/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * object rendering * */ #include // for memset #include #include "inferno.h" #include "game.h" #include "gr.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "bm.h" #include "3d.h" #include "segment.h" #include "texmap.h" #include "laser.h" #include "key.h" #include "gameseg.h" #include "textures.h" #include "byteswap.h" #include "object.h" #include "physics.h" #include "slew.h" #include "render.h" #include "wall.h" #include "vclip.h" #include "polyobj.h" #include "fireball.h" #include "laser.h" #include "error.h" #include "ai.h" #include "hostage.h" #include "morph.h" #include "cntrlcen.h" #include "powerup.h" #include "fuelcen.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "collide.h" #include "lighting.h" #include "newdemo.h" #include "player.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "newmenu.h" #include "gauges.h" #include "multi.h" #include "menu.h" #include "args.h" #include "text.h" #include "piggy.h" #include "robot.h" #include "gameseq.h" #include "playsave.h" #ifdef EDITOR #include "editor/editor.h" #endif void obj_detach_all(object *parent); void obj_detach_one(object *sub); /* * Global variables */ ubyte CollisionResult[MAX_OBJECT_TYPES][MAX_OBJECT_TYPES]; object *ConsoleObject; //the object that is the player static short free_obj_list[MAX_OBJECTS]; //Data for objects // -- Object stuff //info on the various types of objects #ifndef NDEBUG object Object_minus_one; #endif object Objects[MAX_OBJECTS]; int num_objects=0; int Highest_object_index=0; int Highest_ever_object_index=0; // grs_bitmap *robot_bms[MAX_ROBOT_BITMAPS]; //all bitmaps for all robots // int robot_bm_nums[MAX_ROBOT_TYPES]; //starting bitmap num for each robot // int robot_n_bitmaps[MAX_ROBOT_TYPES]; //how many bitmaps for each robot // char *robot_names[MAX_ROBOT_TYPES]; //name of each robot //--unused-- int Num_robot_types=0; int print_object_info = 0; //@@int Object_viewer = 0; //object * Slew_object = NULL; // Object containing slew object info. //--unused-- int Player_controller_type = 0; // List of objects rendered last frame in order. Created at render time, used by homing missiles in laser.c short Ordered_rendered_object_list[MAX_RENDERED_OBJECTS]; int Num_rendered_objects = 0; #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(EDITOR) char Object_type_names[MAX_OBJECT_TYPES][9] = { "WALL ", "FIREBALL", "ROBOT ", "HOSTAGE ", "PLAYER ", "WEAPON ", "CAMERA ", "POWERUP ", "DEBRIS ", "CNTRLCEN", "FLARE ", "CLUTTER ", "GHOST ", "LIGHT ", "COOP ", }; #endif #ifndef RELEASE //set viewer object to next object in array void object_goto_next_viewer() { int i, start_obj = 0; start_obj = Viewer - Objects; //get viewer object number for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) { start_obj++; if (start_obj > Highest_object_index ) start_obj = 0; if (Objects[start_obj].type != OBJ_NONE ) { Viewer = &Objects[start_obj]; return; } } Error( "Couldn't find a viewer object!" ); } #endif object *obj_find_first_of_type (int type) { int i; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) if (Objects[i].type==type) return (&Objects[i]); return ((object *)NULL); } //draw an object that has one bitmap & doesn't rotate void draw_object_blob(object *obj,bitmap_index bmi) { grs_bitmap * bm = &GameBitmaps[bmi.index]; vms_vector pos = obj->pos; PIGGY_PAGE_IN( bmi ); // draw these with slight offset to viewer preventing too much ugly clipping if ( obj->type == OBJ_FIREBALL && obj->id == VCLIP_VOLATILE_WALL_HIT ) { vms_vector offs_vec; vm_vec_normalized_dir_quick(&offs_vec,&Viewer->pos,&obj->pos); vm_vec_scale_add2(&pos,&offs_vec,F1_0); } if (bm->bm_w > bm->bm_h) g3_draw_bitmap(&pos,obj->size,fixmuldiv(obj->size,bm->bm_h,bm->bm_w),bm); else g3_draw_bitmap(&pos,fixmuldiv(obj->size,bm->bm_w,bm->bm_h),obj->size,bm); } //draw an object that is a texture-mapped rod void draw_object_tmap_rod(object *obj,bitmap_index bitmapi,int lighted) { grs_bitmap * bitmap = &GameBitmaps[bitmapi.index]; g3s_lrgb light; vms_vector delta,top_v,bot_v; g3s_point top_p,bot_p; PIGGY_PAGE_IN(bitmapi); vm_vec_copy_scale(&delta,&obj->orient.uvec,obj->size); vm_vec_add(&top_v,&obj->pos,&delta); vm_vec_sub(&bot_v,&obj->pos,&delta); g3_rotate_point(&top_p,&top_v); g3_rotate_point(&bot_p,&bot_v); if (lighted) { light = compute_object_light(obj,&top_p.p3_vec); } else { light.r = light.g = light.b = f1_0; } g3_draw_rod_tmap(bitmap,&bot_p,obj->size,&top_p,obj->size,light); } int Linear_tmap_polygon_objects = 1; extern fix Max_thrust; //used for robot engine glow #define MAX_VELOCITY i2f(50) //function that takes the same parms as draw_tmap, but renders as flat poly //we need this to do the cloaked effect extern void draw_tmap_flat(); //what darkening level to use when cloaked #define CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL 28 #define CLOAK_FADEIN_DURATION_PLAYER F2_0 #define CLOAK_FADEOUT_DURATION_PLAYER F2_0 #define CLOAK_FADEIN_DURATION_ROBOT F1_0 #define CLOAK_FADEOUT_DURATION_ROBOT F1_0 fix Cloak_fadein_duration; fix Cloak_fadeout_duration; //do special cloaked render void draw_cloaked_object(object *obj,g3s_lrgb light,fix *glow,fix64 cloak_start_time,fix64 cloak_end_time,bitmap_index * alt_textures) { fix cloak_delta_time,total_cloaked_time; fix light_scale=F1_0; int cloak_value=0; int fading=0; //if true, fading, else cloaking total_cloaked_time = cloak_end_time-cloak_start_time; switch (obj->type) { case OBJ_PLAYER: Cloak_fadein_duration = CLOAK_FADEIN_DURATION_PLAYER; Cloak_fadeout_duration = CLOAK_FADEOUT_DURATION_PLAYER; break; case OBJ_ROBOT: Cloak_fadein_duration = CLOAK_FADEIN_DURATION_ROBOT; Cloak_fadeout_duration = CLOAK_FADEOUT_DURATION_ROBOT; break; default: Int3(); // Contact Mike: Unexpected object type in draw_cloaked_object. } cloak_delta_time = GameTime64 - cloak_start_time; if (cloak_delta_time < Cloak_fadein_duration/2) { light_scale = Cloak_fadein_duration/2 - cloak_delta_time; fading = 1; } else if (cloak_delta_time < Cloak_fadein_duration) { cloak_value = f2i((cloak_delta_time - Cloak_fadein_duration/2) * CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL); } else if (GameTime64 < cloak_end_time-Cloak_fadeout_duration) { static int cloak_delta=0,cloak_dir=1; static fix cloak_timer=0; //note, if more than one cloaked object is visible at once, the //pulse rate will change! cloak_timer -= FrameTime; while (cloak_timer < 0) { cloak_timer += Cloak_fadeout_duration/12; cloak_delta += cloak_dir; if (cloak_delta==0 || cloak_delta==4) cloak_dir = -cloak_dir; } cloak_value = CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL - cloak_delta; } else if (GameTime64 < cloak_end_time-Cloak_fadeout_duration/2) { cloak_value = f2i((total_cloaked_time - Cloak_fadeout_duration/2 - cloak_delta_time) * CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL); } else { light_scale = Cloak_fadeout_duration/2 - (total_cloaked_time - cloak_delta_time); fading = 1; } if (fading) { fix new_glow; g3s_lrgb new_light; new_light.r = fixmul(light.r,light_scale); new_light.g = fixmul(light.g,light_scale); new_light.b = fixmul(light.b,light_scale); new_glow = fixmul(*glow,light_scale); draw_polygon_model(&obj->pos,&obj->orient,obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles,obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num,obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags,new_light,&new_glow, alt_textures ); } else { gr_settransblend(cloak_value, GR_BLEND_NORMAL); g3_set_special_render(draw_tmap_flat,NULL,NULL); //use special flat drawer draw_polygon_model(&obj->pos,&obj->orient,obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles,obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num,obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags,light,glow, alt_textures ); g3_set_special_render(NULL,NULL,NULL); gr_settransblend(GR_FADE_OFF, GR_BLEND_NORMAL); } } //draw an object which renders as a polygon model void draw_polygon_object(object *obj) { g3s_lrgb light; int imsave; fix engine_glow_value; light = compute_object_light(obj,NULL); // If option set for bright players in netgame, brighten them! #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) if (Netgame.BrightPlayers) light.r = light.g = light.b = F1_0*2; #endif imsave = Interpolation_method; if (Linear_tmap_polygon_objects) Interpolation_method = 1; //set engine glow value engine_glow_value = f1_0/5; if (obj->movement_type == MT_PHYSICS) { if (obj->mtype.phys_info.flags & PF_USES_THRUST && obj->type==OBJ_PLAYER && obj->id==Player_num) { fix thrust_mag = vm_vec_mag_quick(&obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust); engine_glow_value += (fixdiv(thrust_mag,Player_ship->max_thrust)*4)/5; } else { fix speed = vm_vec_mag_quick(&obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity); engine_glow_value += (fixdiv(speed,MAX_VELOCITY)*4)/5; } } if (obj->rtype.pobj_info.tmap_override != -1) { polymodel *pm = &Polygon_models[obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num]; bitmap_index bm_ptrs[10]; int i; Assert(pm->n_textures<=10); for (i=0;in_textures;i++) bm_ptrs[i] = Textures[obj->rtype.pobj_info.tmap_override]; draw_polygon_model(&obj->pos,&obj->orient,obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles,obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num,obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags,light,&engine_glow_value,bm_ptrs); } else { bitmap_index * alt_textures = NULL; #ifdef NETWORK if ( obj->rtype.pobj_info.alt_textures > 0 ) alt_textures = multi_player_textures[obj->rtype.pobj_info.alt_textures-1]; #endif if (obj->type==OBJ_PLAYER && (Players[obj->id].flags&PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED)) draw_cloaked_object(obj,light,&engine_glow_value,Players[obj->id].cloak_time,Players[obj->id].cloak_time+CLOAK_TIME_MAX,alt_textures); else if ((obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT) && (obj->ctype.ai_info.CLOAKED)) { if (Robot_info[obj->id].boss_flag) draw_cloaked_object(obj,light,&engine_glow_value, Boss_cloak_start_time, Boss_cloak_end_time,alt_textures); else draw_cloaked_object(obj,light,&engine_glow_value, GameTime64-F1_0*10, GameTime64+F1_0*10,alt_textures); } else { if (obj->type == OBJ_WEAPON && (Weapon_info[obj->id].model_num_inner > -1 )) { fix dist_to_eye = vm_vec_dist_quick(&Viewer->pos, &obj->pos); gr_settransblend(GR_FADE_OFF, GR_BLEND_ADDITIVE_A); if (dist_to_eye < Simple_model_threshhold_scale * F1_0*2) draw_polygon_model(&obj->pos,&obj->orient,obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles,Weapon_info[obj->id].model_num_inner,obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags,light,&engine_glow_value,alt_textures); } draw_polygon_model(&obj->pos,&obj->orient,obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles,obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num,obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags,light,&engine_glow_value,alt_textures); #ifndef OGL // in software rendering must draw inner model last if (obj->type == OBJ_WEAPON && (Weapon_info[obj->id].model_num_inner > -1 )) { fix dist_to_eye = vm_vec_dist_quick(&Viewer->pos, &obj->pos); gr_settransblend(GR_FADE_OFF, GR_BLEND_ADDITIVE_A); if (dist_to_eye < Simple_model_threshhold_scale * F1_0*2) draw_polygon_model(&obj->pos,&obj->orient,obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles,Weapon_info[obj->id].model_num_inner,obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags,light,&engine_glow_value,alt_textures); } #endif if (obj->type == OBJ_WEAPON && (Weapon_info[obj->id].model_num_inner > -1 )) gr_settransblend(GR_FADE_OFF, GR_BLEND_NORMAL); } } Interpolation_method = imsave; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These variables are used to keep a list of the 3 closest robots to the viewer. // The code works like this: Every time render object is called with a polygon model, // it finds the distance of that robot to the viewer. If this distance if within 10 // segments of the viewer, it does the following: If there aren't already 3 robots in // the closet-robots list, it just sticks that object into the list along with its distance. // If the list already contains 3 robots, then it finds the robot in that list that is // farthest from the viewer. If that object is farther than the object currently being // rendered, then the new object takes over that far object's slot. *Then* after all // objects are rendered, object_render_targets is called an it draws a target on top // of all the objects. //091494: #define MAX_CLOSE_ROBOTS 3 //--unused-- static int Object_draw_lock_boxes = 0; //091494: static int Object_num_close = 0; //091494: static object * Object_close_ones[MAX_CLOSE_ROBOTS]; //091494: static fix Object_close_distance[MAX_CLOSE_ROBOTS]; //091494: set_close_objects(object *obj) //091494: { //091494: fix dist; //091494: //091494: if ( (obj->type != OBJ_ROBOT) || (Object_draw_lock_boxes==0) ) //091494: return; //091494: //091494: // The following code keeps a list of the 10 closest robots to the //091494: // viewer. See comments in front of this function for how this works. //091494: dist = vm_vec_dist( &obj->pos, &Viewer->pos ); //091494: if ( dist < i2f(20*10) ) { //091494: if ( Object_num_close < MAX_CLOSE_ROBOTS ) { //091494: Object_close_ones[Object_num_close] = obj; //091494: Object_close_distance[Object_num_close] = dist; //091494: Object_num_close++; //091494: } else { //091494: int i, farthest_robot; //091494: fix farthest_distance; //091494: // Find the farthest robot in the list //091494: farthest_robot = 0; //091494: farthest_distance = Object_close_distance[0]; //091494: for (i=1; i farthest_distance ) { //091494: farthest_distance = Object_close_distance[i]; //091494: farthest_robot = i; //091494: } //091494: } //091494: // If this object is closer to the viewer than //091494: // the farthest in the list, replace the farthest with this object. //091494: if ( farthest_distance > dist ) { //091494: Object_close_ones[farthest_robot] = obj; //091494: Object_close_distance[farthest_robot] = dist; //091494: } //091494: } //091494: } //091494: } int Player_fired_laser_this_frame=-1; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //this routine checks to see if an robot rendered near the middle of //the screen, and if so and the player had fired, "warns" the robot void set_robot_location_info(object *objp) { if (Player_fired_laser_this_frame != -1) { g3s_point temp; g3_rotate_point(&temp,&objp->pos); if (temp.p3_codes & CC_BEHIND) //robot behind the screen return; //the code below to check for object near the center of the screen //completely ignores z, which may not be good if ((abs(temp.p3_x) < F1_0*4) && (abs(temp.p3_y) < F1_0*4)) { objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num = Player_fired_laser_this_frame; objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_signature = Objects[Player_fired_laser_this_frame].signature; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void create_small_fireball_on_object(object *objp, fix size_scale, int sound_flag) { fix size; vms_vector pos, rand_vec; int segnum; pos = objp->pos; make_random_vector(&rand_vec); vm_vec_scale(&rand_vec, objp->size/2); vm_vec_add2(&pos, &rand_vec); size = fixmul(size_scale, F1_0 + d_rand()*4); segnum = find_point_seg(&pos, objp->segnum); if (segnum != -1) { object *expl_obj; expl_obj = object_create_explosion(segnum, &pos, size, VCLIP_SMALL_EXPLOSION); if (!expl_obj) return; obj_attach(objp,expl_obj); if (d_rand() < 8192) { fix vol = F1_0/2; if (objp->type == OBJ_ROBOT) vol *= 2; if (sound_flag) digi_link_sound_to_object(SOUND_EXPLODING_WALL, objp-Objects, 0, vol); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void create_vclip_on_object(object *objp, fix size_scale, int vclip_num) { fix size; vms_vector pos, rand_vec; int segnum; pos = objp->pos; make_random_vector(&rand_vec); vm_vec_scale(&rand_vec, objp->size/2); vm_vec_add2(&pos, &rand_vec); size = fixmul(size_scale, F1_0 + d_rand()*4); segnum = find_point_seg(&pos, objp->segnum); if (segnum != -1) { object *expl_obj; expl_obj = object_create_explosion(segnum, &pos, size, vclip_num); if (!expl_obj) return; expl_obj->movement_type = MT_PHYSICS; expl_obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x = objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x/2; expl_obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y = objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y/2; expl_obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z = objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z/2; } } // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- #define VCLIP_INVULNERABILITY_EFFECT VCLIP_SMALL_EXPLOSION // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- void do_player_invulnerability_effect(object *objp) // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- { // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- if (d_rand() < FrameTime*8) { // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- create_vclip_on_object(objp, F1_0, VCLIP_INVULNERABILITY_EFFECT); // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- } // -- mk, 02/05/95 -- } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Render an object. Calls one of several routines based on type void render_object(object *obj) { int mld_save; if ( obj == Viewer ) return; if ( obj->type == OBJ_NONE ) { #ifndef NDEBUG Int3(); #endif return; } mld_save = Max_linear_depth; Max_linear_depth = Max_linear_depth_objects; switch (obj->render_type) { case RT_NONE: break; //doesn't render, like the player case RT_POLYOBJ: draw_polygon_object(obj); if (obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT) //"warn" robot if being shot at set_robot_location_info(obj); break; case RT_MORPH: draw_morph_object(obj); break; case RT_FIREBALL: if ( PlayerCfg.AlphaEffects ) // set nice transparency/blending for certrain objects gr_settransblend( GR_FADE_OFF, GR_BLEND_ADDITIVE_C ); draw_fireball(obj); break; case RT_WEAPON_VCLIP: if ( PlayerCfg.AlphaEffects && obj->id != PROXIMITY_ID ) // set nice transparency/blending for certrain objects gr_settransblend( 7, GR_BLEND_ADDITIVE_A ); draw_weapon_vclip(obj); break; case RT_HOSTAGE: draw_hostage(obj); break; case RT_POWERUP: if ( PlayerCfg.AlphaEffects ) // set nice transparency/blending for certrain objects switch ( obj->id ) { case POW_EXTRA_LIFE: case POW_ENERGY: case POW_SHIELD_BOOST: case POW_CLOAK: case POW_INVULNERABILITY: gr_settransblend( 7, GR_BLEND_ADDITIVE_A ); break; } draw_powerup(obj); break; case RT_LASER: if ( PlayerCfg.AlphaEffects ) // set nice transparency/blending for certrain objects gr_settransblend( 7, GR_BLEND_ADDITIVE_A ); Laser_render(obj); break; default: Error("Unknown render_type <%d>",obj->render_type); } gr_settransblend( GR_FADE_OFF, GR_BLEND_NORMAL ); // revert any transparency/blending setting back to normal if ( obj->render_type != RT_NONE && Newdemo_state == ND_STATE_RECORDING ) newdemo_record_render_object(obj); Max_linear_depth = mld_save; } void check_and_fix_matrix(vms_matrix *m); #define vm_angvec_zero(v) (v)->p=(v)->b=(v)->h=0 void reset_player_object() { int i; //Init physics vm_vec_zero(&ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.velocity); vm_vec_zero(&ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.thrust); vm_vec_zero(&ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel); vm_vec_zero(&ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust); ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.brakes = ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.turnroll = 0; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.mass = Player_ship->mass; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.drag = Player_ship->drag; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.flags |= PF_TURNROLL | PF_LEVELLING | PF_WIGGLE | PF_USES_THRUST; //Init render info ConsoleObject->render_type = RT_POLYOBJ; ConsoleObject->rtype.pobj_info.model_num = Player_ship->model_num; //what model is this? ConsoleObject->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags = 0; //zero the flags ConsoleObject->rtype.pobj_info.tmap_override = -1; //no tmap override! for (i=0;irtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i]); // Clear misc ConsoleObject->flags = 0; } //make object0 the player, setting all relevant fields void init_player_object() { ConsoleObject->type = OBJ_PLAYER; ConsoleObject->id = 0; //no sub-types for player ConsoleObject->size = Polygon_models[Player_ship->model_num].rad; ConsoleObject->control_type = CT_SLEW; //default is player slewing ConsoleObject->movement_type = MT_PHYSICS; //change this sometime ConsoleObject->lifeleft = IMMORTAL_TIME; ConsoleObject->attached_obj = -1; reset_player_object(); } //sets up the free list & init player & whatever else void init_objects() { int i; collide_init(); for (i=0;i Highest_object_index) Highest_object_index = i; } #ifndef NDEBUG int is_object_in_seg( int segnum, int objn ) { int objnum, count = 0; for (objnum=Segments[segnum].objects;objnum!=-1;objnum=Objects[objnum].next) { if ( count > MAX_OBJECTS ) { Int3(); return count; } if ( objnum==objn ) count++; } return count; } int search_all_segments_for_object( int objnum ) { int i; int count = 0; for (i=0; i<=Highest_segment_index; i++) { count += is_object_in_seg( i, objnum ); } return count; } void johns_obj_unlink(int segnum, int objnum) { object *obj = &Objects[objnum]; segment *seg = &Segments[segnum]; Assert(objnum != -1); if (obj->prev == -1) seg->objects = obj->next; else Objects[obj->prev].next = obj->next; if (obj->next != -1) Objects[obj->next].prev = obj->prev; } void remove_incorrect_objects() { int segnum, objnum, count; for (segnum=0; segnum <= Highest_segment_index; segnum++) { count = 0; for (objnum=Segments[segnum].objects;objnum!=-1;objnum=Objects[objnum].next) { count++; #ifndef NDEBUG if ( count > MAX_OBJECTS ) { Int3(); } #endif if (Objects[objnum].segnum != segnum ) { #ifndef NDEBUG Int3(); #endif johns_obj_unlink(segnum,objnum); } } } } void remove_all_objects_but( int segnum, int objnum ) { int i; for (i=0; i<=Highest_segment_index; i++) { if (segnum != i ) { if (is_object_in_seg( i, objnum )) { johns_obj_unlink( i, objnum ); } } } } int check_duplicate_objects() { int i, count=0; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) { if ( Objects[i].type != OBJ_NONE ) { count = search_all_segments_for_object( i ); if ( count > 1 ) { #ifndef NDEBUG Int3(); #endif remove_all_objects_but( Objects[i].segnum, i ); return count; } } } return count; } void list_seg_objects( int segnum ) { int objnum, count = 0; for (objnum=Segments[segnum].objects;objnum!=-1;objnum=Objects[objnum].next) { count++; if ( count > MAX_OBJECTS ) { Int3(); return; } } return; } #endif //link the object into the list for its segment void obj_link(int objnum,int segnum) { object *obj = &Objects[objnum]; Assert(objnum != -1); Assert(obj->segnum == -1); Assert(segnum>=0 && segnum<=Highest_segment_index); obj->segnum = segnum; obj->next = Segments[segnum].objects; obj->prev = -1; Segments[segnum].objects = objnum; if (obj->next != -1) Objects[obj->next].prev = objnum; //list_seg_objects( segnum ); //check_duplicate_objects(); Assert(Objects[0].next != 0); if (Objects[0].next == 0) Objects[0].next = -1; Assert(Objects[0].prev != 0); if (Objects[0].prev == 0) Objects[0].prev = -1; } void obj_unlink(int objnum) { object *obj = &Objects[objnum]; segment *seg = &Segments[obj->segnum]; Assert(objnum != -1); if (obj->prev == -1) seg->objects = obj->next; else Objects[obj->prev].next = obj->next; if (obj->next != -1) Objects[obj->next].prev = obj->prev; obj->segnum = -1; Assert(Objects[0].next != 0); Assert(Objects[0].prev != 0); } // Returns a new, unique signature for a new object int obj_get_signature() { static short sig = 0; // Yes! Short! a) We do not need higher values b) the demo system only stores shorts int free = 0, i = 0; while (!free) { free = 1; sig++; if (sig < 0) sig = 0; for (i = 0; i <= MAX_OBJECTS; i++) { if ((sig == Objects[i].signature) && (Objects[i].type != OBJ_NONE)) { free = 0; } } } return sig; } int Debris_object_count=0; int Unused_object_slots; //returns the number of a free object, updating Highest_object_index. //Generally, obj_create() should be called to get an object, since it //fills in important fields and does the linking. //returns -1 if no free objects int obj_allocate(void) { int objnum; if ( num_objects >= MAX_OBJECTS ) { return -1; } objnum = free_obj_list[num_objects++]; if (objnum > Highest_object_index) { Highest_object_index = objnum; if (Highest_object_index > Highest_ever_object_index) Highest_ever_object_index = Highest_object_index; } { int i; Unused_object_slots=0; for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++) if (Objects[i].type == OBJ_NONE) Unused_object_slots++; } return objnum; } //frees up an object. Generally, obj_delete() should be called to get //rid of an object. This function deallocates the object entry after //the object has been unlinked void obj_free(int objnum) { free_obj_list[--num_objects] = objnum; Assert(num_objects >= 0); if (objnum == Highest_object_index) while (Objects[--Highest_object_index].type == OBJ_NONE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scan the object list, freeing down to num_used objects void free_object_slots(int num_used) { int i, olind; int obj_list[MAX_OBJECTS]; int num_already_free, num_to_free; olind = 0; num_already_free = MAX_OBJECTS - Highest_object_index - 1; if (MAX_OBJECTS - num_already_free < num_used) return; for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++) { if (Objects[i].flags & OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD) num_already_free++; else switch (Objects[i].type) { case OBJ_NONE: num_already_free++; if (MAX_OBJECTS - num_already_free < num_used) return; break; case OBJ_WALL: case OBJ_FLARE: Int3(); // This is curious. What is an object that is a wall? break; case OBJ_FIREBALL: case OBJ_WEAPON: case OBJ_DEBRIS: obj_list[olind++] = i; break; case OBJ_ROBOT: case OBJ_HOSTAGE: case OBJ_PLAYER: case OBJ_CNTRLCEN: case OBJ_CLUTTER: case OBJ_GHOST: case OBJ_LIGHT: case OBJ_CAMERA: case OBJ_POWERUP: break; } } num_to_free = MAX_OBJECTS - num_used - num_already_free; if (num_to_free > olind) { num_to_free = olind; } for (i=0; i Highest_segment_index) return -1; Assert(ctype <= CT_CNTRLCEN); if (type==OBJ_DEBRIS && Debris_object_count>=Max_debris_objects && !PERSISTENT_DEBRIS) return -1; if (get_seg_masks(pos,segnum,0,__FILE__,__LINE__).centermask!=0) if ((segnum=find_point_seg(pos,segnum))==-1) { return -1; //don't create this object } // Find next free object objnum = obj_allocate(); if (objnum == -1) //no free objects return -1; Assert(Objects[objnum].type == OBJ_NONE); //make sure unused obj = &Objects[objnum]; Assert(obj->segnum == -1); // Zero out object structure to keep weird bugs from happening // in uninitialized fields. memset( obj, 0, sizeof(object) ); obj->signature = obj_get_signature(); obj->type = type; obj->id = id; obj->last_pos = *pos; obj->pos = *pos; obj->size = size; obj->flags = 0; if (orient != NULL) obj->orient = *orient; obj->control_type = ctype; obj->movement_type = mtype; obj->render_type = rtype; obj->contains_type = -1; obj->lifeleft = IMMORTAL_TIME; //assume immortal obj->attached_obj = -1; if (obj->control_type == CT_POWERUP) obj->ctype.powerup_info.count = 1; // Init physics info for this object if (obj->movement_type == MT_PHYSICS) { vm_vec_zero(&obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity); vm_vec_zero(&obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust); vm_vec_zero(&obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel); vm_vec_zero(&obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust); obj->mtype.phys_info.mass = 0; obj->mtype.phys_info.drag = 0; obj->mtype.phys_info.brakes = 0; obj->mtype.phys_info.turnroll = 0; obj->mtype.phys_info.flags = 0; } if (obj->render_type == RT_POLYOBJ) obj->rtype.pobj_info.tmap_override = -1; obj->shields = 20*F1_0; segnum = find_point_seg(pos,segnum); //find correct segment Assert(segnum!=-1); obj->segnum = -1; //set to zero by memset, above obj_link(objnum,segnum); // Set (or not) persistent bit in phys_info. if (obj->type == OBJ_WEAPON) { obj->mtype.phys_info.flags |= (Weapon_info[obj->id].persistent*PF_PERSISTENT); obj->ctype.laser_info.creation_time = GameTime64; obj->ctype.laser_info.last_hitobj = -1; memset(&obj->ctype.laser_info.hitobj_list, 0, sizeof(ubyte)*MAX_OBJECTS); obj->ctype.laser_info.multiplier = F1_0; } if (obj->control_type == CT_EXPLOSION) obj->ctype.expl_info.next_attach = obj->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach = obj->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent = -1; if (obj->type == OBJ_DEBRIS) Debris_object_count++; return objnum; } #ifdef EDITOR //create a copy of an object. returns new object number int obj_create_copy(int objnum, vms_vector *new_pos, int newsegnum) { int newobjnum; object *obj; // Find next free object newobjnum = obj_allocate(); if (newobjnum == -1) return -1; obj = &Objects[newobjnum]; *obj = Objects[objnum]; obj->pos = obj->last_pos = *new_pos; obj->next = obj->prev = obj->segnum = -1; obj_link(newobjnum,newsegnum); obj->signature = obj_get_signature(); //we probably should initialize sub-structures here return newobjnum; } #endif //remove object from the world void obj_delete(int objnum) { object *obj = &Objects[objnum]; Assert(objnum != -1); Assert(objnum != 0 ); Assert(obj->type != OBJ_NONE); Assert(obj != ConsoleObject); if (obj == Viewer) //deleting the viewer? Viewer = ConsoleObject; //..make the player the viewer if (obj->flags & OF_ATTACHED) //detach this from object obj_detach_one(obj); if (obj->attached_obj != -1) //detach all objects from this obj_detach_all(obj); if (obj->type == OBJ_DEBRIS) Debris_object_count--; obj_unlink(objnum); Assert(Objects[0].next != 0); obj->type = OBJ_NONE; //unused! obj->signature = -1; obj_free(objnum); } #define DEATH_SEQUENCE_LENGTH (F1_0*5) #define DEATH_SEQUENCE_EXPLODE_TIME (F1_0*2) int Player_is_dead = 0; // If !0, then player is dead, but game continues so he can watch. object *Dead_player_camera = NULL; // Object index of object watching deader. object *Viewer_save; int Player_flags_save; int Player_exploded = 0; int Death_sequence_aborted=0; int Player_eggs_dropped=0; fix Camera_to_player_dist_goal=F1_0*4; ubyte Control_type_save, Render_type_save; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void dead_player_end(void) { if (!Player_is_dead) return; if (Newdemo_state == ND_STATE_RECORDING) newdemo_record_restore_cockpit(); Player_is_dead = 0; Player_exploded = 0; obj_delete(Dead_player_camera-Objects); Dead_player_camera = NULL; select_cockpit(PlayerCfg.CockpitMode[0]); Viewer = Viewer_save; ConsoleObject->type = OBJ_PLAYER; ConsoleObject->flags = Player_flags_save; Assert((Control_type_save == CT_FLYING) || (Control_type_save == CT_SLEW)); ConsoleObject->control_type = Control_type_save; ConsoleObject->render_type = Render_type_save; Players[Player_num].flags &= ~PLAYER_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE; Player_eggs_dropped = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Camera is less than size of player away from void set_camera_pos(vms_vector *camera_pos, object *objp) { int count = 0; fix camera_player_dist; fix far_scale; camera_player_dist = vm_vec_dist_quick(camera_pos, &objp->pos); if (camera_player_dist < Camera_to_player_dist_goal) { //2*objp->size) { // Camera is too close to player object, so move it away. vms_vector player_camera_vec; fvi_query fq; fvi_info hit_data; vms_vector local_p1; vm_vec_sub(&player_camera_vec, camera_pos, &objp->pos); if ((player_camera_vec.x == 0) && (player_camera_vec.y == 0) && (player_camera_vec.z == 0)) player_camera_vec.x += F1_0/16; hit_data.hit_type = HIT_WALL; far_scale = F1_0; while ((hit_data.hit_type != HIT_NONE) && (count++ < 6)) { vms_vector closer_p1; vm_vec_normalize_quick(&player_camera_vec); vm_vec_scale(&player_camera_vec, Camera_to_player_dist_goal); fq.p0 = &objp->pos; vm_vec_add(&closer_p1, &objp->pos, &player_camera_vec); // This is the actual point we want to put the camera at. vm_vec_scale(&player_camera_vec, far_scale); // ...but find a point 50% further away... vm_vec_add(&local_p1, &objp->pos, &player_camera_vec); // ...so we won't have to do as many cuts. fq.p1 = &local_p1; fq.startseg = objp->segnum; fq.rad = 0; fq.thisobjnum = objp-Objects; fq.ignore_obj_list = NULL; fq.flags = 0; find_vector_intersection( &fq, &hit_data); if (hit_data.hit_type == HIT_NONE) { *camera_pos = closer_p1; } else { make_random_vector(&player_camera_vec); far_scale = 3*F1_0/2; } } } } extern void drop_player_eggs(object *playerobj); extern int get_explosion_vclip(object *obj,int stage); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void dead_player_frame(void) { static fix time_dead = 0; vms_vector fvec; if (Player_is_dead) { time_dead += FrameTime; // If unable to create camera at time of death, create now. if (Dead_player_camera == Viewer_save) { int objnum; object *player = &Objects[Players[Player_num].objnum]; objnum = obj_create(OBJ_CAMERA, 0, player->segnum, &player->pos, &player->orient, 0, CT_NONE, MT_NONE, RT_NONE); if (objnum != -1) Viewer = Dead_player_camera = &Objects[objnum]; else { Int3(); } } ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x = max(0, DEATH_SEQUENCE_EXPLODE_TIME - time_dead)/4; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y = max(0, DEATH_SEQUENCE_EXPLODE_TIME - time_dead)/2; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z = max(0, DEATH_SEQUENCE_EXPLODE_TIME - time_dead)/3; Camera_to_player_dist_goal = min(time_dead*8, F1_0*20) + ConsoleObject->size; set_camera_pos(&Dead_player_camera->pos, ConsoleObject); //the following line uncommented by WraithX, 4-12-00 if (time_dead < DEATH_SEQUENCE_EXPLODE_TIME+F1_0*2) { vm_vec_sub(&fvec, &ConsoleObject->pos, &Dead_player_camera->pos); vm_vector_2_matrix(&Dead_player_camera->orient, &fvec, NULL, NULL); Dead_player_camera->mtype.phys_info = ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info; //the following "if" added by WraithX to get rid of camera "wiggle" if (Dead_player_camera->mtype.phys_info.flags & PF_WIGGLE) { Dead_player_camera->mtype.phys_info.flags = (Dead_player_camera->mtype.phys_info.flags & ~PF_WIGGLE); }//end "if" added by WraithX, 4/13/00 //the following line uncommented by WraithX, 4-12-00 } else { //the following line uncommented by WraithX, 4-11-00 Dead_player_camera->movement_type = MT_PHYSICS; //Dead_player_camera->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y = F1_0/8; //the following line uncommented by WraithX, 4-12-00 } //end addition by WX if (time_dead > DEATH_SEQUENCE_EXPLODE_TIME) { if (!Player_exploded) { if (Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board > 1) HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, TXT_SHIP_DESTROYED_2, Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board); else if (Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board == 1) HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, TXT_SHIP_DESTROYED_1); else HUD_init_message(HM_DEFAULT, TXT_SHIP_DESTROYED_0); Player_exploded = 1; #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_NETWORK) multi_powcap_cap_objects(); #endif drop_player_eggs(ConsoleObject); Player_eggs_dropped = 1; #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) { multi_send_player_explode(MULTI_PLAYER_EXPLODE); } #endif explode_badass_player(ConsoleObject); //is this next line needed, given the badass call above? explode_object(ConsoleObject,0); ConsoleObject->flags &= ~OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD; //don't really kill player ConsoleObject->render_type = RT_NONE; //..just make him disappear ConsoleObject->type = OBJ_GHOST; //..and kill intersections } } else { if (d_rand() < FrameTime*4) { #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) multi_send_create_explosion(Player_num); #endif create_small_fireball_on_object(ConsoleObject, F1_0, 1); } } if (Death_sequence_aborted) { if (!Player_eggs_dropped) { #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_NETWORK) multi_powcap_cap_objects(); #endif drop_player_eggs(ConsoleObject); Player_eggs_dropped = 1; #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) { multi_send_player_explode(MULTI_PLAYER_EXPLODE); } #endif } DoPlayerDead(); //kill_player(); } } else time_dead = 0; } int Killed_in_frame = -1; int Killed_objnum = -1; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void start_player_death_sequence(object *player) { int objnum; Assert(player == ConsoleObject); if ((Player_is_dead != 0) || (Dead_player_camera != NULL)) return; //Assert(Player_is_dead == 0); //Assert(Dead_player_camera == NULL); reset_rear_view(); if (!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI)) HUD_clear_messages(); Killed_in_frame = FrameCount; Killed_objnum = player-Objects; Death_sequence_aborted = 0; #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) { multi_send_kill(Players[Player_num].objnum); } #endif PaletteRedAdd = 40; Player_is_dead = 1; Players[Player_num].flags &= ~(PLAYER_FLAGS_AFTERBURNER); vm_vec_zero(&player->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust); //this line commented by WraithX vm_vec_zero(&player->mtype.phys_info.thrust); objnum = obj_create(OBJ_CAMERA, 0, player->segnum, &player->pos, &player->orient, 0, CT_NONE, MT_NONE, RT_NONE); Viewer_save = Viewer; if (objnum != -1) Viewer = Dead_player_camera = &Objects[objnum]; else { Int3(); Dead_player_camera = Viewer; } select_cockpit(CM_LETTERBOX); if (Newdemo_state == ND_STATE_RECORDING) newdemo_record_letterbox(); Player_flags_save = player->flags; Control_type_save = player->control_type; Render_type_save = player->render_type; player->flags &= ~OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD; // Players[Player_num].flags |= PLAYER_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE; player->control_type = CT_NONE; player->shields = F1_0*1000; PALETTE_FLASH_SET(0,0,0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void obj_delete_all_that_should_be_dead() { int i; object *objp; int local_dead_player_object=-1; // Move all objects objp = Objects; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) { if ((objp->type!=OBJ_NONE) && (objp->flags&OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD) ) { Assert(!(objp->type==OBJ_FIREBALL && objp->ctype.expl_info.delete_time!=-1)); if (objp->type==OBJ_PLAYER) { if ( objp->id == Player_num ) { if (local_dead_player_object == -1) { start_player_death_sequence(objp); local_dead_player_object = objp-Objects; } else Int3(); // Contact Mike: Illegal, killed player twice in this frame! // Ok to continue, won't start death sequence again! // kill_player(); } } else { obj_delete(i); } } objp++; } } //when an object has moved into a new segment, this function unlinks it //from its old segment, and links it into the new segment void obj_relink(int objnum,int newsegnum) { Assert((objnum >= 0) && (objnum <= Highest_object_index)); Assert((newsegnum <= Highest_segment_index) && (newsegnum >= 0)); obj_unlink(objnum); obj_link(objnum,newsegnum); } // for getting out of messed up linking situations (i.e. caused by demo playback) void obj_relink_all(void) { int segnum; int objnum; object *obj; for (segnum=0; segnum <= Highest_segment_index; segnum++) Segments[segnum].objects = -1; for (objnum=0,obj=&Objects[0];objnum<=Highest_object_index;objnum++,obj++) if (obj->type != OBJ_NONE) { segnum = obj->segnum; obj->next = obj->prev = obj->segnum = -1; if (segnum > Highest_segment_index) segnum = 0; obj_link(objnum, segnum); } } //process a continuously-spinning object void spin_object(object *obj) { vms_angvec rotangs; vms_matrix rotmat, new_pm; Assert(obj->movement_type == MT_SPINNING); rotangs.p = fixmul(obj->mtype.spin_rate.x,FrameTime); rotangs.h = fixmul(obj->mtype.spin_rate.y,FrameTime); rotangs.b = fixmul(obj->mtype.spin_rate.z,FrameTime); vm_angles_2_matrix(&rotmat,&rotangs); vm_matrix_x_matrix(&new_pm,&obj->orient,&rotmat); obj->orient = new_pm; check_and_fix_matrix(&obj->orient); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //move an object for the current frame void object_move_one( object * obj ) { #ifndef DEMO_ONLY int previous_segment = obj->segnum; obj->last_pos = obj->pos; // Save the current position if ((obj->type==OBJ_PLAYER) && (Player_num==obj->id)) { fix fuel; fuel=fuelcen_give_fuel( &Segments[obj->segnum], i2f(100)-Players[Player_num].energy ); if (fuel > 0 ) { Players[Player_num].energy += fuel; } } if (obj->lifeleft != IMMORTAL_TIME) //if not immortal... obj->lifeleft -= FrameTime; //...inevitable countdown towards death switch (obj->control_type) { case CT_NONE: break; case CT_FLYING: read_flying_controls( obj ); break; case CT_REPAIRCEN: Int3(); // -- hey! these are no longer supported!! -- do_repair_sequence(obj); break; case CT_POWERUP: do_powerup_frame(obj); break; case CT_MORPH: //morph implies AI do_morph_frame(obj); //NOTE: FALLS INTO AI HERE!!!! case CT_AI: //NOTE LINK TO CT_MORPH ABOVE!!! if (Game_suspended & SUSP_ROBOTS) return; do_ai_frame(obj); break; case CT_WEAPON: Laser_do_weapon_sequence(obj); break; case CT_EXPLOSION: do_explosion_sequence(obj); break; #ifndef RELEASE case CT_SLEW: if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_PAD5] ) slew_stop( obj ); if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_NUMLOCK] ) { slew_reset_orient( obj ); * (ubyte *) 0x417 &= ~0x20; //kill numlock } slew_frame(0 ); // Does velocity addition for us. break; #endif // case CT_FLYTHROUGH: // do_flythrough(obj,0); // HACK:do_flythrough should operate on an object!!!! // //check_object_seg(obj); // return; // DON'T DO THE REST OF OBJECT STUFF SINCE THIS IS A SPECIAL CASE!!! // break; case CT_DEBRIS: do_debris_frame(obj); break; case CT_LIGHT: break; //doesn't do anything case CT_REMOTE: break; //doesn't do anything case CT_CNTRLCEN: do_controlcen_frame(obj); break; default: Error("Unknown control type %d in object %d, sig/type/id = %d/%d/%d",obj->control_type,(int) (obj-Objects), obj->signature, obj->type, obj->id); break; } if (obj->lifeleft < 0 ) { // We died of old age obj->flags |= OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD; if ( Weapon_info[obj->id].damage_radius ) explode_badass_weapon(obj); } if (obj->type == OBJ_NONE || obj->flags&OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD) return; //object has been deleted switch (obj->movement_type) { case MT_NONE: break; //this doesn't move case MT_PHYSICS: do_physics_sim(obj); break; //move by physics case MT_SPINNING: spin_object(obj); break; } // If player and moved to another segment, see if hit any triggers. if (obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER && obj->movement_type==MT_PHYSICS) { if (previous_segment != obj->segnum) { int connect_side,i; for (i=0;i MAX_USED_OBJECTS) free_object_slots(MAX_USED_OBJECTS); // Free all possible object slots. obj_delete_all_that_should_be_dead(); if (PlayerCfg.AutoLeveling) ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.flags |= PF_LEVELLING; else ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.flags &= ~PF_LEVELLING; // Move all objects objp = Objects; #ifndef DEMO_ONLY for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) { if ( (objp->type != OBJ_NONE) && (!(objp->flags&OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD)) ) { object_move_one( objp ); } objp++; } #else i=0; //kill warning #endif // check_duplicate_objects(); // remove_incorrect_objects(); } //--unused-- // ----------------------------------------------------------- //--unused-- // Moved here from eobject.c on 02/09/94 by MK. //--unused-- int find_last_obj(int i) //--unused-- { //--unused-- for (i=MAX_OBJECTS;--i>=0;) //--unused-- if (Objects[i].type != OBJ_NONE) break; //--unused-- //--unused-- return i; //--unused-- //--unused-- } //make object array non-sparse void compress_objects(void) { int start_i; //,last_i; //last_i = find_last_obj(MAX_OBJECTS); // Note: It's proper to do < (rather than <=) Highest_object_index here because we // are just removing gaps, and the last object can't be a gap. for (start_i=0;start_i0); for (i=num_objects;ipos,obj->segnum); } //If an object is in a segment, set its segnum field and make sure it's //properly linked. If not in any segment, returns 0, else 1. //callers should generally use find_vector_intersection() int update_object_seg(object * obj ) { int newseg; newseg = find_object_seg(obj); if (newseg == -1) return 0; if ( newseg != obj->segnum ) obj_relink(obj-Objects, newseg ); return 1; } //go through all objects and make sure they have the correct segment numbers void fix_object_segs() { int i; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) if (Objects[i].type != OBJ_NONE) if (update_object_seg(&Objects[i]) == 0) { Int3(); compute_segment_center(&Objects[i].pos,&Segments[Objects[i].segnum]); } } //--unused-- void object_use_new_object_list( object * new_list ) //--unused-- { //--unused-- int i, segnum; //--unused-- object *obj; //--unused-- //--unused-- // First, unlink all the old objects for the segments array //--unused-- for (segnum=0; segnum <= Highest_segment_index; segnum++) { //--unused-- Segments[segnum].objects = -1; //--unused-- } //--unused-- // Then, erase all the objects //--unused-- reset_objects(1); //--unused-- //--unused-- // Fill in the object array //--unused-- memcpy( Objects, new_list, sizeof(object)*MAX_OBJECTS ); //--unused-- //--unused-- Highest_object_index=-1; //--unused-- //--unused-- // Relink 'em //--unused-- for (i=0; itype != OBJ_NONE ) { //--unused-- num_objects++; //--unused-- Highest_object_index = i; //--unused-- segnum = obj->segnum; //--unused-- obj->next = obj->prev = obj->segnum = -1; //--unused-- obj_link(i,segnum); //--unused-- } else { //--unused-- obj->next = obj->prev = obj->segnum = -1; //--unused-- } //--unused-- } //--unused-- //--unused-- } //delete objects, such as weapons & explosions, that shouldn't stay between levels // Changed by MK on 10/15/94, don't remove proximity bombs. //if clear_all is set, clear even proximity bombs void clear_transient_objects(int clear_all) { int objnum; object *obj; for (objnum=0,obj=&Objects[0];objnum<=Highest_object_index;objnum++,obj++) if (((obj->type == OBJ_WEAPON) && (clear_all || obj->id != PROXIMITY_ID)) || obj->type == OBJ_FIREBALL || obj->type == OBJ_DEBRIS || obj->type == OBJ_DEBRIS || (obj->type!=OBJ_NONE && obj->flags & OF_EXPLODING)) { obj_delete(objnum); } } //attaches an object, such as a fireball, to another object, such as a robot void obj_attach(object *parent,object *sub) { Assert(sub->type == OBJ_FIREBALL); Assert(sub->control_type == CT_EXPLOSION); Assert(sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach==-1); Assert(sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach==-1); Assert(parent->attached_obj==-1 || Objects[parent->attached_obj].ctype.expl_info.prev_attach==-1); sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach = parent->attached_obj; if (sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach != -1) Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach].ctype.expl_info.prev_attach = sub-Objects; parent->attached_obj = sub-Objects; sub->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent = parent-Objects; sub->flags |= OF_ATTACHED; Assert(sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach != sub-Objects); Assert(sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach != sub-Objects); } //dettaches one object void obj_detach_one(object *sub) { Assert(sub->flags & OF_ATTACHED); Assert(sub->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent != -1); if ((Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent].type == OBJ_NONE) || (Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent].attached_obj == -1)) { sub->flags &= ~OF_ATTACHED; return; } if (sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach != -1) { Assert(Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach].ctype.expl_info.prev_attach=sub-Objects); Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach].ctype.expl_info.prev_attach = sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach; } if (sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach != -1) { Assert(Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach].ctype.expl_info.next_attach=sub-Objects); Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach].ctype.expl_info.next_attach = sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach; } else { Assert(Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent].attached_obj=sub-Objects); Objects[sub->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent].attached_obj = sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach; } sub->ctype.expl_info.next_attach = sub->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach = -1; sub->flags &= ~OF_ATTACHED; } //dettaches all objects from this object void obj_detach_all(object *parent) { while (parent->attached_obj != -1) obj_detach_one(&Objects[parent->attached_obj]); } // Swap endianess of given object_rw if swap == 1 void object_rw_swap(object_rw *obj, int swap) { if (!swap) return; obj->signature = SWAPINT(obj->signature); obj->next = SWAPSHORT(obj->next); obj->prev = SWAPSHORT(obj->prev); obj->segnum = SWAPSHORT(obj->segnum); obj->attached_obj = SWAPSHORT(obj->attached_obj); obj->pos.x = SWAPINT(obj->pos.x); obj->pos.y = SWAPINT(obj->pos.y); obj->pos.z = SWAPINT(obj->pos.z); obj->orient.rvec.x = SWAPINT(obj->orient.rvec.x); obj->orient.rvec.y = SWAPINT(obj->orient.rvec.y); obj->orient.rvec.z = SWAPINT(obj->orient.rvec.z); obj->orient.fvec.x = SWAPINT(obj->orient.fvec.x); obj->orient.fvec.y = SWAPINT(obj->orient.fvec.y); obj->orient.fvec.z = SWAPINT(obj->orient.fvec.z); obj->orient.uvec.x = SWAPINT(obj->orient.uvec.x); obj->orient.uvec.y = SWAPINT(obj->orient.uvec.y); obj->orient.uvec.z = SWAPINT(obj->orient.uvec.z); obj->size = SWAPINT(obj->size); obj->shields = SWAPINT(obj->shields); obj->last_pos.x = SWAPINT(obj->last_pos.x); obj->last_pos.y = SWAPINT(obj->last_pos.y); obj->last_pos.z = SWAPINT(obj->last_pos.z); obj->lifeleft = SWAPINT(obj->lifeleft); switch (obj->movement_type) { case MT_PHYSICS: obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x); obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y); obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z); obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust.x = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust.x); obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust.y = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust.y); obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust.z = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.thrust.z); obj->mtype.phys_info.mass = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.mass); obj->mtype.phys_info.drag = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.drag); obj->mtype.phys_info.brakes = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.brakes); obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x); obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y); obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z); obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.x = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.x); obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.y = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.y); obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.z = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.z); obj->mtype.phys_info.turnroll = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.phys_info.turnroll); obj->mtype.phys_info.flags = SWAPSHORT(obj->mtype.phys_info.flags); break; case MT_SPINNING: obj->mtype.spin_rate.x = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.spin_rate.x); obj->mtype.spin_rate.y = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.spin_rate.y); obj->mtype.spin_rate.z = SWAPINT(obj->mtype.spin_rate.z); break; } switch (obj->control_type) { case CT_WEAPON: obj->ctype.laser_info.parent_type = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.laser_info.parent_type); obj->ctype.laser_info.parent_num = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.laser_info.parent_num); obj->ctype.laser_info.parent_signature = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.laser_info.parent_signature); obj->ctype.laser_info.creation_time = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.laser_info.creation_time); obj->ctype.laser_info.last_hitobj = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.laser_info.last_hitobj); obj->ctype.laser_info.track_goal = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.laser_info.track_goal); obj->ctype.laser_info.multiplier = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.laser_info.multiplier); break; case CT_EXPLOSION: obj->ctype.expl_info.spawn_time = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.expl_info.spawn_time); obj->ctype.expl_info.delete_time = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.expl_info.delete_time); obj->ctype.expl_info.delete_objnum = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.expl_info.delete_objnum); obj->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.expl_info.attach_parent); obj->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.expl_info.prev_attach); obj->ctype.expl_info.next_attach = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.expl_info.next_attach); break; case CT_AI: obj->ctype.ai_info.hide_segment = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.hide_segment); obj->ctype.ai_info.hide_index = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.hide_index); obj->ctype.ai_info.path_length = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.path_length); obj->ctype.ai_info.cur_path_index = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.cur_path_index); obj->ctype.ai_info.follow_path_start_seg = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.follow_path_start_seg); obj->ctype.ai_info.follow_path_end_seg = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.follow_path_end_seg); obj->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_signature = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_signature); obj->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num = SWAPSHORT(obj->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num); break; case CT_LIGHT: obj->ctype.light_info.intensity = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.light_info.intensity); break; case CT_POWERUP: obj->ctype.powerup_info.count = SWAPINT(obj->ctype.powerup_info.count); break; } switch (obj->render_type) { case RT_MORPH: case RT_POLYOBJ: case RT_NONE: // HACK below { int i; if (obj->render_type == RT_NONE && obj->type != OBJ_GHOST) // HACK: when a player is dead or not connected yet, clients still expect to get polyobj data - even if render_type == RT_NONE at this time. break; obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.model_num); for (i=0;irtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i].p = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i].p); obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i].b = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i].b); obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i].h = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[i].h); } obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags); obj->rtype.pobj_info.tmap_override = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.tmap_override); obj->rtype.pobj_info.alt_textures = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.pobj_info.alt_textures); break; } case RT_WEAPON_VCLIP: case RT_HOSTAGE: case RT_POWERUP: case RT_FIREBALL: obj->rtype.vclip_info.vclip_num = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.vclip_info.vclip_num); obj->rtype.vclip_info.frametime = SWAPINT(obj->rtype.vclip_info.frametime); break; case RT_LASER: break; } }