/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * AI path forming stuff. * */ #include // for printf() #include // for d_rand() and qsort() #include // for memset() #include "inferno.h" #include "console.h" #include "3d.h" #include "object.h" #include "error.h" #include "ai.h" #include "robot.h" #include "fvi.h" #include "physics.h" #include "wall.h" #ifdef EDITOR #include "editor/editor.h" #endif #include "player.h" #include "fireball.h" #include "game.h" void validate_all_paths(void); void ai_path_set_orient_and_vel(object *objp, vms_vector *goal_point); void maybe_ai_path_garbage_collect(void); #ifndef NDEBUG int validate_path(int debug_flag, point_seg *psegs, int num_points); #endif #define PARALLAX 0 // If !0, then special debugging for Parallax eyes enabled. // Length in segments of avoidance path #define AVOID_SEG_LENGTH 7 void create_random_xlate(sbyte *xt) { int i; for (i=0; i= 0) && (j < MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT)); temp_byte = xt[j]; xt[j] = xt[i]; xt[i] = temp_byte; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert the point at the center of the side connecting two segments between the two points. // This is messy because we must insert into the list. The simplest (and not too slow) way to do this is to start // at the end of the list and go backwards. void insert_center_points(point_seg *psegs, short *num_points) { int i, last_point; last_point = *num_points-1; for (i=last_point; i>0; i--) { int connect_side; vms_vector center_point, new_point; psegs[2*i] = psegs[i]; connect_side = find_connect_side(&Segments[psegs[i].segnum], &Segments[psegs[i-1].segnum]); Assert(connect_side != -1); // Impossible! These two segments must be connected, they were created by create_path_points (which was created by mk!) if (connect_side == -1) // Try to blow past the assert, this should at least prevent a hang. connect_side = 0; compute_center_point_on_side(¢er_point, &Segments[psegs[i-1].segnum], connect_side); vm_vec_sub(&new_point, &psegs[i-1].point, ¢er_point); new_point.x /= 16; new_point.y /= 16; new_point.z /= 16; vm_vec_sub(&psegs[2*i-1].point, ¢er_point, &new_point); psegs[2*i-1].segnum = psegs[2*i].segnum; (*num_points)++; } } #ifdef EDITOR int Safety_flag_override = 0; int Random_flag_override = 0; int Ai_path_debug=0; #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a path from objp->pos to the center of end_seg. // Return a list of (segment_num, point_locations) at psegs // Return number of points in *num_points. // if max_depth == -1, then there is no maximum depth. // If unable to create path, return -1, else return 0. // If random_flag !0, then introduce randomness into path by looking at sides in random order. This means // that a path between two segments won't always be the same, unless it is unique. // If safety_flag is set, then additional points are added to "make sure" that points are reachable. I would // like to say that it ensures that the object can move between the points, but that would require knowing what // the object is (which isn't passed, right?) and making fvi calls (slow, right?). So, consider it the more_or_less_safe_flag. // If end_seg == -2, then end seg will never be found and this routine will drop out due to depth (probably called by create_n_segment_path). int create_path_points(object *objp, int start_seg, int end_seg, point_seg *psegs, short *num_points, int max_depth, int random_flag, int safety_flag, int avoid_seg) { int cur_seg; int sidenum; int qtail = 0, qhead = 0; int i; sbyte visited[MAX_SEGMENTS]; seg_seg seg_queue[MAX_SEGMENTS]; short depth[MAX_SEGMENTS]; int cur_depth; sbyte random_xlate[MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT]; point_seg *original_psegs = psegs; #ifndef NDEBUG point_seg *other_original_psegs = psegs; #endif #ifndef NDEBUG validate_all_paths(); #endif if ((objp->type == OBJ_ROBOT) && (objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior == AIB_RUN_FROM)) { random_flag = 1; avoid_seg = ConsoleObject->segnum; // Int3(); } if (max_depth == -1) max_depth = MAX_PATH_LENGTH; *num_points = 0; // for (i=0; i<=Highest_segment_index; i++) { // visited[i] = 0; // depth[i] = 0; // } memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited[0])*(Highest_segment_index+1)); memset(depth, 0, sizeof(depth[0])*(Highest_segment_index+1)); // If there is a segment we're not allowed to visit, mark it. if (avoid_seg != -1) { Assert(avoid_seg <= Highest_segment_index); if ((start_seg != avoid_seg) && (end_seg != avoid_seg)) { visited[avoid_seg] = 1; depth[avoid_seg] = 0; } } if (random_flag) create_random_xlate(random_xlate); cur_seg = start_seg; visited[cur_seg] = 1; cur_depth = 0; while (cur_seg != end_seg) { segment *segp = &Segments[cur_seg]; for (sidenum = 0; sidenum < MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT; sidenum++) { int snum = sidenum; if (random_flag) snum = random_xlate[sidenum]; if ((WALL_IS_DOORWAY(segp, snum) & WID_FLY_FLAG) || (ai_door_is_openable(objp, segp, snum))) { int this_seg = segp->children[snum]; if (!visited[this_seg]) { seg_queue[qtail].start = cur_seg; seg_queue[qtail].end = this_seg; visited[this_seg] = 1; depth[qtail++] = cur_depth+1; if (depth[qtail-1] == max_depth) { end_seg = seg_queue[qtail-1].end; goto cpp_done1; } } } } // for (sidenum... if (qtail <= 0) break; if (qhead >= qtail) { // Couldn't get to goal, return a path as far as we got, which probably acceptable to the unparticular caller. end_seg = seg_queue[qtail-1].end; break; } cur_seg = seg_queue[qhead].end; cur_depth = depth[qhead]; qhead++; cpp_done1: ; } // while (cur_seg ... if (qtail > 0) { // Set qtail to the segment which ends at the goal. while (seg_queue[--qtail].end != end_seg) if (qtail < 0) { return -1; } } else qtail = -1; #ifdef EDITOR N_selected_segs = 0; #endif while (qtail >= 0) { int parent_seg, this_seg; this_seg = seg_queue[qtail].end; parent_seg = seg_queue[qtail].start; psegs->segnum = this_seg; compute_segment_center(&psegs->point,&Segments[this_seg]); psegs++; (*num_points)++; #ifdef EDITOR Selected_segs[N_selected_segs++] = this_seg; #endif if (parent_seg == start_seg) break; while (seg_queue[--qtail].end != parent_seg) Assert(qtail >= 0); } psegs->segnum = start_seg; compute_segment_center(&psegs->point,&Segments[start_seg]); psegs++; (*num_points)++; #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(1, original_psegs, *num_points); #endif // Now, reverse point_segs in place. for (i=0; i< (*num_points)/2; i++) { point_seg temp_point_seg = *(original_psegs + i); *(original_psegs + i) = *(original_psegs + *num_points - i - 1); *(original_psegs + *num_points - i - 1) = temp_point_seg; } #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(2, original_psegs, *num_points); #endif // Now, if safety_flag set, then insert the point at the center of the side connecting two segments // between the two points. This is messy because we must insert into the list. The simplest (and not too slow) // way to do this is to start at the end of the list and go backwards. if (safety_flag) { if (psegs - Point_segs + *num_points + 2 > MAX_POINT_SEGS) { ai_reset_all_paths(); return -1; } else { insert_center_points(original_psegs, num_points); } } #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(3, original_psegs, *num_points); validate_path(0, original_psegs, *num_points); Assert(other_original_psegs == original_psegs); #endif return 0; } #ifndef NDEBUG // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make sure that there are connections between all segments on path. // Note that if path has been optimized, connections may not be direct, so this function is useless, or worse. // Return true if valid, else return false. int validate_path(int debug_flag, point_seg *psegs, int num_points) { #if PARALLAX int i, curseg; // Trap a common bug elsewhere in aipath. if (psegs > Point_segs_free_ptr) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: Debug trap for elusive, nasty bug. return 0; } curseg = psegs->segnum; if ((curseg < 0) || (curseg > Highest_segment_index)) { return 0; } if (num_points == 0) return 1; for (i=1; i Highest_segment_index)) { return 0; } if (curseg != nextseg) { for (sidenum=0; sidenumctype.ai_info; //ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[i]; if (objp->control_type == CT_AI) { if ((aip->hide_index != -1) && (aip->path_length > 0)) if (!validate_path(4, &Point_segs[aip->hide_index], aip->path_length)) { //Int3(); // This path is bogus! Who corrupted it! Danger! Danger! // Contact Mike, he caused this mess. //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in validate_all_paths"); aip->path_length=0; // This allows people to resume without harm... } } } } #endif } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a path from the objects current segment (objp->segnum) to the specified segment for the object to // hide in Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_segment. // Sets objp->ctype.ai_info.hide_index, a pointer into Point_segs, the first point_seg of the path. // objp->ctype.ai_info.path_length, length of path // Point_segs_free_ptr global pointer into Point_segs array void create_path(object *objp) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects]; int start_seg, end_seg; start_seg = objp->segnum; end_seg = ailp->goal_segment; if (end_seg == -1) create_n_segment_path(objp, 3, -1); if (end_seg == -1) { ; } else { create_path_points(objp, start_seg, end_seg, Point_segs_free_ptr, &aip->path_length, -1, 0, 0, -1); aip->hide_index = Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs; aip->cur_path_index = 0; #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(5, Point_segs_free_ptr, aip->path_length); #endif Point_segs_free_ptr += aip->path_length; if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 > MAX_POINT_SEGS) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: This is curious, though not deadly. /eip++;g //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in create_path"); ai_reset_all_paths(); } aip->PATH_DIR = 1; // Initialize to moving forward. aip->SUBMODE = AISM_HIDING; // Pretend we are hiding, so we sit here until bothered. } maybe_ai_path_garbage_collect(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a path from the objects current segment (objp->segnum) to the specified segment for the object to // hide in Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_segment. // Sets objp->ctype.ai_info.hide_index, a pointer into Point_segs, the first point_seg of the path. // objp->ctype.ai_info.path_length, length of path // Point_segs_free_ptr global pointer into Point_segs array void create_path_to_player(object *objp, int max_length, int safety_flag) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects]; int start_seg, end_seg; if (max_length == -1) max_length = MAX_DEPTH_TO_SEARCH_FOR_PLAYER; ailp->time_player_seen = GameTime64; // Prevent from resetting path quickly. ailp->goal_segment = ConsoleObject->segnum; start_seg = objp->segnum; end_seg = ailp->goal_segment; if (end_seg == -1) { ; } else { #ifndef NDEBUG point_seg *pseg0 = Point_segs_free_ptr; #endif create_path_points(objp, start_seg, end_seg, Point_segs_free_ptr, &aip->path_length, max_length, 1, safety_flag, -1); aip->hide_index = Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs; aip->cur_path_index = 0; #ifndef NDEBUG //Enclosed this Assert in an ifdef, because if NDEBUG isn't defined, //pseg0 doesn't exist! -KRB Assert(Point_segs_free_ptr == pseg0); #endif #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(6, Point_segs_free_ptr, aip->path_length); #endif Point_segs_free_ptr += aip->path_length; if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 > MAX_POINT_SEGS) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: This is stupid. Should call maybe_ai_garbage_collect before the add. //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in create_path_to_player"); ai_reset_all_paths(); return; } // Assert(Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 < MAX_POINT_SEGS); aip->PATH_DIR = 1; // Initialize to moving forward. aip->SUBMODE = AISM_GOHIDE; // This forces immediate movement. ailp->mode = AIM_FOLLOW_PATH; ailp->player_awareness_type = 0; // If robot too aware of player, will set mode to chase } maybe_ai_path_garbage_collect(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a path from the objects current segment (objp->segnum) to the specified segment for the object to // hide in Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_segment // Sets objp->ctype.ai_info.hide_index, a pointer into Point_segs, the first point_seg of the path. // objp->ctype.ai_info.path_length, length of path // Point_segs_free_ptr global pointer into Point_segs array void create_path_to_station(object *objp, int max_length) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects]; int start_seg, end_seg; if (max_length == -1) max_length = MAX_DEPTH_TO_SEARCH_FOR_PLAYER; ailp->time_player_seen = GameTime64; // Prevent from resetting path quickly. start_seg = objp->segnum; end_seg = aip->hide_segment; if (end_seg == -1) { ; } else { create_path_points(objp, start_seg, end_seg, Point_segs_free_ptr, &aip->path_length, max_length, 1, 1, -1); aip->hide_index = Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs; aip->cur_path_index = 0; #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(7, Point_segs_free_ptr, aip->path_length); #endif Point_segs_free_ptr += aip->path_length; if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 > MAX_POINT_SEGS) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: Stupid. //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in create_path_to_station"); ai_reset_all_paths(); return; } // Assert(Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 < MAX_POINT_SEGS); aip->PATH_DIR = 1; // Initialize to moving forward. // aip->SUBMODE = AISM_GOHIDE; // This forces immediate movement. ailp->mode = AIM_FOLLOW_PATH; ailp->player_awareness_type = 0; } maybe_ai_path_garbage_collect(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a path of length path_length for an object, stuffing info in ai_info field. void create_n_segment_path(object *objp, int path_length, int avoid_seg) { ai_static *aip=&objp->ctype.ai_info; ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects]; if (create_path_points(objp, objp->segnum, -2, Point_segs_free_ptr, &aip->path_length, path_length, 1, 0, avoid_seg) == -1) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: Considering removing this code. Can I? //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in create_n_segment_path"); Point_segs_free_ptr += aip->path_length; while ((create_path_points(objp, objp->segnum, -2, Point_segs_free_ptr, &aip->path_length, --path_length, 1, 0, -1) == -1)) { Assert(path_length); } } aip->hide_index = Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs; aip->cur_path_index = 0; #ifndef NDEBUG validate_path(8, Point_segs_free_ptr, aip->path_length); #endif Point_segs_free_ptr += aip->path_length; if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 > MAX_POINT_SEGS) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: This is curious, though not deadly. /eip++;g //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in crete_n_segment_path 2"); ai_reset_all_paths(); } aip->PATH_DIR = 1; // Initialize to moving forward. aip->SUBMODE = -1; // Don't know what this means. ailp->mode = AIM_FOLLOW_PATH; maybe_ai_path_garbage_collect(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void create_n_segment_path_to_door(object *objp, int path_length, int avoid_seg) { create_n_segment_path(objp, path_length, avoid_seg); } //--unused-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--unused-- // For all AI objects which have mode HIDE or RUN_FROM_OBJECT, create a path to run to. //--unused-- void create_all_paths(void) //--unused-- { //--unused-- int i; //--unused-- //--unused-- for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++) { //--unused-- object *objp = &Objects[i]; //--unused-- if (Objects[i].control_type == CT_AI) { //--unused-- ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; //--unused-- if ((aip->behavior == AIB_HIDE) || (aip->behavior == AIB_RUN_FROM) || (aip->behavior == AIB_FOLLOW_PATH)) //--unused-- create_path(&Objects[i]); //--unused-- } //--unused-- } //--unused-- //--unused-- } extern int Connected_segment_distance; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void move_object_to_goal(object *objp, vms_vector *goal_point, int goal_seg) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; int segnum; Assert(objp->segnum != -1); aip->cur_path_index += aip->PATH_DIR; if (aip->cur_path_index <= 0) { if (aip->behavior == AIB_STATION) { create_path_to_station(objp, 15); return; } aip->cur_path_index = 0; aip->PATH_DIR = -aip->PATH_DIR; } else if (aip->cur_path_index >= aip->path_length) { if (aip->behavior == AIB_STATION) { create_path_to_station(objp, 15); return; } aip->cur_path_index = aip->path_length-1; aip->PATH_DIR = -aip->PATH_DIR; } objp->pos = *goal_point; segnum = find_object_seg(objp); if (segnum == -1) { Int3(); // Oops, object is not in any segment. // Contact Mike: This is impossible. // Hack, move object to center of segment it used to be in. compute_segment_center(&objp->pos, &Segments[objp->segnum]); } else obj_relink(objp-Objects, segnum); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Optimization: If current velocity will take robot near goal, don't change velocity void ai_follow_path(object *objp, int player_visibility) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; vms_vector goal_point, new_goal_point; fix dist_to_goal; // robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id]; int forced_break, original_dir, original_index; ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects]; fix threshold_distance; if ((aip->hide_index == -1) || (aip->path_length == 0)) { if (ailp->mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) { create_n_segment_path(objp, 5, -1); ailp->mode = AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT; } else create_path(objp); } if ((aip->hide_index + aip->path_length > Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs) && (aip->path_length>0)) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: Bad. Path goes into what is believed to be free space. //force_dump_ai_objects_all("Error in ai_follow_path"); ai_reset_all_paths(); } if (aip->path_length < 2) { if (ailp->mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) { if (ConsoleObject->segnum == objp->segnum) create_n_segment_path(objp, AVOID_SEG_LENGTH, -1); // Can't avoid segment player is in, robot is already in it! (That's what the -1 is for) else create_n_segment_path(objp, AVOID_SEG_LENGTH, ConsoleObject->segnum); ailp->mode = AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT; // It gets bashed in create_n_segment_path } else { ailp->mode = AIM_STILL; } return; } Assert((aip->PATH_DIR == -1) || (aip->PATH_DIR == 1)); if ((aip->SUBMODE == AISM_HIDING) && (aip->behavior == AIB_HIDE)) return; goal_point = Point_segs[aip->hide_index + aip->cur_path_index].point; dist_to_goal = vm_vec_dist_quick(&goal_point, &objp->pos); // If running from player, only run until can't be seen. if (ailp->mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) { if ((player_visibility == 0) && (ailp->player_awareness_type == 0)) { fix vel_scale; vel_scale = F1_0 - FrameTime/2; if (vel_scale < F1_0/2) vel_scale = F1_0/2; vm_vec_scale(&objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity, vel_scale); return; } else { // If player on path (beyond point robot is now at), then create a new path. point_seg *curpsp = &Point_segs[aip->hide_index]; int player_segnum = ConsoleObject->segnum; int i; // This is probably being done every frame, which is wasteful. for (i=aip->cur_path_index; ipath_length; i++) if (curpsp[i].segnum == player_segnum) { if (player_segnum != objp->segnum) create_n_segment_path(objp, AVOID_SEG_LENGTH, player_segnum); else create_n_segment_path(objp, AVOID_SEG_LENGTH, -1); ailp->mode = AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT; // It gets bashed in create_n_segment_path break; } if (player_visibility) { ailp->player_awareness_type = 1; ailp->player_awareness_time = F1_0; } } } if (aip->cur_path_index < 0) aip->cur_path_index = 0; else if (aip->cur_path_index >= aip->path_length) { if (ailp->mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) { create_n_segment_path(objp, AVOID_SEG_LENGTH, ConsoleObject->segnum); ailp->mode = AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT; // It gets bashed in create_n_segment_path } else aip->cur_path_index = aip->path_length-1; } goal_point = Point_segs[aip->hide_index + aip->cur_path_index].point; // If near goal, pick another goal point. forced_break = 0; // Gets set for short paths. original_dir = aip->PATH_DIR; original_index = aip->cur_path_index; threshold_distance = fixmul(vm_vec_mag_quick(&objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity), FrameTime)*2 + F1_0*2; while ((dist_to_goal < threshold_distance) && !forced_break) { // Advance to next point on path. aip->cur_path_index += aip->PATH_DIR; // See if next point wraps past end of path (in either direction), and if so, deal with it based on mode. if ((aip->cur_path_index >= aip->path_length) || (aip->cur_path_index < 0)) { // If mode = hiding, then stay here until get bonked or hit by player. if (ailp->mode == AIM_HIDE) { ailp->mode = AIM_STILL; return; // Stay here until bonked or hit by player. } else if (aip->behavior == AIB_STATION) { create_path_to_station(objp, 15); if (aip->hide_segment != Point_segs[aip->hide_index+aip->path_length-1].segnum) { ailp->mode = AIM_STILL; } return; } else if ((ailp->mode == AIM_FOLLOW_PATH) && (aip->behavior != AIB_FOLLOW_PATH)) { create_path_to_player(objp, 10, 1); } else if (ailp->mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) { create_n_segment_path(objp, AVOID_SEG_LENGTH, ConsoleObject->segnum); ailp->mode = AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT; // It gets bashed in create_n_segment_path } else { // Reached end of the line. First see if opposite end point is reachable, and if so, go there. // If not, turn around. int opposite_end_index; vms_vector *opposite_end_point; fvi_info hit_data; int fate; fvi_query fq; // See which end we're nearer and look at the opposite end point. if (abs(aip->cur_path_index - aip->path_length) < aip->cur_path_index) { // Nearer to far end (ie, index not 0), so try to reach 0. opposite_end_index = 0; } else { // Nearer to 0 end, so try to reach far end. opposite_end_index = aip->path_length-1; } opposite_end_point = &Point_segs[aip->hide_index + opposite_end_index].point; fq.p0 = &objp->pos; fq.startseg = objp->segnum; fq.p1 = opposite_end_point; fq.rad = objp->size; fq.thisobjnum = objp-Objects; fq.ignore_obj_list = NULL; fq.flags = 0; //what about trans walls??? fate = find_vector_intersection(&fq,&hit_data); if (fate != HIT_WALL) { // We can be circular! Do it! // Path direction is unchanged. aip->cur_path_index = opposite_end_index; } else { aip->PATH_DIR = -aip->PATH_DIR; } } break; } else { new_goal_point = Point_segs[aip->hide_index + aip->cur_path_index].point; goal_point = new_goal_point; dist_to_goal = vm_vec_dist_quick(&goal_point, &objp->pos); } // If went all the way around to original point, in same direction, then get out of here! // Cur_index[debug_count] = aip->cur_path_index; // Cur_dir[debug_count] = aip->PATH_DIR; // debug_count++; if ((aip->cur_path_index == original_index) && (aip->PATH_DIR == original_dir)) { create_path_to_player(objp, 3, 1); forced_break = 1; } } // end while // Set velocity (objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity) and orientation (objp->orient) for this object. ai_path_set_orient_and_vel(objp, &goal_point); } typedef struct { short path_start, objnum; } obj_path; int path_index_compare(obj_path *i1, obj_path *i2) { if (i1->path_start < i2->path_start) return -1; else if (i1->path_start == i2->path_start) return 0; else return 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set orientation matrix and velocity for objp based on its desire to get to a point. void ai_path_set_orient_and_vel(object *objp, vms_vector *goal_point) { vms_vector cur_vel = objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity; vms_vector norm_cur_vel; vms_vector norm_vec_to_goal; vms_vector cur_pos = objp->pos; vms_vector norm_fvec; fix speed_scale; fix dot; robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id]; fix max_speed; // If evading player, use highest difficulty level speed, plus something based on diff level max_speed = robptr->max_speed[Difficulty_level]; if (Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) max_speed = max_speed*3/2; vm_vec_sub(&norm_vec_to_goal, goal_point, &cur_pos); vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_vec_to_goal); norm_cur_vel = cur_vel; vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_cur_vel); norm_fvec = objp->orient.fvec; vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_fvec); dot = vm_vec_dot(&norm_vec_to_goal, &norm_fvec); // If very close to facing opposite desired vector, perturb vector if (dot < -15*F1_0/16) { norm_cur_vel = norm_vec_to_goal; } else { norm_cur_vel.x += norm_vec_to_goal.x/2/((float)(F1_0/30)/FrameTime); norm_cur_vel.y += norm_vec_to_goal.y/2/((float)(F1_0/30)/FrameTime); norm_cur_vel.z += norm_vec_to_goal.z/2/((float)(F1_0/30)/FrameTime); } vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_cur_vel); // Set speed based on this robot type's maximum allowed speed and how hard it is turning. // How hard it is turning is based on the dot product of (vector to goal) and (current velocity vector) // Note that since 3*F1_0/4 is added to dot product, it is possible for the robot to back up. // Set speed and orientation. if (dot < 0) dot /= -4; speed_scale = fixmul(max_speed, dot); vm_vec_scale(&norm_cur_vel, speed_scale); objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity = norm_cur_vel; if (Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].mode == AIM_RUN_FROM_OBJECT) ai_turn_towards_vector(&norm_vec_to_goal, objp, robptr->turn_time[NDL-1]/2); else ai_turn_towards_vector(&norm_vec_to_goal, objp, robptr->turn_time[Difficulty_level]); } int Last_frame_garbage_collected = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Garbage colledion -- Free all unused records in Point_segs and compress all paths. void ai_path_garbage_collect(void) { int free_path_index = 0; int num_path_objects = 0; int objnum; int objind; obj_path object_list[MAX_OBJECTS]; #ifndef NDEBUG force_dump_ai_objects_all("***** Start ai_path_garbage_collect *****"); #endif Last_frame_garbage_collected = FrameCount; #ifndef NDEBUG validate_all_paths(); #endif // Create a list of objects which have paths of length 1 or more. for (objnum=0; objnum <= Highest_object_index; objnum++) { object *objp = &Objects[objnum]; if ((objp->type == OBJ_ROBOT) && (objp->control_type == CT_AI)) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; if (aip->path_length) { object_list[num_path_objects].path_start = aip->hide_index; object_list[num_path_objects++].objnum = objnum; } } } qsort(object_list, num_path_objects, sizeof(object_list[0]), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))path_index_compare); for (objind=0; objind < num_path_objects; objind++) { object *objp; ai_static *aip; int i; int old_index; objnum = object_list[objind].objnum; objp = &Objects[objnum]; aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; old_index = aip->hide_index; aip->hide_index = free_path_index; for (i=0; ipath_length; i++) Point_segs[free_path_index++] = Point_segs[old_index++]; } Point_segs_free_ptr = &Point_segs[free_path_index]; #ifndef NDEBUG { int i; force_dump_ai_objects_all("***** Finish ai_path_garbage_collect *****"); for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++) { ai_static *aip = &Objects[i].ctype.ai_info; if ((Objects[i].type == OBJ_ROBOT) && (Objects[i].control_type == CT_AI)) if ((aip->hide_index + aip->path_length > Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs) && (aip->path_length>0)) Int3(); // Contact Mike: Debug trap for nasty, elusive bug. } validate_all_paths(); } #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do garbage collection if not been done for awhile, or things getting really critical. void maybe_ai_path_garbage_collect(void) { if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs > MAX_POINT_SEGS - MAX_PATH_LENGTH) { if (Last_frame_garbage_collected+1 >= FrameCount) { // This is kind of bad. Garbage collected last frame or this frame. // Just destroy all paths. Too bad for the robots. They are memory wasteful. ai_reset_all_paths(); } else { // We are really close to full, but didn't just garbage collect, so maybe this is recoverable. ai_path_garbage_collect(); } } else if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs > 3*MAX_POINT_SEGS/4) { if (Last_frame_garbage_collected + 16 < FrameCount) { ai_path_garbage_collect(); } } else if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs > MAX_POINT_SEGS/2) { if (Last_frame_garbage_collected + 256 < FrameCount) { ai_path_garbage_collect(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset all paths. Do garbage collection. // Should be called at the start of each level. void ai_reset_all_paths(void) { int i; for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++) if (Objects[i].control_type == CT_AI) { Objects[i].ctype.ai_info.hide_index = -1; Objects[i].ctype.ai_info.path_length = 0; } ai_path_garbage_collect(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Probably called because a robot bashed a wall, getting a bunch of retries. // Try to resume path. void attempt_to_resume_path(object *objp) { ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info; int new_path_index; if (aip->behavior == AIB_STATION) if (d_rand() > 8192) { ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects]; aip->hide_segment = objp->segnum; ailp->mode = AIM_STILL; } new_path_index = aip->cur_path_index - aip->PATH_DIR; if ((new_path_index >= 0) && (new_path_index < aip->path_length)) { aip->cur_path_index = new_path_index; } else { // At end of line and have nowhere to go. move_towards_segment_center(objp); create_path_to_station(objp, 15); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEBUG FUNCTIONS FOLLOW // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef EDITOR int Test_size = 1000; void test_create_path_many(void) { point_seg point_segs[200]; short num_points; int i; for (i=0; i Anchor_distance) //--anchor-- create_new_anchor(segnum); //--anchor-- } //--anchor-- } //--anchor-- //--anchor-- // Set selected segs. //--anchor-- for (i=0; imtype.phys_info.velocity; vms_vector norm_cur_vel; vms_vector norm_vec_to_goal; vms_vector cur_pos = objp->pos; vms_vector norm_fvec; fix speed_scale; fix dot; fix max_speed; max_speed = F1_0*50; vm_vec_sub(&norm_vec_to_goal, goal_point, &cur_pos); vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_vec_to_goal); norm_cur_vel = cur_vel; vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_cur_vel); norm_fvec = objp->orient.fvec; vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_fvec); dot = vm_vec_dot(&norm_vec_to_goal, &norm_fvec); // If very close to facing opposite desired vector, perturb vector if (dot < -15*F1_0/16) { norm_cur_vel = norm_vec_to_goal; } else { norm_cur_vel.x += norm_vec_to_goal.x/2/((float)(F1_0/30)/FrameTime); norm_cur_vel.y += norm_vec_to_goal.y/2/((float)(F1_0/30)/FrameTime); norm_cur_vel.z += norm_vec_to_goal.z/2/((float)(F1_0/30)/FrameTime); } vm_vec_normalize_quick(&norm_cur_vel); // Set speed based on this robot type's maximum allowed speed and how hard it is turning. // How hard it is turning is based on the dot product of (vector to goal) and (current velocity vector) // Note that since 3*F1_0/4 is added to dot product, it is possible for the robot to back up. // Set speed and orientation. if (dot < 0) dot /= 4; speed_scale = fixmul(max_speed, dot); vm_vec_scale(&norm_cur_vel, speed_scale); objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity = norm_cur_vel; ai_turn_towards_vector(&norm_vec_to_goal, objp, F1_0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Optimization: If current velocity will take robot near goal, don't change velocity void player_follow_path(object *objp) { vms_vector goal_point; fix dist_to_goal; int count, forced_break, original_index; int goal_seg; fix threshold_distance; if (!Player_following_path_flag) return; if (Player_hide_index == -1) return; if (Player_path_length < 2) return; goal_point = Point_segs[Player_hide_index + Player_cur_path_index].point; goal_seg = Point_segs[Player_hide_index + Player_cur_path_index].segnum; Assert((goal_seg >= 0) && (goal_seg <= Highest_segment_index)); (void)goal_seg; dist_to_goal = vm_vec_dist_quick(&goal_point, &objp->pos); if (Player_cur_path_index < 0) Player_cur_path_index = 0; else if (Player_cur_path_index >= Player_path_length) Player_cur_path_index = Player_path_length-1; goal_point = Point_segs[Player_hide_index + Player_cur_path_index].point; count=0; // If near goal, pick another goal point. forced_break = 0; // Gets set for short paths. //original_dir = 1; original_index = Player_cur_path_index; threshold_distance = fixmul(vm_vec_mag_quick(&objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity), FrameTime)*2 + F1_0*2; while ((dist_to_goal < threshold_distance) && !forced_break) { // ----- Debug stuff ----- if (count++ > 20) { break; } // Advance to next point on path. Player_cur_path_index += 1; // See if next point wraps past end of path (in either direction), and if so, deal with it based on mode. if ((Player_cur_path_index >= Player_path_length) || (Player_cur_path_index < 0)) { Player_following_path_flag = 0; forced_break = 1; } // If went all the way around to original point, in same direction, then get out of here! if (Player_cur_path_index == original_index) { Player_following_path_flag = 0; forced_break = 1; } goal_point = Point_segs[Player_hide_index + Player_cur_path_index].point; dist_to_goal = vm_vec_dist_quick(&goal_point, &objp->pos); } // end while // Set velocity (objp->mtype.phys_info.velocity) and orientation (objp->orient) for this object. player_path_set_orient_and_vel(objp, &goal_point); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Create path for player from current segment to goal segment. void create_player_path_to_segment(int segnum) { object *objp = ConsoleObject; Player_path_length=0; Player_hide_index=-1; Player_cur_path_index=0; Player_following_path_flag=0; if (create_path_points(objp, objp->segnum, segnum, Point_segs_free_ptr, &Player_path_length, 100, 0, 0, -1) == -1) con_printf(CON_DEBUG,"Unable to form path of length %i for myself\n", 100); Player_following_path_flag = 1; Player_hide_index = Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs; Player_cur_path_index = 0; Point_segs_free_ptr += Player_path_length; if (Point_segs_free_ptr - Point_segs + MAX_PATH_LENGTH*2 > MAX_POINT_SEGS) { //Int3(); // Contact Mike: This is curious, though not deadly. /eip++;g ai_reset_all_paths(); } } int Player_goal_segment = -1; void check_create_player_path(void) { if (Player_goal_segment != -1) create_player_path_to_segment(Player_goal_segment); Player_goal_segment = -1; } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEBUG FUNCTIONS ENDED // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------