#SConstruct # needed imports import binascii import errno import subprocess import sys import os import SCons.Util def message(program,msg): print "%s: %s" % (program.program_message_prefix, msg) # endianess-checker def checkEndian(): if ARGUMENTS.has_key('endian'): r = ARGUMENTS['endian'] if r == "little" or r == "big": return r raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown endian value: %s" % r) import struct array = struct.pack('cccc', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04') i = struct.unpack('i', array) if i == struct.unpack('i', array): return "big" return "unknown" def get_Werror_string(l): if l and '-Werror' in l: return '-W' return '-Werror=' class StaticSubprocess: class CachedCall: def __init__(self,out,err,returncode): self.out = out self.err = err self.returncode = returncode __call_cache = {} @classmethod def pcall(cls,args,stdout,stderr=None): a = repr(args) try: return cls.__call_cache[a] except KeyError: pass p = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=args[0], stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, close_fds=True) (o, e) = p.communicate() cls.__call_cache[a] = c = cls.CachedCall(o, e, p.wait()) return c class Git(StaticSubprocess): __missing_git = StaticSubprocess.CachedCall(None, None, 1) __path_git = None @classmethod def pcall(cls,args,stdout,stderr=None): git = cls.__path_git if git is None: cls.__path_git = git = (os.environ.get('GIT', 'git').split(),) git = git[0] if not git: return cls.__missing_git return StaticSubprocess.pcall(git + args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) @classmethod def spcall(cls,args,stdout,stderr=None): g = cls.pcall(args, stdout, stderr) if g.returncode: return None return g.out class ConfigureTests: class Collector: def __init__(self): self.tests = [] def __call__(self,f): self.tests.append(f.__name__) return f class Cxx11RequiredFeature: def __init__(self,name,text,main=''): self.name = name name = {'N' : 'test_' + name.replace(' ', '_')} self.text = text % name self.main = ('{' + (main % name) + '}\n') if main else '' class PreservedEnvironment: def __init__(self,env,keys): self.flags = {k: env.get(k, [])[:] for k in keys} # Do not distribute tests when run under ccache # Assume distcc users also use ccache. Harmless when wrong, # saves a bit of latency when right. self.CCACHE_PREFIX = env['ENV'].pop('CCACHE_PREFIX', None) def restore(self,env): env.Replace(**self.flags) if self.CCACHE_PREFIX: env['ENV']['CCACHE_PREFIX'] = self.CCACHE_PREFIX def __getitem__(self,key): return self.flags.__getitem__(key) class ForceVerboseLog: def __init__(self,env): # Force verbose output to sconf.log self.cc_env_strings = {} for k in ['CXXCOMSTR']: try: self.cc_env_strings[k] = env[k] del env[k] except KeyError: pass def restore(self,env): # Restore potential quiet build options env.Replace(**self.cc_env_strings) class pkgconfig: __pkg_config_path_cache = {} __pkg_config_data_cache = {} @staticmethod def _get_pkg_config_name(user_settings): p = user_settings.PKG_CONFIG if p is not None: return p p = user_settings.CHOST if p: return p + '-pkg-config' return 'pkg-config' @staticmethod def _get_pkg_config_exec_path(context,message,pkgconfig): if not pkgconfig: message("pkg-config is disabled by user settings") return pkgconfig if os.sep in pkgconfig: message("using pkg-config at user specified path %s" % pkgconfig) return pkgconfig # No path specified, search in $PATH for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep): fp = os.path.join(p, pkgconfig) try: os.close(os.open(fp, os.O_RDONLY)) except OSError as e: # Ignore on permission errors. If pkg-config is # runnable but not readable, the user must # specify its path. if e.errno == errno.ENOENT or e.errno == errno.EACCES: continue raise message("using pkg-config at discovered path %s" % fp) return fp message("no usable pkg-config %r found in $PATH" % pkgconfig) @classmethod def _get_pkg_config_path(cls,context,message,user_settings,display_name): pkgconfig = cls._get_pkg_config_name(user_settings) cache = cls.__pkg_config_path_cache try: return cache[pkgconfig] except KeyError: pass cache[pkgconfig] = path = cls._get_pkg_config_exec_path(context, message, pkgconfig) return path @classmethod def _find_pkg_config(cls,context,message,user_settings,pkgconfig_name,display_name): message("checking %s pkg-config %s" % (display_name, pkgconfig_name)) pkgconfig = cls._get_pkg_config_path(context, message, user_settings, display_name) if not pkgconfig: message("skipping %s pkg-config" % display_name) return {} cmd = '%s --cflags --libs %s' % (pkgconfig, pkgconfig_name) cache = cls.__pkg_config_data_cache try: flags = cache[cmd] message("reusing %s settings from `%s`" % (display_name, cmd)) return flags except KeyError as e: message("reading %s settings from `%s`" % (display_name, cmd)) try: flags = context.env.ParseFlags('!' + cmd) except OSError as o: message("%s pkg-config failed; user must add required flags via environment for `%s`" % (display_name, cmd)) flags = {} cache[cmd] = flags return flags @classmethod def merge(cls,context,message,user_settings,pkgconfig_name,display_name): flags = cls._find_pkg_config(context, message, user_settings, pkgconfig_name, display_name) return {k:v for k,v in flags.items() if v and (k[0] == 'C' or k[0] == 'L')} # Force test to report failure sconf_force_failure = 'force-failure' # Force test to report success, and modify flags like it # succeeded sconf_force_success = 'force-success' # Force test to report success, do not modify flags sconf_assume_success = 'assume-success' _implicit_test = Collector() _custom_test = Collector() implicit_tests = _implicit_test.tests custom_tests = _custom_test.tests comment_not_supported = '/* not supported */' __flags_Werror = {k:['-Werror'] for k in ['CXXFLAGS']} _cxx_conformance_cxx11 = 11 _cxx_conformance_cxx14 = 14 __cxx11_required_features = [ Cxx11RequiredFeature('constexpr', ''' struct %(N)s {}; constexpr %(N)s a(){return {};} '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('nullptr', ''' #include std::nullptr_t %(N)s1 = nullptr; int *%(N)s2 = nullptr; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('explicit operator bool', ''' struct %(N)s { explicit operator bool(); }; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('template aliases', ''' using %(N)s_typedef = int; template struct %(N)s_struct; template using %(N)s_alias = %(N)s_struct; ''', ''' %(N)s_struct *a = nullptr; %(N)s_alias *b = a; (void)b; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('trailing function return type', ''' auto %(N)s()->int; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('class scope static constexpr assignment', ''' struct %(N)s_instance { }; struct %(N)s_container { static constexpr %(N)s_instance a = {}; }; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('braced base class initialization', ''' struct %(N)s_base { int a; }; struct %(N)s_derived : %(N)s_base { %(N)s_derived(int e) : %(N)s_base{e} {} }; '''), Cxx11RequiredFeature('std::unordered_map::emplace', ''' #include ''', ''' std::unordered_map m; m.emplace(0, 0); ''' ), ] def __init__(self,msgprefix,user_settings,platform_settings): self.msgprefix = msgprefix self.user_settings = user_settings self.platform_settings = platform_settings self.successful_flags = {} self.__cxx_conformance = None self.__automatic_compiler_tests = { '.cpp': self.check_cxx_works, } def message(self,msg): print "%s: %s" % (self.msgprefix, msg) @classmethod def describe(cls,name): f = getattr(cls, name) if f.__doc__: lines = f.__doc__.rstrip().split('\n') if lines[-1].startswith("help:"): return lines[-1][5:] return None @staticmethod def _quote_macro_value(v): return v.strip().replace('\n', ' \\\n') def _check_forced(self,context,name): return getattr(self.user_settings, 'sconf_%s' % name) def _check_macro(self,context,macro_name,macro_value,test,**kwargs): macro_value = self._quote_macro_value(macro_value) r = self.Compile(context, text=""" #define {macro_name} {macro_value} {test} """.format(macro_name=macro_name, macro_value=macro_value, test=test), **kwargs) if r: context.sconf.Define(macro_name, macro_value) else: context.sconf.Define(macro_name, self.comment_not_supported) def _check_compiler_works(self,context,ext): c = self.__automatic_compiler_tests.pop(ext, None) if c: c(context) def _extend_successflags(self,k,v): self.successful_flags.setdefault(k, []).extend(v) def Compile(self,context,**kwargs): self.Compile = self.Link if self.user_settings.lto else self._Compile return self.Compile(context, **kwargs) def _Compile(self,context,**kwargs): return self._Test(context,action=context.TryCompile, **kwargs) def Link(self,context,**kwargs): return self._Test(context,action=context.TryLink, **kwargs) def _Test(self,context,text,msg,action,main='',ext='.cpp',testflags={},successflags={},skipped=None,successmsg=None,failuremsg=None,expect_failure=False): self._check_compiler_works(context,ext) context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, msg)) if skipped is not None: context.Result('(skipped){skipped}'.format(skipped=skipped)) return env_flags = self.PreservedEnvironment(context.env, successflags.keys() + testflags.keys() + self.__flags_Werror.keys() + ['CPPDEFINES']) context.env.MergeFlags(successflags) frame = None forced = None try: 1//0 except ZeroDivisionError: frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back while frame is not None: co_name = frame.f_code.co_name if co_name[0:6] == 'check_': forced = self._check_forced(context, co_name[6:]) break frame = frame.f_back caller_modified_env_flags = self.PreservedEnvironment(context.env, self.__flags_Werror.keys() + testflags.keys()) # Always pass -Werror context.env.Append(**self.__flags_Werror) context.env.Append(**testflags) if forced is None: cc_env_strings = self.ForceVerboseLog(context.env) undef_SDL_main = '\n#undef main /* avoid -Dmain=SDL_main from libSDL */\n' r = action(text + undef_SDL_main + 'int main(int argc,char**argv){(void)argc;(void)argv;' + main + ';}\n', ext) if expect_failure: r = not r cc_env_strings.restore(context.env) context.Result((successmsg if r else failuremsg) or r) else: choices = (self.sconf_force_failure, self.sconf_force_success, self.sconf_assume_success) if forced not in choices: try: forced = choices[int(forced)] except ValueError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced)) except IndexError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Out of range force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced)) if forced == self.sconf_force_failure: r = False elif forced == self.sconf_force_success or forced == self.sconf_assume_success: r = True else: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced)) if expect_failure: r = not r context.Result('(forced){inverted}{forced}'.format(forced=forced, inverted='(inverted)' if expect_failure else '')) # On success, revert to base flags + successflags # On failure, revert to base flags if r and forced != self.sconf_assume_success: caller_modified_env_flags.restore(context.env) context.env.Replace(CPPDEFINES=env_flags['CPPDEFINES']) CPPDEFINES = [] for v in successflags.pop('CPPDEFINES', []): d = v if isinstance(d, str): d = (d,None) if d[0] in ('_REENTRANT',): # Blacklist defines that must not be moved to the # configuration header. CPPDEFINES.append(v) continue context.sconf.Define(d[0], d[1]) successflags['CPPDEFINES'] = CPPDEFINES for (k,v) in successflags.items(): self._extend_successflags(k, v) else: env_flags.restore(context.env) return r def _soft_check_system_library(self,context,header,main,lib,successflags={}): include = '\n'.join(['#include <%s>' % h for h in header]) # Test library. On success, good. On failure, test header to # give the user more help. if self.Link(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for usable library ' + lib, successflags=successflags): return if self.Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for usable header ' + header[-1], testflags=successflags): return (0, "Header %s is usable, but library %s is not usable." % (header[-1], lib)) if self.Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for parseable header ' + header[-1], testflags=successflags): return (1, "Header %s is parseable, but cannot compile the test program." % (header[-1])) return (2, "Header %s is missing or unusable." % (header[-1])) def _check_system_library(self,*args,**kwargs): e = self._soft_check_system_library(*args, **kwargs) if e: raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e[1]) @_custom_test def check_libphysfs(self,context): main = ''' PHYSFS_File *f; char b[1] = {0}; PHYSFS_init(""); f = PHYSFS_openWrite("a"); PHYSFS_sint64 w = PHYSFS_write(f, b, 1, 1); (void)w; PHYSFS_close(f); f = PHYSFS_openRead("a"); PHYSFS_sint64 r = PHYSFS_read(f, b, 1, 1); (void)r; PHYSFS_close(f); ''' l = ['physfs'] successflags = {'LIBS' : l} e = self._soft_check_system_library(context, header=['physfs.h'], main=main, lib='physfs', successflags=successflags) if not e: return if e[0] == 0: self.message("physfs header usable; adding zlib and retesting library") l.append('z') e = self._soft_check_system_library(context, header=['physfs.h'], main=main, lib='physfs', successflags=successflags) if e: raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e[1]) @_custom_test def _check_SDL(self,context): if self.user_settings.sdl2: self.check_libSDL2(context) self.check_SDL2_mixer(context) else: self.check_libSDL(context) self.check_SDL_mixer(context) @_implicit_test def check_libSDL(self,context): self._check_libSDL(context, '') @_implicit_test def check_libSDL2(self,context): self._check_libSDL(context, '2') def _check_libSDL(self,context,sdl2): successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.message, self.user_settings, 'sdl' + sdl2, 'SDL' + sdl2) # SDL2 removed CD-rom support. init_cdrom = '0' if sdl2 else 'SDL_INIT_CDROM' self._check_system_library(context,header=['SDL.h'],main=''' SDL_RWops *ops = reinterpret_cast(argv); SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | ''' + init_cdrom + ''' | SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_FreeRW(ops); SDL_Quit(); ''', lib='SDL', successflags=successflags ) @_implicit_test def check_SDL_mixer(self,context): self._check_SDL_mixer(context, '') @_implicit_test def check_SDL2_mixer(self,context): self._check_SDL_mixer(context, '2') def _check_SDL_mixer(self,context,sdl2): mixer = 'SDL' + sdl2 + '_mixer' context.Display('%s: checking whether to use %s...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, mixer, 'yes' if self.user_settings.sdlmixer else 'no')) # SDL_mixer support? if not self.user_settings.sdlmixer: return self._extend_successflags('CPPDEFINES', ['USE_SDLMIXER']) successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.message, self.user_settings, mixer, mixer) if self.user_settings.host_platform == 'darwin': successflags['FRAMEWORKS'] = [mixer] successflags['CPPPATH'] = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Frameworks/' + mixer + '.framework/Headers'), '/Library/Frameworks/' + mixer + '.framework/Headers'] self._check_system_library(context,header=['SDL_mixer.h'],main=''' int i = Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_FLAC | MIX_INIT_OGG); (void)i; Mix_Pause(0); Mix_ResumeMusic(); Mix_Quit(); ''', lib=mixer, successflags=successflags) @_implicit_test def check_cxx_works(self,context): """ help:assume C++ compiler works """ if self.Link(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler and linker work'): return if self.Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler works'): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler works, but C++ linker does not work.") raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not work.") @_custom_test def check_compiler_template_parentheses_warning(self,context): # Test for https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51064 text = ''' template struct T {}; ''' main = 'T<3> t;(void)t;' if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler accepts parenthesized template computations', testflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wparentheses']}) or \ self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler understands -Wno-parentheses', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-parentheses']}): return raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler errors on template computed expressions, even with -Wno-parentheses.") @_custom_test def check_compiler_missing_field_initializers(self,context): f = {'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wmissing-field-initializers']} text = 'struct A{int a;};' main = 'A a{};(void)a;' if not self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler warns for {} initialization', testflags=f, expect_failure=True) or \ self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler understands -Wno-missing-field-initializers', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-missing-field-initializers']}) or \ not self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler always errors for {} initialization', expect_failure=True): return raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler errors on {} initialization, even with -Wno-missing-field-initializers.") @_custom_test def check_attribute_error(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((error)) """ f = ''' void a()__attribute__((__error__("a called"))); ''' if self.Compile(context, text=f, main='if("0"[0]==\'1\')a();', msg='whether compiler optimizes function __attribute__((__error__))'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR') context.sconf.Define('__attribute_error(M)', '__attribute__((__error__(M)))') else: self.Compile(context, text=f, msg='whether compiler accepts function __attribute__((__error__))') and \ self.Compile(context, text=f, main='a();', msg='whether compiler understands function __attribute__((__error__))', expect_failure=True) context.sconf.Define('__attribute_error(M)', self.comment_not_supported) @_custom_test def check_builtin_bswap(self,context): b = '(void)__builtin_bswap{bits}(static_cast(argc));' include = ''' #include ''' main = ''' {b64} {b32} #ifdef DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP16 {b16} #endif '''.format( b64 = b.format(bits=64), b32 = b.format(bits=32), b16 = b.format(bits=16), ) if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='whether compiler implements __builtin_bswap{16,32,64} functions', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP', 'DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP16']}): return if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='whether compiler implements __builtin_bswap{32,64} functions', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP']}): return @_custom_test def check_builtin_constant_p(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports compile-time __builtin_constant_p """ f = ''' int c(int); static int a(int b){ return __builtin_constant_p(b) ? 1 : %s; } ''' main = 'return a(1) + a(2)' if self.Link(context, text=f % 'c(b)', main=main, msg='whether compiler optimizes __builtin_constant_p'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P') context.sconf.Define('dxx_builtin_constant_p(A)', '__builtin_constant_p(A)') context.sconf.Define('DXX_CONSTANT_TRUE(E)', '(__builtin_constant_p((E)) && (E))') else: self.Compile(context, text=f % '2', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_constant_p') context.sconf.Define('dxx_builtin_constant_p(A)', '((void)(A),0)') @_custom_test def check_builtin_expect(self,context): main = ''' return __builtin_expect(argc == 1, 1) ? 1 : 0; ''' if self.Compile(context, text='', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_expect'): context.sconf.Define('likely(A)', '__builtin_expect(!!(A), 1)') context.sconf.Define('unlikely(A)', '__builtin_expect(!!(A), 0)') else: macro_value = '(!!(A))' context.sconf.Define('likely(A)', macro_value) context.sconf.Define('unlikely(A)', macro_value) @_custom_test def check_builtin_object_size(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __builtin_object_size """ f = ''' int a(); static inline int a(char *c){ return __builtin_object_size(c,0) == 4 ? 1 : %s; } ''' main = ''' char c[4]; return a(c); ''' if self.Link(context, text=f % 'a()', main=main, msg='whether compiler optimizes __builtin_object_size'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_OBJECT_SIZE') else: self.Compile(context, text=f % '2', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_object_size') @_custom_test def check_embedded_compound_statement(self,context): f = ''' return ({ 1 + 2; }); ''' if self.Compile(context, text='', main=f, msg='whether compiler understands embedded compound statements'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '') context.sconf.Define('DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '') else: context.sconf.Define('DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '[&]') context.sconf.Define('DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '()') context.sconf.Define('DXX_ALWAYS_ERROR_FUNCTION(F,S)', r'( DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT { \ void F() __attribute_error(S); \ F(); \ } DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT )') @_custom_test def check_attribute_always_inline(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((always_inline)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_always_inline()' macro_value = '__attribute__((__always_inline__))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=macro_name + 'static inline void a(){}', main='a();', msg='for function __attribute__((always_inline))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_alloc_size(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((alloc_size)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_alloc_size(A,...)' macro_value = '__attribute__((alloc_size(A, ## __VA_ARGS__)))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" char*a(int)__attribute_alloc_size(1); char*b(int,int)__attribute_alloc_size(1,2); """, msg='for function __attribute__((alloc_size))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_cold(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((cold)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_cold' macro_value = '__attribute__((cold))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" __attribute_cold char*a(int); """, msg='for function __attribute__((cold))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_format_arg(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((format_arg)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_format_arg(A)' macro_value = '__attribute__((format_arg(A)))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" char*a(char*)__attribute_format_arg(1); """, msg='for function __attribute__((format_arg))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_format_printf(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((format(printf))) """ macro_name = '__attribute_format_printf(A,B)' macro_value = '__attribute__((format(printf,A,B)))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int a(char*,...)__attribute_format_printf(1,2); int b(char*)__attribute_format_printf(1,0); """, msg='for function __attribute__((format(printf)))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_malloc(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((malloc)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_malloc()' macro_value = '__attribute__((malloc))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int *a()__attribute_malloc(); """, msg='for function __attribute__((malloc))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_nonnull(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((nonnull)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_nonnull(...)' macro_value = '__attribute__((nonnull __VA_ARGS__))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int a(int*)__attribute_nonnull(); int b(int*)__attribute_nonnull((1)); """, msg='for function __attribute__((nonnull))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_noreturn(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((noreturn)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_noreturn' macro_value = '__attribute__((noreturn))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=macro_name + ' void a();void a(){for(;;);}', main='a();', msg='for function __attribute__((noreturn))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_used(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((used)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_used' macro_value = '__attribute__((used))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" static void a()__attribute_used; static void a(){} """, msg='for function __attribute__((used))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_unused(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((unused)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_unused' macro_value = '__attribute__((unused))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" __attribute_unused static void a(){} """, msg='for function __attribute__((unused))') @_custom_test def check_attribute_warn_unused_result(self,context): """ help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) """ macro_name = '__attribute_warn_unused_result' macro_value = '__attribute__((warn_unused_result))' self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test=""" int a()__attribute_warn_unused_result; int a(){return 0;} """, msg='for function __attribute__((warn_unused_result))') @_implicit_test def check_cxx11(self,context): """ help:assume C++ compiler supports C++11 """ return self._check_cxx_std_flag(context, ('-std=gnu++0x', '-std=c++0x'), self._cxx_conformance_cxx11) @_implicit_test def check_cxx14(self,context): """ help:assume C++ compiler supports C++14 """ return self._check_cxx_std_flag(context, ('-std=gnu++14', '-std=c++14'), self._cxx_conformance_cxx14) def _check_cxx_std_flag(self,context,flags,level): for f in flags: r = self.Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler accepts {f}'.format(f=f), successflags={'CXXFLAGS': [f]}) if r: return level return 0 def Cxx11Compile(self,context,*args,**kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('skipped', self.__skip_missing_cxx_std(context, self._cxx_conformance_cxx11, 'no C++11 support')) return self.Compile(context,*args,**kwargs) def Cxx14Compile(self,context,*args,**kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('skipped', self.__skip_missing_cxx_std(context, self._cxx_conformance_cxx14, 'no C++14 support')) return self.Compile(context,*args,**kwargs) def __skip_missing_cxx_std(self,context,level,text): if self.__cxx_conformance is None: self.__cxx_conformance = self.check_cxx14(context) or self.check_cxx11(context) if self.__cxx_conformance < level: return text @_implicit_test def check_boost_array(self,context,**kwargs): """ help:assume Boost.Array works """ return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Array', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_ARRAY']}, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_cxx_array(self,context,**kwargs): """ help:assume works """ return self.Cxx11Compile(context, msg='for ', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX_ARRAY']}, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_cxx_tr1_array(self,context,**kwargs): """ help:assume works """ return self.Compile(context, msg='for ', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX_TR1_ARRAY']}, **kwargs) @_custom_test def _check_cxx_array(self,context): include = ''' #include "compiler-array.h" ''' main = ''' arrayb; b[0]=1; ''' how = self.check_cxx_array(context, text=include, main=main) or self.check_boost_array(context, text=include, main=main) or self.check_cxx_tr1_array(context, text=include, main=main) if not how: raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support or Boost.Array or .") def _check_static_assert_method(self,context,msg,f,testflags={},_Compile=Compile,_tdict={'expr' : 'true&&true'},_fdict={'expr' : 'false||false'},**kwargs): return _Compile(self, context, text=f % _tdict, main='f(A());', msg=msg % 'true', testflags=testflags, **kwargs) and \ _Compile(self, context, text=f % _fdict, main='f(A());', msg=msg % 'false', expect_failure=True, successflags=testflags, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_boost_static_assert(self,context,f): """ help:assume Boost.StaticAssert works """ return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for Boost.StaticAssert when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT']}) @_implicit_test def check_c_typedef_static_assert(self,context,f): """ help:assume C typedef-based static assertion works """ return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for C typedef static assertion when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_C_TYPEDEF_STATIC_ASSERT']}) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_static_assert(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports C++ intrinsic static_assert """ return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for C++11 intrinsic static_assert when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT']}, _Compile=ConfigureTests.Cxx11Compile) @_custom_test def _check_static_assert(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-static_assert.h" static_assert(%(expr)s, "global"); struct A { static const bool value = %(expr)s; static_assert(%(expr)s, "class literal"); static_assert(A::value, "class static"); A() { static_assert(%(expr)s, "constructor literal"); static_assert(value, "constructor static"); } }; template struct B { static const bool value = %(expr)s; static_assert(%(expr)s, "template class literal"); static_assert(value, "template class static"); B(A a) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "constructor literal"); static_assert(value, "constructor self static"); static_assert(A::value, "constructor static"); static_assert(a.value, "constructor member"); } template B(B &&b) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "template constructor literal"); static_assert(value, "template constructor self static"); static_assert(B::value, "template constructor static"); static_assert(b.value, "template constructor member"); } }; template static void f(B b) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "template function literal"); static_assert(B::value, "template function static"); static_assert(b.value, "template function member"); } void f(A a); void f(A a) { static_assert(%(expr)s, "function literal"); static_assert(A::value, "function static"); static_assert(a.value, "function member"); f(B(B(a))); } ''' how = self.check_cxx11_static_assert(context,f) or self.check_boost_static_assert(context,f) or self.check_c_typedef_static_assert(context,f) @_implicit_test def check_boost_type_traits(self,context,f): """ help:assume Boost.TypeTraits works """ return self.Compile(context, text=f, msg='for Boost.TypeTraits', ext='.cpp', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_TYPE_TRAITS']}) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_type_traits(self,context,f): """ help:assume works """ return self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=f, msg='for ', ext='.cpp', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_TYPE_TRAITS']}) @_custom_test def _check_type_traits(self,context): f = ''' #define DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS /* bypass sanity check */ #include "compiler-type_traits.h" typedef tt::conditional::type a; typedef tt::conditional::type b; ''' if self.check_cxx11_type_traits(context, f) or self.check_boost_type_traits(context, f): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS') return raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support or Boost.TypeTraits.") @_implicit_test def check_boost_foreach(self,context,**kwargs): """ help:assume Boost.Foreach works """ return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Foreach', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_FOREACH']}, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_range_for(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Cxx11Compile(context, msg='for C++11 range-based for', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_RANGE_FOR']}, **kwargs) @_custom_test def _check_range_based_for(self,context): include = ''' #include "compiler-range_for.h" ''' main = ''' int b[2]; range_for(int&c,b)c=0; ''' if not self.check_cxx11_range_for(context, text=include, main=main) and not self.check_boost_foreach(context, text=include, main=main): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support range-based for or Boost.Foreach.") @_custom_test def check_cxx11_required_features(self,context): features = self.__cxx11_required_features text = '' main = '' for f in features: text += f.text main += f.main # First test all the features at once. If all work, then done. # If any fail, then the configure run will stop. if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='for required C++11 features'): return # Some failed. Run each test separately and report to the user # which ones failed. raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support " + ', '.join( [f.name for f in features if not self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=f.text, main=f.main, msg='for C++11 ' + f.name)] ) + '.') @_custom_test def check_constexpr_union_constructor(self,context): # https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56583 # <=gcc-4.7.x ICE on constexpr union constructors with anonymous # substructure. # Works fine without the substructure. # Works fine in >=gcc-4.8 regardless of substructure. f = ''' union U { struct { int a; }; constexpr U(int b) : a(b) { } }; U a{640}; ''' self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=f, msg='whether compiler supports constexpr union constructors', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CONSTEXPR_UNION_CONSTRUCTOR']}) @_implicit_test def check_pch(self,context): for how in [{'CXXFLAGS' : ['-x', 'c++-header']}]: result = self._Compile(context, text='', msg='whether compiler supports pre-compiled headers', testflags=how) if result: self.pch_flags = how return result @_custom_test def _check_pch(self,context): self.pch_flags = None msg = 'when to pre-compile headers' context.Display('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, msg)) if self.user_settings.pch: count = int(self.user_settings.pch) else: count = 0 if count <= 0: context.Result('never') return context.Display('if used at least %u time%s\n' % (count, 's' if count > 1 else '')) if not self.check_pch(context): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support pre-compiled headers.") @_custom_test def _check_cxx11_explicit_delete(self,context): # clang 3.4 warns when a named parameter to a deleted function # is not used, even though there is no body in which it could be # used, so every named parameter to a deleted function is always # unused. f = 'int a(int %s)=delete;' if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named(context, f): # No bug: named parameters with explicitly deleted functions # work correctly. return if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named_unused(context, f): # Clang bug hit. Called function adds -Wno-unused-parameter # to work around the bug, but affected users will not get # warnings about parameters that are unused in regular # functions. return if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_anonymous(context, f): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler rejects explicitly deleted functions with named parameters, even with -Wno-unused-parameter.") raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support explicitly deleted functions.") @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with named parameters """ return self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=f % 'b', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with named parameters') @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named_unused(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with named parameters with -Wno-unused-parameter """ return self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=f % 'b', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with named parameters and -Wno-unused-parameter', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-unused-parameter']}) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_anonymous(self,context,f): """ help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with anonymous parameters """ return self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=f % '', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with anonymous parameters') @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_free_begin(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Cxx11Compile(context, msg='for C++11 functions begin(), end()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_BEGIN']}, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_boost_free_begin(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Range functions begin(), end()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_BEGIN']}, **kwargs) @_custom_test def _check_free_begin_function(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-begin.h" struct A { typedef int *iterator; typedef const int *const_iterator; iterator begin(){return 0;} iterator end(){return 0;} const_iterator begin() const{return 0;} const_iterator end() const{return 0;} }; #define F(C){\ C int a[1]{0};\ C A b{};\ if(begin(a)||end(a)||begin(b)||end(b))return 1;\ } ''' main = 'F()F(const)' if not self.check_cxx11_free_begin(context, text=f, main=main) and not self.check_boost_free_begin(context, text=f, main=main): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support free functions begin() and end().") @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_addressof(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Cxx11Compile(context, msg='for C++11 function addressof()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_ADDRESSOF']}, **kwargs) @_implicit_test def check_boost_addressof(self,context,**kwargs): return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Utility function addressof()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_ADDRESSOF']}, **kwargs) @_custom_test def _check_free_addressof_function(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-addressof.h" struct A { void operator&(); }; ''' main = ''' A b; return addressof(b) != 0; ''' if not self.check_cxx11_addressof(context, text=f, main=main) and not self.check_boost_addressof(context, text=f, main=main): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support free function addressof().") @_custom_test def check_cxx14_exchange(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-exchange.h" ''' self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, main='return exchange(argc, 5)', msg='for C++14 exchange', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_EXCHANGE']}) @_custom_test def check_cxx14_integer_sequence(self,context): f = ''' #include using std::integer_sequence; using std::index_sequence; ''' self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, msg='for C++14 integer_sequence', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_INTEGER_SEQUENCE']}) @_custom_test def check_cxx14_make_unique(self,context): f = ''' #include "compiler-make_unique.h" ''' main = ''' make_unique(0); make_unique(1); ''' self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, main=main, msg='for C++14 make_unique', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_MAKE_UNIQUE']}) @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_inherit_constructor(self,context,text,fmtargs,**kwargs): """ help:assume compiler supports inheriting constructors """ blacklist_clang_libcxx = ''' /* Test for bug where clang + libc++ + constructor inheritance causes a * compilation failure when returning nullptr. * * Works: gcc * Works: clang + gcc libstdc++ * Works: old clang + old libc++ (cutoff date unknown). * Works: new clang + new libc++ + unique_ptr * Fails: new clang + new libc++ + unique_ptr (v3.6.0 confirmed broken). memory:2676:32: error: no type named 'type' in 'std::__1::enable_if >::__nat>'; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declaration typename enable_if<__same_or_less_cv_qualified<_Pp, pointer>::value, __nat>::type = __nat()) _NOEXCEPT ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .sconf_temp/conftest_43.cpp:26:11: note: in instantiation of member function 'std::__1::unique_ptr >::unique_ptr' requested here using B::B; ^ .sconf_temp/conftest_43.cpp:30:2: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'I' [with _Pp = I] return nullptr; ^ */ #include class I : std::unique_ptr { public: typedef std::unique_ptr B; using B::B; }; I a(); I a() { return nullptr; } ''' macro_value = self._quote_macro_value(''' typedef B,##__VA_ARGS__ _dxx_constructor_base_type; using _dxx_constructor_base_type::_dxx_constructor_base_type;''') if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=blacklist_clang_libcxx + text.format(macro_value=macro_value, **fmtargs), msg='for C++11 inherited constructors with good unique_ptr support', **kwargs): return macro_value return None @_implicit_test def check_cxx11_variadic_forward_constructor(self,context,text,fmtargs,**kwargs): """ help:assume compiler supports variadic template-based constructor forwarding """ macro_value = self._quote_macro_value(''' template D(Args&&... args) : B,##__VA_ARGS__(std::forward(args)...) {} ''') if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text='#include \n' + text.format(macro_value=macro_value, **fmtargs), msg='for C++11 variadic templates on constructors', **kwargs): return macro_value return None @_custom_test def _check_forward_constructor(self,context): text = ''' #define {macro_name}{macro_parameters} {macro_value} struct A {{ A(int){{}} }}; struct B:A {{ {macro_name}(B,A); }}; ''' macro_name = 'DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS' macro_parameters = '(D,B,...)' # C++03 support is possible with enumerated out template # variations. If someone finds a worthwhile compiler without # variadic templates, enumerated templates can be added. for f in (self.check_cxx11_inherit_constructor, self.check_cxx11_variadic_forward_constructor): macro_value = f(context, text=text, main='B(0)', fmtargs={'macro_name':macro_name, 'macro_parameters':macro_parameters}) if macro_value: break if not macro_value: raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support constructor forwarding.") context.sconf.Define(macro_name + macro_parameters, macro_value) @_custom_test def check_cxx11_ref_qualifier(self,context): text = ''' struct A { int a()const &{return 1;} int a()const &&{return 2;} }; ''' main = ''' A a; return a.a() != A().a(); ''' if self.Cxx11Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='for C++11 reference qualified methods'): context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_CXX11_REF_QUALIFIER') @_custom_test def check_deep_tuple(self,context): text = ''' #include static inline std::tuple<{type}> make() {{ return std::make_tuple({value}); }} static void a(){{ std::tuple<{type}> t = make(); (void)t; }} ''' count = 20 if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(type=','.join(('int',)*count), value=','.join(('0',)*count)), main='a()', msg='whether compiler handles 20-element tuples'): return count = 2 if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(type=','.join(('int',)*count), value=','.join(('0',)*count)), main='a()', msg='whether compiler handles 2-element tuples'): raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Compiler cannot handle tuples of 20 elements. Raise the template instantiation depth.") raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Compiler cannot handle tuples of 2 elements.") @_implicit_test def check_poison_valgrind(self,context): ''' help:add Valgrind annotations; wipe certain freed memory when running under Valgrind ''' context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, 'whether to use Valgrind poisoning')) r = 'valgrind' in self.user_settings.poison context.Result(r) if not r: return text = ''' #include "poison.h" ''' main = ''' DXX_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(&argc, sizeof(argc)); ''' if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether Valgrind memcheck header works', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_POISON_VALGRIND']}): return True raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Valgrind poison requested, but does not work.") @_implicit_test def check_poison_overwrite(self,context): ''' help:always wipe certain freed memory ''' context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, 'whether to use overwrite poisoning')) r = 'overwrite' in self.user_settings.poison context.Result(r) if r: context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_POISON_OVERWRITE') return r @_custom_test def _check_poison_method(self,context): poison = None for f in ( self.check_poison_valgrind, self.check_poison_overwrite, ): if f(context): poison = True if poison: context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_POISON') @_custom_test def check_strcasecmp_present(self,context): main = ''' return !strcasecmp(argv[0], argv[0] + 1) && !strncasecmp(argv[0] + 1, argv[0], 1); ''' self.Compile(context, text='#include ', main=main, msg='for strcasecmp', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_STRCASECMP']}) def add_compiler_option_tests(): def define_compiler_option_test(opt, doc=None): def f(self, context): self.Compile(context, text='', main='', msg='whether compiler accepts ' + opt, successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : [opt]}) f.__name__ = n = 'check_compiler_option_' + opt.replace('=', '') f.__doc__ = doc or ('\nhelp:assume compiler accepts ' + opt + '\n') setattr(ConfigureTests, n, custom_tests(f)) custom_tests = ConfigureTests._custom_test for opt in ( ('-fvisibility=hidden',), ('-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn',), ('-Wlogical-op',), ): define_compiler_option_test(*opt) add_compiler_option_tests() del add_compiler_option_tests class LazyObjectConstructor: def __get_lazy_object(self,srcname,transform_target): env = self.env o = env._dxx_pch_object(target='%s%s%s' % (self.user_settings.builddir, transform_target(self, srcname), env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source=srcname) return o def __lazy_objects(self,name,source): try: return self.__lazy_object_cache[name] except KeyError as e: def __strip_extension(self,name): return os.path.splitext(name)[0] value = [] for s in source: if isinstance(s, str): s = {'source': [s]} transform_target = s.get('transform_target', __strip_extension) value.extend([self.__get_lazy_object(srcname, transform_target) for srcname in s['source']]) self.__lazy_object_cache[name] = value return value @staticmethod def create_lazy_object_getter(sources): name = repr(sources) return lambda s: s.__lazy_objects(name, sources) @classmethod def create_lazy_object_property(cls,sources): return property(cls.create_lazy_object_getter(sources)) def __init__(self): self.__lazy_object_cache = {} class FilterHelpText: def __init__(self): self.visible_arguments = [] self._sconf_align = None def FormatVariableHelpText(self, env, opt, help, default, actual, aliases): if not opt in self.visible_arguments: return '' if not self._sconf_align: self._sconf_align = len(max((s for s in self.visible_arguments if s[:6] == 'sconf_'), key=len)) l = [] if default is not None: if isinstance(default, str) and not default.isalnum(): default = '"%s"' % default l.append("default: {default}".format(default=default)) actual = getattr(self, opt, None) if actual is not None: if isinstance(actual, str) and not actual.isalnum(): actual = '"%s"' % actual l.append("current: {current}".format(current=actual)) return (" {opt:%u} {help}" % (self._sconf_align if opt[:6] == 'sconf_' else 15)).format(opt=opt, help=help) + (" [" + "; ".join(l) + "]" if l else '') + '\n' class DXXCommon(LazyObjectConstructor): __shared_program_instance = [0] __shared_header_file_list = [] __endian = checkEndian() @property def program_message_prefix(self): return '%s.%d' % (self.PROGRAM_NAME, self.program_instance) # Settings which affect how the files are compiled class UserBuildSettings: # Paths for the Videocore libs/includes on the Raspberry Pi RPI_DEFAULT_VC_PATH='/opt/vc' default_OGLES_LIB = 'GLES_CM' _default_prefix = '/usr/local' def default_builddir(self): builddir_prefix = self.builddir_prefix builddir_suffix = self.builddir_suffix default_builddir = builddir_prefix or '' if builddir_prefix is not None or builddir_suffix is not None: fields = [ self.host_platform, os.path.basename(self.CXX) if self.CXX else None, ] compiler_flags = '\n'.join((getattr(self, attr) or '').strip() for attr in ['CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']) if compiler_flags: # Mix in CRC of CXXFLAGS to get reasonable uniqueness # when flags are changed. A full hash is # unnecessary here. crc = binascii.crc32(compiler_flags) if crc < 0: crc = crc + 0x100000000 fields.append('{:08x}'.format(crc)) if self.pch: fields.append('p%s' % self.pch) fields.append(''.join(a[1] if getattr(self, a[0]) else (a[2] if len(a) > 2 else '') for a in ( ('debug', 'dbg'), ('lto', 'lto'), ('profiler', 'prf'), ('editor', 'ed'), ('opengl', 'ogl', 'sdl'), ('opengles', 'es'), ('raspberrypi', 'rpi'), ))) default_builddir += '-'.join([f for f in fields if f]) if builddir_suffix is not None: default_builddir += builddir_prefix return default_builddir def default_memdebug(self): return self.debug # automatic setup for raspberrypi def default_opengles(self): if self.raspberrypi: return True return False def selected_OGLES_LIB(self): if self.raspberrypi: return 'GLESv2' return self.default_OGLES_LIB def __default_DATA_DIR(self): return self.prefix + '/share/games/' + self._program.target @staticmethod def _generic_variable(key,help,default): return (key, help, default) @staticmethod def _enum_variable(key,help,default,allowed_values): return EnumVariable(key, help, default, allowed_values) def _options(self): return ( { 'variable': self._enum_variable, 'arguments': [ ('sconf_%s' % name[6:], None, ConfigureTests.describe(name) or ('assume result of %s' % name), {'allowed_values' : ['0', '1', '2', ConfigureTests.sconf_force_failure, ConfigureTests.sconf_force_success, ConfigureTests.sconf_assume_success]}) for name in ConfigureTests.implicit_tests + ConfigureTests.custom_tests if name[0] != '_' ], }, { 'variable': BoolVariable, 'arguments': ( ('raspberrypi', False, 'build for Raspberry Pi (automatically sets opengles and opengles_lib)'), ('git_describe_version', os.path.exists(os.environ.get('GIT_DIR', '.git')), 'include git --describe in extra_version'), ('git_status', True, 'include git status'), ('versid_depend_all', False, 'rebuild vers_id.cpp if any object file changes'), ), }, { 'variable': self._generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('rpi_vc_path', self.RPI_DEFAULT_VC_PATH, 'directory for RPi VideoCore libraries'), ('opengles_lib', self.selected_OGLES_LIB, 'name of the OpenGL ES library to link against'), ('prefix', self._default_prefix, 'installation prefix directory (Linux only)'), ('sharepath', self.__default_DATA_DIR, 'directory for shared game data (Linux only)'), ('pch', None, 'pre-compile headers used this many times'), ('lto', 0, 'enable gcc link time optimization'), ), }, { 'variable': BoolVariable, 'arguments': ( ('check_header_includes', False, 'compile test each header (developer option)'), ('debug', False, 'build DEBUG binary which includes asserts, debugging output, cheats and more output'), ('memdebug', self.default_memdebug, 'build with malloc tracking'), ('profiler', False, 'profiler build'), ('opengl', True, 'build with OpenGL support'), ('opengles', self.default_opengles, 'build with OpenGL ES support'), ('editor', False, 'include editor into build (!EXPERIMENTAL!)'), ('sdl2', False, 'use libSDL2+SDL2_mixer (!EXPERIMENTAL!)'), ('sdlmixer', True, 'build with SDL_Mixer support for sound and music (includes external music support)'), ('ipv6', False, 'enable IPv6 compability'), ('use_udp', True, 'enable UDP support'), ('use_tracker', True, 'enable Tracker support (requires UDP)'), ('verbosebuild', False, 'print out all compiler/linker messages during building'), ), }, { 'variable': self._generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('CHOST', os.environ.get('CHOST'), 'CHOST of output'), ('CXX', os.environ.get('CXX'), 'C++ compiler command'), ('PKG_CONFIG', os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG'), 'PKG_CONFIG to run (Linux only)'), ('RC', os.environ.get('RC'), 'Windows resource compiler command'), ('extra_version', None, 'text to append to version, such as VCS identity'), ('ccache', None, 'path to ccache'), ('distcc', None, 'path to distcc'), ('distcc_hosts', os.environ.get('DISTCC_HOSTS'), 'hosts to distribute compilation'), ), }, { 'variable': self._generic_variable, 'stack': ' ', 'arguments': ( ('CPPFLAGS', os.environ.get('CPPFLAGS'), 'C preprocessor flags'), ('CXXFLAGS', os.environ.get('CXXFLAGS'), 'C++ compiler flags'), ('LDFLAGS', os.environ.get('LDFLAGS'), 'Linker flags'), ('LIBS', os.environ.get('LIBS'), 'Libraries to link'), ), }, { 'variable': self._enum_variable, 'arguments': ( ('host_platform', 'linux' if sys.platform == 'linux2' else sys.platform, 'cross-compile to specified platform', {'allowed_values' : ['win32', 'darwin', 'linux']}), ), }, { 'variable': ListVariable, 'arguments': ( ('poison', 'none', 'method for poisoning free memory', {'names' : ('valgrind', 'overwrite')}), ), }, { 'variable': self._generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('builddir_prefix', None, 'prefix to generated build directory'), ('builddir_suffix', None, 'suffix to generated build directory'), # This must be last so that default_builddir will # have access to other properties. ('builddir', self.default_builddir, 'build in specified directory'), ), }, ) @staticmethod def _names(name,prefix): return ['%s%s%s' % (p, '_' if p else '', name) for p in prefix] def __init__(self,program=None): self._program = program def register_variables(self,prefix,variables): self.known_variables = [] for grp in self._options(): variable = grp['variable'] stack = grp.get('stack', None) for opt in grp['arguments']: (name,value,help) = opt[0:3] kwargs = opt[3] if len(opt) > 3 else {} if name not in variables.keys(): filtered_help.visible_arguments.append(name) variables.Add(variable(key=name, help=help, default=None if callable(value) else value, **kwargs)) names = self._names(name, prefix) for n in names: if n not in variables.keys(): variables.Add(variable(key=n, help=help, default=None, **kwargs)) if not name in names: names.append(name) self.known_variables.append((names, name, value, stack)) if stack: for n in names: variables.Add(self._generic_variable(key='%s_stop' % n, help=None, default=None)) def read_variables(self,variables,d): for (namelist,cname,dvalue,stack) in self.known_variables: value = None found_value = False for n in namelist: try: v = d[n] found_value = True if stack: if callable(v): value = v(dvalue=dvalue, value=value, stack=stack) else: if value: value = stack.join([value, v]) else: value = v if d.get(n + '_stop', None): break continue value = v break except KeyError as e: pass if not found_value: value = dvalue if callable(value): value = value() setattr(self, cname, value) if self.builddir != '' and self.builddir[-1:] != '/': self.builddir += '/' def clone(self): clone = DXXCommon.UserBuildSettings(None) for grp in clone._options(): for o in grp['arguments']: name = o[0] value = getattr(self, name) setattr(clone, name, value) return clone class UserInstallSettings: def _options(self): return ( { 'variable': self._generic_variable, 'arguments': ( ('DESTDIR', None, 'installation stage directory'), ('program_name', None, 'name of built program'), ), }, { 'variable': BoolVariable, 'arguments': ( ('register_install_target', True, 'report install target to SCons core'), ), }, ) class UserSettings(UserBuildSettings,UserInstallSettings): def _options(self): return DXXCommon.UserBuildSettings._options(self) + DXXCommon.UserInstallSettings._options(self) # Base class for platform-specific settings processing class _PlatformSettings: tools = None ogllibs = '' platform_objects = [] def __init__(self,program,user_settings): self.__program = program self.user_settings = user_settings @property def env(self): return self.__program.env # Settings to apply to mingw32 builds class Win32PlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings): ogllibs = ('opengl32',) tools = ['mingw'] def adjust_environment(self,program,env): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_WIN32', 'HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL', 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN']) class DarwinPlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon._PlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) def adjust_environment(self,program,env): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC', 'HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL', '__unix__']) env.Append(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers'), '/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers']) env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ['ApplicationServices', 'Cocoa', 'SDL']) if (self.user_settings.opengl == 1) or (self.user_settings.opengles == 1): env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ['OpenGL']) env.Append(FRAMEWORKPATH = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Frameworks'), '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks']) # Settings to apply to Linux builds class LinuxPlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings): __opengl_libs = ['GL', 'GLU'] __pkg_config_sdl = {} def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon._PlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) if (user_settings.opengles == 1): self.ogllibs = [ user_settings.opengles_lib, 'EGL'] else: self.ogllibs = self.__opengl_libs def adjust_environment(self,program,env): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC', 'HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL']) env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-pthread']) def __init__(self): LazyObjectConstructor.__init__(self) self.sources = [] self.__shared_program_instance[0] += 1 self.program_instance = self.__shared_program_instance[0] @staticmethod def _collect_pch_candidates(target,source,env): for t in target: scanner = t.get_source_scanner(source[0]) deps = scanner(source[0], env, scanner.path(env)) for d in deps: ds = str(d) env.__dxx_pch_candidates[ds] = env.__dxx_pch_candidates.get(ds, 0) + 1 return (target, source) @staticmethod def write_pch_inclusion_file(target, source, env): cpp = str(target[0]) header = cpp[:-3] + 'h' banner0 = '/* BEGIN PCH GENERATED FILE\n * Threshold=%u\n */\n' % env.__dxx_pch_inclusion_count banner1 = '/* END PCH GENERATED FILE */\n' with open(cpp, 'wt') as f: f.write(banner0) f.write('#include "%s"\n' % header) f.write(banner1) with open(header, 'wt') as f: f.write(banner0) f.write('#include "dxxsconf.h"\n') dxx_pch_inclusion_count = env.__dxx_pch_inclusion_count for (name,count) in env.__dxx_pch_candidates.items(): if os.path.isabs(name): continue if count >= dxx_pch_inclusion_count: f.write('#include "%s"\t/* %u */\n' % (name, count)) env.Depends(target, name) f.write(banner1) def create_header_targets(self): fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs() builddir = self.user_settings.builddir check_header_includes = os.path.join(builddir, 'check_header_includes.cpp') if not self.__shared_header_file_list: open(check_header_includes, 'wt') headers = Git.pcall(['ls-files', '-z', '--', '*.h'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).out excluded_directories = ( 'common/arch/cocoa/', 'common/arch/carbon/', ) self.__shared_header_file_list.extend([h for h in headers.split('\0') if h and not h.startswith(excluded_directories)]) dirname = os.path.join(builddir, self.srcdir) kwargs = { 'CXXFLAGS' : self.env['CXXFLAGS'][:], 'source' : check_header_includes } Depends = self.env.Depends StaticObject = self.env.StaticObject OBJSUFFIX = self.env['OBJSUFFIX'] for name in self.__shared_header_file_list: if not name: continue if self.srcdir == 'common' and not name.startswith('common/'): # Skip game-specific headers when testing common continue if self.srcdir[0] == 'd' and name[0] == 'd' and not name.startswith(self.srcdir): # Skip d1 in d2 and d2 in d1 continue CPPFLAGS = self.env['CPPFLAGS'][:] if name[:24] == 'common/include/compiler-': CPPFLAGS.extend(['-include', 'dxxsconf.h']) CPPFLAGS.extend(['-include', name]) if not self.user_settings.verbosebuild: kwargs['CXXCOMSTR'] = "Checking %s %s %s" % (self.target, builddir, name) Depends(StaticObject(target=os.path.join('%s/chi/%s%s' % (dirname, name, OBJSUFFIX)), CPPFLAGS=CPPFLAGS, **kwargs), fs.File(name)) @staticmethod def _create_dxx_pch_object_hook(env,pch_node): pch_CXXFLAGS = ['-include', str(pch_node[0])[:-4], '-Winvalid-pch'] so = env.StaticObject Depends = env.Depends def StaticObject(*args,**kwargs): CXXFLAGS = kwargs.get('CXXFLAGS', None) if CXXFLAGS is None: CXXFLAGS = env['CXXFLAGS'] o = so(CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS + pch_CXXFLAGS, *args, **kwargs) Depends(o, pch_node) return o return StaticObject def create_pch_node(self,dirname,configure_pch_flags): if self.user_settings.check_header_includes: self.create_header_targets() StaticObject = self.env.StaticObject if not configure_pch_flags: self.env._dxx_pch_object = StaticObject return source = os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, dirname, 'pch.cpp') env = self.env env._dxx_pch_object = self._create_dxx_pch_object_hook(env, StaticObject(target=source[:-3] + 'h.gch', source=source, CXXFLAGS=self.env['CXXFLAGS'] + configure_pch_flags['CXXFLAGS'])) self.env.__dxx_pch_candidates = {} self.env.__dxx_pch_inclusion_count = int(self.user_settings.pch) self.env['BUILDERS']['StaticObject'].add_emitter('.cpp', self._collect_pch_candidates) self.env.Command(source, None, self.write_pch_inclusion_file) def _quote_cppdefine(self,s,f=repr): r = '' prior = False for c in f(s): # No xdigit support in str if c in ' ()*+,-./:=[]_' or (c.isalnum() and not (prior and (c.isdigit() or c in 'abcdefABCDEF'))): r += c elif c == '\n': r += r'\n' else: r += '\\\\x' + binascii.b2a_hex(c) prior = True continue prior = False return '\\"' + r + '\\"' def prepare_environment(self): # Prettier build messages...... # Move target to end of C++ source command target_string = ' -o $TARGET' cxxcom = self.env['CXXCOM'] if target_string + ' ' in cxxcom: cxxcom = cxxcom.replace(target_string, '') + target_string # Add ccache/distcc only for compile, not link if self.user_settings.ccache: cxxcom = self.user_settings.ccache + ' ' + cxxcom if self.user_settings.distcc: self.env['ENV']['CCACHE_PREFIX'] = self.user_settings.distcc elif self.user_settings.distcc: cxxcom = self.user_settings.distcc + ' ' + cxxcom self.env['CXXCOM'] = cxxcom # Move target to end of link command linkcom = self.env['LINKCOM'] if target_string + ' ' in linkcom: linkcom = linkcom.replace(target_string, '') + target_string # Add $CXXFLAGS to link command cxxflags = '$CXXFLAGS ' if ' ' + cxxflags not in linkcom: linkflags = '$LINKFLAGS' linkcom = linkcom.replace(linkflags, cxxflags + linkflags) self.env['LINKCOM'] = linkcom # Custom DISTCC_HOSTS per target distcc_hosts = self.user_settings.distcc_hosts if distcc_hosts is not None: self.env['ENV']['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = distcc_hosts if (self.user_settings.verbosebuild == 0): builddir = self.user_settings.builddir if self.user_settings.builddir != '' else '.' self.env["CXXCOMSTR"] = "Compiling %s %s $SOURCE" % (self.target, builddir) self.env["LINKCOMSTR"] = "Linking %s $TARGET" % self.target # Use -Wundef to catch when a shared source file includes a # shared header that misuses conditional compilation. Use # -Werror=undef to make this fatal. Both are needed, since # gcc 4.5 silently ignores -Werror=undef. On gcc 4.5, misuse # produces a warning. On gcc 4.7, misuse produces an error. Werror = get_Werror_string(self.user_settings.CXXFLAGS) self.env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wall', Werror + 'extra', Werror + 'format-security', Werror + 'missing-braces', Werror + 'missing-include-dirs', Werror + 'unused', Werror + 'undef', Werror + 'pointer-arith', Werror + 'cast-qual', Werror + 'cast-align', Werror + 'missing-declarations', Werror + 'redundant-decls', Werror + 'vla', ]) self.env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-funsigned-char']) self.env.Append(CPPPATH = ['common/include', 'common/main', '.', self.user_settings.builddir]) self.env.Append(CPPFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar('-Wno-sign-compare')) if (self.user_settings.editor == 1): self.env.Append(CPPPATH = ['common/include/editor']) # Get traditional compiler environment variables for cc in ('CXX', 'RC',): value = getattr(self.user_settings, cc) if value is not None: self.env[cc] = value for flags in ['CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LIBS']: value = getattr(self.user_settings, flags) if value is not None: self.env.Append(**{flags : SCons.Util.CLVar(value)}) if self.user_settings.LDFLAGS: self.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar(self.user_settings.LDFLAGS)) if self.user_settings.lto: f = [ # clang does not support =N syntax ('-flto=%s' % self.user_settings.lto) if self.user_settings.lto > 1 else '-flto', ] self.env.Append(CXXFLAGS = f) def check_endian(self): # set endianess if (self.__endian == "big"): message(self, "BigEndian machine detected") self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['WORDS_BIGENDIAN']) elif (self.__endian == "little"): message(self, "LittleEndian machine detected") def check_platform(self): # windows or *nix? platform_name = self.user_settings.host_platform if self._argument_prefix_list: prefix = ' with prefix list %s' % list(self._argument_prefix_list) else: prefix = '' message(self, "compiling on %s for %s into %s%s" % (sys.platform, platform_name, self.user_settings.builddir or '.', prefix)) if platform_name == 'win32': platform = self.Win32PlatformSettings elif platform_name == 'darwin': platform = self.DarwinPlatformSettings else: platform = self.LinuxPlatformSettings self.platform_settings = platform(self, self.user_settings) # Acquire environment object... self.env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, tools = platform.tools) self.platform_settings.adjust_environment(self, self.env) def process_user_settings(self): env = self.env # opengl or software renderer? if (self.user_settings.opengl == 1) or (self.user_settings.opengles == 1): if (self.user_settings.opengles == 1): message(self, "building with OpenGL ES") env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['OGLES']) else: message(self, "building with OpenGL") env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['OGL']) # debug? if not self.user_settings.debug: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG', 'RELEASE']) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS = ['-g', '-O2']) if self.user_settings.memdebug: message(self, "including: MEMDEBUG") env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOCATIONS']) # profiler? if (self.user_settings.profiler == 1): env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-pg']) #editor build? if (self.user_settings.editor == 1): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['EDITOR']) # IPv6 compability? if (self.user_settings.ipv6 == 1): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['IPv6']) # UDP support? if (self.user_settings.use_udp == 1): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['USE_UDP']) # Tracker support? (Relies on UDP) if( self.user_settings.use_tracker == 1 ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'USE_TRACKER' ] ) # Raspberry Pi? if (self.user_settings.raspberrypi == 1): message(self, "Raspberry Pi: using VideoCore libs in \"%s\"" % self.user_settings.rpi_vc_path) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['RPI', 'WORDS_NEED_ALIGNMENT']) # use CPPFLAGS -isystem instead of CPPPATH because these those header files # are not very clean and would trigger some warnings we usually consider as # errors. Using them as system headers will make gcc ignoring any warnings. env.Append(CPPFLAGS = [ '-isystem='+self.user_settings.rpi_vc_path+'/include', '-isystem='+self.user_settings.rpi_vc_path+'/include/interface/vcos/pthreads', '-isystem='+self.user_settings.rpi_vc_path+'/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux']) env.Append(LIBPATH = self.user_settings.rpi_vc_path + '/lib') env.Append(LIBS = ['bcm_host']) class DXXArchive(DXXCommon): srcdir = 'common' target = 'dxx-common' __objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ '2d/2dsline.cpp', '2d/bitblt.cpp', '2d/bitmap.cpp', '2d/box.cpp', '2d/canvas.cpp', '2d/circle.cpp', '2d/disc.cpp', '2d/gpixel.cpp', '2d/line.cpp', '2d/pixel.cpp', '2d/rect.cpp', '2d/rle.cpp', '2d/scalec.cpp', '3d/draw.cpp', '3d/globvars.cpp', '3d/instance.cpp', '3d/matrix.cpp', '3d/points.cpp', '3d/rod.cpp', '3d/setup.cpp', 'arch/sdl/event.cpp', 'arch/sdl/joy.cpp', 'arch/sdl/key.cpp', 'arch/sdl/mouse.cpp', 'arch/sdl/timer.cpp', 'arch/sdl/window.cpp', 'main/cli.cpp', 'main/cmd.cpp', 'main/cvar.cpp', 'maths/fixc.cpp', 'maths/rand.cpp', 'maths/tables.cpp', 'maths/vecmat.cpp', 'mem/mem.cpp', 'misc/error.cpp', 'misc/hash.cpp', 'misc/hmp.cpp', 'misc/ignorecase.cpp', 'misc/strutil.cpp', 'texmap/ntmap.cpp', 'texmap/scanline.cpp' ] ]) objects_use_sdl1 = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/rbaudio.cpp', ] ]) objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'editor/autosave.cpp', 'editor/func.cpp', 'ui/button.cpp', 'ui/checkbox.cpp', 'ui/dialog.cpp', 'ui/file.cpp', 'ui/gadget.cpp', 'ui/icon.cpp', 'ui/inputbox.cpp', 'ui/keypad.cpp', 'ui/keypress.cpp', 'ui/listbox.cpp', 'ui/menu.cpp', 'ui/menubar.cpp', 'ui/message.cpp', 'ui/radio.cpp', 'ui/scroll.cpp', 'ui/ui.cpp', 'ui/uidraw.cpp', 'ui/userbox.cpp' ] ]) # for non-ogl objects_arch_sdl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ '3d/clipper.cpp', 'texmap/tmapflat.cpp' ] ]) # for ogl objects_arch_ogl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'arch/ogl/ogl_extensions.cpp', 'arch/ogl/ogl_sync.cpp' ] ]) objects_arch_sdlmixer = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/digi_mixer_music.cpp', ] ]) class Win32PlatformSettings(LazyObjectConstructor, DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings): platform_objects = LazyObjectConstructor.create_lazy_object_property([ 'common/arch/win32/messagebox.cpp' ]) def __init__(self,program,user_settings): LazyObjectConstructor.__init__(self) DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.__init__(self, program, user_settings) self.user_settings = user_settings class DarwinPlatformSettings(LazyObjectConstructor, DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings): platform_objects = LazyObjectConstructor.create_lazy_object_property([ 'common/arch/cocoa/messagebox.mm', 'common/arch/cocoa/SDLMain.m' ]) def __init__(self, program, user_settings): LazyObjectConstructor.__init__(self) DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.__init__(self, program, user_settings) self.user_settings = user_settings @property def objects_common(self): objects_common = self.__objects_common if not self.user_settings.sdl2: objects_common = objects_common + self.objects_use_sdl1 return objects_common + self.platform_settings.platform_objects def __init__(self,user_settings): self.PROGRAM_NAME = 'DXX-Archive' self._argument_prefix_list = None DXXCommon.__init__(self) self.user_settings = user_settings.clone() self.check_platform() self.prepare_environment() self.check_endian() self.process_user_settings() self.configure_environment() self.create_pch_node(self.srcdir, self.configure_pch_flags) def configure_environment(self): fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs() builddir = fs.Dir(self.user_settings.builddir or '.') tests = ConfigureTests(self.program_message_prefix, self.user_settings, self.platform_settings) log_file=fs.File('sconf.log', builddir) conf = self.env.Configure(custom_tests = { k:getattr(tests, k) for k in tests.custom_tests }, conf_dir=fs.Dir('.sconf_temp', builddir), log_file=log_file, config_h=fs.File('dxxsconf.h', builddir), clean=False, help=False ) self.configure_added_environment_flags = tests.successful_flags self.configure_pch_flags = None if not conf.env: return try: for k in tests.custom_tests: getattr(conf, k)() except SCons.Errors.StopError as e: raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e.args[0] + ' See {log_file} for details.'.format(log_file=log_file), *e.args[1:]) self.env = conf.Finish() self.configure_pch_flags = tests.pch_flags class DXXProgram(DXXCommon): # version number VERSION_MAJOR = 0 VERSION_MINOR = 58 VERSION_MICRO = 1 static_archive_construction = {} # None when unset. Tuple of one once cached. _computed_extra_version = None def _apply_target_name(self,name): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(name), '.%s.%s' % (self.target, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0])) objects_similar_arch_ogl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'arch/ogl/gr.cpp', 'arch/ogl/ogl.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) objects_similar_arch_sdl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/gr.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) objects_similar_arch_sdlmixer = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'arch/sdl/digi_mixer.cpp', 'arch/sdl/jukebox.cpp' ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) __objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ '2d/font.cpp', '2d/palette.cpp', '2d/pcx.cpp', '3d/interp.cpp', 'arch/sdl/digi.cpp', 'arch/sdl/digi_audio.cpp', 'arch/sdl/init.cpp', 'main/ai.cpp', 'main/aipath.cpp', 'main/automap.cpp', 'main/bm.cpp', 'main/cntrlcen.cpp', 'main/collide.cpp', 'main/config.cpp', 'main/console.cpp', 'main/controls.cpp', 'main/credits.cpp', 'main/digiobj.cpp', 'main/effects.cpp', 'main/endlevel.cpp', 'main/fireball.cpp', 'main/fuelcen.cpp', 'main/fvi.cpp', 'main/game.cpp', 'main/gamecntl.cpp', 'main/gamefont.cpp', 'main/gamemine.cpp', 'main/gamerend.cpp', 'main/gamesave.cpp', 'main/gameseg.cpp', 'main/gameseq.cpp', 'main/gauges.cpp', 'main/hostage.cpp', 'main/hud.cpp', 'main/iff.cpp', 'main/inferno.cpp', 'main/kconfig.cpp', 'main/kmatrix.cpp', 'main/laser.cpp', 'main/lighting.cpp', 'main/menu.cpp', 'main/mglobal.cpp', 'main/mission.cpp', 'main/morph.cpp', 'main/multi.cpp', 'main/multibot.cpp', 'main/newdemo.cpp', 'main/newmenu.cpp', 'main/object.cpp', 'main/paging.cpp', 'main/physics.cpp', 'main/piggy.cpp', 'main/player.cpp', 'main/playsave.cpp', 'main/polyobj.cpp', 'main/powerup.cpp', 'main/render.cpp', 'main/robot.cpp', 'main/scores.cpp', 'main/segment.cpp', 'main/slew.cpp', 'main/songs.cpp', 'main/state.cpp', 'main/switch.cpp', 'main/terrain.cpp', 'main/texmerge.cpp', 'main/text.cpp', 'main/titles.cpp', 'main/vclip.cpp', 'main/wall.cpp', 'main/weapon.cpp', 'misc/args.cpp', 'misc/physfsx.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'editor/centers.cpp', 'editor/curves.cpp', 'main/dumpmine.cpp', 'editor/eglobal.cpp', 'editor/elight.cpp', 'editor/eobject.cpp', 'editor/eswitch.cpp', 'editor/group.cpp', 'editor/info.cpp', 'editor/kbuild.cpp', 'editor/kcurve.cpp', 'editor/kfuncs.cpp', 'editor/kgame.cpp', 'editor/khelp.cpp', 'editor/kmine.cpp', 'editor/ksegmove.cpp', 'editor/ksegsel.cpp', 'editor/ksegsize.cpp', 'editor/ktmap.cpp', 'editor/kview.cpp', 'editor/med.cpp', 'editor/meddraw.cpp', 'editor/medmisc.cpp', 'editor/medrobot.cpp', 'editor/medsel.cpp', 'editor/medwall.cpp', 'editor/mine.cpp', 'editor/objpage.cpp', 'editor/segment.cpp', 'editor/seguvs.cpp', 'editor/texpage.cpp', 'editor/texture.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) objects_use_udp = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [ 'main/net_udp.cpp', ] ], 'transform_target':_apply_target_name, }]) class UserSettings(DXXCommon.UserSettings): @property def BIN_DIR(self): # installation path return self.prefix + '/bin' # Settings to apply to mingw32 builds class Win32PlatformSettings(DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) user_settings.sharepath = '' self.platform_objects = self.platform_objects[:] def adjust_environment(self,program,env): DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.adjust_environment(self, program, env) rcbasename = os.path.join(program.srcdir, 'arch/win32/%s' % program.target) self.platform_objects.append(env.RES(target='%s%s%s' % (program.user_settings.builddir, rcbasename, env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source='%s.rc' % rcbasename)) env.Append(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(program.srcdir, 'arch/win32/include')]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-mwindows') env.Append(LIBS = ['glu32', 'wsock32', 'ws2_32', 'winmm', 'mingw32', 'SDLmain', 'SDL']) # Settings to apply to Apple builds class DarwinPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) user_settings.sharepath = '' self.platform_objects = self.platform_objects[:] def adjust_environment(self,program,env): DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.adjust_environment(self, program, env) VERSION = str(program.VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' + str(program.VERSION_MINOR) if (program.VERSION_MICRO): VERSION += '.' + str(program.VERSION_MICRO) env['VERSION_NUM'] = VERSION env['VERSION_NAME'] = program.PROGRAM_NAME + ' v' + VERSION # Settings to apply to Linux builds class LinuxPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.LinuxPlatformSettings): def __init__(self,program,user_settings): DXXCommon.LinuxPlatformSettings.__init__(self,program,user_settings) if user_settings.sharepath and user_settings.sharepath[-1] != '/': user_settings.sharepath += '/' @property def objects_common(self): objects_common = self.__objects_common if (self.user_settings.use_udp == 1): objects_common = objects_common + self.objects_use_udp return objects_common + self.platform_settings.platform_objects def __init__(self,prefix,variables): self.variables = variables self._argument_prefix_list = prefix DXXCommon.__init__(self) self.banner() self.user_settings = self.UserSettings(program=self) self.user_settings.register_variables(prefix=prefix, variables=self.variables) def init(self,substenv): self.user_settings.read_variables(self.variables, substenv) if not DXXProgram.static_archive_construction.has_key(self.user_settings.builddir): DXXProgram.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir] = DXXArchive(self.user_settings) self.check_platform() self.prepare_environment() self.check_endian() self.process_user_settings() self.register_program() def prepare_environment(self): DXXCommon.prepare_environment(self) archive = DXXProgram.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir] self.env.MergeFlags(archive.configure_added_environment_flags) self.create_pch_node(self.srcdir, archive.configure_pch_flags) self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('DXX_VERSION_SEQ', ','.join([str(self.VERSION_MAJOR), str(self.VERSION_MINOR), str(self.VERSION_MICRO)]))]) # For PRIi64 self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS',)]) self.env.Append(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'main')]) def banner(self): VERSION_STRING = ' v' + str(self.VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' + str(self.VERSION_MINOR) + '.' + str(self.VERSION_MICRO) print '\n===== ' + self.PROGRAM_NAME + VERSION_STRING + ' =====\n' def check_platform(self): DXXCommon.check_platform(self) env = self.env # windows or *nix? if sys.platform == 'darwin': VERSION = str(self.VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' + str(self.VERSION_MINOR) if (self.VERSION_MICRO): VERSION += '.' + str(self.VERSION_MICRO) env['VERSION_NUM'] = VERSION env['VERSION_NAME'] = self.PROGRAM_NAME + ' v' + VERSION env.Append(LIBS = ['m']) def process_user_settings(self): DXXCommon.process_user_settings(self) env = self.env # opengl or software renderer? # profiler? if (self.user_settings.profiler == 1): env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-pg') env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('SHAREPATH', '\\"' + str(self.user_settings.sharepath) + '\\"')]) def register_program(self): self._register_program(self.shortname) @classmethod def compute_extra_version(cls): c = cls._computed_extra_version if c is None: s = ds = None v = cls._compute_extra_version() if v: s = Git.spcall(['status', '--short', '--branch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) ds = Git.spcall(['diff', '--stat', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cls._computed_extra_version = c = (v or '', s, ds) return c @classmethod def _compute_extra_version(cls): try: g = Git.pcall(['describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=8'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return None raise if g.returncode: return None c = Git.pcall(['diff', '--quiet', '--cached'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).returncode d = Git.pcall(['diff', '--quiet'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).returncode return g.out.split('\n')[0] + ('+' if c else '') + ('*' if d else '') def _register_program(self,dxxstr,program_specific_objects=[]): env = self.env exe_target = os.path.join(self.srcdir, self.target) static_archive_construction = self.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir] objects = static_archive_construction.objects_common[:] objects.extend(self.objects_common) objects.extend(program_specific_objects) if (self.user_settings.sdlmixer == 1): objects.extend(static_archive_construction.objects_arch_sdlmixer) objects.extend(self.objects_similar_arch_sdlmixer) if (self.user_settings.opengl == 1) or (self.user_settings.opengles == 1): env.Append(LIBS = self.platform_settings.ogllibs) objects.extend(static_archive_construction.objects_arch_ogl) objects.extend(self.objects_similar_arch_ogl) else: message(self, "building with Software Renderer") objects.extend(static_archive_construction.objects_arch_sdl) objects.extend(self.objects_similar_arch_sdl) if (self.user_settings.editor == 1): objects.extend(self.objects_editor) objects.extend(static_archive_construction.objects_editor) exe_target += '-editor' if self.user_settings.program_name: exe_target = self.user_settings.program_name versid_build_environ = ['CXX', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS'] versid_cppdefines = env['CPPDEFINES'][:] versid_cppdefines.extend([('DESCENT_%s' % k, self._quote_cppdefine(env.get(k, ''))) for k in versid_build_environ]) v = StaticSubprocess.pcall(env['CXX'].split(' ') + ['--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if not v.returncode and (v.out or v.err): v = (v.out or v.err).split('\n')[0] versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_%s' % 'CXX_version', self._quote_cppdefine(v))) versid_build_environ.append('CXX_version') extra_version = self.user_settings.extra_version if extra_version is None: extra_version = 'v%u.%u' % (self.VERSION_MAJOR, self.VERSION_MINOR) if self.VERSION_MICRO: extra_version += '.%u' % self.VERSION_MICRO git_describe_version = (self.compute_extra_version() if self.user_settings.git_describe_version else ('', '', '')) if git_describe_version[0] and not (extra_version and (extra_version == git_describe_version[0] or (extra_version[0] == 'v' and extra_version[1:] == git_describe_version[0]))): # Suppress duplicate output if extra_version: extra_version += ' ' extra_version += git_describe_version[0] if extra_version: versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_VERSION_EXTRA', self._quote_cppdefine(extra_version, f=str))) versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_git_status', self._quote_cppdefine(git_describe_version[1]))) versid_build_environ.append('git_status') versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_git_diffstat', self._quote_cppdefine(git_describe_version[2]))) versid_build_environ.append('git_diffstat') versid_cppdefines.append(('DXX_RBE"(A)"', "'" + ''.join(['A(%s)' % k for k in versid_build_environ]) + "'")) versid_environ = self.env['ENV'].copy() # Direct mode conflicts with __TIME__ versid_environ['CCACHE_NODIRECT'] = 1 versid_objlist = [self.env._dxx_pch_object(target='%s%s%s' % (self.user_settings.builddir, self._apply_target_name(s), self.env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source=s, CPPDEFINES=versid_cppdefines, ENV=versid_environ) for s in ['similar/main/vers_id.cpp']] if self.user_settings.versid_depend_all: env.Depends(versid_objlist[0], objects) objects.extend(versid_objlist) # finally building program... exe_node = env.Program(target=os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, str(exe_target)), source = self.sources + objects) if self.user_settings.host_platform != 'darwin': if self.user_settings.register_install_target: install_dir = (self.user_settings.DESTDIR or '') + self.user_settings.BIN_DIR env.Install(install_dir, exe_node) env.Alias('install', install_dir) else: syspath = sys.path[:] cocoa = 'common/arch/cocoa' sys.path += [cocoa] import tool_bundle sys.path = syspath tool_bundle.TOOL_BUNDLE(env) env.MakeBundle(os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, self.PROGRAM_NAME + '.app'), exe_node, 'free.%s-rebirth' % dxxstr, os.path.join(cocoa, 'Info.plist'), typecode='APPL', creator='DCNT', icon_file=os.path.join(cocoa, '%s-rebirth.icns' % dxxstr), resources=[[os.path.join(self.srcdir, s), s] for s in ['English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings']]) def GenerateHelpText(self): return self.variables.GenerateHelpText(self.env) class D1XProgram(DXXProgram): PROGRAM_NAME = 'D1X-Rebirth' target = 'd1x-rebirth' srcdir = 'd1x-rebirth' shortname = 'd1x' def prepare_environment(self): DXXProgram.prepare_environment(self) # Flags and stuff for all platforms... self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I']) # general source files __objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'main/bmread.cpp', 'main/custom.cpp', 'main/snddecom.cpp', #'tracker/client/tracker_client.c' ] ], }]) @property def objects_common(self): return self.__objects_common + DXXProgram.objects_common.fget(self) # for editor __objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'main/hostage.cpp', 'editor/ehostage.cpp', ] ], }]) @property def objects_editor(self): return self.__objects_editor + DXXProgram.objects_editor.fget(self) class D2XProgram(DXXProgram): PROGRAM_NAME = 'D2X-Rebirth' target = 'd2x-rebirth' srcdir = 'd2x-rebirth' shortname = 'd2x' def prepare_environment(self): DXXProgram.prepare_environment(self) # Flags and stuff for all platforms... self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II']) # general source files __objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'libmve/decoder8.cpp', 'libmve/decoder16.cpp', 'libmve/mve_audio.cpp', 'libmve/mvelib.cpp', 'libmve/mveplay.cpp', 'main/escort.cpp', 'main/gamepal.cpp', 'main/movie.cpp', 'misc/physfsrwops.cpp', ] ], }]) @property def objects_common(self): return self.__objects_common + DXXProgram.objects_common.fget(self) # for editor __objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{ 'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [ 'main/bmread.cpp', ] ], }]) @property def objects_editor(self): return self.__objects_editor + DXXProgram.objects_editor.fget(self) variables = Variables([v for (k,v) in ARGLIST if k == 'site'] or ['site-local.py'], ARGUMENTS) filtered_help = FilterHelpText() variables.FormatVariableHelpText = filtered_help.FormatVariableHelpText def _filter_duplicate_prefix_elements(e,s): r = e not in s s.add(e) return r def register_program(program,other_program): s = program.shortname import itertools l = [v for (k,v) in ARGLIST if k == s or k == 'dxx'] or [other_program.shortname not in ARGUMENTS] # Fallback case: build the regular configuration. if len(l) == 1: try: if int(l[0]): return [program((s,''), variables)] return [] except ValueError: # If not an integer, treat this as a configuration profile. pass r = [] seen = set() for e in l: for prefix in itertools.product(*[v.split('+') for v in e.split(',')]): duplicates = set() prefix = tuple(p for p in prefix if _filter_duplicate_prefix_elements(p, duplicates)) if prefix in seen: continue seen.add(prefix) prefix = ['%s%s%s' % (s, '_' if p else '', p) for p in prefix] + list(prefix) r.append(program(prefix, variables)) return r d1x = register_program(D1XProgram, D2XProgram) d2x = register_program(D2XProgram, D1XProgram) # show some help when running scons -h h = 'DXX-Rebirth, SConstruct file help:' + """ Type 'scons' to build the binary. Type 'scons install' to build (if it hasn't been done) and install. Type 'scons -c' to clean up. Extra options (add them to command line, like 'scons extraoption=value'): d1x=[0/1] Disable/enable D1X-Rebirth d1x=prefix-list Enable D1X-Rebirth with prefix-list modifiers d2x=[0/1] Disable/enable D2X-Rebirth d2x=prefix-list Enable D2X-Rebirth with prefix-list modifiers dxx=VALUE Equivalent to d1x=VALUE d2x=VALUE """ substenv = SCons.Environment.SubstitutionEnvironment() variables.Update(substenv) dxx = d1x + d2x for d in dxx: d.init(substenv) h += d.PROGRAM_NAME + ('.%d:\n' % d.program_instance) + d.GenerateHelpText() Help(h) unknown = variables.UnknownVariables() # Delete known unregistered variables unknown.pop('d1x', None) unknown.pop('d2x', None) unknown.pop('dxx', None) unknown.pop('site', None) ignore_unknown_variables = unknown.pop('ignore_unknown_variables', '0') if dxx and unknown: try: ignore_unknown_variables = int(ignore_unknown_variables) except ValueError: ignore_unknown_variables = False if not ignore_unknown_variables: raise SCons.Errors.StopError('Unknown values specified on command line.' + ''.join(['\n\t%s' % k for k in unknown.keys()]) + '\nRemove unknown values or set ignore_unknown_variables=1 to continue.') #EOF