/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ #ifndef _GAME_H #define _GAME_H #include #include "vecmat.h" #include "object.h" //#include "segment.h" #ifdef MACINTOSH extern ubyte Scanline_double; #endif #ifdef WINDOWS typedef struct cockpit_span_line { short num; struct { short xmin, xmax; } span[5]; } cockpit_span_line; extern cockpit_span_line win_cockpit_mask[480]; #endif //from mglobal.c extern fix FrameTime; //time in seconds since last frame extern fix RealFrameTime; //time in seconds since last frame extern fix GameTime; //time in game (sum of FrameTime) extern int FrameCount; //how many frames rendered extern fix Next_laser_fire_time; // Time at which player can next fire his selected laser. extern fix Last_laser_fired_time; extern fix Next_missile_fire_time; // Time at which player can next fire his selected missile. extern fix Laser_delay_time; // Delay between laser fires. extern int Cheats_enabled; extern int Missile_view_enabled; extern object *Missile_viewer; #define CV_NONE 0 #define CV_ESCORT 1 #define CV_REAR 2 #define CV_COOP 3 #define CV_MARKER 4 extern int Cockpit_3d_view[2]; //left & right extern int Coop_view_player[2]; //left & right extern int Marker_viewer_num[2]; //left & right //constants for ft_preference #define FP_RIGHT 0 #define FP_UP 1 #define FP_FORWARD 2 //this is the default #define FP_LEFT 3 #define FP_DOWN 4 #define FP_FIRST_TIME 5 extern int ft_preference; // The following bits define the game modes. #define GM_EDITOR 1 // You came into the game from the editor #define GM_SERIAL 2 // You are in serial mode #define GM_NETWORK 4 // You are in network mode #define GM_MULTI_ROBOTS 8 // You are in a multiplayer mode with robots. #define GM_MULTI_COOP 16 // You are in a multiplayer mode and can't hurt other players. #define GM_MODEM 32 // You are in a modem (serial) game #define GM_UNKNOWN 64 // You are not in any mode, kind of dangerous... #define GM_GAME_OVER 128 // Game has been finished #define GM_TEAM 256 // Team mode for network play #define GM_CAPTURE 512 // Capture the flag mode for D2 #define GM_HOARD 1024 // New hoard mode for D2 Christmas #define GM_NORMAL 0 // You are in normal play mode, no multiplayer stuff #define GM_MULTI 38 // You are in some type of multiplayer game // Examples: // Deathmatch mode on a network is GM_NETWORK // Deathmatch mode via modem with robots is GM_MODEM | GM_MULTI_ROBOTS // Cooperative mode via serial link is GM_SERIAL | GM_MULTI_COOP #define NDL 5 // Number of difficulty levels. #define NUM_DETAIL_LEVELS 6 extern int Game_mode; extern int Game_paused; extern int gauge_message_on; #ifndef NDEBUG //if debugging, these are variables extern int Slew_on; //in slew or sim mode? extern int Game_double_buffer; //double buffering? #else //if not debugging, these are constants #define Slew_on 0 //no slewing in real game #define Game_double_buffer 1 //always double buffer in real game #endif #ifndef MACINTOSH #define Scanline_double 0 // PC doesn't do scanline doubling #else extern ubyte Scanline_double; // but the Macintosh does #endif //Suspend flags #define SUSP_NONE 0 //Everything moving normally #define SUSP_ROBOTS 1 //Robot AI doesn't move #define SUSP_WEAPONS 2 //Lasers, etc. don't move extern int Game_suspended; //if non-zero, nothing moves but player // from game.c void init_game(void); void game(void); void close_game(void); void init_cockpit(void); void calc_frame_time(void); int do_flythrough(object *obj,int first_time); extern jmp_buf LeaveGame; // Do a long jump to this when game is over. extern int Difficulty_level; // Difficulty level in 0..NDL-1, 0 = easiest, NDL-1 = hardest extern int Detail_level; // Detail level in 0..NUM_DETAIL_LEVELS-1, 0 = boringest, NUM_DETAIL_LEVELS = coolest extern int Global_laser_firing_count; extern int Global_missile_firing_count; extern int Render_depth; extern fix Auto_fire_fusion_cannon_time, Fusion_charge; extern int PaletteRedAdd, PaletteGreenAdd, PaletteBlueAdd; #define MAX_PALETTE_ADD 30 extern void PALETTE_FLASH_ADD(int dr, int dg, int db); //sets the rgb values for palette flash #define PALETTE_FLASH_SET(_r,_g,_b) PaletteRedAdd=(_r), PaletteGreenAdd=(_g), PaletteBlueAdd=(_b) extern int draw_gauges_on; extern void init_game_screen(void); extern void game_flush_inputs(); // clear all inputs extern int Playing_game; // True if playing game extern int Auto_flythrough; //if set, start flythough automatically extern int Mark_count; // number of debugging marks set extern char faded_in; extern void stop_time(void); extern void start_time(void); extern void reset_time(void); //called when starting level // If automap_flag == 1, then call automap routine to write message. extern void save_screen_shot(int automap_flag); #ifndef WINDOWS extern grs_canvas * get_current_game_screen(); #endif //valid modes for cockpit #define CM_FULL_COCKPIT 0 //normal screen with cockput #define CM_REAR_VIEW 1 //looking back with bitmap #define CM_STATUS_BAR 2 //small status bar, w/ reticle #define CM_FULL_SCREEN 3 //full screen, no cockpit (w/ reticle) #define CM_LETTERBOX 4 //half-height window (for cutscenes) extern int Cockpit_mode; //what sort of cockpit or window is up? extern int Game_window_w, //width and height of player's game window Game_window_h; extern int Rear_view; //if true, looking back. //initalize flying void fly_init(object *obj); //selects a given cockpit (or lack of one). void select_cockpit(int mode); //force cockpit redraw next time. call this if you've trashed the screen void reset_cockpit(void); //called if you've trashed the screen //functions to save, clear, and resture palette flash effects void palette_save(void); void reset_palette_add(void); void palette_restore(void); //put up the help message void do_show_help(); //show a message in a nice little box void show_boxed_message(char *msg); //erases message drawn with show_boxed_message() void clear_boxed_message(); //turns off rear view & rear view cockpit void reset_rear_view(void); extern int Game_turbo_mode; //returns ptr to escort robot, or NULL object *find_escort(); extern void apply_modified_palette(void); //Flickering light system typedef struct { short segnum,sidenum; ulong mask; // determines flicker pattern fix timer; // time until next change fix delay; // time between changes } flickering_light; #define MAX_FLICKERING_LIGHTS 100 extern flickering_light Flickering_lights[MAX_FLICKERING_LIGHTS]; extern int Num_flickering_lights; //returns ptr to flickering light structure, or NULL if can't find flickering_light *find_flicker(int segnum,int sidenum); //turn flickering off (because light has been turned off) void disable_flicker(int segnum,int sidenum); //turn flickering off (because light has been turned on) void enable_flicker(int segnum,int sidenum); //returns 1 if ok, 0 if error int add_flicker(int segnum,int sidenum,fix delay,ulong mask); int gr_toggle_fullscreen_game(void); #endif