/* * Portions of this file are copyright Rebirth contributors and licensed as * described in COPYING.txt. * Portions of this file are copyright Parallax Software and licensed * according to the Parallax license below. * See COPYING.txt for license details. THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Med drawing functions. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "inferno.h" #include "segment.h" #include "segpoint.h" #include "gameseg.h" #include "gr.h" #include "ui.h" #include "editor/editor.h" #include "editor/esegment.h" #include "wall.h" #include "switch.h" #include "dxxerror.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "render.h" #include "func.h" #include "textures.h" #include "object.h" #include "meddraw.h" #include "d_enumerate.h" #include "d_levelstate.h" #include "d_range.h" #include "compiler-range_for.h" #include "segiter.h" #include "d_zip.h" #if DXX_USE_OGL #include "ogl_init.h" #endif using std::min; // Colors used in editor for indicating various kinds of segments. #define SELECT_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 41/2 , 0/2) #define FOUND_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0/2 , 30/2 , 45/2) #define WARNING_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 0/2 , 0/2) #define AXIS_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 0/2 , 63/2) #define PLAINSEG_COLOR BM_XRGB( 45/2 , 45/2 , 45/2) #define MARKEDSEG_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0/2 , 63/2 , 0/2) #define MARKEDSIDE_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0/2 , 63/2 , 63/2) #define CURSEG_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 63/2 , 63/2) #define CURSIDE_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 63/2 , 0/2) #define CUREDGE_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0 , 63/2 , 0 ) #define GROUPSEG_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0/2 , 0/2 , 63/2) #define GROUPSIDE_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 0/2 , 45/2) #define GROUP_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0/2 , 45/2 , 0/2) #define ROBOT_COLOR BM_XRGB( 31 , 0 , 0 ) #define PLAYER_COLOR BM_XRGB( 0 , 0 , 31 ) constexpr std::integral_constant MAX_EDGES{}; namespace { enum class packed_edge : uint8_t { }; static int Search_mode=0; //if true, searching for segments at given x,y static int Search_x,Search_y; static int Automap_test=0; // Set to 1 to show wireframe in automap mode. static void draw_seg_objects(grs_canvas &canvas, const unique_segment &seg) { auto &Objects = LevelUniqueObjectState.Objects; auto &vcobjptridx = Objects.vcptridx; range_for (const auto obj, objects_in(seg, vcobjptridx, vcsegptr)) { auto sphere_point = g3_rotate_point(obj->pos); const uint8_t color = (obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER && static_cast(obj) > 0) ? BM_XRGB(0, 25, 0) : (obj == ConsoleObject ? PLAYER_COLOR : ROBOT_COLOR ); g3_draw_sphere(canvas, sphere_point, obj->size, color); } } #if DXX_USE_OGL #define draw_line(C,P0,P1,c) draw_line(P0,P1,c) #define draw_segment(C,S,c) draw_segment(S,c) #define draw_listed_segments(C,S,c) draw_listed_segments(S,c) #endif static void draw_line(grs_canvas &canvas, const vertnum_t pnum0, const vertnum_t pnum1, const color_palette_index color) { g3_draw_line(canvas, Segment_points[pnum0], Segment_points[pnum1], color); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void draw_segment(grs_canvas &canvas, const shared_segment &seg, const color_palette_index color) { auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); if (seg.segnum == segment_none) //this segment doesn't exitst return; auto &svp = seg.verts; auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) { //all off screen? for (const uint8_t i : xrange(4u)) draw_line(canvas, svp[(segment_relative_vertnum{i})], svp[(segment_relative_vertnum{static_cast(i + 4)})], color); for (const uint8_t i : xrange(3u)) { draw_line(canvas, svp[(segment_relative_vertnum{i})], svp[(segment_relative_vertnum{static_cast(i + 1)})], color); draw_line(canvas, svp[(segment_relative_vertnum{static_cast(i + 4)})], svp[(segment_relative_vertnum{static_cast(i + 4 + 1)})], color); } draw_line(canvas, svp[segment_relative_vertnum::_0], svp[segment_relative_vertnum::_3], color); draw_line(canvas, svp[segment_relative_vertnum::_4], svp[segment_relative_vertnum::_7], color); } } //for looking for segment under a mouse click static void check_segment(const vmsegptridx_t seg) { auto &svp = seg->verts; auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) { //all off screen? #if DXX_USE_OGL g3_end_frame(); #endif { uint8_t color = 0; gr_pixel(grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap, Search_x, Search_y, color); //set our search pixel to color zero } #if DXX_USE_OGL g3_start_frame(*grd_curcanv); #endif { const uint8_t color = 1; //and render in color one range_for (auto &fn, Side_to_verts) { std::array vert_list; vert_list[0] = &Segment_points[seg->verts[fn[side_relative_vertnum::_0]]]; vert_list[1] = &Segment_points[seg->verts[fn[side_relative_vertnum::_1]]]; vert_list[2] = &Segment_points[seg->verts[fn[side_relative_vertnum::_2]]]; g3_check_and_draw_poly(*grd_curcanv, vert_list, color); vert_list[1] = &Segment_points[seg->verts[fn[side_relative_vertnum::_2]]]; vert_list[2] = &Segment_points[seg->verts[fn[side_relative_vertnum::_3]]]; g3_check_and_draw_poly(*grd_curcanv, vert_list, color); } } if (gr_ugpixel(grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap,Search_x,Search_y) == 1) { Found_segs.emplace_back(seg); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void draw_seg_side(const shared_segment &seg, const sidenum_t side, const color_palette_index color) { auto &svp = seg.verts; auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) { //all off screen? auto &stv = Side_to_verts[side]; for (const auto i : MAX_VERTICES_PER_SIDE) draw_line(*grd_curcanv, svp[stv[i]], svp[stv[next_side_vertex(i)]], color); } } static void draw_side_edge(const shared_segment &seg, const sidenum_t side, const side_relative_vertnum edge, const color_palette_index color) { auto &svp = seg.verts; auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) //on screen? { auto &stv = Side_to_verts[side]; draw_line(*grd_curcanv, svp[stv[edge]], svp[stv[next_side_vertex(edge)]], color); } } __attribute__((used)) int Show_triangulations=0; //edge types - lower number types have precedence #define ET_FACING 0 //this edge on a facing face #define ET_NOTFACING 1 //this edge on a non-facing face #define ET_NOTUSED 2 //no face uses this edge #define ET_NOTEXTANT 3 //would exist if side were triangulated #define ET_EMPTY 255 //this entry in array is empty static #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) constexpr #endif std::array edge_colors{{54, 59, 64}}; struct seg_edge { vertnum_t v0, v1; ushort type; ubyte face_count, backface_count; }; static std::array edge_list; static std::array used_list; //which entries in edge_list have been used static int n_used; static unsigned edge_list_size; //set each frame static constexpr packed_edge pack_edge(const unsigned a, const unsigned b) { return static_cast((a << 3) | b); } //define edge numberings constexpr std::array edges = {{ pack_edge(0, 1), // edge 0 pack_edge(0, 3), // edge 1 pack_edge(0, 4), // edge 2 pack_edge(1, 2), // edge 3 pack_edge(1, 5), // edge 4 pack_edge(2, 3), // edge 5 pack_edge(2, 6), // edge 6 pack_edge(3, 7), // edge 7 pack_edge(4, 5), // edge 8 pack_edge(4, 7), // edge 9 pack_edge(5, 6), // edge 10 pack_edge(6, 7), // edge 11 pack_edge(0, 5), // right cross pack_edge(0, 7), // top cross pack_edge(1, 3), // front cross pack_edge(2, 5), // bottom cross pack_edge(2, 7), // left cross pack_edge(4, 6), // back cross //crosses going the other way pack_edge(1, 4), // other right cross pack_edge(3, 4), // other top cross pack_edge(0, 2), // other front cross pack_edge(1, 6), // other bottom cross pack_edge(3, 6), // other left cross pack_edge(5, 7), // other back cross }}; #define N_NORMAL_EDGES 12 //the normal edges of a box #define N_EXTRA_EDGES 12 //ones created by triangulation #define N_EDGES_PER_SEGMENT (N_NORMAL_EDGES+N_EXTRA_EDGES) //given two vertex numbers on a segment (range 0..7), tell what edge number it is static std::size_t find_edge_num(const segment_relative_vertnum ev0, const segment_relative_vertnum ev1) { const auto &&[v0, v1] = std::minmax(ev0, ev1); const auto vv = pack_edge(static_cast(v0), static_cast(v1)); const auto iter = std::find(edges.begin(), edges.end(), vv); return std::distance(edges.begin(), iter); } //finds edge, filling in edge_ptr. if found old edge, returns index, else return -1 static std::pair find_edge(const vertnum_t v0, const vertnum_t v1) { const auto &&hash_object = std::hash{}; const auto initial_hash_slot = (hash_object(v0) ^ (hash_object(v1) << 10)) % edge_list_size; for (auto current_hash_slot = initial_hash_slot;;) { auto &e = edge_list[current_hash_slot]; if (e.type == ET_EMPTY) return {e, UINT32_MAX}; else if (e.v0 == v0 && e.v1 == v1) return {e, current_hash_slot}; else { if (++ current_hash_slot == edge_list_size) current_hash_slot = 0; if (current_hash_slot == initial_hash_slot) throw std::runtime_error("edge list full: search wrapped without finding a free slot"); } } } //adds an edge to the edge list static void add_edge(const vertnum_t ev0, const vertnum_t ev1, const uint8_t type) { const auto &&[v0, v1] = std::minmax(ev0, ev1); auto &&[e, current_hash_slot] = find_edge(v0, v1); if (current_hash_slot == UINT32_MAX) { e.v0 = v0; e.v1 = v1; e.type = type; used_list[n_used] = &e - edge_list.begin(); if (type == ET_FACING) e.face_count++; else if (type == ET_NOTFACING) e.backface_count++; n_used++; } else { if (e.type > type) e.type = type; if (type == ET_FACING) e.face_count++; else if (type == ET_NOTFACING) e.backface_count++; } } //adds a segment's edges to the edge list static void add_edges(const shared_segment &seg) { auto &svp = seg.verts; auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) { //all off screen? int i,fn,vn; int flag; std::array edge_flags; for (i=0;i(edges[i]) >> 3; const uint8_t e1 = static_cast(edges[i]) & 7; add_edge(seg.verts[(segment_relative_vertnum{e0})], seg.verts[(segment_relative_vertnum{e1})], edge_flags[i]); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void draw_trigger_side(const shared_segment &seg, const sidenum_t side, const color_palette_index color) { auto &svp = seg.verts; auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) { //all off screen? // Draw diagonals auto &stv = Side_to_verts[side]; draw_line(*grd_curcanv, svp[stv[side_relative_vertnum::_0]], svp[stv[side_relative_vertnum::_2]], color); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void draw_wall_side(const shared_segment &seg, const sidenum_t side, const color_palette_index color) { auto &svp = seg.verts; auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; if (!rotate_list(vcvertptr, svp).uand) { //all off screen? // Draw diagonals auto &stv = Side_to_verts[side]; draw_line(*grd_curcanv, svp[stv[side_relative_vertnum::_0]], svp[stv[side_relative_vertnum::_2]], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, svp[stv[side_relative_vertnum::_1]], svp[stv[side_relative_vertnum::_3]], color); } } #define WALL_BLASTABLE_COLOR rgb_t{31, 0, 0} // RED #define WALL_DOOR_COLOR rgb_t{0, 0, 31} // DARK BLUE #define WALL_DOOR_LOCKED_COLOR rgb_t{0, 0, 63} // BLUE #define WALL_AUTO_DOOR_COLOR rgb_t{0, 31, 0} // DARK GREEN #define WALL_AUTO_DOOR_LOCKED_COLOR rgb_t{0, 63, 0} // GREEN #define WALL_ILLUSION_COLOR rgb_t{63, 0, 63} // PURPLE #define TRIGGER_COLOR BM_XRGB( 63/2 , 63/2 , 0/2) // YELLOW // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws special walls (for now these are just removable walls.) static void draw_special_wall(const shared_segment &seg, const sidenum_t side) { auto &Walls = LevelUniqueWallSubsystemState.Walls; auto &vcwallptr = Walls.vcptr; auto &w = *vcwallptr(seg.sides[side].wall_num); const auto get_color = [=]() { const auto type = w.type; if (type != WALL_OPEN) { const auto flags = w.flags; if (flags & wall_flag::door_locked) return (flags & wall_flag::door_auto) ? WALL_AUTO_DOOR_LOCKED_COLOR : WALL_DOOR_LOCKED_COLOR; if (flags & wall_flag::door_auto) return WALL_AUTO_DOOR_COLOR; if (type == WALL_BLASTABLE) return WALL_BLASTABLE_COLOR; if (type == WALL_DOOR) return WALL_DOOR_COLOR; if (type == WALL_ILLUSION) return WALL_ILLUSION_COLOR; } return rgb_t{45, 45, 45}; }; const auto color = get_color(); draw_wall_side(seg,side, gr_find_closest_color(color.r, color.g, color.b)); if (w.trigger != trigger_none) { draw_trigger_side(seg,side, TRIGGER_COLOR); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Recursively parse mine structure, drawing segments. static void draw_mine_sub(const vmsegptridx_t segnum,int depth, visited_segment_bitarray_t &visited) { if (visited[segnum]) return; // If segment already drawn, return. visited[segnum] = true; // Say that this segment has been drawn. auto mine_ptr = segnum; // If this segment is active, process it, else skip it. if (mine_ptr->segnum != segment_none) { if (Search_mode) check_segment(mine_ptr); else add_edges(mine_ptr); //add this segments edges to list if (depth != 0) { const shared_segment &sseg = *mine_ptr; for (const auto &&[idx, child_segnum, sside] : enumerate(zip(sseg.children, sseg.sides))) { if (IS_CHILD(child_segnum)) { if (sside.wall_num != wall_none) draw_special_wall(mine_ptr, static_cast(idx)); draw_mine_sub(segnum.absolute_sibling(child_segnum), depth-1, visited); } } } } } static void draw_mine_edges(int automap_flag) { int i,type; seg_edge *e; for (type=ET_NOTUSED;type>=ET_FACING;type--) { const auto color = edge_colors[type]; for (i=0;itype == type) if ((!automap_flag) || (e->face_count == 1)) draw_line(*grd_curcanv, e->v0, e->v1, color); } } } static void clear_edge_list() { range_for (auto &i, partial_range(edge_list, edge_list_size)) { i.type = ET_EMPTY; i.face_count = 0; i.backface_count = 0; } } //draws an entire mine static void draw_mine(const vmsegptridx_t mine_ptr,int depth) { visited_segment_bitarray_t visited; edge_list_size = min(LevelSharedSegmentState.Num_segments * 12, MAX_EDGES.value); //make maybe smaller than max // clear edge list clear_edge_list(); n_used = 0; draw_mine_sub(mine_ptr,depth, visited); draw_mine_edges(0); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw all segments, ignoring connectivity. // A segment is drawn if its segnum != -1. static void draw_mine_all(int automap_flag) { edge_list_size = min(LevelSharedSegmentState.Num_segments * 12, MAX_EDGES.value); //make maybe smaller than max // clear edge list clear_edge_list(); n_used = 0; range_for (const auto &&segp, vmsegptridx) { if (segp->segnum != segment_none) { for (auto &&[idx, value] : enumerate(segp->shared_segment::sides)) if (value.wall_num != wall_none) draw_special_wall(segp, idx); if (Search_mode) check_segment(segp); else { add_edges(segp); draw_seg_objects(*grd_curcanv, segp); } } } draw_mine_edges(automap_flag); } static void draw_listed_segments(grs_canvas &canvas, count_segment_array_t &s, const uint8_t color) { range_for (const auto &ss, s) { const auto &&segp = vcsegptr(ss); if (segp->segnum != segment_none) draw_segment(canvas, segp, color); } } static void draw_selected_segments(void) { draw_listed_segments(*grd_curcanv, Selected_segs, SELECT_COLOR); } static void draw_found_segments(void) { draw_listed_segments(*grd_curcanv, Found_segs, FOUND_COLOR); } static void draw_warning_segments(void) { draw_listed_segments(*grd_curcanv, Warning_segs, WARNING_COLOR); } static void draw_group_segments(void) { if (current_group > -1) { draw_listed_segments(*grd_curcanv, GroupList[current_group].segments, GROUP_COLOR); } } static void draw_special_segments(void) { // Highlight matcens, fuelcens, etc. range_for (const auto &&segp, vcsegptr) { if (segp->segnum != segment_none) { unsigned r, g, b; switch(segp->special) { case segment_special::fuelcen: r = 29 * 2, g = 27 * 2, b = 13 * 2; break; case segment_special::controlcen: r = 29 * 2, g = 0, b = 0; break; case segment_special::robotmaker: r = 29 * 2, g = 0, b = 31 * 2; break; default: continue; } const auto color = gr_find_closest_color(r, g, b); draw_segment(*grd_curcanv, segp, color); } } } //find a free vertex. returns the vertex number static vertnum_t alloc_vert() { auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); const auto Num_vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.Num_vertices; assert(Num_vertices < MAX_SEGMENT_VERTICES); auto &Vertex_active = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertex_active(); vertnum_t vn{}; for (; static_cast(vn) < Num_vertices && Vertex_active[vn]; ++vn) { } Vertex_active[vn] = 1; ++LevelSharedVertexState.Num_vertices; return vn; } //frees a vertex static void free_vert(vertnum_t vert_num) { auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertex_active = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertex_active(); Vertex_active[vert_num] = 0; --LevelSharedVertexState.Num_vertices; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void draw_coordinate_axes(void) { auto &LevelSharedVertexState = LevelSharedSegmentState.get_vertex_state(); auto &Vertices = LevelSharedVertexState.get_vertices(); std::array Axes_verts; vms_vector tvec; range_for (auto &i, Axes_verts) i = alloc_vert(); create_coordinate_axes_from_segment(Cursegp,Axes_verts); auto &vcvertptr = Vertices.vcptr; auto &vmvertptr = Vertices.vmptr; const auto &&av0 = vcvertptr(Axes_verts[0]); const auto &&av1 = vcvertptr(Axes_verts[1]); const auto &&av2 = vcvertptr(Axes_verts[2]); const auto &&av3 = vcvertptr(Axes_verts[3]); const auto &&av4 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[4]); const auto &&av6 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[6]); const auto &&av9 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[9]); const auto &&av10 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[10]); const auto &&av11 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[11]); const auto &&av12 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[12]); const auto &&av14 = vmvertptr(Axes_verts[14]); const auto &&xvec = vm_vec_sub(av1, av0); const auto &&yvec = vm_vec_sub(av2, av0); const auto &&zvec = vm_vec_sub(av3, av0); // Create the letter X tvec = xvec; vm_vec_add(av4, av1, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 16)); tvec = yvec; vm_vec_add2(av4, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 8)); vm_vec_sub(av6, av4, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F2_0)); tvec = xvec; vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 8); vm_vec_add(vmvertptr(Axes_verts[7]), av4, tvec); vm_vec_add(vmvertptr(Axes_verts[5]), av6, tvec); // Create the letter Y tvec = yvec; vm_vec_add(av11, av2, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 16)); vm_vec_add(vmvertptr(Axes_verts[8]), av11, tvec); vm_vec_add(av9, av11, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 * 2)); vm_vec_add(av10, av11, tvec); tvec = xvec; vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 16); vm_vec_sub2(av9, tvec); vm_vec_add2(av10, tvec); // Create the letter Z tvec = zvec; vm_vec_add(av12, av3, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 16)); tvec = yvec; vm_vec_add2(av12, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 8)); vm_vec_sub(av14, av12, vm_vec_scale(tvec, F2_0)); tvec = zvec; vm_vec_scale(tvec, F1_0 / 8); vm_vec_add(vmvertptr(Axes_verts[13]), av12, tvec); vm_vec_add(vmvertptr(Axes_verts[15]), av14, tvec); rotate_list(vcvertptr, Axes_verts); const color_palette_index color = AXIS_COLOR; draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[0], Axes_verts[1], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[0], Axes_verts[2], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[0], Axes_verts[3], color); // draw the letter X draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[4], Axes_verts[5], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[6], Axes_verts[7], color); // draw the letter Y draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[8], Axes_verts[9], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[8], Axes_verts[10], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[8], Axes_verts[11], color); // draw the letter Z draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[12], Axes_verts[13], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[13], Axes_verts[14], color); draw_line(*grd_curcanv, Axes_verts[14], Axes_verts[15], color); range_for (auto &i, Axes_verts) free_vert(i); } } void draw_world(grs_canvas *screen_canvas,editor_view *v,const vmsegptridx_t mine_ptr,int depth) { vms_vector viewer_position; gr_set_current_canvas(screen_canvas); viewer_position = v->ev_matrix.fvec; vm_vec_scale(viewer_position,-v->ev_dist); vm_vec_add2(viewer_position,Ed_view_target); gr_clear_canvas(*grd_curcanv, 0); g3_start_frame(*grd_curcanv); g3_set_view_matrix(viewer_position,v->ev_matrix,v->ev_zoom); render_start_frame(); // Draw all segments or only connected segments. // We might want to draw all segments if we have broken the mine into pieces. if (Draw_all_segments) draw_mine_all(Automap_test); else draw_mine(mine_ptr,depth); // Draw the found segments if (!Automap_test) { draw_warning_segments(); draw_group_segments(); draw_found_segments(); draw_selected_segments(); draw_special_segments(); // Highlight group segment and side. if (current_group > -1) if (Groupsegp[current_group]) { draw_segment(*grd_curcanv, vcsegptr(Groupsegp[current_group]), GROUPSEG_COLOR); draw_seg_side(vcsegptr(Groupsegp[current_group]), Groupside[current_group], GROUPSIDE_COLOR); } // Highlight marked segment and side. if (Markedsegp) { draw_segment(*grd_curcanv, Markedsegp, MARKEDSEG_COLOR); draw_seg_side(Markedsegp,Markedside, MARKEDSIDE_COLOR); } // Highlight current segment and current side. draw_segment(*grd_curcanv, Cursegp, CURSEG_COLOR); draw_seg_side(Cursegp,Curside, CURSIDE_COLOR); draw_side_edge(Cursegp,Curside,Curedge, CUREDGE_COLOR); // Draw coordinate axes if we are rendering the large view. if (Show_axes_flag) if (screen_canvas == LargeViewBox->canvas.get()) draw_coordinate_axes(); // Label the window gr_set_fontcolor(*grd_curcanv, (v==current_view)?CRED:CWHITE, -1); if ( screen_canvas == LargeViewBox->canvas.get() ) { gr_ustring(*grd_curcanv, *grd_curcanv->cv_font, 5, 5, "USER VIEW"); switch (Large_view_index) { case 0: gr_ustring(*grd_curcanv, *grd_curcanv->cv_font, 85, 5, "-- TOP"); break; case 1: gr_ustring(*grd_curcanv, *grd_curcanv->cv_font, 85, 5, "-- FRONT"); break; case 2: gr_ustring(*grd_curcanv, *grd_curcanv->cv_font, 85, 5, "-- RIGHT"); break; } } else Error("Ortho views have been removed, what gives?\n"); } g3_end_frame(); } //find the segments that render at a given screen x,y //parms other than x,y are like draw_world //fills in globals N_found_segs & Found_segs void find_segments(short x,short y,grs_canvas *screen_canvas,editor_view *v,const vmsegptridx_t mine_ptr,int depth) { vms_vector viewer_position; gr_set_current_canvas(screen_canvas); viewer_position = v->ev_matrix.fvec; vm_vec_scale(viewer_position,-v->ev_dist); vm_vec_add2(viewer_position,Ed_view_target); g3_start_frame(*grd_curcanv); g3_set_view_matrix(viewer_position,v->ev_matrix,v->ev_zoom); render_start_frame(); #if DXX_USE_OGL g3_end_frame(); #endif uint8_t color = 0; gr_pixel(grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap, x, y, color); //set our search pixel to color zero #if DXX_USE_OGL g3_start_frame(*grd_curcanv); #endif Search_mode = -1; Found_segs.clear(); Search_x = x; Search_y = y; if (Draw_all_segments) draw_mine_all(0); else draw_mine(mine_ptr,depth); g3_end_frame(); Search_mode = 0; } namespace dsx { void meddraw_init_views( grs_canvas * canvas) { #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II) // sticking these here so the correct D2 colors are used edge_colors[0] = BM_XRGB(45/2,45/2,45/2); edge_colors[1] = BM_XRGB(45/3,45/3,45/3); //BM_RGB(0,0,45), // edge_colors[2] = BM_XRGB(45/4,45/4,45/4); //BM_RGB(0,45,0)}; // #endif Views[0]->ev_canv = canvas; } }