#SConstruct # needed imports import sys import os import SCons.Util class argumentIndirection: def __init__(self,prefix): self.prefix = prefix self.ARGUMENTS = ARGUMENTS def get(self,name,value): return self.ARGUMENTS.get('%s_%s' % (self.prefix, name), self.ARGUMENTS.get(name,value)) ARGUMENTS = argumentIndirection('d1x') PROGRAM_NAME = 'D1X-Rebirth' target = 'd1x-rebirth' # version number VERSION_MAJOR = 0 VERSION_MINOR = 57 VERSION_MICRO = 3 VERSION_STRING = ' v' + str(VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' + str(VERSION_MINOR) + '.' + str(VERSION_MICRO) class DXXProgram: class UserSettings: def __init__(self,ARGUMENTS): # installation path PREFIX = str(ARGUMENTS.get('prefix', '/usr/local')) self.BIN_DIR = PREFIX + '/bin' self.DATA_DIR = PREFIX + '/share/games/d1x-rebirth' # command-line parms self.sharepath = str(ARGUMENTS.get('sharepath', self.DATA_DIR)) self.debug = int(ARGUMENTS.get('debug', 0)) self.profiler = int(ARGUMENTS.get('profiler', 0)) self.opengl = int(ARGUMENTS.get('opengl', 1)) self.opengles = int(ARGUMENTS.get('opengles', 0)) self.asm = int(ARGUMENTS.get('asm', 0)) self.editor = int(ARGUMENTS.get('editor', 0)) self.sdlmixer = int(ARGUMENTS.get('sdlmixer', 1)) self.ipv6 = int(ARGUMENTS.get('ipv6', 0)) self.use_udp = int(ARGUMENTS.get('use_udp', 1)) self.use_tracker = int(ARGUMENTS.get('use_tracker', 1)) self.verbosebuild = int(ARGUMENTS.get('verbosebuild', 0)) user_settings = DXXProgram.UserSettings(ARGUMENTS) # endianess-checker def checkEndian(): import struct array = struct.pack('cccc', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04') i = struct.unpack('i', array) if i == struct.unpack('i', array): return "big" return "unknown" print '\n===== ' + PROGRAM_NAME + VERSION_STRING + ' =====\n' # general source files common_sources = [ '2d/2dsline.c', '2d/bitblt.c', '2d/bitmap.c', '2d/box.c', '2d/canvas.c', '2d/circle.c', '2d/disc.c', '2d/font.c', '2d/gpixel.c', '2d/line.c', '2d/palette.c', '2d/pcx.c', '2d/pixel.c', '2d/poly.c', '2d/rect.c', '2d/rle.c', '2d/scalec.c', '3d/clipper.c', '3d/draw.c', '3d/globvars.c', '3d/instance.c', '3d/interp.c', '3d/matrix.c', '3d/points.c', '3d/rod.c', '3d/setup.c', 'arch/sdl/event.c', 'arch/sdl/init.c', 'arch/sdl/joy.c', 'arch/sdl/key.c', 'arch/sdl/mouse.c', 'arch/sdl/rbaudio.c', 'arch/sdl/timer.c', 'arch/sdl/window.c', 'arch/sdl/digi.c', 'arch/sdl/digi_audio.c', 'iff/iff.c', 'main/ai.c', 'main/aipath.c', 'main/automap.c', 'main/bm.c', 'main/bmread.c', 'main/cntrlcen.c', 'main/collide.c', 'main/config.c', 'main/console.c', 'main/controls.c', 'main/credits.c', 'main/custom.c', 'main/digiobj.c', 'main/dumpmine.c', 'main/effects.c', 'main/endlevel.c', 'main/fireball.c', 'main/fuelcen.c', 'main/fvi.c', 'main/game.c', 'main/gamecntl.c', 'main/gamefont.c', 'main/gamemine.c', 'main/gamerend.c', 'main/gamesave.c', 'main/gameseg.c', 'main/gameseq.c', 'main/gauges.c', 'main/hostage.c', 'main/hud.c', 'main/inferno.c', 'main/kconfig.c', 'main/kmatrix.c', 'main/laser.c', 'main/lighting.c', 'main/menu.c', 'main/mglobal.c', 'main/mission.c', 'main/morph.c', 'main/multi.c', 'main/multibot.c', 'main/newdemo.c', 'main/newmenu.c', 'main/object.c', 'main/paging.c', 'main/physics.c', 'main/piggy.c', 'main/player.c', 'main/playsave.c', 'main/polyobj.c', 'main/powerup.c', 'main/render.c', 'main/robot.c', 'main/scores.c', 'main/slew.c', 'main/snddecom.c', 'main/songs.c', 'main/state.c', 'main/switch.c', 'main/terrain.c', 'main/texmerge.c', 'main/text.c', 'main/titles.c', 'main/vclip.c', 'main/wall.c', 'main/weapon.c', 'maths/fixc.c', 'maths/rand.c', 'maths/tables.c', 'maths/vecmat.c', 'mem/mem.c', 'misc/args.c', 'misc/dl_list.c', 'misc/error.c', 'misc/hash.c', 'misc/hmp.c', 'misc/ignorecase.c', 'misc/physfsx.c', 'misc/strio.c', 'misc/strutil.c', 'texmap/ntmap.c', 'texmap/scanline.c' #'tracker/client/tracker_client.c' ] # for editor editor_sources = [ 'editor/centers.c', 'editor/curves.c', 'editor/autosave.c', 'editor/eglobal.c', 'editor/ehostage.c', 'editor/elight.c', 'editor/eobject.c', 'editor/eswitch.c', 'editor/fixseg.c', 'editor/func.c', 'editor/group.c', 'editor/info.c', 'editor/kbuild.c', 'editor/kcurve.c', 'editor/kfuncs.c', 'editor/kgame.c', 'editor/khelp.c', 'editor/kmine.c', 'editor/ksegmove.c', 'editor/ksegsel.c', 'editor/ksegsize.c', 'editor/ktmap.c', 'editor/kview.c', 'editor/med.c', 'editor/meddraw.c', 'editor/medmisc.c', 'editor/medrobot.c', 'editor/medsel.c', 'editor/medwall.c', 'editor/mine.c', 'editor/objpage.c', 'editor/segment.c', 'editor/seguvs.c', 'editor/texpage.c', 'editor/texture.c', 'ui/button.c', 'ui/checkbox.c', 'ui/dialog.c', 'ui/file.c', 'ui/gadget.c', 'ui/icon.c', 'ui/inputbox.c', 'ui/keypad.c', 'ui/keypress.c', 'ui/keytrap.c', 'ui/listbox.c', 'ui/menu.c', 'ui/menubar.c', 'ui/message.c', 'ui/popup.c', 'ui/radio.c', 'ui/scroll.c', 'ui/ui.c', 'ui/uidraw.c', 'ui/userbox.c' ] # SDL_mixer sound implementation arch_sdlmixer = [ 'arch/sdl/digi_mixer.c', 'arch/sdl/digi_mixer_music.c', 'arch/sdl/jukebox.c' ] # for opengl arch_ogl_sources = [ 'arch/ogl/gr.c', 'arch/ogl/ogl.c', ] # for non-ogl arch_sdl_sources = [ 'arch/sdl/gr.c', 'texmap/tmapflat.c' ] # assembler related asm_sources = [ 'texmap/tmap_ll.asm', 'texmap/tmap_flt.asm', 'texmap/tmapfade.asm', 'texmap/tmap_lin.asm', 'texmap/tmap_per.asm' ] # Acquire environment object... env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, tools = ['mingw']) # Prettier build messages...... if (user_settings.verbosebuild == 0): env["CCCOMSTR"] = "Compiling $SOURCE ..." env["CXXCOMSTR"] = "Compiling $SOURCE ..." env["LINKCOMSTR"] = "Linking $TARGET ..." env["ARCOMSTR"] = "Archiving $TARGET ..." env["RANLIBCOMSTR"] = "Indexing $TARGET ..." # Flags and stuff for all platforms... env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wall', '-funsigned-char', '-Werror=implicit-int', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-std=c99', '-pedantic']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('PROGRAM_NAME', '\\"' + str(PROGRAM_NAME) + '\\"'), ('DXX_VERSION_MAJORi', str(VERSION_MAJOR)), ('DXX_VERSION_MINORi', str(VERSION_MINOR)), ('DXX_VERSION_MICROi', str(VERSION_MICRO))]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NETWORK', '_REENTRANT']) env.Append(CPPPATH = ['include', 'main', 'arch/include']) libs = ['physfs', 'm'] # Get traditional compiler environment variables for cc in ['CC', 'CXX']: if os.environ.has_key(cc): env[cc] = os.environ[cc] for flags in ['CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']: if os.environ.has_key(flags): env[flags] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ[flags]) # Special case because scons uses the name LINKFLAGS instead of the # standard LDFLAGS. if os.environ.has_key('LDFLAGS'): env['LINKFLAGS'] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ['LDFLAGS']) # windows or *nix? if sys.platform == 'win32': print "compiling on Windows" osdef = '_WIN32' osasmdef = 'win32' user_settings.sharepath = '' env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_WIN32']) env.Append(CPPPATH = ['arch/win32/include']) ogldefines = ['OGL'] common_sources += ['arch/win32/messagebox.c'] ogllibs = '' libs += ['glu32', 'wsock32', 'ws2_32', 'winmm', 'mingw32', 'SDLmain', 'SDL'] lflags = '-mwindows arch/win32/d1xr.res' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': print "compiling on Mac OS X" osdef = '__APPLE__' user_settings.sharepath = '' env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['__unix__']) user_settings.asm = 0 ogldefines = ['OGL'] common_sources += ['arch/cocoa/SDLMain.m', 'arch/carbon/messagebox.c'] ogllibs = '' libs = '' # Ugly way of linking to frameworks, but kreator has seen uglier lflags = '-framework ApplicationServices -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework SDL' libs += '../physfs/build/Debug/libphysfs.dylib' if (sdl_only == 0): lflags += ' -framework OpenGL' if (user_settings.sdlmixer == 1): print "including SDL_mixer" lflags += ' -framework SDL_mixer' sys.path += ['./arch/cocoa'] VERSION = str(VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' + str(VERSION_MINOR) if (VERSION_MICRO): VERSION += '.' + str(VERSION_MICRO) env['VERSION_NUM'] = VERSION env['VERSION_NAME'] = PROGRAM_NAME + ' v' + VERSION import tool_bundle else: print "compiling on *NIX" osdef = '__LINUX__' osasmdef = 'elf' user_settings.sharepath += '/' env.ParseConfig('sdl-config --cflags') env.ParseConfig('sdl-config --libs') env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['__LINUX__']) env.Append(CPPPATH = ['arch/linux/include']) ogldefines = ['OGL'] libs += env['LIBS'] if (user_settings.opengles == 1): ogllibs = ['GLES_CM', 'EGL'] else: ogllibs = ['GL', 'GLU'] lflags = os.environ["LDFLAGS"] if os.environ.has_key('LDFLAGS') else '' # set endianess if (checkEndian() == "big"): print "BigEndian machine detected" user_settings.asm = 0 env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['WORDS_BIGENDIAN']) elif (checkEndian() == "little"): print "LittleEndian machine detected" # opengl or software renderer? if (user_settings.opengl == 1) or (user_settings.opengles == 1): if (user_settings.opengles == 1): print "building with OpenGL ES" env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['OGLES']) else: print "building with OpenGL" env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ogldefines) common_sources += arch_ogl_sources libs += ogllibs else: print "building with Software Renderer" common_sources += arch_sdl_sources # assembler code? if (user_settings.asm == 1) and (user_settings.opengl == 0): print "including: ASSEMBLER" env.Replace(AS = 'nasm') env.Append(ASCOM = ' -f ' + str(osasmdef) + ' -d' + str(osdef) + ' -Itexmap/ ') common_sources += asm_sources else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NO_ASM']) # SDL_mixer support? if (user_settings.sdlmixer == 1): print "including SDL_mixer" env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['USE_SDLMIXER']) common_sources += arch_sdlmixer if (sys.platform != 'darwin'): libs += ['SDL_mixer'] # debug? if (user_settings.debug == 1): print "including: DEBUG" env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-g']) else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG', 'RELEASE']) env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-O2']) # profiler? if (user_settings.profiler == 1): env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-pg']) lflags += ' -pg' #editor build? if (user_settings.editor == 1): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['EDITOR']) env.Append(CPPPATH = ['include/editor']) common_sources += editor_sources # IPv6 compability? if (user_settings.ipv6 == 1): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['IPv6']) # UDP support? if (user_settings.use_udp == 1): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['USE_UDP']) common_sources += ['main/net_udp.c'] # Tracker support? (Relies on UDP) if( user_settings.use_tracker == 1 ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'USE_TRACKER' ] ) print '\n' env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('SHAREPATH', '\\"' + str(user_settings.sharepath) + '\\"')]) # finally building program... env.Program(target=str(target), source = common_sources, LIBS = libs, LINKFLAGS = str(lflags)) if (sys.platform != 'darwin'): env.Install(user_settings.BIN_DIR, str(target)) env.Alias('install', user_settings.BIN_DIR) else: tool_bundle.TOOL_BUNDLE(env) env.MakeBundle(PROGRAM_NAME + '.app', target, 'free.d1x-rebirth', 'd1xgl-Info.plist', typecode='APPL', creator='DCNT', icon_file='arch/cocoa/d1x-rebirth.icns', subst_dict={'d1xgl' : target}, # This is required; manually update version for Xcode compatibility resources=[['English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings', 'English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings']]) # show some help when running scons -h Help(PROGRAM_NAME + ', SConstruct file help:' + """ Type 'scons' to build the binary. Type 'scons install' to build (if it hasn't been done) and install. Type 'scons -c' to clean up. Extra options (add them to command line, like 'scons extraoption=value'): 'sharepath=[DIR]' (non-Mac OS *NIX only) use [DIR] for shared game data. [default: /usr/local/share/games/d1x-rebirth] 'opengl=[0/1]' build with OpenGL support [default: 1] 'opengles=[0/1]' build with OpenGL ES support [default: 0] 'sdlmixer=[0/1]' build with SDL_Mixer support for sound and music (includes external music support) [default: 1] 'asm=[0/1]' build with ASSEMBLER code (only with opengl=0, requires NASM and x86) [default: 0] 'debug=[0/1]' build DEBUG binary which includes asserts, debugging output, cheats and more output [default: 0] 'profiler=[0/1]' profiler build [default: 0] 'editor=[0/1]' include editor into build (!EXPERIMENTAL!) [default: 0] 'ipv6=[0/1]' enable IPv6 compability [default: 0] 'use_udp=[0/1]' enable UDP support [default: 1] 'use_tracker=[0/1]' enable Tracker support (requires udp) [default :1] 'verbosebuild=[0/1]' print out all compiler/linker messages during building [default: 0] Default values: """ + ' sharepath = ' + user_settings.DATA_DIR + """ Some influential environment variables: CC C compiler command CFLAGS C compiler flags LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L if you have libraries in a nonstandard directory CXX C++ compiler command CXXFLAGS C++ compiler flags """) #EOF