System Options: ;-fps Enable FPS indicator by default ;-nonicefps Don't free CPU-cycles ;-maxfps Set maximum framerate (1-80) ;-hogdir set shared data directory to ;-nohogdir Don't try to use shared data directory ;-use_players_dir Put player files and saved games in Players subdirectory ;-lowmem Lowers animation detail for better performance with low memory ;-legacyhomers Activate original homing missiles (FPS and physics dependent) ;-pilot Select this pilot-file automatically ;-autodemo Start in demo mode ;-notitles Skip title screens ;-window Run the game in a window Controls: ;-nomouse Deactivate mouse ;-nojoystick Deactivate joystick ;-mouselook Activate mouselook. Works in singleplayer only ;-grabmouse Keeps the mouse from wandering out of the window Sound: ;-nosound Disables sound output ;-nomusic Disables music output ;-nosdlmixer Disable Sound output via SDL_mixer ;-music_ext Play music files with extension (i.e. mp3, ogg) Graphics: ;-lowresfont Force to use LowRes fonts ;-gl_fixedfont Do not scale fonts to current resolution ;-gl_fontfixwidth Scale fonts with fixed width for widescreen resolutions Multiplayer: ;-mprofile Enable multiplayer game profiles ;-noredundancy Do not send messages when picking up redundant items in multiplayer ;-playermessages View only messages from other players in multi - overrides -noredundancy ;-ipxnetwork Use IPX network number ;-ip_baseport Use

as offset from normal port ;-ip_relay Relay players with closed port over host (increases traffic and lag)