/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Defines and exported variables for multi.c * */ #ifndef _MULTI_H #define _MULTI_H #include "gameseq.h" #include "piggy.h" #include "powerup.h" #include "newmenu.h" // Need these for non network builds too -Chris #define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 35 #ifdef USE_UDP #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT #undef _WIN32_WINNT #endif #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // for get/freeaddrinfo() #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef IPv6 #define _sockaddr sockaddr_in6 #define _af AF_INET6 #define _pf PF_INET6 #else #define _sockaddr sockaddr_in #define _af AF_INET #define _pf PF_INET #endif #endif // PROTOCOL VARIABLES AND DEFINES extern int multi_protocol; // set and determinate used protocol #define MULTI_PROTO_UDP 1 // UDP protocol // What version of the multiplayer protocol is this? Increment each time something drastic changes in Multiplayer without the version number changes. Can be reset to 0 each time the version of the game changes #define MULTI_PROTO_VERSION 0 // PROTOCOL VARIABLES AND DEFINES - END #define define_multiplayer_command(NAME,SIZE) NAME, #define for_each_multiplayer_command(BEFORE,VALUE,AFTER) \ BEFORE \ VALUE(MULTI_POSITION , 25) \ VALUE(MULTI_REAPPEAR , 4) \ VALUE(MULTI_FIRE , 8) \ VALUE(MULTI_KILL , 5) \ VALUE(MULTI_REMOVE_OBJECT , 4) \ VALUE(MULTI_MESSAGE , 37) /* (MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 40) */ \ VALUE(MULTI_QUIT , 2) \ VALUE(MULTI_PLAY_SOUND , 4) \ VALUE(MULTI_CONTROLCEN , 4) \ VALUE(MULTI_ROBOT_CLAIM , 5) \ VALUE(MULTI_END_SYNC , 4) \ VALUE(MULTI_CLOAK , 2) \ VALUE(MULTI_ENDLEVEL_START , 3) \ VALUE(MULTI_CREATE_EXPLOSION , 2) \ VALUE(MULTI_CONTROLCEN_FIRE , 16) \ VALUE(MULTI_CREATE_POWERUP , 19) \ VALUE(MULTI_DECLOAK , 2) \ VALUE(MULTI_MENU_CHOICE , 2) \ VALUE(MULTI_ROBOT_POSITION , 5+sizeof(shortpos)) \ VALUE(MULTI_PLAYER_EXPLODE , 57) \ VALUE(MULTI_BEGIN_SYNC , 37) \ VALUE(MULTI_DOOR_OPEN , 4) \ VALUE(MULTI_PLAYER_DROP , 57) \ VALUE(MULTI_ROBOT_EXPLODE , 8) \ VALUE(MULTI_ROBOT_RELEASE , 5) \ VALUE(MULTI_ROBOT_FIRE , 18) \ VALUE(MULTI_SCORE , 6) \ VALUE(MULTI_CREATE_ROBOT , 6) \ VALUE(MULTI_TRIGGER , 3) \ VALUE(MULTI_BOSS_ACTIONS , 10) \ VALUE(MULTI_CREATE_ROBOT_POWERUPS, 27) \ VALUE(MULTI_HOSTAGE_DOOR , 7) \ VALUE(MULTI_SAVE_GAME , 2+24) /* (ubyte slot, uint id, char name[20]) */ \ VALUE(MULTI_RESTORE_GAME , 2+4) /* (ubyte slot, uint id) */ \ VALUE(MULTI_HEARTBEAT , 5) \ VALUE(MULTI_KILLGOALS , 9) \ VALUE(MULTI_POWCAP_UPDATE , MAX_POWERUP_TYPES+1) \ VALUE(MULTI_DO_BOUNTY , 2) \ VALUE(MULTI_TYPING_STATE , 3) \ VALUE(MULTI_GMODE_UPDATE , 3) \ VALUE(MULTI_KILL_HOST , 7) \ VALUE(MULTI_KILL_CLIENT , 5) \ VALUE(MULTI_RANK , 3) \ AFTER for_each_multiplayer_command(enum {, define_multiplayer_command, }); #define MAX_MULTI_MESSAGE_LEN 90 //didn't change it, just moved it up #define MAX_NET_CREATE_OBJECTS 20 #define MISSILE_ADJUST 6 #define NETGAME_ANARCHY 0 #define NETGAME_TEAM_ANARCHY 1 #define NETGAME_ROBOT_ANARCHY 2 #define NETGAME_COOPERATIVE 3 #define NETGAME_BOUNTY 7 #define NETSTAT_MENU 0 #define NETSTAT_PLAYING 1 #define NETSTAT_BROWSING 2 #define NETSTAT_WAITING 3 #define NETSTAT_STARTING 4 #define NETSTAT_ENDLEVEL 5 #define CONNECT_DISCONNECTED 0 #define CONNECT_PLAYING 1 #define CONNECT_WAITING 2 #define CONNECT_DIED_IN_MINE 3 #define CONNECT_FOUND_SECRET 4 #define CONNECT_ESCAPE_TUNNEL 5 #define CONNECT_END_MENU 6 // reasons for a packet with type PID_DUMP #define DUMP_CLOSED 0 // no new players allowed after game started #define DUMP_FULL 1 // player cound maxed out #define DUMP_ENDLEVEL 2 #define DUMP_DORK 3 #define DUMP_ABORTED 4 #define DUMP_CONNECTED 5 // never used #define DUMP_LEVEL 6 #define DUMP_KICKED 7 #define DUMP_PKTTIMEOUT 8 #define for_each_netflag_value(VALUE) \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOLASER, "Laser upgrade") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOQUAD, "Quad lasers") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOVULCAN, "Vulcan cannon") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOSPREAD, "Spreadfire cannon") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOPLASMA, "Plasma cannon") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOFUSION, "Fusion cannon") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOHOMING, "Homing missiles") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOPROXIM, "Smart missiles") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOSMART, "Mega missiles") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOMEGA, "Proximity bombs") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOCLOAK, "Cloaking") \ VALUE(NETFLAG_DOINVUL, "Invulnerability") \ #define define_netflag_bit_enum(NAME,STR) BIT_##NAME, #define define_netflag_bit_mask(NAME,STR) NAME = (1 << BIT_##NAME), #define define_netflag_powerup_mask(NAME,STR) | (NAME) enum { for_each_netflag_value(define_netflag_bit_enum) }; // Bitmask for netgame_info->AllowedItems to set allowed items in Netgame enum { for_each_netflag_value(define_netflag_bit_mask) }; enum { NETFLAG_DOPOWERUP = 0 for_each_netflag_value(define_netflag_powerup_mask) }; #define MULTI_GAME_TYPE_COUNT 8 #define MULTI_GAME_NAME_LENGTH 13 #define MULTI_ALLOW_POWERUP_MAX 12 extern const char *const multi_allow_powerup_text[MULTI_ALLOW_POWERUP_MAX]; extern const char GMNames[MULTI_GAME_TYPE_COUNT][MULTI_GAME_NAME_LENGTH]; extern const char GMNamesShrt[MULTI_GAME_TYPE_COUNT][8]; // Exported functions extern int GetMyNetRanking(); extern void ClipRank (ubyte *rank); int objnum_remote_to_local(int remote_obj, int owner); int objnum_local_to_remote(int local_obj, sbyte *owner); void map_objnum_local_to_remote(int local, int remote, int owner); void map_objnum_local_to_local(int objnum); void reset_network_objects(); int multi_objnum_is_past(int objnum); void multi_do_ping_frame(); void multi_init_objects(void); void multi_show_player_list(void); void multi_do_protocol_frame(int force, int listen); void multi_do_frame(void); void multi_send_fire(int laser_gun, int laser_level, int laser_flags, int laser_fired, short laser_track); void multi_send_destroy_controlcen(int objnum, int player); void multi_send_endlevel_start(int); void multi_send_player_explode(char type); void multi_send_message(void); void multi_send_position(int objnum); void multi_send_reappear(); void multi_send_kill(int objnum); void multi_send_remobj(int objnum); void multi_send_quit(int why); void multi_send_door_open(int segnum, int side,ubyte flag); void multi_send_create_explosion(int player_num); void multi_send_controlcen_fire(vms_vector *to_target, int gun_num, int objnum); void multi_send_cloak(void); void multi_send_decloak(void); void multi_send_create_powerup(int powerup_type, int segnum, int objnum, vms_vector *pos); void multi_send_play_sound(int sound_num, fix volume); void multi_send_audio_taunt(int taunt_num); void multi_send_score(void); void multi_send_trigger(int trigger); void multi_send_hostage_door_status(int wallnum); void multi_send_bounty( void ); void multi_endlevel_score(void); void multi_consistency_error(int reset); void multi_prep_level(void); int multi_level_sync(void); int multi_endlevel(int *secret); int multi_endlevel_poll1(newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata); int multi_endlevel_poll2( newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata ); void multi_send_endlevel_packet(); void multi_leave_game(void); void multi_process_data(const ubyte *dat, int len); void multi_process_bigdata(const ubyte *buf, unsigned len); void multi_do_death(int objnum); void multi_send_message_dialog(void); int multi_delete_extra_objects(void); void multi_make_ghost_player(int objnum); void multi_make_player_ghost(int objnum); void multi_reset_player_object(object *objp); void multi_define_macro(int key); void multi_send_macro(int key); int multi_get_kill_list(int *plist); void multi_new_game(void); void multi_sort_kill_list(void); void multi_reset_stuff(void); void multi_send_data(unsigned char *buf, int len, int priority); int get_team(int pnum); int multi_maybe_disable_friendly_fire(object *killer); void multi_initiate_save_game(); void multi_initiate_restore_game(); void multi_disconnect_player(int pnum); void multi_object_to_object_rw(object *obj, object_rw *obj_rw); void multi_object_rw_to_object(object_rw *obj_rw, object *obj); // Exported variables extern int Network_status; // IMPORTANT: These variables needed for player rejoining done by protocol-specific code extern int Network_send_objects; extern int Network_send_object_mode; extern int Network_send_objnum; extern int Network_rejoined; extern int Network_sending_extras; extern int VerifyPlayerJoined; extern int Player_joining_extras; extern int Network_player_added; extern ubyte multibuf[MAX_MULTI_MESSAGE_LEN+4]; extern int who_killed_controlcen; extern int Net_create_objnums[MAX_NET_CREATE_OBJECTS]; extern int Net_create_loc; extern short kill_matrix[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYERS]; extern short team_kills[2]; extern int multi_goto_secret; extern ushort my_segments_checksum; //do we draw the kill list on the HUD? extern int Show_kill_list; extern int Show_reticle_name; extern fix Show_kill_list_timer; // Used to send network messages extern char Network_message[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; extern int Network_message_reciever; // Used to map network to local object numbers extern sbyte object_owner[MAX_OBJECTS]; // Who 'owns' each local object for network purposes extern int multi_quit_game; extern int multi_sending_message[MAX_PLAYERS]; extern int multi_defining_message; extern int multi_message_input_sub(int key); extern void multi_send_message_start(); extern int multi_powerup_is_4pack(int); extern void multi_message_feedback(); extern int Bounty_target; extern bitmap_index multi_player_textures[MAX_PLAYERS][N_PLAYER_SHIP_TEXTURES]; extern const char *const RankStrings[]; #define NETGAME_FLAG_CLOSED 1 #define NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_ID 2 #define NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP 4 #define NETGAME_NAME_LEN 15 #define NETPLAYER_ORIG_SIZE 22 #define NETPLAYER_D1X_SIZE 22 /* D1X version removes last char from callsign */ int multi_i_am_master(void); int multi_who_is_master(void); void change_playernum_to(int new_pnum); // Multiplayer powerup capping extern void multi_powcap_count_powerups_in_mine(void); extern void multi_powcap_cap_objects(); extern void multi_do_powcap_update(); extern void multi_send_powcap_update(); extern void multi_send_kill_goal_counts(); // Globals for protocol-bound Refuse-functions extern char RefuseThisPlayer,WaitForRefuseAnswer,RefuseTeam,RefusePlayerName[12]; extern fix64 RefuseTimeLimit; #define REFUSE_INTERVAL (F1_0*8) extern struct netgame_info Netgame; /* * The Network Players structure * Contains protocol-specific data with designated prefixes and general player-related data. * Note that not all of these infos will be sent to other users - some are used and/or set locally, only. */ typedef struct netplayer_info { #if defined(USE_UDP) union { #ifdef USE_UDP struct { struct _sockaddr addr; // IP address of this peer ubyte isyou; // This flag is set true while sending info to tell player his designated (re)join position } udp; #endif } protocol; #endif char callsign[CALLSIGN_LEN+1]; sbyte connected; ubyte rank; fix ping; fix64 LastPacketTime; } __pack__ netplayer_info; /* * The Network Game structure * Contains protocol-specific data with designated prefixes and general game-related data. * Note that not all of these infos will be sent to clients - some are used and/or set locally, only. */ typedef struct netgame_info { #if defined(USE_UDP) union { #ifdef USE_UDP struct { struct _sockaddr addr; // IP address of this netgame's host short program_iver[4]; // IVER of program for version checking sbyte valid; // Status of Netgame info: -1 = Failed, Wrong version; 0 = No info, yet; 1 = Success fix GameID; } udp; #endif } protocol; #endif struct netplayer_info players[MAX_PLAYERS+4]; char game_name[NETGAME_NAME_LEN+1]; char mission_title[MISSION_NAME_LEN+1]; char mission_name[9]; int levelnum; ubyte gamemode; ubyte RefusePlayers; ubyte difficulty; ubyte game_status; ubyte numplayers; ubyte max_numplayers; ubyte numconnected; ubyte game_flags; ubyte team_vector; u_int32_t AllowedItems; short Allow_marker_view; // (unused in D1 - no markers in game) short AlwaysLighting; // (unused in D1 - cannot destroy lights after all) short ShowEnemyNames; short BrightPlayers; short InvulAppear; char team_name[2][CALLSIGN_LEN+1]; int locations[MAX_PLAYERS]; short kills[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYERS]; ushort segments_checksum; short team_kills[2]; short killed[MAX_PLAYERS]; short player_kills[MAX_PLAYERS]; int KillGoal; fix PlayTimeAllowed; fix level_time; int control_invul_time; int monitor_vector; int player_score[MAX_PLAYERS]; ubyte player_flags[MAX_PLAYERS]; short PacketsPerSec; ubyte ShortPackets; ubyte PacketLossPrevention; ubyte NoFriendlyFire; #ifdef USE_TRACKER ubyte Tracker; #endif } __pack__ netgame_info; #endif /* _MULTI_H */