Reduce PHYSFSX_getRealPath length checks

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Kp 2015-10-11 22:21:00 +00:00
parent a37bae4b4f
commit 02754f9ada

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@ -331,45 +331,72 @@ int PHYSFSX_checkSupportedArchiveTypes()
int PHYSFSX_getRealPath(const char *stdPath, char *realPath, const std::size_t outSize)
DXX_POISON_MEMORY(realPath, outSize, 0xdd);
const char *realDir = PHYSFS_getRealDir(stdPath);
const char *sep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator();
char *p;
if (!realDir)
realDir = PHYSFS_getWriteDir();
if (!realDir)
return 0;
strncpy(realPath, realDir, outSize - 1);
if (strlen(realPath) >= strlen(sep))
const auto realDirSize = strlen(realDir);
if (realDirSize >= outSize)
return 0;
auto mountpoint = PHYSFS_getMountPoint(realDir);
if (!mountpoint)
return 0;
std::copy_n(realDir, realDirSize, realPath);
#ifdef _unix__
auto &sep = "/";
assert(!strcmp(PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(), sep));
const auto sep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator();
const auto sepSize = strlen(sep);
auto realPathUsed = realDirSize;
if (realDirSize >= sepSize)
p = realPath + strlen(realPath) - strlen(sep);
const auto p = realPath + realDirSize - sepSize;
if (strcmp(p, sep)) // no sep at end of realPath
strncat(realPath, sep, outSize - 1 - strlen(realPath));
if (strlen(stdPath) >= 1)
if (*stdPath == '/')
while (*stdPath)
if (*stdPath == '/')
strncat(realPath, sep, outSize - 1 - strlen(realPath));
if (strlen(realPath) < outSize - 2)
p = realPath + strlen(realPath);
p[0] = *stdPath;
p[1] = '\0';
realPathUsed += sepSize;
std::copy_n(sep, sepSize, &realPath[realDirSize]);
if (*mountpoint == '/')
/* Paths should be relative, but fix up if not. */
assert(*stdPath != '/');
if (*stdPath == '/')
const auto ml = strlen(mountpoint);
if (!strncmp(mountpoint, stdPath, ml))
stdPath += ml;
/* Virtual path is not under the virtual mount point that
* provides the path.
const auto stdPathLen = strlen(stdPath) + 1;
if (realPathUsed + stdPathLen >= outSize)
return 0;
#ifdef __unix__
/* Separator is "/" and physfs internal separator is "/". Copy
* through.
std::copy_n(stdPath, stdPathLen, &realPath[realPathUsed]);
/* Separator might be / on non-unix, but the fallback path works
* regardless of whether separator is "/".
const auto csep = *sep;
const auto a = [csep](char c) {
return c == '/' ? csep : c;
std::transform(stdPath, &stdPath[stdPathLen], &realPath[realPathUsed], a);
return 1;