System Options: ;-fps Enable FPS indicator by default ;-maxfps Set maximum framerate (1-80) ;-hogdir set shared data directory to ;-nohogdir don't try to use shared data directory ;-userdir set user dir to instead of $HOME/.d2x-rebirth ;-macdata Read (and, for editor, write) mac data files (swap colors) ;-lowmem Lowers animation detail for better performance with low memory Controls: ;-NoJoystick Disables joystick support ;-mouselook Activate mouselook. Works in singleplayer only ;-grabmouse Keeps the mouse from wandering out of the window Sound: ;-Volume Sets sound volume to v, where v is between 0 and 100 ;-NoSound Disables sound drivers ;-NoMusic Disables music; sound effects remain enabled ;-DisableSound Completely disable sound system (also disables movies) ;-Sound11K Use 11KHz sounds ;-nomixer Don't crank music volume ;-noredbook Disable redbook audio Graphics: ;-menux Set menu-resolution to by instead of game-resolution ;-aspectx use specified aspect ;-hud Set hud mode. 0=normal 1-3=new ;-window Run the game in a window ;-lowresmovies Play low resolution movies if available (for slow machines) ;-subtitles Turn on movie subtitles (English-only) ;-rearviewtime t Time holding rearview key to use toggle mode (default 0.0625 seconds) OpenGL: ;-gl_simple Set gl texture filters to gl_nearest for "original" look. (default) ;-gl_mipmap Set gl texture filters to "standard" options for mipmapping ;-gl_trilinear Set gl texture filters to trilinear mipmapping ;-gl_reticle Use OGL reticle 0=never 1=above 320x* 2=always ;-fixedfont Do not scale fonts to current resolution ;-gl_scissor_ok Set glScissor. 0=off 1=on (default) Quickstart: ;-ini Option file (alternate to command line), defaults to d2x.ini ;-notitles Do not show titlescreens on startup ;-pilot Select this pilot automatically ;-autodemo Start in demo mode Multiplayer: ;-norankings Disable multiplayer ranking system ;-noredundancy Do not send messages when picking up redundant items in multi ;-packets Specifies the number of packets per second ;-ipxnetwork Use IPX network number ;-kali Use Kali for networking ;-udp Specify options for udp/ip: ; @ Shift udp port base offset ; = Broadcast both local and to HOST_LIST ; + Broadcast only to HOST_LIST ; HOSTS can be any IP or hostname ; HOSTS can also be in the form of
: ; Separate multiple HOSTS with a ,