diff --git a/common/arch/macos/notarize_dxx_bundles.zsh b/common/arch/macos/notarize_dxx_bundles.zsh index 8b4ead159..fb60e6943 100755 --- a/common/arch/macos/notarize_dxx_bundles.zsh +++ b/common/arch/macos/notarize_dxx_bundles.zsh @@ -118,6 +118,15 @@ if [[ ! -f "${DXX_TMP_ZIP_PATH}" ]]; then exit 1 fi +# Note that the notarization process does NOT change the app bundle or the ZIP file. +# Instead, Apple reads the signature associated with the submitted resources and, if +# they don't detect any malicious code, create a ticket on their side that can be +# requested by a macOS client for the specific resource that was signed in order to +# validate that it went through the notarization process. This ticket can also be +# stapled to the app bundle for offline validation by macOS clients which are not +# connected to the Internet at the time. This stapling process happens further in +# the script. + echo "Beginning notarization process. This may take a few minutes." if [[ -z "${notarization_keychain_profile}" ]]; then