return most_recent_error = 'ccache and C++ linker work, but distcc does not work.' # Disable distcc so that the next call to self.Link tests only # ccache+linker. del cenv['ENV']['CCACHE_PREFIX'] if Link(context, text='', msg='whether ccache, C++ compiler, and linker work', calling_function='ccache_ld_works'): return most_recent_error most_recent_error = 'C++ linker works, but ccache does not work.' elif use_distcc: if Link(context, text='', msg='whether distcc, C++ compiler, and linker work', calling_function='distcc_ld_works'): return most_recent_error = 'C++ linker works, but distcc does not work.' else: # This assertion fails if the environment's $CXXCOM was modified # to use a prefix, but both user_settings.ccache and # user_settings.distcc evaluate to false. assert cenv._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix is cenv['CXXCOM'], "Unexpected prefix in $CXXCOM." # If ccache/distcc are in use, then testing with one or both of them # failed. Disable them so that the next test can check whether the # local linker works. # # If they are not in use, this assignment is a no-op. cenv['CXXCOM'] = cenv._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix if Link(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler and linker work', calling_function='ld_works'): # If ccache or distcc are in use, this block is only reached # when one or both of them failed. `most_recent_error` will # be a description of the failure. If neither are in use, # `most_recent_error` will be None. return most_recent_error # Force only compile, even if LTO is enabled. elif self._Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler works', calling_function='cxx_works'): specified_LIBS = 'or ' if cenv.get('LIBS') else '' if specified_LIBS: cenv['LIBS'] = [] if Link(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler and linker work with blank $LIBS', calling_function='ld_blank_libs_works'): # Using $LIBS="" allowed the test to succeed. $LIBS # specifies one or more unusable libraries. Usually # this is because it specifies a library which does # not exist or is an incompatible architecture. return 'C++ compiler works. C++ linker works with blank $LIBS. C++ linker does not work with specified $LIBS.' if cenv['LINKFLAGS']: cenv['LINKFLAGS'] = [] if Link(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler and linker work with blank $LIBS and blank $LDFLAGS', calling_function='ld_blank_libs_ldflags_works'): # Using LINKFLAGS="" allowed the test to succeed. # To avoid bloat, there is no further test to see # whether the link will work with user-specified # LIBS after LINKFLAGS is cleared. The user must # fix at least one problem anyway. If the user is # unlucky, fixing LINKFLAGS will result in a # different error on the next run. If the user is # lucky, fixing LINKFLAGS will allow the build to # run. return 'C++ compiler works. C++ linker works with blank $LIBS and blank $LDFLAGS. C++ linker does not work with blank $LIBS and specified $LDFLAGS.' return 'C++ compiler works. C++ linker does not work with specified %(LIBS)sblank $LIBS and specified $LINKFLAGS. C++ linker does not work with blank $LIBS and blank $LINKFLAGS.' % { 'LIBS' : specified_LIBS, } else: if cenv['CXXFLAGS']: cenv['CXXFLAGS'] = [] if self._Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler works with blank $CXXFLAGS', calling_function='cxx_blank_cxxflags_works'): return 'C++ compiler works with blank $CXXFLAGS. C++ compiler does not work with specified $CXXFLAGS.' return 'C++ compiler does not work.' implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_cxx11', "assume C++ compiler supports C++11")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_cxx14', "assume C++ compiler supports C++14")) __cxx_conformance_CXXFLAGS = [None] def _check_cxx_conformance_level(self,context,_levels=( # List standards in descending order of preference _cxx_conformance_cxx14, # C++11 is required, so list it last. Omit the comma as a # reminder not to append elements to the list. _cxx_conformance_cxx11 ), _CXXFLAGS=__cxx_conformance_CXXFLAGS, _successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : __cxx_conformance_CXXFLAGS} ): # Testing the compiler option parser only needs Compile, even when LTO # is enabled. Compile = self._Compile # GCC started with -std=gnu++0x for C++0x (later C++11). In gcc-4.7, # GCC began accepting -std=gnu++11. Since gcc-4.6 does not accept # some constructs used in the code, use the newer name here. # # Accepted options by version: # # gcc-4.6 -std=gnu++0x # # gcc-4.7 -std=gnu++0x # gcc-4.7 -std=gnu++11 # # gcc-4.8 -std=gnu++0x # gcc-4.8 -std=gnu++11 # gcc-4.8 -std=gnu++1y # # gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++0x # gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++11 # gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++1y # gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++14 # # gcc-5 -std=gnu++0x # gcc-5 -std=gnu++11 # gcc-5 -std=gnu++1y # gcc-5 -std=gnu++14 # gcc-5 -std=gnu++1z # gcc-5 -std=gnu++17 # # In all supported cases except gcc-4.8, gcc accepts the number-only # form if it accepts the approximated form. The only C++14 feature of # interest in gcc-4.8 is return type deduction, which cannot be used # until gcc-4.7 is retired. Therefore, it is acceptable for this # check not to detect C++14 support in gcc-4.8. for level in _levels: opt = '-std=gnu++%u' % level _CXXFLAGS[0] = opt if Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler accepts {opt}'.format(opt=opt), successflags=_successflags, calling_function='cxx%s' % level): self.__cxx_conformance = level return raise SCons.Errors.StopError('C++ compiler does not accept any supported C++ -std option.') def _Test(self,context,text,msg,action,main='',ext='.cpp',testflags={},successflags={},skipped=None,successmsg=None,failuremsg=None,expect_failure=False,calling_function=None): if calling_function is None: calling_function = self._find_calling_sconf_function() context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, msg)) if skipped is not None: context.Result('(skipped){skipped}'.format(skipped=skipped)) if self.user_settings.record_sconf_results: self._sconf_results.append((calling_function, 'skipped')) return env_flags = self.PreservedEnvironment(context.env, successflags.keys() + testflags.keys() + self.__flags_Werror.keys() + ['CPPDEFINES']) context.env.MergeFlags(successflags) forced, expected = self._check_sconf_forced(calling_function) caller_modified_env_flags = self.PreservedEnvironment(context.env, self.__flags_Werror.keys() + testflags.keys()) # Always pass -Werror context.env.Append(**self.__flags_Werror) context.env.Append(**testflags) # If forced is None, run the test. Otherwise, skip the test and # take an action determined by the value of forced. if forced is None: r = action(''' %s %s %s #undef main /* avoid -Dmain=SDL_main from libSDL */ int main(int argc,char**argv){(void)argc;(void)argv; %s ;} ''' % (self.__tool_versions, self.__defined_macros, text, main), ext) # Some tests check that the compiler rejects an input. # SConf considers the result a failure when the compiler # rejects the input. For tests that consider a rejection to # be the good result, this conditional flips the sense of # the result so that a compiler rejection is reported as # success. if expect_failure: r = not r context.Result((successmsg if r else failuremsg) or r) if expected is not None and r != expected: raise SCons.Errors.StopError('Expected and actual results differ. Test should %s, but it did not.' % ('succeed' if expected else 'fail')) else: choices = (self.sconf_force_failure, self.sconf_force_success, self.sconf_assume_success) if forced not in choices: try: forced = choices[int(forced)] except ValueError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced)) except IndexError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Out of range force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced)) if forced == self.sconf_force_failure: # Pretend the test returned a failure result r = False elif forced == self.sconf_force_success or forced == self.sconf_assume_success: # Pretend the test succeeded. Forced success modifies # the environment as if the test had run and succeeded. # Assumed success modifies the environment as if the # test had run and failed. # # The latter is used when the user arranges for the # environment to be correct. For example, if the # compiler understands C++14, but uses a non-standard # name for the option, the user would set assume-success # and add the appropriate option to CXXFLAGS. r = True else: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced)) # Flip the sense of the forced value, so that users can # treat "force-failure" as force-bad-result regardless of # whether the bad result is that the compiler rejected good # input or that the compiler accepted bad input. if expect_failure: r = not r context.Result('(forced){inverted}{forced}'.format(forced=forced, inverted='(inverted)' if expect_failure else '')) # On success, revert to base flags + successflags # On failure, revert to base flags if r and forced != self.sconf_assume_success: caller_modified_env_flags.restore(context.env) context.env.Replace(CPPDEFINES=env_flags['CPPDEFINES']) f = self.successful_flags # Move most CPPDEFINES to the generated header, so that # command lines are shorter. for k, v in successflags.iteritems(): if k == 'CPPDEFINES': continue f[k].extend(v) d = successflags.get('CPPDEFINES', None) if d: append_CPPDEFINE = f['CPPDEFINES'].append Define = context.sconf.Define for v in d: # v is 'NAME' for -DNAME # v is ('NAME', 'VALUE') for -DNAME=VALUE d = (v, None) if isinstance(v, str) else v if d[0] in ('_REENTRANT',): # Blacklist defines that must not be moved to the # configuration header. append_CPPDEFINE(v) continue Define(d[0], d[1]) else: env_flags.restore(context.env) self._sconf_results.append((calling_function, r)) return r def _Compile(self,context,_Test=_Test,**kwargs): return _Test(self, context,action=context.TryCompile, **kwargs) def Link(self,context,_Test=_Test,**kwargs): return _Test(self, context,action=context.TryLink, **kwargs) # Compile and link a program that uses a system library. On # success, return None. On failure, return a tuple indicating which # stage failed and providing a text error message to show to the # user. Some callers handle failure by retrying with other options. # Others abort the SConf run. def _soft_check_system_library(self,context,header,main,lib,successflags={}): include = '\n'.join(['#include <%s>' % h for h in header]) header = header[-1] # Test library. On success, good. On failure, test header to # give the user more help. if self.Link(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for usable library %s' % lib, successflags=successflags): return Compile = self.Compile if Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for usable header %s' % header, testflags=successflags): return (0, "Header %s is usable, but library %s is not usable." % (header, lib)) if Compile(context, text=include, main='', msg='for parseable header %s' % header, testflags=successflags): return (1, "Header %s is parseable, but cannot compile the test program." % header) return (2, "Header %s is missing or unusable." % header) # Compile and link a program that uses a system library. On # success, return None. On failure, abort the SConf run. def _check_system_library(self,*args,**kwargs): e = self._soft_check_system_library(*args, **kwargs) if e: raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e[1]) # User settings tests are hidden because they do not respect sconf_* # overrides, so the user should not be offered an override. @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_endian(self,context,__endian_names=('little', 'big')): cls = self.__class__ endian = self.user_settings.host_endian if endian is None: struct = cls.__python_import_struct if struct is None: import struct cls.__python_import_struct = struct a = struct.pack('cccc', '1', '2', '3', '4') unpack = struct.unpack i = unpack('i', a) if i == unpack('i', a): endian = 1 else: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown host endian: unpack('i', %r) == %r; set host_endian='big' or host_endian='little' as appropriate." % (a, i)) else: if endian == __endian_names[0]: endian = 0 else: endian = 1 context.Result('%s: checking endian to use...%s' % (self.msgprefix, __endian_names[endian])) self._define_macro(context, 'DXX_WORDS_BIGENDIAN', endian) @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_words_need_alignment(self,context): self._result_check_user_setting(context, self.user_settings.words_need_alignment, 'DXX_WORDS_NEED_ALIGNMENT', 'word alignment fixups') @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_opengl(self,context): user_settings = self.user_settings Result = context.Result Define = context.sconf.Define Define('DXX_USE_OGL', int(user_settings.opengl)) Define('DXX_USE_OGLES', int(user_settings.opengles)) if user_settings.opengles: s = 'OpenGL ES' elif user_settings.opengl: s = 'OpenGL' else: s = 'software renderer' Result('%s: building with %s' % (self.msgprefix, s)) def _result_check_user_setting(self,context,condition,CPPDEFINES,label,int=int,str=str): if isinstance(CPPDEFINES, str): context.sconf.Define(CPPDEFINES, int(condition)) elif condition: self.successful_flags['CPPDEFINES'].extend(CPPDEFINES) context.Result('%s: checking whether to enable %s...%s' % (self.msgprefix, label, 'yes' if condition else 'no')) @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_debug(self,context,_CPPDEFINES=(('NDEBUG',), ('RELEASE',))): self._result_check_user_setting(context, not self.user_settings.debug, _CPPDEFINES, 'release options') @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_memdebug(self,context,_CPPDEFINES=(('DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOCATIONS',),)): self._result_check_user_setting(context, self.user_settings.memdebug, _CPPDEFINES, 'memory allocation tracking') @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_editor(self,context,_CPPDEFINES='DXX_USE_EDITOR'): self._result_check_user_setting(context, self.user_settings.editor, _CPPDEFINES, 'level editor') @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_ipv6(self,context,_CPPDEFINES='DXX_USE_IPv6'): self._result_check_user_setting(context, self.user_settings.ipv6, _CPPDEFINES, 'IPv6 support') @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_udp(self,context,_CPPDEFINES='DXX_USE_UDP'): self._result_check_user_setting(context, self.user_settings.use_udp, _CPPDEFINES, 'multiplayer over UDP') @_custom_test def _check_user_settings_tracker(self,context,_CPPDEFINES='DXX_USE_TRACKER'): use_tracker = self.user_settings.use_tracker self._result_check_user_setting(context, use_tracker, _CPPDEFINES, 'UDP game tracker') # The legacy UDP tracker does not need either curl or jsoncpp. # The new HTTP tracker requires both. Force `use_tracker` to # False for now. Remove this comment and this assignment when # the HTTP tracker is made active. use_tracker = False if use_tracker: self.check_curl(context) self.check_jsoncpp(context) @_implicit_test def check_curl(self,context, _header=('curl/curl.h',), _guess_flags={'LIBS' : ['curl']}, _main=''' CURL *c = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, nullptr); curl_easy_cleanup(c); '''): successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.msgprefix, self.user_settings, 'libcurl', 'curl', _guess_flags).copy() successflags['CPPDEFINES'] = successflags.get('CPPDEFINES', []) + ['DXX_HAVE_LIBCURL'] self._check_system_library(context, header=_header, main=_main, lib='curl', successflags=successflags) @_implicit_test def check_jsoncpp(self,context, _header=( 'memory', 'json/json.h', ), _guess_flags={'LIBS' : ['jsoncpp'], 'CPPPATH': ['/usr/include/jsoncpp']}, _main=''' Json::Value v; v["a"] = "a"; v["b"] = 1; // This code is silly, but it uses many of the required // symbols, so if it builds, jsoncpp is probably installed correctly. const std::string &&s = Json::writeString(Json::StreamWriterBuilder(), v); std::string errs; std::unique_ptr( Json::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() )->parse(s.data(), &s.data()[s.size()], &v, &errs); '''): successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.msgprefix, self.user_settings, 'jsoncpp', 'jsoncpp', _guess_flags) self._check_system_library(context, header=_header, main=_main, lib='jsoncpp', successflags=successflags) @_custom_test def check_libphysfs(self,context,_header=('physfs.h',)): main = ''' PHYSFS_File *f; char b[1] = {0}; PHYSFS_init(""); f = PHYSFS_openWrite("a"); PHYSFS_sint64 w = PHYSFS_write(f, b, 1, 1); (void)w; PHYSFS_close(f); f = PHYSFS_openRead("a"); PHYSFS_sint64 r = PHYSFS_read(f, b, 1, 1); (void)r; PHYSFS_close(f); ''' l = ['physfs'] successflags = {'LIBS' : l} e = self._soft_check_system_library(context, header=_header, main=main, lib='physfs', successflags=successflags) if not e: return if e[0] == 0: context.Display("%s: physfs header usable; adding zlib and retesting library\n" % self.msgprefix) l.append('z') e = self._soft_check_system_library(context, header=_header, main=main, lib='physfs', successflags=successflags) if e: raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e[1]) @_custom_test def _check_SDL(self,context): if self.user_settings.sdl2: check_libSDL = self.check_libSDL2 check_SDL_mixer = self.check_SDL2_mixer else: check_libSDL = self.check_libSDL check_SDL_mixer = self.check_SDL_mixer check_libSDL(context) check_SDL_mixer(context) @_implicit_test def check_libSDL(self,context,_guess_flags={ 'LIBS' : ['SDL'] if sys.platform != 'darwin' else [], }): self._check_libSDL(context, '', _guess_flags) @_implicit_test def check_libSDL2(self,context,_guess_flags={ 'LIBS' : ['SDL2'] if sys.platform != 'darwin' else [], }): self._check_libSDL(context, '2', _guess_flags) def _check_libSDL(self,context,sdl2,guess_flags): user_settings = self.user_settings successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.msgprefix, user_settings, 'sdl%s' % sdl2, 'SDL%s' % sdl2, guess_flags).copy() if user_settings.max_joysticks: # If joysticks are enabled, but all possible inputs are # disabled, then disable joystick support. if not (user_settings.max_axes_per_joystick or user_settings.max_buttons_per_joystick or user_settings.max_hats_per_joystick): user_settings.max_joysticks = 0 else: # If joysticks are disabled, then disable all possible # inputs. user_settings.max_axes_per_joystick = user_settings.max_buttons_per_joystick = user_settings.max_hats_per_joystick = 0 successflags['CPPDEFINES'] = CPPDEFINES = successflags.get('CPPDEFINES', [])[:] CPPDEFINES.extend(( ('DXX_MAX_JOYSTICKS', user_settings.max_joysticks), ('DXX_MAX_AXES_PER_JOYSTICK', user_settings.max_axes_per_joystick), ('DXX_MAX_BUTTONS_PER_JOYSTICK', user_settings.max_buttons_per_joystick), ('DXX_MAX_HATS_PER_JOYSTICK', user_settings.max_hats_per_joystick), )) context.Display('%s: checking whether to enable joystick support...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, 'yes' if user_settings.max_joysticks else 'no')) # SDL2 removed CD-rom support. init_cdrom = '0' if sdl2 else 'SDL_INIT_CDROM' self._check_system_library(context,header=['SDL.h'],main=''' SDL_RWops *ops = reinterpret_cast(argv); #if DXX_MAX_JOYSTICKS #define DXX_SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | #else #define DXX_SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK #endif SDL_Init(DXX_SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK %s | SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO); #if DXX_MAX_JOYSTICKS auto n = SDL_NumJoysticks(); (void)n; #endif SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_FreeRW(ops); SDL_Quit(); ''' % init_cdrom, lib='SDL', successflags=successflags ) # SDL_mixer/SDL2_mixer use the same -I line as SDL/SDL2 @_implicit_test def check_SDL_mixer(self,context,_guess_flags={ 'LIBS' : ['SDL_mixer'] if sys.platform != 'darwin' else [], }): self._check_SDL_mixer(context, '', _guess_flags) @_implicit_test def check_SDL2_mixer(self,context,_guess_flags={ 'LIBS' : ['SDL2_mixer'] if sys.platform != 'darwin' else [], }): self._check_SDL_mixer(context, '2', _guess_flags) def _check_SDL_mixer(self,context,sdl2,guess_flags): mixer = 'SDL%s_mixer' % sdl2 user_settings = self.user_settings context.Display('%s: checking whether to use %s...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, mixer, 'yes' if user_settings.sdlmixer else 'no')) # SDL_mixer support? use_sdlmixer = user_settings.sdlmixer self._define_macro(context, 'DXX_USE_SDLMIXER', int(use_sdlmixer)) if not use_sdlmixer: return successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.msgprefix, user_settings, mixer, mixer, guess_flags) if user_settings.host_platform == 'darwin': successflags = successflags.copy() successflags['FRAMEWORKS'] = [mixer] relative_headers = 'Library/Frameworks/%s.framework/Headers' % mixer successflags['CPPPATH'] = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), relative_headers), '/%s' % relative_headers] self._check_system_library(context,header=['SDL_mixer.h'],main=''' int i = Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_FLAC | MIX_INIT_OGG); (void)i; Mix_Pause(0); Mix_ResumeMusic(); Mix_Quit(); ''', lib=mixer, successflags=successflags) @_custom_test def check_compiler_missing_field_initializers(self,context, _testflags_warn={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wmissing-field-initializers']}, _successflags_nowarn={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-missing-field-initializers']} ): """ Test whether the compiler warns for a statement of the form variable={}; gcc-4.x warns for this form, but -Wno-missing-field-initializers silences it. gcc-5 does not warn. This form is used extensively in the code as a shorthand for resetting variables to their default-constructed value. """ text = 'struct A{int a;};' main = 'A a{};(void)a;' Compile = self.Compile if Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler accepts {} initialization', testflags=_testflags_warn) or \ Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler understands -Wno-missing-field-initializers', successflags=_successflags_nowarn) or \ not Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler always errors for {} initialization', expect_failure=True): return raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler errors on {} initialization, even with -Wno-missing-field-initializers.") @_custom_test def check_compiler_extended_identifiers(self,context,main=r''' #define DXX_RENAME_IDENTIFIER2(I,N) I##$##N #define DXX_RENAME_IDENTIFIER(I,N) DXX_RENAME_IDENTIFIER2(I,N) #define DXX_extended a\u012b\u012f\u013d #define var DXX_RENAME_IDENTIFIER(var, DXX_extended) int var; (void)var; #undef var #undef DXX_extended #undef DXX_RENAME_IDENTIFIER #undef DXX_RENAME_IDENTIFIER2 ''',_successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-fextended-identifiers']}): Compile = self.Compile if Compile(context, text='', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts extended identifiers by default') or \ Compile(context, text='', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts extended identifiers with -fextended-identifiers', successflags=_successflags): return user_settings = self.user_settings user_settings._dxx_extended_identifiers = user_settings._dxx_disable_extended_identifiers @_custom_test def check_attribute_error(self,context): """ Test whether the compiler accepts and properly implements gcc's function attribute [__attribute__((__error__))][1]. A proper implementation will compile correctly if the function is declared and, after optimizations are applied, the function is not called. If this function attribute is not supported, then DXX_ALWAYS_ERROR_FUNCTION results in link-time errors, rather than compile-time errors. This test will report failure if the optimizer does not remove the call to the marked function. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html#index-g_t_0040code_007berror_007d-function-attribute-3097 help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((error)) """ self._check_function_dce_attribute(context, 'error') def _check_function_dce_attribute(self,context,attribute): __attribute__ = '__%s__' % attribute f = ''' void a()__attribute__((%s("a called"))); ''' % __attribute__ macro_name = '__attribute_%s(M)' % attribute Compile = self.Compile Define = context.sconf.Define if Compile(context, text=f, main='if("0"[0]==\'1\')a();', msg='whether compiler optimizes function __attribute__((%s))' % __attribute__): Define('DXX_HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_%s' % attribute.upper()) macro_value = '__attribute__((%s(M)))' % __attribute__ else: Compile(context, text=f, msg='whether compiler accepts function __attribute__((%s))' % __attribute__) and \ Compile(context, text=f, main='a();', msg='whether compiler understands function __attribute__((%s))' % __attribute__, expect_failure=True) macro_value = self.comment_not_supported Define(macro_name, macro_value) @_custom_test def check_builtin_bswap(self,context, _main=''' (void)__builtin_bswap64(static_cast(argc)); (void)__builtin_bswap32(static_cast(argc)); #ifdef DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP16 /* Added in gcc-4.8 */ (void)__builtin_bswap16(static_cast(argc)); #endif ''', _successflags_bswap16={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP', 'DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP16']}, _successflags_bswap={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP']}, ): """ Test whether the compiler accepts the gcc byte swapping intrinsic functions. These functions may be optimized into architecture-specific swap instructions when the idiomatic swap is not. u16 = (u16 << 8) | (u16 >> 8); The 32-bit version ([__builtin_bswap32][1]) and 64-bit version ([__builtin_bswap64][2]) are present in all supported versions of gcc. The 16-bit version ([__builtin_bswap16][3]) was added in gcc-4.8. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html#index-g_t_005f_005fbuiltin_005fbswap32-4135 [2]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html#index-g_t_005f_005fbuiltin_005fbswap64-4136 [3]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html#index-g_t_005f_005fbuiltin_005fbswap16-4134 """ include = ''' #include ''' Compile = self.Compile if Compile(context, text=include, main=_main, msg='whether compiler implements __builtin_bswap{16,32,64} functions', successflags=_successflags_bswap16) or \ Compile(context, text=include, main=_main, msg='whether compiler implements __builtin_bswap{32,64} functions', successflags=_successflags_bswap): return implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_optimize_builtin_constant_p', "assume compiler optimizes __builtin_constant_p")) @_custom_test def check_builtin_constant_p(self,context): """ Test whether the compiler accepts and properly implements gcc's intrinsic [__builtin_constant_p][1]. A proper implementation will compile correctly if the intrinsic is recognized and, after optimizations are applied, the intrinsic returns true for a constant input and that return value is used to optimize away dead code. If this intrinsic is not supported, or if applying optimizations does not make the intrinsic report true, then the test reports failure. A failure here disables some compile-time sanity checks. This test is known to fail when optimizations are disabled. The failure is not a bug in the test or in the compiler. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html#index-g_t_005f_005fbuiltin_005fconstant_005fp-4082 help:assume compiler supports compile-time __builtin_constant_p """ f = ''' int c(int); static int a(int b){ return __builtin_constant_p(b) ? 1 : %s; } ''' main = 'return a(1) + a(2)' Define = context.sconf.Define if self.Link(context, text=f % 'c(b)', main=main, msg='whether compiler optimizes __builtin_constant_p', calling_function='optimize_builtin_constant_p'): Define('DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P') Define('DXX_CONSTANT_TRUE(E)', '(__builtin_constant_p((E)) && (E))') dxx_builtin_constant_p = '__builtin_constant_p(A)' else: # This is present because it may be useful to see in the # debug log. It is not expected to modify the build # environment. self.Compile(context, text=f % '2', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_constant_p') dxx_builtin_constant_p = '((void)(A),0)' Define('dxx_builtin_constant_p(A)', dxx_builtin_constant_p) @_custom_test def check_builtin_expect(self,context): """ Test whether the compiler accepts gcc's intrinsic [__builtin_expect][1]. This intrinsic is a hint to the optimizer, which it may ignore. The test does not try to detect whether the optimizer respects such hints. When this test succeeds, conditional tests can hint to the optimizer which path should be considered hot. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html#index-g_t_005f_005fbuiltin_005fexpect-4083 """ main = ''' return __builtin_expect(argc == 1, 1) ? 1 : 0; ''' if self.Compile(context, text='', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_expect'): likely = '__builtin_expect(!!(A), 1)' unlikely = '__builtin_expect(!!(A), 0)' else: likely = unlikely = '(!!(A))' Define = context.sconf.Define Define('likely(A)', likely) Define('unlikely(A)', unlikely) @_custom_test def check_builtin_file(self,context): if self.Compile(context, text=''' static void f(const char * = __builtin_FILE(), unsigned = __builtin_LINE()) { } ''', main='f();', msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_FILE, __builtin_LINE'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_CXX_BUILTIN_FILE_LINE') @_custom_test def check_builtin_object_size(self,context): """ Test whether the compiler accepts and optimizes gcc's intrinsic [__builtin_object_size][1]. If this intrinsic is optimized, compile-time checks can verify that the caller-specified constant size of a variable does not exceed the compiler-determined size of the variable. If the compiler cannot determine the size of the variable, no compile-time check is done. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Object-Size-Checking.html#index-g_t_005f_005fbuiltin_005fobject_005fsize-3657 help:assume compiler supports __builtin_object_size """ f = ''' /* a() is never defined. An optimizing compiler will eliminate the * attempt to call it, allowing the Link to succeed. A non-optimizing * compiler will emit the call, and the Link will fail. */ int a(); static inline int a(char *c){ return __builtin_object_size(c,0) == 4 ? 1 : %s; } ''' main = ''' char c[4]; return a(c); ''' if self.Link(context, text=f % 'a()', main=main, msg='whether compiler optimizes __builtin_object_size'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_OBJECT_SIZE') else: self.Compile(context, text=f % '2', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_object_size') @_custom_test def check_embedded_compound_statement(self,context, _compound_statement_native=('', ''), _compound_statement_emulated=('[&]', '()') ): """ Test whether the compiler implements gcc's [statement expression][1] extension. If this extension is present, statements can be used where expressions are expected. If it is absent, it is emulated by defining, calling, and then discarding a lambda function. The compiler produces better error messages for errors in statement expressions than for errors in lambdas, so prefer statement expressions when they are available. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Statement-Exprs.html """ f = ''' return ({ 1 + 2; }); ''' t = _compound_statement_native if self.Compile(context, text='', main=f, msg='whether compiler understands embedded compound statements') else _compound_statement_emulated Define = context.sconf.Define Define('DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', t[0]) Define('DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', t[1]) Define('DXX_ALWAYS_ERROR_FUNCTION(F,S)', r'( DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT { \ void F() __attribute_error(S); \ F(); \ } DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT )', ''' Declare a function named F and immediately call it. If gcc's __attribute__((__error__)) is supported, __attribute_error will expand to use __attribute__((__error__)) with the explanatory string S, causing it to be a compilation error if this expression is not optimized out. Use this macro to implement static assertions that depend on values that are known to the optimizer, but are not considered "compile time constant expressions" for the purpose of the static_assert intrinsic. C++11 deleted functions cannot be used here because the compiler raises an error for the call before the optimizer has an opportunity to delete the call via a dead code elimination pass. ''') @_custom_test def check_attribute_always_inline(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((always_inline)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_always_inline()' macro_value = '__attribute__((__always_inline__))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test='%s static inline void a(){}' % macro_name, main='a();', msg='for function __attribute__((always_inline))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_alloc_size(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((alloc_size)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_alloc_size(A,...)' macro_value = '__attribute__((alloc_size(A, ## __VA_ARGS__)))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" char*a(int)__attribute_alloc_size(1); char*b(int,int)__attribute_alloc_size(1,2); """, msg='for function __attribute__((alloc_size))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_cold(self,context): """ Test whether the compiler accepts gcc's function attribute [__attribute__((cold))][1]. Use this to annotate functions which are rarely called, such as error reporting functions. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html#index-g_t_0040code_007bcold_007d-function-attribute-3090 help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((cold)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_cold' macro_value = '__attribute__((cold))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" __attribute_cold char*a(int); """, msg='for function __attribute__((cold))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_format_arg(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((format_arg)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_format_arg(A)' macro_value = '__attribute__((format_arg(A)))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" char*a(char*)__attribute_format_arg(1); """, msg='for function __attribute__((format_arg))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_format_printf(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((format(printf))) """ macro_name = '__attribute_format_printf(A,B)' macro_value = '__attribute__((format(printf,A,B)))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int a(char*,...)__attribute_format_printf(1,2); int b(char*)__attribute_format_printf(1,0); """, msg='for function __attribute__((format(printf)))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_malloc(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((malloc)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_malloc()' macro_value = '__attribute__((malloc))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int *a()__attribute_malloc(); """, msg='for function __attribute__((malloc))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_nonnull(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((nonnull)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_nonnull(...)' macro_value = '__attribute__((nonnull __VA_ARGS__))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int a(int*)__attribute_nonnull(); int b(int*)__attribute_nonnull((1)); """, msg='for function __attribute__((nonnull))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_noreturn(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((noreturn)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_noreturn' macro_value = '__attribute__((noreturn))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test='%s void a();void a(){for(;;);}' % macro_name, main='a();', msg='for function __attribute__((noreturn))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_used(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((used)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_used' macro_value = '__attribute__((used))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" static void a()__attribute_used; static void a(){} """, msg='for function __attribute__((used))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_unused(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((unused)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_unused' macro_value = '__attribute__((unused))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" __attribute_unused static void a(){} """, msg='for function __attribute__((unused))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_warn_unused_result(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_warn_unused_result' macro_value = '__attribute__((warn_unused_result))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int a()__attribute_warn_unused_result; int a(){return 0;} """, msg='for function __attribute__((warn_unused_result))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_warning(self,context,_check_function_dce_attribute=_check_function_dce_attribute): _check_function_dce_attribute(self, context, 'warning') def Cxx14Compile(self,context,*args,**kwargs): """ Test whether the compiler supports a C++14 feature. If the compiler failed the test for C++14 support, then the test is not run, but a message about skipping the test is printed and the test is assumed to fail. """ self.__skip_missing_cxx_std(self._cxx_conformance_cxx14, 'no C++14 support', kwargs) return self.Compile(context,*args,**kwargs) def __skip_missing_cxx_std(self,level,text,kwargs): if self.__cxx_conformance < level: kwargs.setdefault('skipped', text) def _check_static_assert_method(self,context,msg,f,testflags={},_tdict={'expr' : 'true&&true'},_fdict={'expr' : 'false||false'},**kwargs): _Compile = self.Compile return _Compile(context, text=f % _tdict, main='f(A());', msg=msg % 'true', testflags=testflags, **kwargs) and \ _Compile(context, text=f % _fdict, main='f(A());', msg=msg % 'false', expect_failure=True, successflags=testflags, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_boost_static_assert(self,context,f): """ help:assume Boost.StaticAssert works """ return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for Boost.StaticAssert when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT']}) @_implicit_test def check_c_typedef_static_assert(self,context,f): """ help:assume C typedef-based static assertion works """ return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for C typedef static assertion when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_C_TYPEDEF_STATIC_ASSERT']}) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_static_assert(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports C++ intrinsic static_assert """ return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for C++11 intrinsic static_assert when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT']}) @_custom_test def _check_static_assert(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-static_assert.h" static_assert(%(expr)s, "global"); struct A { static const bool value = %(expr)s; static_assert(%(expr)s, "class literal"); static_assert(A::value, "class static"); A() { static_assert(%(expr)s, "constructor literal"); static_assert(value, "constructor static"); } }; template struct B { static const bool value = %(expr)s; static_assert(%(expr)s, "template class literal"); static_assert(value, "template class static"); B(A a) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "constructor literal"); static_assert(value, "constructor self static"); static_assert(A::value, "constructor static"); static_assert(a.value, "constructor member"); } template B(B &&b) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "template constructor literal"); static_assert(value, "template constructor self static"); static_assert(B::value, "template constructor static"); static_assert(b.value, "template constructor member"); } }; template static void f(B b) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "template function literal"); static_assert(B::value, "template function static"); static_assert(b.value, "template function member"); } void f(A a); void f(A a) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "function literal"); static_assert(A::value, "function static"); static_assert(a.value, "function member"); f(B(B(a))); } ''' how = self.check_cxx11_static_assert(context,f) or self.check_boost_static_assert(context,f) or self.check_c_typedef_static_assert(context,f) @_custom_test def check_namespace_disambiguate(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX_DISAMBIGUATE_USING_NAMESPACE']}): self.Compile(context, text=''' namespace A { int a; } using namespace A; namespace B { class A; } using namespace B; ''', main='return A::a;', msg='whether compiler handles classes from "using namespace"', successflags=_successflags) @_custom_test def check_cxx11_required_features(self,context,_features=__cxx11_required_features): # First test all the features at once. If all work, then done. # If any fail, then the configure run will stop. _Compile = self.Compile if _Compile(context, text=_features.text, main=_features.main, msg='for required C++11 features'): return # Some failed. Run each test separately and report to the user # which ones failed. failures = [f.name for f in _features.features if not _Compile(context, text=f.text, main=f.main, msg='for C++11 %s' % f.name)] raise SCons.Errors.StopError(("C++ compiler does not support %s." % ', '.join(failures) ) if failures else 'C++ compiler supports each feature individually, but not all of them together. Please report this as a bug in the Rebirth configure script.') def _show_pch_count_message(self,context,which,user_setting): count = user_setting if user_setting else 0 context.Display('%s: checking when to pre-compile %s headers...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, which, ('if used at least %u time%s' % (count, 's' if count > 1 else '')) if count > 0 else 'never')) return count > 0 implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_pch_compile', "assume C++ compiler can create pre-compiled headers")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_pch_use', "assume C++ compiler can use pre-compiled headers")) @_custom_test def _check_pch(self,context, _Test=_Test, _testflags_compile_pch={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-x', 'c++-header']}, _testflags_use_pch={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Winvalid-pch', '-include', None]} ): self.pch_flags = None # Always evaluate both co = self._show_pch_count_message(context, 'own', self.user_settings.pch) cs = self._show_pch_count_message(context, 'system', self.user_settings.syspch) context.did_show_result = True if not co and not cs: return context.Display('%s: checking when to compute pre-compiled header input *pch.cpp...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, 'if missing' if self.user_settings.pch_cpp_assume_unchanged else 'always')) result = _Test(self, context, action=self.PCHAction(context), text='', msg='whether compiler can create pre-compiled headers', testflags=_testflags_compile_pch, calling_function='pch_compile') if not result: raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler cannot create pre-compiled headers.") _testflags_use_pch = _testflags_use_pch.copy() _testflags_use_pch['CXXFLAGS'][-1] = str(context.lastTarget)[:-4] result = self.Compile(context, text=''' /* This symbol is defined in the PCH. If the PCH is included, this * symbol will preprocess away to nothing. If the PCH is not included, * then the compiler is not using PCHs as expected. */ dxx_compiler_supports_pch ''', msg='whether compiler uses pre-compiled headers', testflags=_testflags_use_pch, calling_function='pch_use') if not result: raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler cannot use pre-compiled headers.") self.pch_flags = _testflags_compile_pch @_custom_test def _check_cxx11_explicit_delete(self,context): # clang 3.4 warns when a named parameter to a deleted function # is not used, even though there is no body in which it could be # used, so every named parameter to a deleted function is always # unused. f = 'int a(int %s)=delete;' if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named(context, f): # No bug: named parameters with explicitly deleted functions # work correctly. return if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named_unused(context, f): # Clang bug hit. Called function adds -Wno-unused-parameter # to work around the bug, but affected users will not get # warnings about parameters that are unused in regular # functions. return raise SCons.Errors.StopError( "C++ compiler rejects explicitly deleted functions with named parameters, even with -Wno-unused-parameter." \ if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_anonymous(context, f) else \ "C++ compiler does not support explicitly deleted functions." ) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with named parameters """ return self.Compile(context, text=f % 'b', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with named parameters') @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named_unused(self,context,f,_successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-unused-parameter']}): """ help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with named parameters with -Wno-unused-parameter """ return self.Compile(context, text=f % 'b', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with named parameters and -Wno-unused-parameter', successflags=_successflags) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_anonymous(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with anonymous parameters """ return self.Compile(context, text=f % '', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with anonymous parameters') @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_free_begin(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_BEGIN']},**kwargs): return self.Compile(context, msg='for C++11 functions begin(), end()', successflags=_successflags, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_boost_free_begin(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Range functions begin(), end()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_BEGIN']}, **kwargs) @_custom_test def _check_free_begin_function(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-begin.h" struct A { typedef int *iterator; typedef const int *const_iterator; iterator begin(){return 0;} iterator end(){return 0;} const_iterator begin() const{return 0;} const_iterator end() const{return 0;} }; #define F(C){\ C int a[1]{0};\ C A b{};\ if(begin(a)||end(a)||begin(b)||end(b))return 1;\ } ''' main = 'F()F(const)' if not self.check_cxx11_free_begin(context, text=f, main=main) and not self.check_boost_free_begin(context, text=f, main=main): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support free functions begin() and end().") @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_addressof(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_ADDRESSOF']},**kwargs): return self.Compile(context, msg='for C++11 function addressof()', successflags=_successflags, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_boost_addressof(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Utility function addressof()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_ADDRESSOF']}, **kwargs) @_custom_test def _check_free_addressof_function(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-addressof.h" struct A { void operator&(); }; ''' main = ''' A b; return addressof(b) != 0; ''' if not self.check_cxx11_addressof(context, text=f, main=main) and not self.check_boost_addressof(context, text=f, main=main): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support free function addressof().") @_custom_test def check_cxx14_exchange(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_EXCHANGE']}): f = ''' #include "compiler-exchange.h" ''' self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, main='return exchange(argc, 5)', msg='for C++14 exchange', successflags=_successflags) @_custom_test def check_cxx14_integer_sequence(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_INTEGER_SEQUENCE']}): f = ''' #include using std::integer_sequence; using std::index_sequence; ''' self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, msg='for C++14 integer_sequence', successflags=_successflags) @_custom_test def check_cxx14_make_unique(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_MAKE_UNIQUE']}): f = ''' #include "compiler-make_unique.h" ''' main = ''' make_unique(0); make_unique(1); ''' self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, main=main, msg='for C++14 make_unique', successflags=_successflags) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_inherit_constructor(self,context,text,_macro_value=_quote_macro_value(''' /* Use a typedef for the base type to avoid parsing issues when type * B is a qualified name. Without this typedef, B = std::BASE would * expand as `using std::BASE::std::BASE`, which causes a parsing error. * The correct way to inherit from std::BASE is `using std::BASE::BASE;`. * With using dxx_constructor_base_type = std::BASE;`, * `using dxx_constructor_base_type::dxx_constructor_base_type` produces * the correct result. */ using dxx_constructor_base_type = B,##__VA_ARGS__; using dxx_constructor_base_type::dxx_constructor_base_type;'''), **kwargs): """ help:assume compiler supports inheriting constructors """ blacklist_clang_libcxx = ''' /* Test for bug where clang + libc++ + constructor inheritance causes a * compilation failure when returning nullptr. * * Works: gcc * Works: clang + gcc libstdc++ * Works: old clang + old libc++ (cutoff date unknown). * Works: new clang + new libc++ + unique_ptr * Fails: new clang + new libc++ + unique_ptr (v3.6.0 confirmed broken). memory:2676:32: error: no type named 'type' in 'std::__1::enable_if >::__nat>'; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declaration typename enable_if<__same_or_less_cv_qualified<_Pp, pointer>::value, __nat>::type = __nat()) _NOEXCEPT ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .sconf_temp/conftest_43.cpp:26:11: note: in instantiation of member function 'std::__1::unique_ptr >::unique_ptr' requested here using B::B; ^ .sconf_temp/conftest_43.cpp:30:2: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'I' [with _Pp = I] return nullptr; ^ */ #include class I : std::unique_ptr { public: typedef std::unique_ptr B; using B::B; }; I a(); I a() { return nullptr; } ''' return _macro_value \ if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(leading_text=blacklist_clang_libcxx, macro_value=_macro_value), msg='for C++11 inherited constructors with good unique_ptr support', **kwargs) \ else None @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_variadic_forward_constructor(self,context,text,_macro_value=_quote_macro_value(''' template D(Args&&... args) : B,##__VA_ARGS__(std::forward(args)...) {} '''),**kwargs): """ help:assume compiler supports variadic template-based constructor forwarding """ return _macro_value \ if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(leading_text='#include \n', macro_value=_macro_value), msg='for C++11 variadic templates on constructors', **kwargs) \ else None @_custom_test def _check_forward_constructor(self,context,_text=''' {leading_text} #define DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS(D,B,...) {macro_value} struct A {{ A(int){{}} }}; struct B:A {{ DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS(B,A); }}; ''', _macro_define='DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS(D,B,...)', _methods=(check_cxx11_inherit_constructor, check_cxx11_variadic_forward_constructor) ): for f in _methods: macro_value = f(self, context, text=_text, main='B(0)') if macro_value: context.sconf.Define(_macro_define, macro_value, ''' Declare that derived type D inherits applicable constructors from base type B. Use a variadic macro with the base type second so that types such as std::pair pass through correctly without the need to parenthesize them. ''') return raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support constructor forwarding.") @_custom_test def check_cxx11_ref_qualifier(self,context): text = ''' struct A { int a()const &{return 1;} int a()const &&{return 2;} }; ''' main = ''' A a; return a.a() != A().a(); ''' if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='for C++11 reference qualified methods'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_CXX11_REF_QUALIFIER') @_custom_test def check_deep_tuple(self,context): text = ''' #include static inline std::tuple<{type}> make() {{ return std::make_tuple({value}); }} static void a(){{ std::tuple<{type}> t = make(); (void)t; }} ''' count = 20 Compile = self.Compile if Compile(context, text=text.format(type=','.join(('int',)*count), value=','.join(('0',)*count)), main='a()', msg='whether compiler handles 20-element tuples'): return count = 2 raise SCons.Errors.StopError( "Compiler cannot handle tuples of 20 elements. Raise the template instantiation depth." \ if Compile(context, text=text.format(type=','.join(('int',)*count), value=','.join(('0',)*count)), main='a()', msg='whether compiler handles 2-element tuples') \ else "Compiler cannot handle tuples of 2 elements." ) @_implicit_test def check_poison_valgrind(self,context): ''' help:add Valgrind annotations; wipe certain freed memory when running under Valgrind ''' context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, 'whether to use Valgrind poisoning')) r = 'valgrind' in self.user_settings.poison context.Result(r) self._define_macro(context, 'DXX_HAVE_POISON_VALGRIND', int(r)) if not r: return text = ''' #define DXX_HAVE_POISON 1 #include "poison.h" ''' main = ''' DXX_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(&argc, sizeof(argc)); ''' if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether Valgrind memcheck header works'): return True raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Valgrind poison requested, but does not work.") @_implicit_test def check_poison_overwrite(self,context): ''' help:always wipe certain freed memory ''' context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, 'whether to use overwrite poisoning')) r = 'overwrite' in self.user_settings.poison context.Result(r) self._define_macro(context, 'DXX_HAVE_POISON_OVERWRITE', int(r)) return r @_custom_test def _check_poison_method(self,context, _methods=(check_poison_overwrite, check_poison_valgrind), poison=0 ): # Always run both checks. The user may want a program that # always uses overwrite poisoning and, when running under # Valgrind, marks the memory as undefined. for f in _methods: if f(self, context): poison = 1 self._define_macro(context, 'DXX_HAVE_POISON', poison) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_size_type_size', "assume size_t is formatted as `size_t`")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_size_type_long', "assume size_t is formatted as `unsigned long`")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_size_type_int', "assume size_t is formatted as `unsigned int`")) implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_size_type_I64', "assume size_t is formatted as `unsigned I64`")) @_custom_test def _check_size_type_format_modifier(self,context,_text=''' #include #define DXX_PRI_size_type %s __attribute_format_printf(1, 2) void f(const char *, ...); void f(const char *, ...) { } ''',_main=''' std::size_t s = 0; f("%" DXX_PRI_size_type, s); '''): ''' The test must declare a custom function to call with this format string. gcc has hardcoded knowledge about how printf works, but that knowledge on Mingw64 differs from the processing of __attribute__((format(printf,...))). Mingw64 requires I64u for __attribute__((format)) functions, but llu for printf. Mingw32 is consistent in its use of u. Linux gcc is consistent in its use of lu. -- cut -- #include #include __attribute__((format(printf,1,2))) void f(const char *,...); void a() { std::size_t b = 0; printf("%I64u", b); f("%I64u", b); printf("%llu", b); f("%llu", b); printf("%lu", b); f("%lu", b); printf("%u", b); f("%u", b); } -- cut -- $ x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-5.4.0 -x c++ -S -Wformat -o /dev/null - : In function 'void a()': :6:19: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :9:13: warning: unknown conversion type character 'l' in format [-Wformat=] :9:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] :10:17: warning: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :11:12: warning: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :12:16: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :13:11: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] $ i686-w64-mingw32-g++-5.4.0 -x c++ -S -Wformat -o /dev/null - : In function 'void a()': :7:14: warning: format '%I64u' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :8:18: warning: format '%llu' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :9:13: warning: unknown conversion type character 'l' in format [-Wformat=] :9:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] :10:17: warning: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :11:12: warning: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] $ mingw32-g++-5.4.0 -x c++ -S -Wformat -o /dev/null - : In function 'void a()': :6:19: warning: format '%I64u' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :7:14: warning: format '%I64u' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :8:18: warning: unknown conversion type character 'l' in format [-Wformat=] :8:18: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] :9:13: warning: unknown conversion type character 'l' in format [-Wformat=] :9:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args] :10:17: warning: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :11:12: warning: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] $ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++-5.4.0 -x c++ -S -Wformat -o /dev/null - : In function 'void a()': :6:19: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :7:14: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :8:18: warning: format '%llu' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :9:13: warning: format '%llu' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :12:16: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] :13:11: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'std::size_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=] ''' # Test types in order of decreasing probability. for how in ( # Linux ('z', 'size_type_size'), ('l', 'size_type_long'), # Win64 ('I64', 'size_type_I64'), # Win32 ('', 'size_type_int'), ): DXX_PRI_size_type = how[0] f = '"%su"' % DXX_PRI_size_type if self.Compile(context, text=_text % f, main=_main, msg='whether to format std::size_t with "%%%su"' % DXX_PRI_size_type, calling_function=how[1]): context.sconf.Define('DXX_PRI_size_type', f) return raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler rejects all candidate format strings for std::size_t.") @_custom_test def check_compiler_useless_cast(self,context): Compile = self.Compile flags = {'CXXFLAGS' : [get_Werror_string(context.env['CXXFLAGS']) + 'useless-cast']} if Compile(context, text=''' #include ''', main=''' return SDL_Swap32(argc); ''', msg='whether compiler argument -Wuseless-cast works with SDL', successflags=flags): return # <=clang-3.7 does not understand -Wuseless-cast # This test does not influence the compile environment, but is # run to distinguish in the output whether the failure is # because the compiler does not accept -Wuseless-cast or because # SDL's headers provoke a warning from -Wuseless-cast. Compile(context, text='', main='', msg='whether compiler accepts -Wuseless-cast', testflags=flags) @_custom_test def check_compiler_ptrdiff_cast_int(self,context): context.sconf.Define('DXX_ptrdiff_cast_int', 'static_cast' if self.Compile(context, text=''' #include ''', main=''' char a[8]; snprintf(a, sizeof(a), "%.*s", static_cast(&argv[0][1] - &argv[0][0]), "0"); ''', msg='whether to cast operator-(T*,T*) to int') else '', ''' For mingw32-gcc-5.4.0 and x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-5.4.0, gcc defines `long operator-(T *, T *)`. For mingw32, gcc reports a useless cast converting `long` to `int`. For x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, gcc does not report a useless cast converting `long` to `int`. Various parts of the code take the difference of two pointers, then cast it to `int` to be passed as a parameter to `snprintf` field width conversion `.*`. The field width conversion is defined to take `int`, so the cast is necessary to avoid a warning from `-Wformat` on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, but is not necessary on mingw32. However, the cast causes a -Wuseless-cast warning on mingw32. Resolve these conflicting requirements by defining a macro that expands to `static_cast` on platforms where the cast is required and expands to nothing on platforms where the cast is useless. ''' ) @_custom_test def check_strcasecmp_present(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_STRCASECMP']}): main = ''' return !strcasecmp(argv[0], argv[0] + 1) && !strncasecmp(argv[0] + 1, argv[0], 1); ''' self.Compile(context, text='#include ', main=main, msg='for strcasecmp', successflags=_successflags) @_custom_test def check_getaddrinfo_present(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_GETADDRINFO']}): self.Compile(context, text=''' #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #endif #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif ''', main=''' addrinfo *res = nullptr; const addrinfo *hints = nullptr; int i = getaddrinfo("", "", hints, &res); (void)i; freeaddrinfo(res); return 0; ''', msg='for getaddrinfo', successflags=_successflags) @_custom_test def check_timespec_present(self,context,_successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC']}): self.Compile(context, text=''' #include ''', main=''' struct timespec ts; (void)ts; return 0; ''', msg='for struct timespec', successflags=_successflags) __preferred_compiler_options = [ '-fvisibility=hidden', '-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn', '-Wlogical-op', '-Wold-style-cast', ] __preferred_win32_linker_options = [ '-Wl,--large-address-aware', '-Wl,--dynamicbase', '-Wl,--nxcompat', ] if os.getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') is None: __preferred_win32_linker_options += ['-Wl,--insert-timestamp'] def __mangle_compiler_option_name(opt): return 'check_compiler_option%s' % opt.replace('-', '_').replace('=', '_') def __mangle_linker_option_name(opt): return 'check_linker_option%s' % opt.replace('-', '_').replace(',', '_') @_custom_test def check_preferred_compiler_options(self,context, ccopts=__preferred_compiler_options, ldopts=(), _text=''' /* clang on OS X incorrectly diagnoses mistakes in Apple system headers * even when -Wsystem-headers is not specified. Include one known buggy * header here, so that the compilation will fail and the compiler will be * marked as not supporting -Wold-style-cast. */ #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) #include #endif ''', _mangle_compiler_option_name=__mangle_compiler_option_name, _mangle_linker_option_name=__mangle_linker_option_name ): if self.user_settings.host_platform == 'win32': ldopts = self.__preferred_win32_linker_options Compile = self.Compile Link = self.Link f, desc = (Link, 'linker') if ldopts else (Compile, 'compiler') if f(context, text=_text, main='', msg='whether %s accepts preferred options' % desc, successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ccopts, 'LINKFLAGS' : ldopts}, calling_function='preferred_%s_options' % desc): # Everything is supported. Skip individual tests. return # Compiler+linker together failed. Check if compiler alone will work. if f is Compile or not Compile(context, text=_text, main='', msg='whether compiler accepts preferred options', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ccopts}): # Compiler alone failed. # Run down the individual compiler options to find any that work. for opt in ccopts: Compile(context, text=_text, main='', msg='whether compiler accepts option %s' % opt, successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : (opt,)}, calling_function=_mangle_compiler_option_name(opt)[6:]) # Run down the individual linker options to find any that work. for opt in ldopts: Link(context, text=_text, main='', msg='whether linker accepts option %s' % opt, successflags={'LINKFLAGS' : (opt,)}, calling_function=_mangle_linker_option_name(opt)[6:]) @classmethod def register_preferred_compiler_options(cls, ccopts = __preferred_compiler_options, # Always register target-specific tests on the class. Individual # targets will decide whether to run the tests. ldopts = __preferred_win32_linker_options, RecordedTest = Collector.RecordedTest, record = implicit_tests.append, _mangle_compiler_option_name=__mangle_compiler_option_name, _mangle_linker_option_name=__mangle_linker_option_name ): del cls.register_preferred_compiler_options record(RecordedTest('check_preferred_linker_options', 'assume linker accepts preferred options')) mangle = _mangle_compiler_option_name for opt in ccopts: record(RecordedTest(mangle(opt), 'assume compiler accepts %s' % opt)) mangle = _mangle_linker_option_name for opt in ldopts: record(RecordedTest(mangle(opt), 'assume linker accepts %s' % opt)) assert cls.custom_tests[0].name == cls.check_cxx_works.__name__, cls.custom_tests[0].name assert cls.custom_tests[-1].name == cls._restore_cxx_prefix.__name__, cls.custom_tests[-1].name # This must be the last custom test. It does not test the environment, # but is responsible for reversing test-environment-specific changes made # by check_cxx_works. @_custom_test def _restore_cxx_prefix(self,context): sconf = context.sconf sconf.config_h_text = self.__commented_tool_versions + sconf.config_h_text context.env['CXXCOM'] = self.__cxx_com_prefix context.did_show_result = True ConfigureTests.register_preferred_compiler_options() class cached_property(object): def __init__(self,f): self.method = f self.name = f.__name__ def __get__(self,instance,cls): # This should never be accessed directly on the class. assert instance is not None name = self.name d = instance.__dict__ # After the first access, Python should find the cached value in # the instance dictionary instead of calling __get__ again. assert name not in d d[name] = r = self.method(instance) return r class LazyObjectConstructor(object): def __lazy_objects(self,source, cache={}, __strip_extension=lambda _, name, _splitext=os.path.splitext: _splitext(name)[0] ): env = self.env # Use id because name needs to be hashable and have a 1-to-1 # mapping to source. name = (id(env), id(source)) try: return cache[name] except KeyError as e: StaticObject = env.StaticObject OBJSUFFIX = env['OBJSUFFIX'] builddir = self.user_settings.builddir # Convert to a tuple so that attempting to modify a cached # result raises an error. value = tuple([ StaticObject(target='%s%s%s' % (builddir, transform_target(self, srcname), OBJSUFFIX), source=srcname, **({} if transform_env is None else transform_env(env)) ) \ for s in source \ # This is a single iteration comprehension to work # around the inability to assign variables as part of a # normal comprehension. It iterates over one of two # single element tuples. The choice of tuple is # controlled by the isinstance check. Each single # element tuple consists of (F, T, L) where F is the # function to bind as `transform_target`, T is the # function to bind as `transform_env` (or None), and L # is an iterable to bind as `t`. for transform_target, transform_env, t in ( \ ((__strip_extension, None, (s,)),) \ if isinstance(s, str) \ else (( \ s.get('transform_target', __strip_extension), \ s.get('transform_env', None), \ s['source'], \ ),) \ ) \ for srcname in t \ ]) cache[name] = value return value @staticmethod def create_lazy_object_getter(sources,__lazy_objects=__lazy_objects): return lambda s, _f=__lazy_objects, _sources=sources: _f(s, _sources) class FilterHelpText: _sconf_align = None def __init__(self): self.visible_arguments = [] def FormatVariableHelpText(self, env, opt, help, default, actual, aliases): if not opt in self.visible_arguments: return '' if not self._sconf_align: self._sconf_align = len(max((s for s in self.visible_arguments if s[:6] == 'sconf_'), key=len)) l = [] if default is not None: if isinstance(default, str) and not default.isalnum(): default = '"%s"' % default l.append("default: {default}".format(default=default)) actual = getattr(self, opt, None) if actual is not None: if isinstance(actual, str) and not actual.isalnum(): actual = '"%s"' % actual l.append("current: {current}".format(current=actual)) return (" {opt:%u} {help}{l}\n" % (self._sconf_align if opt[:6] == 'sconf_' else 15)).format(opt=opt, help=help, l=(" [" + "; ".join(l) + "]" if l else '')) class PCHManager(object): class ScannedFile: def __init__(self,candidates): self.candidates = candidates syspch_cpp_filename = None ownpch_cpp_filename = None syspch_object_node = None ownpch_object_node = None required_pch_object_node = None # Compile on first use, so that non-PCH builds skip the compile _re_preproc_match = None _re_include_match = None _re_singleline_comments_sub = None # Source files are tracked at class scope because all builds share # the same source tree. _cls_scanned_files = None # Import required modules when the first PCHManager is created, then # remove the hook and use object.__new__ to create PCHManager # instances. def __new__(cls,*args): from re import compile as c # Match C preprocessor directives that start with i or e, # capture any arguments, and allow no arguments. This accepts: # - #if # - #ifdef # - #ifndef # - #else # - #endif # - #include # - #error cls._re_preproc_match = c(r'#\s*([ie]\w+)(?:\s+(.*))?').match # Capture the argument in a #include statement, including the # angle brackets or quotes. # # Rebirth currently has no computed includes, so ignore computed # includes. cls._re_include_match = c(r'(<[^>]+>|"[^"]+")').match # Strip a single-line C++ style comment ("// Text") and any # preceding whitespace. The C preprocessor will discard these # when compiling the header. Discarding them from the # environment Value will prevent rebuilding pch.cpp when the # only change is in such a comment. cls._re_singleline_comments_sub = c(r'\s*//.*').sub # dict with key=filename with path, value=ScannedFile cls._cls_scanned_files = {} from tempfile import mkstemp cls._tempfile_mkstemp = staticmethod(mkstemp) del cls.__new__ return cls.__new__(cls,*args) def __init__(self,user_settings,env,pch_subdir,configure_pch_flags,common_pch_manager): assert user_settings.syspch or user_settings.pch self.user_settings = user_settings self.env = env # dict with key=fs.File, value=ScannedFile self._instance_scanned_files = {} self._common_pch_manager = common_pch_manager syspch_cpp_filename = ownpch_cpp_filename = None syspch_object_node = None CXXFLAGS = env['CXXFLAGS'] + configure_pch_flags['CXXFLAGS'] File = env.File if user_settings.syspch: self.syspch_cpp_filename = syspch_cpp_filename = os.path.join(user_settings.builddir, pch_subdir, 'syspch.cpp') self.syspch_cpp_node = File(syspch_cpp_filename) self.required_pch_object_node = self.syspch_object_node = syspch_object_node = env.StaticObject(target='%s.gch' % syspch_cpp_filename, source=self.syspch_cpp_node, CXXCOM=env._dxx_cxxcom_no_ccache_prefix, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS) if user_settings.pch: self.ownpch_cpp_filename = ownpch_cpp_filename = os.path.join(user_settings.builddir, pch_subdir, 'ownpch.cpp') self.ownpch_cpp_node = File(ownpch_cpp_filename) if syspch_object_node: CXXFLAGS += ['-include', syspch_cpp_filename, '-Winvalid-pch'] self.required_pch_object_node = self.ownpch_object_node = ownpch_object_node = env.StaticObject(target='%s.gch' % ownpch_cpp_filename, source=self.ownpch_cpp_node, CXXCOM=env._dxx_cxxcom_no_ccache_prefix, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS) env.Depends(ownpch_object_node, File(os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, 'dxxsconf.h'))) if syspch_object_node: env.Depends(ownpch_object_node, syspch_object_node) self.pch_CXXFLAGS = ['-include', ownpch_cpp_filename or syspch_cpp_filename, '-Winvalid-pch'] # If assume unchanged and the file exists, set __files_included # to a dummy value. This bypasses scanning source files and # guarantees that the text of pch.cpp is not changed. SCons # will still recompile pch.cpp into a new .gch file if pch.cpp # includes files that SCons recognizes as changed. if user_settings.pch_cpp_assume_unchanged and \ (not syspch_cpp_filename or os.path.exists(syspch_cpp_filename)) and \ (not ownpch_cpp_filename or os.path.exists(ownpch_cpp_filename)): self.__files_included = True else: # collections.defaultdict with key from ScannedFile.candidates, # value is a collections.Counter with key=tuple of preprocessor # guards, value=count of times this header was included under # that set of guards. self.__files_included = defaultdict(collections_counter) self.__env_Program = env.Program self.__env_StaticObject = env.StaticObject env.Program = self.Program env.StaticObject = self.StaticObject def record_file(self,env,source_file): # Every scanned file goes into self._cls_scanned_files to # prevent duplicate scanning from multiple targets. f = self._cls_scanned_files.get(source_file, None) if f is None: self._cls_scanned_files[source_file] = f = self.scan_file(env, source_file) self._instance_scanned_files[source_file] = f return f # Scan a file for preprocessor directives related to conditional # compilation and file inclusion. # # The #include directives found are eventually written to pch.cpp # with their original preprocessor guards in place. Since the # preprocessor guards are kept and the C preprocessor will evaluate # them when compiling the header, this scanner does not attempt to # track which branches are true and which are false. # # This scanner makes no attempt to normalize guard conditions. It # considers each of these examples to be distinct guards, even # though a full preprocessor will produce the same result for each: # # #if 1 # #if 2 # #if 3 < 5 # # or: # # #ifdef A # #if defined(A) # #if (defined(A)) # #if !!defined(A) # # or: # # #ifndef A # #else # #endif # # #ifdef A # #endif # # Include directives are followed only if the calling file will not # be part of the output pch.cpp. When the calling file will be in # pch.cpp, then the C preprocessor will include the called file, so # there is no need to scan it for other headers to include. # # This scanner completely ignores pragmas, #define, #undef, and # computed includes. @classmethod def scan_file(cls,env,source_filenode): match_preproc_directive = cls._re_preproc_match match_include_directive = cls._re_include_match preceding_line = None lines_since_preprocessor = None # defaultdict with key=name of header to include, value=set of # preprocessor guards under which an include was seen. Set is # used because duplicate inclusions from a single source file # should not adjust the usage counter. candidates = defaultdict(set) # List of currently active preprocessor guards guard = [] header_search_path = None os_path_join = os.path.join os_path_exists = os.path.exists for line in map(str.strip, source_filenode.get_contents().splitlines()): if preceding_line is not None: # Basic support for line continuation. line = '%s %s' % (preceding_line[:-1], line) preceding_line = None elif not line.startswith('#'): # Allow unlimited non-preprocessor lines before the # first preprocessor line. Once one preprocessor line # is found, track how many lines since the most recent # preprocessor line was seen. If too many # non-preprocessor lines appear in a row, assume the # scanner is now down in source text and move to the # next file. if lines_since_preprocessor is not None: lines_since_preprocessor += 1 if lines_since_preprocessor > 50: break continue lines_since_preprocessor = 0 # Joined lines are rare. Ignore complicated quoting. if line[-1] == '\\': preceding_line = line continue m = match_preproc_directive(line) if not m: # Not a preprocessor directive or not a directive that # this scanner handles. continue directive = m.group(1) if directive == 'include': m = match_include_directive(m.group(2)) if not m: # This directive is probably a computed include. continue name = m.group(1) bare_name = name[1:-1] if name[0] == '"': # Canonicalize paths to non-system headers if name == '"dxxsconf.h"': # Ignore generated header here. PCH generation # will insert it in the right order. continue if header_search_path is None: header_search_path = [ d for d in ([os.path.dirname(str(source_filenode))] + env['CPPPATH']) # Filter out SDL paths if not d.startswith('/') ] name = None for d in header_search_path: effective_name = os_path_join(d, bare_name) if os_path_exists(effective_name): name = effective_name break if name is None: # name is None if: # - A system header was included using quotes. # # - A game-specific header was included in a # shared file. A game-specific preprocessor # guard will prevent the preprocessor from # including the file, but the PCH scan logic # looks inside branches that the C preprocessor # will evaluate as false. continue name = env.File(name) candidates[name].add(tuple(guard)) elif directive == 'endif': # guard should always be True here, but test to avoid # ugly errors if scanning an ill-formed source file. if guard: guard.pop() elif directive == 'else': # #else is handled separately because it has no # arguments guard.append('#%s' % directive) elif directive in ( 'elif', 'if', 'ifdef', 'ifndef', ): guard.append('#%s %s' % (directive, m.group(2))) elif directive not in ('error',): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Scanning %s found unhandled C preprocessor directive %r" % (str(source_filenode), directive)) return cls.ScannedFile(candidates) def _compute_pch_text(self): self._compute_indirect_includes() own_header_inclusion_threshold = self.user_settings.pch sys_header_inclusion_threshold = self.user_settings.syspch configured_threshold = 0x7fffffff if self.user_settings.pch_cpp_exact_counts else None # defaultdict with key=name of tuple of active preprocessor # guards, value=tuple of (included file, count of times file was # seen with this set of guards, count of times file would be # included with this set of guards defined). syscpp_includes = defaultdict(list) owncpp_includes = defaultdict(list) if own_header_inclusion_threshold else None for included_file, usage_dict in self.__files_included.iteritems(): if isinstance(included_file, str): # System header cpp_includes = syscpp_includes name = included_file threshold = own_header_inclusion_threshold if sys_header_inclusion_threshold is None else sys_header_inclusion_threshold else: # Own header cpp_includes = owncpp_includes name = '"%s"' % included_file threshold = own_header_inclusion_threshold if not threshold: continue count_threshold = configured_threshold or threshold g = usage_dict.get((), 0) # As a special case, if this header is included # without any preprocessor guards, ignore all the # conditional includes. guards = \ [((), g)] if (g >= threshold) else \ sorted(usage_dict.iteritems(), reverse=True) while guards: preprocessor_guard_directives, local_count_seen = guards.pop() total_count_seen = local_count_seen if total_count_seen < count_threshold: # If not eligible on its own, add in the count from # preprocessor guards that are always true when this # set of guards is true. Since the scanner does not # normalize preprocessor directives, this is a # conservative count of always-true guards. g = preprocessor_guard_directives while g and total_count_seen < count_threshold: g = g[:-1] total_count_seen += usage_dict.get(g, 0) if total_count_seen < threshold: # If still not eligible, skip. continue cpp_includes[preprocessor_guard_directives].append((name, local_count_seen, total_count_seen)) if syscpp_includes: self.__generated_syspch_lines = self._compute_pch_generated_lines(syscpp_includes) if owncpp_includes: self.__generated_ownpch_lines = self._compute_pch_generated_lines(owncpp_includes) def _compute_pch_generated_lines(self,cpp_includes): generated_pch_lines = [] # Append guarded #include directives for files which passed the # usage threshold above. This loop could try to combine related # preprocessor guards, but: # - The C preprocessor handles the noncombined guards correctly. # - As a native program optimized for text processing, the C # preprocessor almost certainly handles guard checking faster # than this script could handle guard merging. # - This loop runs whenever pch.cpp might be regenerated, even # if the result eventually shows that pch.cpp has not changed. # The C preprocessor will only run over the file when it is # actually changed and is processed to build a new .gch file. for preprocessor_guard_directives, included_file_tuples in sorted(cpp_includes.iteritems()): generated_pch_lines.append('') generated_pch_lines.extend(preprocessor_guard_directives) # local_count_seen is the direct usage count for this # combination of preprocessor_guard_directives. # # total_count_seen is the sum of local_count_seen and all # guards that are a superset of this # preprocessor_guard_directives. The total stops counting # when it reaches threshold, so it may undercount actual # usage. for (name, local_count_seen, total_count_seen) in sorted(included_file_tuples): generated_pch_lines.append('#include %s\t// %u %u' % (name, local_count_seen, total_count_seen)) # d[2] == l if d is '#else' or d is '#elif' # Only generate #endif when d is a '#if*' directive, since # '#else/#elif' do not introduce a new scope. generated_pch_lines.extend('#endif' for d in preprocessor_guard_directives if d[2] != 'l') return generated_pch_lines def _compute_indirect_includes(self): own_header_inclusion_threshold = None if self.user_settings.pch_cpp_exact_counts else self.user_settings.pch # Count how many times each header is used for each preprocessor # guard combination. After the outer loop finishes, # files_included is a dictionary that maps the name of the # include file to a collections.counter instance. The mapped # counter maps a preprocessor guard to a count of how many times # it was used. # # Given: # # a.cpp # #include "a.h" # #ifdef A # #include "b.h" # #endif # # b.cpp # #include "b.h" # # files_included = { # 'a.h' : { () : 1 } # 'b.h' : { # ('#ifdef A',) : 1, # From a.cpp # () : 1, # From b.cpp # } # } files_included = self.__files_included for scanned_file in self._instance_scanned_files.itervalues(): for included_file, guards in scanned_file.candidates.iteritems(): i = files_included[included_file] for g in guards: i[g] += 1 # If own_header_inclusion_threshold == 1, then every header # found will be listed in pch.cpp, so any indirect headers will # be included by the C preprocessor. if own_header_inclusion_threshold == 1: return # For each include file which is below the threshold, scan it # for includes which may end up above the threshold. File = self.env.File includes_to_check = sorted(files_included.iterkeys(), key=str) while includes_to_check: included_file = includes_to_check.pop() if isinstance(included_file, str): # System headers are str. Internal headers are # fs.File. continue guards = files_included[included_file] unconditional_use_count = guards.get((), 0) if unconditional_use_count >= own_header_inclusion_threshold and own_header_inclusion_threshold: # Header will be unconditionally included in the PCH. continue f = self.record_file(self.env, File(included_file)) for nested_included_file, nested_guards in sorted(f.candidates.iteritems(), key=str): if not isinstance(included_file, str) and not nested_included_file in files_included: # If the header is a system header, it will be # str. Skip system headers. # # Otherwise, if it has not been seen before, # append it to includes_to_check for recursive # scanning. includes_to_check.append(nested_included_file) i = files_included[nested_included_file] # If the nested header is included # unconditionally, skip the generator. for g in (nested_guards if unconditional_use_count else (a + b for a in guards for b in nested_guards)): i[g] += 1 @classmethod def write_pch_inclusion_file(cls,target,source,env): target = str(target[0]) fd, path = cls._tempfile_mkstemp(suffix='', prefix='%s.' % os.path.basename(target), dir=os.path.dirname(target), text=True) # source[0].get_contents() returns the comment-stripped form os.write(fd, source[0].__generated_pch_text) os.close(fd) os.rename(path, target) def StaticObject(self,target,source,CXXFLAGS=None,*args,**kwargs): env = self.env source = env.File(source) o = self.__env_StaticObject(target=target, source=source, CXXFLAGS=self.pch_CXXFLAGS + (env['CXXFLAGS'] if CXXFLAGS is None else CXXFLAGS), *args, **kwargs) # Force an order dependency on the .gch file. It is never # referenced by the command line or the source files, so SCons # may not recognize it as an input. env.Requires(o, self.required_pch_object_node) if self.__files_included is not True: self.record_file(env, source) return o def Program(self,*args,**kwargs): self._register_pch_commands() if self._common_pch_manager: self._common_pch_manager._register_pch_commands() return self.__env_Program(*args, **kwargs) def _register_pch_commands(self): if self.__files_included: # Common code calls this function once for each game which # uses it. Only one call is necessary for proper operation. # Ignore all later calls. return self._compute_pch_text() syspch_lines = self.__generated_syspch_lines pch_begin_banner_template = ''' // BEGIN PCH GENERATED FILE // %r // Threshold=%u ''' pch_end_banner = (''' // END PCH GENERATED FILE ''',) if self.syspch_object_node: self._register_write_pch_inclusion(self.syspch_cpp_node, ( (pch_begin_banner_template % (self.syspch_cpp_filename, self.user_settings.syspch),), syspch_lines, pch_end_banner, ) ) # ownpch.cpp will include syspch.cpp.gch from the command # line, so clear syspch_lines to avoid repeating system # includes in ownpch.cpp syspch_lines = () if self.ownpch_object_node: self._register_write_pch_inclusion(self.ownpch_cpp_node, ( (pch_begin_banner_template % (self.ownpch_cpp_filename, self.user_settings.pch),), ('// System headers' if syspch_lines else '',), syspch_lines, (''' // SConf generated header #include "dxxsconf.h" // Own headers ''',), self.__generated_ownpch_lines, pch_end_banner, ) ) def _register_write_pch_inclusion(self,node,lineseq): # The contents of pch.cpp are taken from the iterables in # lineseq. Set the contents as an input Value instead of # listing file nodes, so that pch.cpp is not rebuilt if a change # to a source file does not change what headers are listed in # pch.cpp. # # Strip C++ single line comments so that changes in comments are # ignored when deciding whether pch.cpp needs to be rebuilt. env = self.env text = '\n'.join(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lineseq)) v = env.Value(self._re_singleline_comments_sub('', text)) v.__generated_pch_text = text # Use env.Command instead of env.Textfile or env.Substfile since # the latter use their input both for freshness and as a data # source. This Command writes the commented form of the Value # to the file, but uses a comment-stripped form for SCons # freshness checking. env.Command(node, v, self.write_pch_inclusion_file) class DXXCommon(LazyObjectConstructor): pch_manager = None @cached_property def program_message_prefix(self): return '%s.%d' % (self.PROGRAM_NAME, self.program_instance) # Settings which affect how the files are compiled class UserBuildSettings: class IntVariable(object): def __new__(cls,key,help,default): return (key, help, default, cls._validator, int) @staticmethod def _validator(key, value, env): try: int(value) return True except ValueError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Invalid value for integer-only option %s: %s.' % (key, value)) class UIntVariable(IntVariable): @staticmethod def _validator(key, value, env): try: if int(value) < 0: raise ValueError return True except ValueError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Invalid value for unsigned-integer-only option %s: %s.' % (key, value)) # Paths for the Videocore libs/includes on the Raspberry Pi RPI_DEFAULT_VC_PATH='/opt/vc' default_OGLES_LIB = 'GLES_CM' _default_prefix = '/usr/local' __stdout_is_not_a_tty = None __has_git_dir = None # +/= _dxx_extended_identifiers = (r'\u012b', r'\u012f', r'\u013d') _dxx_disable_extended_identifiers = ('_2b', '_2f', '_3d') def default_poison(self): return 'overwrite' if self.debug else 'none' def default_builddir(self): builddir_prefix = self.builddir_prefix builddir_suffix = self.builddir_suffix default_builddir = builddir_prefix or '' if builddir_prefix is not None or builddir_suffix is not None: fields = [ self.host_platform, os.path.basename(self.CXX) if self.CXX else None, ] compiler_flags = '\n'.join((getattr(self, attr) or '').strip() for attr in ['CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']) if compiler_flags: # Mix in CRC of CXXFLAGS to get reasonable uniqueness # when flags are changed. A full hash is # unnecessary here. crc = binascii.crc32(compiler_flags) if crc < 0: crc = crc + 0x100000000 fields.append('{:08x}'.format(crc)) if self.pch: fields.append('p%u' % self.pch) elif self.syspch: fields.append('sp%u' % self.syspch) fields.append(''.join(a[1] if getattr(self, a[0]) else (a[2] if len(a) > 2 else '') for a in ( ('debug', 'dbg'), ('lto', 'lto'), ('editor', 'ed'), ('opengl', 'ogl', 'sdl'), ('opengles', 'es'), ('raspberrypi', 'rpi'), ))) default_builddir += '-'.join([f for f in fields if f]) if builddir_suffix is not None: default_builddir += builddir_prefix return default_builddir def default_memdebug(self): return self.debug # automatic setup for raspberrypi def default_opengles(self): if self.raspberrypi: return True return False @classmethod def default_verbosebuild(cls): # Enable verbosebuild when the output is not directed to a # terminal. When output is not a terminal, it is likely # either a pager or a log file, both of which can readily # handle the very long lines generated by verbose mode. r = cls.__stdout_is_not_a_tty if r is None: isatty = getattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty', None) # If isatty is None, then assume output is a TTY. cls.__stdout_is_not_a_tty = r = False if isatty is None else not isatty() return r def default_words_need_alignment(self): return self.raspberrypi def selected_OGLES_LIB(self): if self.raspberrypi: return 'GLESv2' return self.default_OGLES_LIB def __default_DATA_DIR(self): return '%s/share/games/%s' % (self.prefix, self._program.target) def _generic_variable(key,help,default): return (key, help, default) def __get_configure_tests(tests,_filter=lambda s: s.name[0] != '_'): # Construct combined list on first use, then cache it # forever. try: return tests.__configure_tests except AttributeError: tests.__configure_tests = c = filter(_filter, tests.implicit_tests + tests.custom_tests) return c @classmethod def __get_has_git_dir(cls): r = cls.__has_git_dir if r is None: # SConstruct is always at the top of the repository. # The user might have run `scons` from elsewhere and # used `-f` to indicate this file, but a false negative # is acceptable here. cls.__has_git_dir = r = os.path.exists(os.environ.get('GIT_DIR', '.git')) return r def _options(self, __get_configure_tests=__get_configure_tests, generic_variable=_generic_variable, BoolVariable=BoolVariable, EnumVariable=EnumVariable, conftests=ConfigureTests, getenv=os.environ.get ): tests = __get_configure_tests(conftests) expect_sconf_tuple = ('0', '1', conftests.expect_sconf_success, conftests.expect_sconf_failure) sconf_tuple = ('0', '1', '2', conftests.sconf_force_failure, conftests.sconf_force_success, conftests.sconf_assume_success) return ( { 'variable': EnumVariable, 'arguments': [ ('expect_sconf_%s' % t.name[6:], None, None, {'allowed_values' : expect_sconf_tuple} ) for t in tests ], }, { 'variable': EnumVariable, 'arguments': [ ('sconf_%s' % t.name[6:], None, t.desc or ('assume result of %s' % t.name), {'allowed_values' : sconf_tuple} ) for t in tests ], }, { 'variable': BoolVariable, 'arguments': ( ('record_sconf_results', False, 'write sconf results to dxxsconf.h'), ('raspberrypi', False, 'build for Raspberry Pi (automatically sets opengles and opengles_lib)'), ('git_describe_version', self.__get_has_git_dir(), 'include git --describe in extra_version'), ('git_status', True, 'include git status'), ('versid_depend_all', False, 'rebuild vers_id.cpp if any object file changes'), ), }, { 'variable': generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('rpi_vc_path', self.RPI_DEFAULT_VC_PATH, 'directory for RPi VideoCore libraries'), ('opengles_lib', self.selected_OGLES_LIB, 'name of the OpenGL ES library to link against'), ('prefix', self._default_prefix, 'installation prefix directory (Linux only)'), ('sharepath', self.__default_DATA_DIR, 'directory for shared game data (Linux only)'), ), }, { 'variable': self.UIntVariable, 'arguments': ( ('lto', 0, 'enable gcc link time optimization'), ('pch', None, 'pre-compile own headers used at least this many times'), ('syspch', None, 'pre-compile system headers used at least this many times'), ('max_joysticks', 8, 'maximum number of usable joysticks'), ('max_axes_per_joystick', 128, 'maximum number of axes per joystick'), ('max_buttons_per_joystick', 128, 'maximum number of buttons per joystick'), ('max_hats_per_joystick', 4, 'maximum number of hats per joystick'), ), }, { 'variable': BoolVariable, 'arguments': ( ('pch_cpp_assume_unchanged', False, 'assume text of *pch.cpp is unchanged'), ('pch_cpp_exact_counts', False, None), ('check_header_includes', False, 'compile test each header (developer option)'), ('debug', False, 'build DEBUG binary which includes asserts, debugging output, cheats and more output'), ('memdebug', self.default_memdebug, 'build with malloc tracking'), ('opengl', True, 'build with OpenGL support'), ('opengles', self.default_opengles, 'build with OpenGL ES support'), ('editor', False, 'include editor into build (!EXPERIMENTAL!)'), ('sdl2', False, 'use libSDL2+SDL2_mixer (!EXPERIMENTAL!)'), ('sdlmixer', True, 'build with SDL_Mixer support for sound and music (includes external music support)'), ('ipv6', False, 'enable UDP/IPv6 for multiplayer'), ('use_udp', True, 'enable UDP support'), ('use_tracker', True, 'enable Tracker support (requires UDP)'), ('verbosebuild', self.default_verbosebuild, 'print out all compiler/linker messages during building'), ('words_need_alignment', self.default_words_need_alignment, 'align words at load (needed for many non-x86 systems)'), ('register_compile_target', True, 'report compile targets to SCons core'), ('register_cpp_output_targets', None, None), # This is intentionally undocumented. If a bug # report includes a log with this set to False, the # reporter will be asked to provide a log with the # value set to True. Try to prevent the extra round # trip by hiding the option. ('show_tool_version', True, None) ), }, { 'variable': generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('CHOST', getenv('CHOST'), 'CHOST of output'), ('CXX', getenv('CXX'), 'C++ compiler command'), ('PKG_CONFIG', getenv('PKG_CONFIG'), 'PKG_CONFIG to run (Linux only)'), ('RC', getenv('RC'), 'Windows resource compiler command'), ('extra_version', None, 'text to append to version, such as VCS identity'), ('ccache', None, 'path to ccache'), ('distcc', None, 'path to distcc'), ('distcc_hosts', getenv('DISTCC_HOSTS'), 'hosts to distribute compilation'), ), }, { 'variable': generic_variable, 'stack': ' ', 'arguments': ( ('CPPFLAGS', getenv('CPPFLAGS'), 'C preprocessor flags'), ('CXXFLAGS', getenv('CXXFLAGS'), 'C++ compiler flags'), ('LDFLAGS', getenv('LDFLAGS'), 'Linker flags'), ('LIBS', getenv('LIBS'), 'Libraries to link'), ), }, { 'variable': EnumVariable, 'arguments': ( ('host_endian', None, 'endianness of host platform', {'allowed_values' : ('little', 'big')}), ('host_platform', 'linux' if sys.platform == 'linux2' else sys.platform, 'cross-compile to specified platform', {'allowed_values' : ('win32', 'darwin', 'linux')}), ), }, { 'variable': ListVariable, 'arguments': ( ('poison', self.default_poison, 'method for poisoning free memory', {'names' : ('valgrind', 'overwrite')}), ), }, { 'variable': generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('builddir_prefix', None, 'prefix to generated build directory'), ('builddir_suffix', None, 'suffix to generated build directory'), # This must be last so that default_builddir will # have access to other properties. ('builddir', self.default_builddir, 'build in specified directory'), ), }, ) _generic_variable = staticmethod(_generic_variable) @staticmethod def _names(name,prefix): return ['%s%s%s' % (p, '_' if p else '', name) for p in prefix] def __init__(self,program=None): self._program = program def register_variables(self,prefix,variables,filtered_help): self.known_variables = [] append_known_variable = self.known_variables.append add_variable = variables.Add for grp in self._options(): variable = grp['variable'] stack = grp.get('stack', None) for opt in grp['arguments']: (name,value,help) = opt[0:3] kwargs = opt[3] if len(opt) > 3 else {} if name not in variables.keys(): if help is not None: filtered_help.visible_arguments.append(name) add_variable(variable(key=name, help=help, default=None if callable(value) else value, **kwargs)) names = self._names(name, prefix) for n in names: if n not in variables.keys(): add_variable(variable(key=n, help=help, default=None, **kwargs)) if not name in names: names.append(name) append_known_variable((names, name, value, stack)) if stack: for n in names: add_variable(self._generic_variable(key='%s_stop' % n, help=None, default=None)) def read_variables(self,variables,d): for (namelist,cname,dvalue,stack) in self.known_variables: value = None found_value = False for n in namelist: try: v = d[n] found_value = True if stack: if callable(v): value = v(dvalue=dvalue, value=value, stack=stack) else: if value: value = stack.join([value, v]) else: value = v if d.get('%s_stop' % n, None): break continue value = v break except KeyError as e: pass if not found_value: value = dvalue if callable(value): value = value() setattr(self, cname, value) if self.builddir != '' and self.builddir[-1:] != '/': self.builddir += '/' def clone(self): clone = DXXCommon.UserBuildSettings(None) for grp in clone._options(): for o in grp['arguments']: name = o[0] value = getattr(self, name) setattr(clone, name, value) return clone class UserInstallSettings: def _options(self): return ( { 'variable': self._generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('DESTDIR', None, 'installation stage directory'), ('program_name', None, 'name of built program'), ), }, { 'variable': BoolVariable, 'arguments': ( ('register_install_target', True, 'report install target to SCons core'), ), }, ) class UserSettings(UserBuildSettings,UserInstallSettings): def _options(self): return DXXCommon.UserBuildSettings._options(self) + DXXCommon.UserInstallSettings._options(self) # Base class for platform-specific settings processing class _PlatformSettings: tools = ('g++', 'gnulink') ogllibs = '' platform_objects = () def __init__(self,program,user_settings): self.__program = program self.user_settings = user_settings @property def env(self): return self.__program.env # Settings to apply to mingw32 builds class Win32PlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings): ogllibs = ('opengl32',) tools = ('mingw',) def adjust_environment(self,program,env): env.Append( CPPDEFINES = ['_WIN32', 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN'], LINKFLAGS = ['-mwindows'], ) class DarwinPlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings): # Darwin targets include Objective-C (not Objective-C++) code to # access Apple-specific functionality. Add 'gcc' to the target # list to support this. # # Darwin targets need a special linker, because OS X uses # frameworks instead of standard libraries. Using `gnulink` # omits framework-related arguments, causing the linker to skip # including required libraries. SCons's `applelink` target # understands these quirks and ensures that framework-related # arguments are included. tools = ('gcc', 'g++', 'applelink') def adjust_environment(self,program,env): library_frameworks = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Frameworks') env.Append( CPPDEFINES = ['__unix__'], CPPPATH = [os.path.join(library_frameworks, 'SDL.framework/Headers'), '/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers'], FRAMEWORKS = ['ApplicationServices', 'Cocoa', 'SDL'], FRAMEWORKPATH = [library_frameworks, '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks'], LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../Frameworks'], # Allow libraries & frameworks to go in app bundle ) if self.user_settings.opengl or self.user_settings.opengles: env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ['OpenGL']) # Settings to apply to Linux builds class LinuxPlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings): @property def ogllibs(self): user_settings = self.user_settings return (user_settings.opengles_lib, 'EGL') if user_settings.opengles else ('GL', 'GLU') @staticmethod def get_platform_objects(_empty=()): return _empty def adjust_environment(self,program,env): env.Append( CXXFLAGS = ['-pthread'], ) def __init__(self,__program_instance=itertools.count(1)): self.program_instance = next(__program_instance) def create_header_targets(self,__shared_header_file_list=[],__shared_cpp_dict={}): fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs() builddir = self.user_settings.builddir env = self.env try: check_header_includes = __shared_cpp_dict[builddir] except KeyError: check_header_includes = env.File(os.path.join(builddir, 'check_header_includes.cpp')) # Generate the list once, on first use. Any other targets # will reuse it. # # Touch the file into existence. It is always empty, but # must exist and have an extension of '.cpp'. check_header_includes = env.Textfile(target=check_header_includes, source=env.Value(''' /* This file is always empty. It is only present to act as the source * file for SCons targets that test individual headers. */ ''')) __shared_cpp_dict[builddir] = check_header_includes # This is ugly, but all other known methods are worse. The # object file needs to depend on the header that created it # and recursively depend on headers that contributed to the # header that created it. Adding a dependency using # env.Depend creates the first-level dependency, but does # not recurse into the header. Overriding # get_found_includes will cause SCons to recurse in the # desired way. # # Calling get_found_includes requires parameters that are # not easily obtained here. There does not appear to be a # way to patch the node's dependency list to insert the # header other than to override get_found_includes. # # Newer SCons applied a performance optimization based on # using Python __slots__. Using __slots__ makes it a # runtime error to overwrite get_found_includes on the # instance, so overwrite the class method instead. However, # some instances of the class may not want this hook, so # keep a whitelist of nodes for which the hook is active. c = check_header_includes[0].__class__ # If the attribute is missing, this is the first time that # an env.Textfile has been created for this purpose. Create # the attribute so that subsequent passes do not add extra # copies of the same hook. # # Since a flag attribute is needed anyway, make it useful by # storing the hook whitelist in it. if not hasattr(c, '_dxx_node_header_target_set'): c._dxx_node_header_target_set = set() def __get_found_includes(node, env, scanner, path): # Always call the original and always return at # least what it returned. If this node is in the # whitelist, then also apply the hook logic. # Otherwise, this is a pass-through. r = node.__get_found_includes(env, scanner, path) return (r + [fs.File(env['DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE'])]) \ if node in node._dxx_node_header_target_set else r c.__get_found_includes = c.get_found_includes c.get_found_includes = __get_found_includes # Update the whitelist here, outside the hasattr block. # This is necessary so that the hook is created once, but # every env.Textfile created by this block is whitelisted. c._dxx_node_header_target_set.add(check_header_includes[0]) if not __shared_header_file_list: headers = Git.pcall(['ls-files', '-z', '--', '*.h']).out if not headers: g = Git.pcall(['--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) raise SCons.Errors.StopError( "`git ls-files` failed. `git --version` failed. Check that Git is installed." \ if g.returncode else \ "`git ls-files` failed, but `git --version` works. Check that scons is run from a Git repository." ) # Filter out OS X related directories. Files in those # directories assume they are only ever built on OS X, so # they unconditionally include headers specific to OS X. excluded_directories = ( 'common/arch/cocoa/', 'common/arch/carbon/', ) __shared_header_file_list.extend([h for h in headers.split('\0') if h and not h.startswith(excluded_directories)]) if not __shared_header_file_list: raise SCons.Errors.StopError("`git ls-files` found headers, but none can be checked.") dirname = os.path.join(builddir, self.srcdir) Depends = env.Depends StaticObject = env.StaticObject CPPFLAGS_template = env['CPPFLAGS'] CPPFLAGS_no_sconf = CPPFLAGS_template + ['-g0', '-include', '$DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE'] CPPFLAGS_with_sconf = ['-include', 'dxxsconf.h'] + CPPFLAGS_no_sconf CXXCOMSTR = env.__header_check_output_COMSTR CXXFLAGS = env['CXXFLAGS'] target = os.path.join('%s/chi/${DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE}%s' % (dirname, env['OBJSUFFIX'])) for name in __shared_header_file_list: if not name: continue if self.srcdir == 'common' and not name.startswith('common/'): # Skip game-specific headers when testing common continue if self.srcdir[0] == 'd' and name[0] == 'd' and not name.startswith(self.srcdir): # Skip d1 in d2 and d2 in d1 continue # Compiler feature headers cannot include dxxsconf.h because # it confuses the dependency resolver when SConf runs. # Calling code must include dxxsconf.h before including the # compiler feature header, so add the inclusion here. # # For best test coverage, only headers that must avoid # including dxxsconf.h receive an implicit include. Any # header which needs dxxsconf.h and can include it without # side effects must do so. StaticObject(target=target, CPPFLAGS=CPPFLAGS_with_sconf if name[:24] == 'common/include/compiler-' else CPPFLAGS_no_sconf, CXXCOMSTR=CXXCOMSTR, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS, DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE=name, source=check_header_includes) def _cpp_output_StaticObject(self,target=None,source=None,DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE='$SOURCE',*args,**kwargs): CPPFLAGS = kwargs.get('CPPFLAGS', None) CXXFLAGS = kwargs.get('CXXFLAGS', None) env = self.env OBJSUFFIX = env['OBJSUFFIX'] StaticObject = env.__cpp_output_StaticObject StaticObject( target='%s.i' % (target[:-len(OBJSUFFIX)] if target.endswith(OBJSUFFIX) else target), source=source, OBJSUFFIX='.i', # Bypass ccache CXXCOM=env._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix, CPPFLAGS=(env['CPPFLAGS'] if CPPFLAGS is None else CPPFLAGS), CXXFLAGS=(env['CXXFLAGS'] if CXXFLAGS is None else CXXFLAGS) + ['-E'], CXXCOMSTR=env.__generate_cpp_output_COMSTR, DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE=DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE, ) return StaticObject(target=target, source=source, DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE=DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE, *args, **kwargs) def create_special_target_nodes(self,archive): user_settings = self.user_settings if user_settings.register_cpp_output_targets: env = self.env env.__cpp_output_StaticObject = env.StaticObject env.StaticObject = self._cpp_output_StaticObject if user_settings.check_header_includes: # Create header targets before creating the PCHManager, so that # create_header_targets() does not call the PCHManager # StaticObject hook. self.create_header_targets() configure_pch_flags = archive.configure_pch_flags if configure_pch_flags: self.pch_manager = PCHManager(self.user_settings, self.env, self.srcdir, configure_pch_flags, archive.pch_manager) @staticmethod def _quote_cppdefine(s,f=repr,b2a_hex=binascii.b2a_hex): r = '' prior = False for c in f(s): # No xdigit support in str if c in ' ()*+,-./:=[]_' or (c.isalnum() and not (prior and (c.isdigit() or c in 'abcdefABCDEF'))): r += c elif c == '\n': r += r'\n' else: r += r'\\x%s' % b2a_hex(c) prior = True continue prior = False return '\\"%s\\"' % r @staticmethod def _encode_cppdefine_for_identifier(user_settings,s,b2a_base64=binascii.b2a_base64): extended_identifiers = user_settings._dxx_extended_identifiers return '"%s"' % b2a_base64(s) \ .rstrip() \ .replace('+', extended_identifiers[0]) \ .replace('/', extended_identifiers[1]) \ .replace('=', extended_identifiers[2]) def prepare_environment(self): # Prettier build messages...... # Move target to end of C++ source command target_string = ' -o $TARGET' env = self.env # Get traditional compiler environment variables for cc in ('CXX', 'RC'): value = getattr(self.user_settings, cc) if value is not None: env[cc] = value # Expand $CXX immediately. # $CCFLAGS is never used. Remove it. cxxcom = env['CXXCOM'] \ .replace('$CXX ', '%s ' % env['CXX']) \ .replace('$CCFLAGS ', '') if target_string + ' ' in cxxcom: cxxcom = '%s%s' % (cxxcom.replace(target_string, ''), target_string) env._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix = cxxcom distcc_path = self.user_settings.distcc distcc_cxxcom = ('%s %s' % (distcc_path, cxxcom)) if distcc_path else cxxcom env._dxx_cxxcom_no_ccache_prefix = distcc_cxxcom ccache_path = self.user_settings.ccache # Add ccache/distcc only for compile, not link if ccache_path: cxxcom = '%s %s' % (ccache_path, cxxcom) if distcc_path is not None: penv = self.env['ENV'] if distcc_path: penv['CCACHE_PREFIX'] = distcc_path elif distcc_path is not None: penv.pop('CCACHE_PREFIX', None) elif distcc_path: cxxcom = distcc_cxxcom # Expand $LINK immediately. linkcom = env['LINKCOM'].replace('$LINK ', '%s ' % env['LINK']) # Move target to end of link command if target_string + ' ' in linkcom: linkcom = '%s%s' % (linkcom.replace(target_string, ''), target_string) # Add $CXXFLAGS to link command cxxflags = '$CXXFLAGS ' if ' ' + cxxflags not in linkcom: linkflags = '$LINKFLAGS' linkcom = linkcom.replace(linkflags, cxxflags + linkflags) env.Replace( CXXCOM = cxxcom, LINKCOM = linkcom, ) # Custom DISTCC_HOSTS per target distcc_hosts = self.user_settings.distcc_hosts if distcc_hosts is not None: env['ENV']['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = distcc_hosts if self.user_settings.verbosebuild: env.__header_check_output_COMSTR = None env.__generate_cpp_output_COMSTR = None else: target = self.target[:3] format_tuple = (target, self.user_settings.builddir or '.') env.__header_check_output_COMSTR = "CHK %s %s $DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE" % format_tuple env.__generate_cpp_output_COMSTR = "CPP %s %s $DXX_EFFECTIVE_SOURCE" % format_tuple env.Replace( CXXCOMSTR = "CXX %s %s $SOURCE" % format_tuple, # `builddir` is implicit since $TARGET is the full path to # the output LINKCOMSTR = "LD %s $TARGET" % target, RCCOMSTR = "RC %s %s $SOURCE" % format_tuple, ) Werror = get_Werror_string(self.user_settings.CXXFLAGS) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS = [ '-ftabstop=4', '-Wall', '-Wshadow', Werror + 'extra', Werror + 'format=2', Werror + 'missing-braces', Werror + 'missing-include-dirs', Werror + 'unused', Werror + 'uninitialized', Werror + 'undef', Werror + 'pointer-arith', Werror + 'cast-qual', Werror + 'missing-declarations', Werror + 'redundant-decls', Werror + 'vla', ]) env.Append( CXXFLAGS = ['-funsigned-char'], CPPPATH = ['common/include', 'common/main', '.', self.user_settings.builddir], CPPFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar('-Wno-sign-compare'), ) add_flags = {} if self.user_settings.editor: add_flags['CPPPATH'] = ['common/include/editor'] CLVar = SCons.Util.CLVar for flags in ('CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LIBS'): value = getattr(self.user_settings, flags) if value is not None: add_flags[flags] = CLVar(value) if self.user_settings.LDFLAGS: add_flags['LINKFLAGS'] = CLVar(self.user_settings.LDFLAGS) env.Append(**add_flags) if self.user_settings.lto: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ # clang does not support =N syntax ('-flto=%s' % self.user_settings.lto) if self.user_settings.lto > 1 else '-flto', ]) @cached_property def platform_settings(self): # windows or *nix? platform_name = self.user_settings.host_platform message(self, "compiling on %s for %s into %s%s" % (sys.platform, platform_name, self.user_settings.builddir or '.', (' with prefix list %s' % str(self._argument_prefix_list)) if self._argument_prefix_list else '')) return ( self.Win32PlatformSettings if platform_name == 'win32' else ( self.DarwinPlatformSettings if platform_name == 'darwin' else self.LinuxPlatformSettings ) )(self, self.user_settings) @cached_property def env(self): platform_settings = self.platform_settings # Acquire environment object... env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, tools = platform_settings.tools + ('textfile',)) platform_settings.adjust_environment(self, env) return env def process_user_settings(self): env = self.env user_settings = self.user_settings env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS = ['-g', '-O2']) # Raspberry Pi? if user_settings.raspberrypi: rpi_vc_path = user_settings.rpi_vc_path message(self, "Raspberry Pi: using VideoCore libs in %r" % rpi_vc_path) env.Append( CPPDEFINES = ['RPI'], # use CPPFLAGS -isystem instead of CPPPATH because these those header files # are not very clean and would trigger some warnings we usually consider as # errors. Using them as system headers will make gcc ignoring any warnings. CPPFLAGS = [ '-isystem=%s/include' % rpi_vc_path, '-isystem=%s/include/interface/vcos/pthreads' % rpi_vc_path, '-isystem=%s/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux' % rpi_vc_path, ], LIBPATH = '%s/lib' % rpi_vc_path, LIBS = ['bcm_host'], ) class DXXArchive(DXXCommon): PROGRAM_NAME = 'DXX-Archive' _argument_prefix_list = None srcdir = 'common' target = 'dxx-common' def get_objects_common(self, __get_objects_common=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ '2d/2dsline.cpp', '2d/bitblt.cpp', '2d/bitmap.cpp', '2d/box.cpp', '2d/canvas.cpp', '2d/circle.cpp', '2d/disc.cpp', '2d/gpixel.cpp', '2d/line.cpp', '2d/pixel.cpp', '2d/rect.cpp', '2d/rle.cpp', '2d/scalec.cpp', '3d/draw.cpp', '3d/globvars.cpp', '3d/instance.cpp', '3d/matrix.cpp', '3d/points.cpp', '3d/rod.cpp', '3d/setup.cpp', 'arch/sdl/event.cpp', 'arch/sdl/joy.cpp', 'arch/sdl/key.cpp', 'arch/sdl/mouse.cpp', 'arch/sdl/timer.cpp', 'arch/sdl/window.cpp', 'main/cli.cpp', 'main/cmd.cpp', 'main/cvar.cpp', 'maths/fixc.cpp', 'maths/rand.cpp', 'maths/tables.cpp', 'maths/vecmat.cpp', 'mem/mem.cpp', 'misc/error.cpp', 'misc/hash.cpp', 'misc/hmp.cpp', 'misc/ignorecase.cpp', 'misc/strutil.cpp', 'texmap/ntmap.cpp', 'texmap/scanline.cpp' ] ]), \ __get_objects_use_sdl1=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/rbaudio.cpp', ] ]) ): value = list(__get_objects_common(self)) extend = value.extend if not self.user_settings.sdl2: extend(__get_objects_use_sdl1(self)) extend(self.platform_settings.get_platform_objects()) return value get_objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'editor/autosave.cpp', 'editor/func.cpp', 'ui/button.cpp', 'ui/checkbox.cpp', 'ui/dialog.cpp', 'ui/file.cpp', 'ui/gadget.cpp', 'ui/icon.cpp', 'ui/inputbox.cpp', 'ui/keypad.cpp', 'ui/keypress.cpp', 'ui/listbox.cpp', 'ui/menu.cpp', 'ui/menubar.cpp', 'ui/message.cpp', 'ui/radio.cpp', 'ui/scroll.cpp', 'ui/ui.cpp', 'ui/uidraw.cpp', 'ui/userbox.cpp' ] ]) # for non-ogl get_objects_arch_sdl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ '3d/clipper.cpp', 'texmap/tmapflat.cpp' ] ]) # for ogl get_objects_arch_ogl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'arch/ogl/ogl_extensions.cpp', 'arch/ogl/ogl_sync.cpp' ] ]) get_objects_arch_sdlmixer = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/digi_mixer_music.cpp', ] ]) class Win32PlatformSettings(DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings): get_platform_objects = LazyObjectConstructor.create_lazy_object_getter([ 'common/arch/win32/messagebox.cpp' ]) class DarwinPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings): get_platform_objects = LazyObjectConstructor.create_lazy_object_getter([ 'common/arch/cocoa/messagebox.mm', 'common/arch/cocoa/SDLMain.m' ]) def __init__(self,user_settings): DXXCommon.__init__(self) self.user_settings = user_settings.clone() if not user_settings.register_compile_target: return self.prepare_environment() self.process_user_settings() self.configure_environment() self.create_special_target_nodes(self) ToolchainInformation.show_partial_environ(self.env, lambda s, _message=message, _self=self: _message(self, s)) def configure_environment(self): fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs() builddir = fs.Dir(self.user_settings.builddir or '.') tests = ConfigureTests(self.program_message_prefix, self.user_settings, self.platform_settings) log_file=fs.File('sconf.log', builddir) conf = self.env.Configure(custom_tests = { k.name:getattr(tests, k.name) for k in tests.custom_tests }, conf_dir=fs.Dir('.sconf_temp', builddir), log_file=log_file, config_h=fs.File('dxxsconf.h', builddir), clean=False, help=False ) self.configure_added_environment_flags = tests.successful_flags self.configure_pch_flags = None if not conf.env: return cc_env_strings = tests.ForceVerboseLog(conf.env) try: for k in tests.custom_tests: getattr(conf, k.name)() except SCons.Errors.StopError as e: raise SCons.Errors.StopError('{e0} See {log_file} for details.'.format(e0=e.args[0], log_file=log_file), *e.args[1:]) cc_env_strings.restore(conf.env) if self.user_settings.record_sconf_results: conf.config_h_text += ''' /* %s */ ''' % '\n'.join(['check_%s=%s' % (n,v) for n,v in tests._sconf_results]) conf.Finish() self.configure_pch_flags = tests.pch_flags self.env.MergeFlags(self.configure_added_environment_flags) class DXXProgram(DXXCommon): # version number VERSION_MAJOR = 0 VERSION_MINOR = 59 VERSION_MICRO = 100 static_archive_construction = {} def _apply_target_name(self,name): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(name), '.%s.%s' % (self.target, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0])) def _apply_env_version_seq(env, _DXX_VERSION_SEQ=[('DXX_VERSION_SEQ', ','.join([str(VERSION_MAJOR), str(VERSION_MINOR), str(VERSION_MICRO)]))] ): return {'CPPDEFINES' : env['CPPDEFINES'] + _DXX_VERSION_SEQ} get_objects_similar_arch_ogl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'arch/ogl/gr.cpp', 'arch/ogl/ogl.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) get_objects_similar_arch_sdl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/gr.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) get_objects_similar_arch_sdlmixer = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/digi_mixer.cpp', 'arch/sdl/jukebox.cpp' ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) __get_objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in ( '2d/font.cpp', '2d/palette.cpp', '2d/pcx.cpp', '3d/interp.cpp', 'arch/sdl/digi.cpp', 'arch/sdl/digi_audio.cpp', 'arch/sdl/init.cpp', 'main/ai.cpp', 'main/aipath.cpp', 'main/automap.cpp', 'main/bm.cpp', 'main/cntrlcen.cpp', 'main/collide.cpp', 'main/config.cpp', 'main/console.cpp', 'main/controls.cpp', 'main/credits.cpp', 'main/digiobj.cpp', 'main/effects.cpp', 'main/endlevel.cpp', 'main/fireball.cpp', 'main/fuelcen.cpp', 'main/fvi.cpp', 'main/game.cpp', 'main/gamecntl.cpp', 'main/gamefont.cpp', 'main/gamemine.cpp', 'main/gamerend.cpp', 'main/gamesave.cpp', 'main/gameseg.cpp', 'main/gameseq.cpp', 'main/gauges.cpp', 'main/hostage.cpp', 'main/hud.cpp', 'main/iff.cpp', 'main/kconfig.cpp', 'main/kmatrix.cpp', 'main/laser.cpp', 'main/lighting.cpp', 'main/menu.cpp', 'main/mglobal.cpp', 'main/mission.cpp', 'main/morph.cpp', 'main/multi.cpp', 'main/multibot.cpp', 'main/newdemo.cpp', 'main/newmenu.cpp', 'main/object.cpp', 'main/paging.cpp', 'main/physics.cpp', 'main/piggy.cpp', 'main/player.cpp', 'main/polyobj.cpp', 'main/powerup.cpp', 'main/render.cpp', 'main/robot.cpp', 'main/scores.cpp', 'main/segment.cpp', 'main/slew.cpp', 'main/songs.cpp', 'main/state.cpp', 'main/switch.cpp', 'main/terrain.cpp', 'main/texmerge.cpp', 'main/text.cpp', 'main/titles.cpp', 'main/vclip.cpp', 'main/wall.cpp', 'main/weapon.cpp', 'misc/args.cpp', ) ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }, { 'source': ( 'similar/main/inferno.cpp', ), 'transform_env': lambda env: {'CPPDEFINES' : env['CPPDEFINES'] + env.__dxx_CPPDEFINE_SHAREPATH + env.__dxx_CPPDEFINE_git_version}, 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }, { 'source': ( 'similar/misc/physfsx.cpp', ), 'transform_env': lambda env: {'CPPDEFINES' : env['CPPDEFINES'] + env.__dxx_CPPDEFINE_SHAREPATH}, 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }, { 'source': ( 'similar/main/playsave.cpp', ), 'transform_env': _apply_env_version_seq, 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, } ]) get_objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'editor/centers.cpp', 'editor/curves.cpp', 'main/dumpmine.cpp', 'editor/eglobal.cpp', 'editor/elight.cpp', 'editor/eobject.cpp', 'editor/eswitch.cpp', 'editor/group.cpp', 'editor/info.cpp', 'editor/kbuild.cpp', 'editor/kcurve.cpp', 'editor/kfuncs.cpp', 'editor/kgame.cpp', 'editor/khelp.cpp', 'editor/kmine.cpp', 'editor/ksegmove.cpp', 'editor/ksegsel.cpp', 'editor/ksegsize.cpp', 'editor/ktmap.cpp', 'editor/kview.cpp', 'editor/med.cpp', 'editor/meddraw.cpp', 'editor/medmisc.cpp', 'editor/medrobot.cpp', 'editor/medsel.cpp', 'editor/medwall.cpp', 'editor/mine.cpp', 'editor/objpage.cpp', 'editor/segment.cpp', 'editor/seguvs.cpp', 'editor/texpage.cpp', 'editor/texture.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) class UserSettings(DXXCommon.UserSettings): @property def BIN_DIR(self): # installation path return '%s/bin' % self.prefix # Settings to apply to mingw32 builds class Win32PlatformSettings(DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) user_settings.sharepath = '' def adjust_environment(self,program,env): DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.adjust_environment(self, program, env) rcbasename = os.path.join(program.srcdir, 'arch/win32/%s' % program.target) self.platform_objects = [(env.RES(target='%s%s%s' % (program.user_settings.builddir, rcbasename, env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source='%s.rc' % rcbasename))] env.Append( CPPPATH = [os.path.join(program.srcdir, 'arch/win32/include')], LIBS = ['glu32', 'wsock32', 'ws2_32', 'winmm', 'mingw32', 'SDLmain', 'SDL'], ) # Settings to apply to Apple builds class DarwinPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) user_settings.sharepath = '' def adjust_environment(self,program,env): DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.adjust_environment(self, program, env) VERSION = '%s.%s' % (program.VERSION_MAJOR, program.VERSION_MINOR) if (program.VERSION_MICRO): VERSION += '.%s' % program.VERSION_MICRO env.Replace( VERSION_NUM = VERSION, VERSION_NAME = '%s v%s' % (program.PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION), ) # Settings to apply to Linux builds class LinuxPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.LinuxPlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon.LinuxPlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) if user_settings.sharepath and user_settings.sharepath[-1] != '/': user_settings.sharepath += '/' def get_objects_common(self, __get_objects_common=__get_objects_common, __get_objects_use_udp=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':( 'similar/main/net_udp.cpp', ), 'transform_env': _apply_env_version_seq, 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) ): value = list(__get_objects_common(self)) extend = value.extend if self.user_settings.use_udp: extend(__get_objects_use_udp(self)) extend(self.platform_settings.platform_objects) return value def __init__(self,prefix,variables,filtered_help): self.variables = variables self._argument_prefix_list = prefix DXXCommon.__init__(self) git_describe_version = Git.compute_extra_version().describe extra_version = 'v%s.%s.%s' % (self.VERSION_MAJOR, self.VERSION_MINOR, self.VERSION_MICRO) if git_describe_version and not (extra_version == git_describe_version or extra_version[1:] == git_describe_version): extra_version += ' ' + git_describe_version print('===== %s %s =====' % (self.PROGRAM_NAME, extra_version)) self.user_settings = user_settings = self.UserSettings(program=self) user_settings.register_variables(prefix, variables, filtered_help) def init(self,substenv): self.user_settings.read_variables(self.variables, substenv) archive = DXXProgram.static_archive_construction.get(self.user_settings.builddir, None) if archive is None: DXXProgram.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir] = archive = DXXArchive(self.user_settings) if self.user_settings.register_compile_target: self.prepare_environment(archive) self.process_user_settings() self.register_program() return self.variables.GenerateHelpText(self.env) def prepare_environment(self,archive): DXXCommon.prepare_environment(self) env = self.env env.MergeFlags(archive.configure_added_environment_flags) self.create_special_target_nodes(archive) env.__dxx_CPPDEFINE_SHAREPATH = [('SHAREPATH', self._quote_cppdefine(self.user_settings.sharepath, f=str))] env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ self.env_CPPDEFINES, # For PRIi64 ('__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS',), ], CPPPATH = [os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'main')], LIBS = ['m'], ) def register_program(self): exe_target = self.user_settings.program_name if not exe_target: exe_target = os.path.join(self.srcdir, self.target) if self.user_settings.editor: exe_target += '-editor' exe_target = os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, exe_target) env = self.env PROGSUFFIX = env['PROGSUFFIX'] if PROGSUFFIX and not exe_target.endswith(PROGSUFFIX): exe_target += PROGSUFFIX if self.user_settings.register_compile_target: exe_target = self._register_program(exe_target) if self.user_settings.register_install_target: self._register_install(self.shortname, exe_target) ToolchainInformation.show_partial_environ(env, lambda s, _message=message, _self=self: _message(self, s)) def _register_program(self,exe_target): env = self.env user_settings = self.user_settings static_archive_construction = self.static_archive_construction[user_settings.builddir] objects = static_archive_construction.get_objects_common() git_describe_version = Git.compute_extra_version() if user_settings.git_describe_version else Git.UnknownExtraVersion env.__dxx_CPPDEFINE_git_version = [('DXX_git_commit', git_describe_version.revparse_HEAD), ('DXX_git_describe', self._encode_cppdefine_for_identifier(user_settings,git_describe_version.describe))] objects.extend(self.get_objects_common()) if user_settings.sdlmixer: objects.extend(static_archive_construction.get_objects_arch_sdlmixer()) objects.extend(self.get_objects_similar_arch_sdlmixer()) if user_settings.opengl or user_settings.opengles: env.Append(LIBS = self.platform_settings.ogllibs) static_objects_arch = static_archive_construction.get_objects_arch_ogl objects_similar_arch = self.get_objects_similar_arch_ogl else: static_objects_arch = static_archive_construction.get_objects_arch_sdl objects_similar_arch = self.get_objects_similar_arch_sdl objects.extend(static_objects_arch()) objects.extend(objects_similar_arch()) if user_settings.editor: objects.extend(self.get_objects_editor()) objects.extend(static_archive_construction.get_objects_editor()) versid_build_environ = ['CXX', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS'] versid_cppdefines = env['CPPDEFINES'][:] extra_version = user_settings.extra_version if extra_version is None: extra_version = 'v%u.%u' % (self.VERSION_MAJOR, self.VERSION_MINOR) if self.VERSION_MICRO: extra_version += '.%u' % self.VERSION_MICRO git_describe_version_describe_output = git_describe_version.describe if git_describe_version_describe_output and not (extra_version and (extra_version == git_describe_version_describe_output or (extra_version[0] == 'v' and extra_version[1:] == git_describe_version_describe_output))): # Suppress duplicate output if extra_version: extra_version += ' ' extra_version += git_describe_version_describe_output get_version_head = StaticSubprocess.get_version_head ld_path = ToolchainInformation.get_tool_path(env, 'ld')[1] _quote_cppdefine = self._quote_cppdefine versid_cppdefines.extend([('DESCENT_%s' % k, _quote_cppdefine(env.get(k, ''))) for k in versid_build_environ]) versid_cppdefines.extend(( # VERSION_EXTRA is special. Format it as a string so that # it can be pasted into g_descent_version (in vers_id.cpp) # and look normal when printed as part of the startup # banner. Since it is pasted into g_descent_version, it is # NOT included in versid_build_environ as an independent # field. ('DESCENT_VERSION_EXTRA', _quote_cppdefine(extra_version, f=str)), ('DESCENT_CXX_version', _quote_cppdefine(get_version_head(env['CXX']))), ('DESCENT_LINK', _quote_cppdefine(ld_path)), ('DESCENT_LINK_version', _quote_cppdefine(get_version_head(ld_path))), ('DESCENT_git_status', _quote_cppdefine(git_describe_version.status)), ('DESCENT_git_diffstat', _quote_cppdefine(git_describe_version.diffstat_HEAD)), )) versid_build_environ.extend(( 'CXX_version', 'LINK', 'LINK_version', 'git_status', 'git_diffstat', )) versid_cppdefines.append(('DXX_RBE"(A)"', '"%s"' % ''.join(['A(%s)' % k for k in versid_build_environ]))) versid_environ = self.env['ENV'].copy() # Direct mode conflicts with __TIME__ versid_environ['CCACHE_NODIRECT'] = 1 versid_cpp = 'similar/main/vers_id.cpp' versid_obj = env.StaticObject(target='%s%s%s' % (user_settings.builddir, self._apply_target_name(versid_cpp), self.env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source=versid_cpp, CPPDEFINES=versid_cppdefines, ENV=versid_environ) if user_settings.versid_depend_all: # Optional fake dependency to force vers_id to rebuild so # that it picks up the latest timestamp. env.Depends(versid_obj, objects) objects.append(versid_obj) # finally building program... return env.Program(target=exe_target, source = objects) def _register_install(self,dxxstr,exe_node): env = self.env if self.user_settings.host_platform != 'darwin': install_dir = '%s%s' % (self.user_settings.DESTDIR or '', self.user_settings.BIN_DIR) env.Install(install_dir, exe_node) env.Alias('install', install_dir) else: syspath = sys.path[:] cocoa = 'common/arch/cocoa' sys.path += [cocoa] import tool_bundle sys.path = syspath tool_bundle.TOOL_BUNDLE(env) env.MakeBundle(os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, '%s.app' % self.PROGRAM_NAME), exe_node, 'free.%s-rebirth' % dxxstr, os.path.join(cocoa, 'Info.plist'), typecode='APPL', creator='DCNT', icon_file=os.path.join(cocoa, '%s-rebirth.icns' % dxxstr), resources=[[os.path.join(self.srcdir, s), s] for s in ['English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings']]) class D1XProgram(DXXProgram): PROGRAM_NAME = 'D1X-Rebirth' target = \ srcdir = 'd1x-rebirth' shortname = 'd1x' env_CPPDEFINES = ('DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I',) # general source files def get_objects_common(self, __get_dxx_objects_common=DXXProgram.get_objects_common, \ __get_dsx_objects_common=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'main/bmread.cpp', 'main/custom.cpp', 'main/snddecom.cpp', ] ], }]) ): value = __get_dxx_objects_common(self) value.extend(__get_dsx_objects_common(self)) return value # for editor def get_objects_editor(self, __get_dxx_objects_editor=DXXProgram.get_objects_editor, __get_dsx_objects_editor=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'main/hostage.cpp', 'editor/ehostage.cpp', ] ], }])): value = list(__get_dxx_objects_editor(self)) value.extend(__get_dsx_objects_editor(self)) return value class D2XProgram(DXXProgram): PROGRAM_NAME = 'D2X-Rebirth' target = \ srcdir = 'd2x-rebirth' shortname = 'd2x' env_CPPDEFINES = ('DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II',) # general source files def get_objects_common(self, __get_dxx_objects_common=DXXProgram.get_objects_common, \ __get_dsx_objects_common=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'libmve/decoder8.cpp', 'libmve/decoder16.cpp', 'libmve/mve_audio.cpp', 'libmve/mvelib.cpp', 'libmve/mveplay.cpp', 'main/escort.cpp', 'main/gamepal.cpp', 'main/movie.cpp', 'misc/physfsrwops.cpp', ] ], }])): value = __get_dxx_objects_common(self) value.extend(__get_dsx_objects_common(self)) return value # for editor def get_objects_editor(self, __get_dxx_objects_editor=DXXProgram.get_objects_editor, \ __get_dsx_objects_editor=DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_getter([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'main/bmread.cpp', ] ], }])): value = list(__get_dxx_objects_editor(self)) value.extend(__get_dsx_objects_editor(self)) return value def register_program(program,other_program,variables,filtered_help,_itertools_product=itertools.product): s = program.shortname l = [v for (k,v) in ARGLIST if k == s or k == 'dxx'] or [other_program.shortname not in ARGUMENTS] # Legacy case: build one configuration. if len(l) == 1: try: if not int(l[0]): # If the user specifies an integer that evaluates to # False, this configuration is disabled. This allows # the user to build only one game, instead of both. return [] # Coerce to an empty string, then reuse the case for stacked # profiles. This is slightly less efficient, but reduces # maintenance by not having multiple sites that call # program(). l = [''] except ValueError: # If not an integer, treat this as a configuration profile. pass r = [] append = r.append seen = set() add_seen = seen.add for e in l: for prefix in _itertools_product(*[v.split('+') for v in e.split(',')]): duplicates = set() # This would be simpler if set().add(V) returned the result # of `V not in self`, as seen before the add. Instead, it # always returns None. # # Test for presence, then add if not present. add() always # returns None, which coerces to False in boolean context. # This is slightly inefficient since we know the right hand # side will always be True after negation, so we ought to be # able to skip testing its truth value. However, the # alternative is to use a wrapper function that checks # membership, adds the value, and returns the result of the # test. Calling such a function is even less efficient. # # In most cases, this loop is not run often enough for the # efficiency to matter. prefix = tuple([ p for p in prefix \ if (p not in duplicates and not duplicates.add(p)) ]) if prefix in seen: continue add_seen(prefix) append(program(tuple(('%s%s%s' % (s, '_' if p else '', p) for p in prefix)) + prefix, variables, filtered_help)) return r def main(register_program): variables = Variables([v for k, v in ARGLIST if k == 'site'] or ['site-local.py'], ARGUMENTS) filtered_help = FilterHelpText() dxx = \ register_program(D1XProgram, D2XProgram, variables, filtered_help) + \ register_program(D2XProgram, D1XProgram, variables, filtered_help) substenv = SCons.Environment.SubstitutionEnvironment() variables.FormatVariableHelpText = filtered_help.FormatVariableHelpText variables.Update(substenv) # show some help when running scons -h Help("""DXX-Rebirth, SConstruct file help: Type 'scons' to build the binary. Type 'scons install' to build (if it hasn't been done) and install. Type 'scons -c' to clean up. Extra options (add them to command line, like 'scons extraoption=value'): d1x=[0/1] Disable/enable D1X-Rebirth d1x=prefix-list Enable D1X-Rebirth with prefix-list modifiers d2x=[0/1] Disable/enable D2X-Rebirth d2x=prefix-list Enable D2X-Rebirth with prefix-list modifiers dxx=VALUE Equivalent to d1x=VALUE d2x=VALUE """ + \ ''.join(['%s:\n%s' % (d.program_message_prefix, d.init(substenv)) for d in dxx]) ) if not dxx: return unknown = variables.UnknownVariables() # Delete known unregistered variables unknown.pop('d1x', None) unknown.pop('d2x', None) unknown.pop('dxx', None) unknown.pop('site', None) ignore_unknown_variables = unknown.pop('ignore_unknown_variables', '0') if unknown: # Protect user from misspelled options by reporting an error. # Provide a way for the user to override the check, which might # be necessary if the user is setting an option that is only # understood by older (or newer) versions of SConstruct. try: ignore_unknown_variables = int(ignore_unknown_variables) except ValueError: ignore_unknown_variables = False if not ignore_unknown_variables: raise SCons.Errors.StopError('Unknown values specified on command line.' + ''.join(['\n\t%s' % k for k in unknown.keys()]) + '\nRemove unknown values or set ignore_unknown_variables=1 to continue.') main(register_program)