
2615 lines
90 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#ifdef RCS
static char rcsid[] = "$Id: ai2.c,v 2001-01-19 03:30:01 bradleyb Exp $";
#include <conf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "inferno.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "mono.h"
#include "3d.h"
#include "u_mem.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "ai.h"
#include "laser.h"
#include "fvi.h"
#include "polyobj.h"
#include "bm.h"
#include "weapon.h"
#include "physics.h"
#include "collide.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "wall.h"
#include "vclip.h"
#include "digi.h"
#include "fireball.h"
#include "morph.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "sounds.h"
#include "cntrlcen.h"
#include "multibot.h"
#include "multi.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "gameseq.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "powerup.h"
#include "gauges.h"
#include "text.h"
#ifdef EDITOR
#include "editor\editor.h"
#include "editor\kdefs.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "string.h"
#include <time.h>
void teleport_boss(object *objp);
int boss_fits_in_seg(object *boss_objp, int segnum);
int Flinch_scale = 4;
int Attack_scale = 24;
// Amount of time since the current robot was last processed for things such as movement.
// It is not valid to use FrameTime because robots do not get moved every frame.
int Num_boss_teleport_segs;
short Boss_teleport_segs[MAX_BOSS_TELEPORT_SEGS];
int Num_boss_gate_segs;
short Boss_gate_segs[MAX_BOSS_TELEPORT_SEGS];
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// On entry, N_robot_types had darn sure better be set.
// Mallocs N_robot_types robot_info structs into global Robot_info.
void init_ai_system(void)
#if 0
int i;
mprintf((0, "Trying to malloc %i bytes for Robot_info.\n", N_robot_types * sizeof(*Robot_info)));
Robot_info = (robot_info *) d_malloc( N_robot_types * sizeof(*Robot_info) );
mprintf((0, "Robot_info = %i\n", Robot_info));
for (i=0; i<N_robot_types; i++) {
Robot_info[i].field_of_view = F1_0/2;
Robot_info[i].firing_wait = F1_0;
Robot_info[i].turn_time = F1_0*2;
// -- Robot_info[i].fire_power = F1_0;
// -- Robot_info[i].shield = F1_0/2;
Robot_info[i].max_speed = F1_0*10;
Robot_info[i].always_0xabcd = 0xabcd;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given a behavior, set initial mode.
int ai_behavior_to_mode(int behavior)
switch (behavior) {
case AIB_STILL: return AIM_STILL;
case AIB_SNIPE: return AIM_STILL; // Changed, 09/13/95, MK, snipers are still until they see you or are hit.
default: Int3(); // Contact Mike: Error, illegal behavior type
return AIM_STILL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call every time the player starts a new ship.
void ai_init_boss_for_ship(void)
Boss_hit_time = -F1_0*10;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initial_mode == -1 means leave mode unchanged.
void init_ai_object(int objnum, int behavior, int hide_segment)
object *objp = &Objects[objnum];
ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info;
ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objnum];
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id];
if (behavior == 0) {
// mprintf((0, "Behavior of 0 for object #%i, bashing to AIB_NORMAL.\n", objnum));
behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
aip->behavior = behavior;
// mprintf((0, "Initializing object #%i\n", objnum));
// mode is now set from the Robot dialog, so this should get overwritten.
ailp->mode = AIM_STILL;
ailp->previous_visibility = 0;
if (behavior != -1) {
aip->behavior = behavior;
ailp->mode = ai_behavior_to_mode(aip->behavior);
} else if (!((aip->behavior >= MIN_BEHAVIOR) && (aip->behavior <= MAX_BEHAVIOR))) {
mprintf((0, "[obj %i -> normal] ", objnum));
aip->behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
if (robptr->companion) {
ailp->mode = AIM_GOTO_PLAYER;
Escort_kill_object = -1;
if (robptr->thief) {
aip->behavior = AIB_SNIPE;
ailp->mode = AIM_THIEF_WAIT;
if (robptr->attack_type) {
aip->behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
ailp->mode = ai_behavior_to_mode(aip->behavior);
// This is astonishingly stupid! This routine gets called by matcens! KILL KILL KILL!!! Point_segs_free_ptr = Point_segs;
// -- ailp->wait_time = F1_0*5;
ailp->player_awareness_time = 0;
ailp->player_awareness_type = 0;
ailp->time_player_seen = GameTime;
ailp->next_misc_sound_time = GameTime;
ailp->time_player_sound_attacked = GameTime;
if ((behavior == AIB_SNIPE) || (behavior == AIB_STATION) || (behavior == AIB_RUN_FROM) || (behavior == AIB_FOLLOW)) {
aip->hide_segment = hide_segment;
ailp->goal_segment = hide_segment;
aip->hide_index = -1; // This means the path has not yet been created.
aip->cur_path_index = 0;
aip->SKIP_AI_COUNT = 0;
if (robptr->cloak_type == RI_CLOAKED_ALWAYS)
aip->CLOAKED = 1;
aip->CLOAKED = 0;
objp->mtype.phys_info.flags |= (PF_BOUNCE | PF_TURNROLL);
aip->REMOTE_OWNER = -1;
aip->dying_sound_playing = 0;
aip->dying_start_time = 0;
extern object * create_morph_robot( segment *segp, vms_vector *object_pos, int object_id);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Buddy bot.
// This automatically happens when you bring up the Buddy menu in a debug version.
// It is available as a cheat in a non-debug (release) version.
void create_buddy_bot(void)
int buddy_id;
vms_vector object_pos;
for (buddy_id=0; buddy_id<N_robot_types; buddy_id++)
if (Robot_info[buddy_id].companion)
if (buddy_id == N_robot_types) {
mprintf((0, "Can't create Buddy. No 'companion' bot found in Robot_info!\n"));
compute_segment_center(&object_pos, &Segments[ConsoleObject->segnum]);
create_morph_robot( &Segments[ConsoleObject->segnum], &object_pos, buddy_id);
#define QUEUE_SIZE 256
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create list of segments boss is allowed to teleport to at segptr.
// Set *num_segs.
// Boss is allowed to teleport to segments he fits in (calls object_intersects_wall) and
// he can reach from his initial position (calls find_connected_distance).
// If size_check is set, then only add segment if boss can fit in it, else any segment is legal.
// one_wall_hack added by MK, 10/13/95: A mega-hack! Set to !0 to ignore the
void init_boss_segments(short segptr[], int *num_segs, int size_check, int one_wall_hack)
int boss_objnum=-1;
int i;
*num_segs = 0;
#ifdef EDITOR
N_selected_segs = 0;
if (size_check)
mprintf((0, "Boss fits in segments:\n"));
// See if there is a boss. If not, quick out.
for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++)
if ((Objects[i].type == OBJ_ROBOT) && (Robot_info[Objects[i].id].boss_flag)) {
if (boss_objnum != -1) // There are two bosses in this mine! i and boss_objnum!
Int3(); //do int3 here instead of assert so museum will work
boss_objnum = i;
if (boss_objnum != -1) {
int original_boss_seg;
vms_vector original_boss_pos;
object *boss_objp = &Objects[boss_objnum];
int head, tail;
int seg_queue[QUEUE_SIZE];
fix boss_size_save;
boss_size_save = boss_objp->size;
// -- Causes problems!! -- boss_objp->size = fixmul((F1_0/4)*3, boss_objp->size);
original_boss_seg = boss_objp->segnum;
original_boss_pos = boss_objp->pos;
head = 0;
tail = 0;
seg_queue[head++] = original_boss_seg;
segptr[(*num_segs)++] = original_boss_seg;
mprintf((0, "%4i ", original_boss_seg));
#ifdef EDITOR
Selected_segs[N_selected_segs++] = original_boss_seg;
for (i=0; i<=Highest_segment_index; i++)
visited[i] = 0;
while (tail != head) {
int sidenum;
segment *segp = &Segments[seg_queue[tail++]];
tail &= QUEUE_SIZE-1;
for (sidenum=0; sidenum<MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT; sidenum++) {
int w;
if (((w = WALL_IS_DOORWAY(segp, sidenum)) & WID_FLY_FLAG) || one_wall_hack) {
// If we get here and w == WID_WALL, then we want to process through this wall, else not.
if (IS_CHILD(segp->children[sidenum])) {
if (one_wall_hack)
} else
if (visited[segp->children[sidenum]] == 0) {
seg_queue[head++] = segp->children[sidenum];
visited[segp->children[sidenum]] = 1;
head &= QUEUE_SIZE-1;
if (head > tail) {
if (head == tail + QUEUE_SIZE-1)
Int3(); // queue overflow. Make it bigger!
} else
if (head+QUEUE_SIZE == tail + QUEUE_SIZE-1)
Int3(); // queue overflow. Make it bigger!
if ((!size_check) || boss_fits_in_seg(boss_objp, segp->children[sidenum])) {
segptr[(*num_segs)++] = segp->children[sidenum];
if (size_check) mprintf((0, "%4i ", segp->children[sidenum]));
#ifdef EDITOR
Selected_segs[N_selected_segs++] = segp->children[sidenum];
if (*num_segs >= MAX_BOSS_TELEPORT_SEGS) {
mprintf((1, "Warning: Too many boss teleport segments. Found %i after searching %i/%i segments.\n", MAX_BOSS_TELEPORT_SEGS, segp->children[sidenum], Highest_segment_index+1));
tail = head;
boss_objp->size = boss_size_save;
boss_objp->pos = original_boss_pos;
obj_relink(boss_objnum, original_boss_seg);
extern void init_buddy_for_level(void);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void init_ai_objects(void)
int i;
Point_segs_free_ptr = Point_segs;
for (i=0; i<MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
object *objp = &Objects[i];
if (objp->control_type == CT_AI)
init_ai_object(i, objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior, objp->ctype.ai_info.hide_segment);
init_boss_segments(Boss_gate_segs, &Num_boss_gate_segs, 0, 0);
init_boss_segments(Boss_teleport_segs, &Num_boss_teleport_segs, 1, 0);
if (Num_boss_teleport_segs == 1)
init_boss_segments(Boss_teleport_segs, &Num_boss_teleport_segs, 1, 1);
Boss_dying_sound_playing = 0;
Boss_dying = 0;
// -- unused! MK, 10/21/95 -- Boss_been_hit = 0;
Gate_interval = F1_0*4 - Difficulty_level*i2f(2)/3;
Ai_initialized = 1;
if (Current_level_num == Last_level) {
Boss_teleport_interval = F1_0*10;
Boss_cloak_interval = F1_0*15; // Time between cloaks
} else {
Boss_teleport_interval = F1_0*7;
Boss_cloak_interval = F1_0*10; // Time between cloaks
int Lunacy = 0;
int Diff_save = 1;
fix Firing_wait_copy[MAX_ROBOT_TYPES];
fix Firing_wait2_copy[MAX_ROBOT_TYPES];
byte Rapidfire_count_copy[MAX_ROBOT_TYPES];
void do_lunacy_on(void)
int i;
if (Lunacy) //already on
Lunacy = 1;
Diff_save = Difficulty_level;
Difficulty_level = NDL-1;
for (i=0; i<MAX_ROBOT_TYPES; i++) {
Firing_wait_copy[i] = Robot_info[i].firing_wait[NDL-1];
Firing_wait2_copy[i] = Robot_info[i].firing_wait2[NDL-1];
Rapidfire_count_copy[i] = Robot_info[i].rapidfire_count[NDL-1];
Robot_info[i].firing_wait[NDL-1] = Robot_info[i].firing_wait[1];
Robot_info[i].firing_wait2[NDL-1] = Robot_info[i].firing_wait2[1];
Robot_info[i].rapidfire_count[NDL-1] = Robot_info[i].rapidfire_count[1];
void do_lunacy_off(void)
int i;
if (!Lunacy) //already off
Lunacy = 0;
for (i=0; i<MAX_ROBOT_TYPES; i++) {
Robot_info[i].firing_wait[NDL-1] = Firing_wait_copy[i];
Robot_info[i].firing_wait2[NDL-1] = Firing_wait2_copy[i];
Robot_info[i].rapidfire_count[NDL-1] = Rapidfire_count_copy[i];
Difficulty_level = Diff_save;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Do *dest = *delta unless:
// *delta is pretty small
// and they are of different signs.
void set_rotvel_and_saturate(fix *dest, fix delta)
if ((delta ^ *dest) < 0) {
if (abs(delta) < F1_0/8) {
// mprintf((0, "D"));
*dest = delta/4;
} else
// mprintf((0, "d"));
*dest = delta;
} else {
// mprintf((0, "!"));
*dest = delta;
//--debug-- #ifndef NDEBUG
//--debug-- int Total_turns=0;
//--debug-- int Prevented_turns=0;
//--debug-- #endif
#define AI_TURN_SCALE 1
#define BABY_SPIDER_ID 14
extern void physics_turn_towards_vector(vms_vector *goal_vector, object *obj, fix rate);
extern fix Seismic_tremor_magnitude;
void ai_turn_towards_vector(vms_vector *goal_vector, object *objp, fix rate)
vms_vector new_fvec;
fix dot;
// Not all robots can turn, eg, SPECIAL_REACTOR_ROBOT
if (rate == 0)
if ((objp->id == BABY_SPIDER_ID) && (objp->type == OBJ_ROBOT)) {
physics_turn_towards_vector(goal_vector, objp, rate);
new_fvec = *goal_vector;
dot = vm_vec_dot(goal_vector, &objp->orient.fvec);
if (dot < (F1_0 - FrameTime/2)) {
fix mag;
fix new_scale = fixdiv(FrameTime * AI_TURN_SCALE, rate);
vm_vec_scale(&new_fvec, new_scale);
vm_vec_add2(&new_fvec, &objp->orient.fvec);
mag = vm_vec_normalize_quick(&new_fvec);
if (mag < F1_0/256) {
mprintf((1, "Degenerate vector in ai_turn_towards_vector (mag = %7.3f)\n", f2fl(mag)));
new_fvec = *goal_vector; // if degenerate vector, go right to goal
if (Seismic_tremor_magnitude) {
vms_vector rand_vec;
fix scale;
scale = fixdiv(2*Seismic_tremor_magnitude, Robot_info[objp->id].mass);
vm_vec_scale_add2(&new_fvec, &rand_vec, scale);
vm_vector_2_matrix(&objp->orient, &new_fvec, NULL, &objp->orient.rvec);
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- void ai_turn_randomly(vms_vector *vec_to_player, object *obj, fix rate, int previous_visibility)
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- {
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- vms_vector curvec;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // -- MK, 06/09/95 // Random turning looks too stupid, so 1/4 of time, cheat.
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // -- MK, 06/09/95 if (previous_visibility)
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // -- MK, 06/09/95 if (d_rand() > 0x7400) {
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // -- MK, 06/09/95 ai_turn_towards_vector(vec_to_player, obj, rate);
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // -- MK, 06/09/95 return;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- // -- MK, 06/09/95 }
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- curvec = obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- curvec.y += F1_0/64;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- curvec.x += curvec.y/6;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- curvec.y += curvec.z/4;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- curvec.z += curvec.x/10;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- if (abs(curvec.x) > F1_0/8) curvec.x /= 4;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- if (abs(curvec.y) > F1_0/8) curvec.y /= 4;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- if (abs(curvec.z) > F1_0/8) curvec.z /= 4;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel = curvec;
// -- unused, 08/07/95 --
// -- unused, 08/07/95 -- }
// Overall_agitation affects:
// Widens field of view. Field of view is in range 0..1 (specified in bitmaps.tbl as N/360 degrees).
// Overall_agitation/128 subtracted from field of view, making robots see wider.
// Increases distance to which robot will search to create path to player by Overall_agitation/8 segments.
// Decreases wait between fire times by Overall_agitation/64 seconds.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns:
// 0 Player is not visible from object, obstruction or something.
// 1 Player is visible, but not in field of view.
// 2 Player is visible and in field of view.
// Note: Uses Believed_player_pos as player's position for cloak effect.
// NOTE: Will destructively modify *pos if *pos is outside the mine.
int player_is_visible_from_object(object *objp, vms_vector *pos, fix field_of_view, vms_vector *vec_to_player)
fix dot;
fvi_query fq;
// Assume that robot's gun tip is in same segment as robot's center.
objp->ctype.ai_info.SUB_FLAGS &= ~SUB_FLAGS_GUNSEG;
fq.p0 = pos;
if ((pos->x != objp->pos.x) || (pos->y != objp->pos.y) || (pos->z != objp->pos.z)) {
int segnum = find_point_seg(pos, objp->segnum);
if (segnum == -1) {
fq.startseg = objp->segnum;
*pos = objp->pos;
mprintf((1, "Object %i, gun is outside mine, moving towards center.\n", objp-Objects));
} else {
if (segnum != objp->segnum) {
// -- mprintf((0, "Warning: Robot's gun tip not in same segment as robot center, frame %i.\n", FrameCount));
objp->ctype.ai_info.SUB_FLAGS |= SUB_FLAGS_GUNSEG;
fq.startseg = segnum;
} else
fq.startseg = objp->segnum;
fq.p1 = &Believed_player_pos;
fq.rad = F1_0/4;
fq.thisobjnum = objp-Objects;
fq.ignore_obj_list = NULL;
fq.flags = FQ_TRANSWALL; // -- Why were we checking objects? | FQ_CHECK_OBJS; //what about trans walls???
Hit_type = find_vector_intersection(&fq,&Hit_data);
Hit_pos = Hit_data.hit_pnt;
Hit_seg = Hit_data.hit_seg;
// -- when we stupidly checked objects -- if ((Hit_type == HIT_NONE) || ((Hit_type == HIT_OBJECT) && (Hit_data.hit_object == Players[Player_num].objnum))) {
if (Hit_type == HIT_NONE) {
dot = vm_vec_dot(vec_to_player, &objp->orient.fvec);
// mprintf((0, "Fvec = [%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f], vec_to_player = [%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f], dot = %7.3f\n", f2fl(objp->orient.fvec.x), f2fl(objp->orient.fvec.y), f2fl(objp->orient.fvec.z), f2fl(vec_to_player->x), f2fl(vec_to_player->y), f2fl(vec_to_player->z), f2fl(dot)));
if (dot > field_of_view - (Overall_agitation << 9)) {
return 2;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return 1 if animates, else return 0
int do_silly_animation(object *objp)
int objnum = objp-Objects;
jointpos *jp_list;
int robot_type, gun_num, robot_state, num_joint_positions;
polyobj_info *pobj_info = &objp->rtype.pobj_info;
ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info;
// ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objnum];
int num_guns, at_goal;
int attack_type;
int flinch_attack_scale = 1;
robot_type = objp->id;
num_guns = Robot_info[robot_type].n_guns;
attack_type = Robot_info[robot_type].attack_type;
if (num_guns == 0) {
// mprintf((0, "Object #%i of type #%i has 0 guns.\n", objp-Objects, robot_type));
return 0;
// This is a hack. All positions should be based on goal_state, not GOAL_STATE.
robot_state = Mike_to_matt_xlate[aip->GOAL_STATE];
// previous_robot_state = Mike_to_matt_xlate[aip->CURRENT_STATE];
if (attack_type) // && ((robot_state == AS_FIRE) || (robot_state == AS_RECOIL)))
flinch_attack_scale = Attack_scale;
else if ((robot_state == AS_FLINCH) || (robot_state == AS_RECOIL))
flinch_attack_scale = Flinch_scale;
at_goal = 1;
for (gun_num=0; gun_num <= num_guns; gun_num++) {
int joint;
num_joint_positions = robot_get_anim_state(&jp_list, robot_type, gun_num, robot_state);
for (joint=0; joint<num_joint_positions; joint++) {
fix delta_angle, delta_2;
int jointnum = jp_list[joint].jointnum;
vms_angvec *jp = &jp_list[joint].angles;
vms_angvec *pobjp = &pobj_info->anim_angles[jointnum];
if (jointnum >= Polygon_models[objp->rtype.pobj_info.model_num].n_models) {
Int3(); // Contact Mike: incompatible data, illegal jointnum, problem in pof file?
if (jp->p != pobjp->p) {
if (gun_num == 0)
at_goal = 0;
Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_angles[jointnum].p = jp->p;
delta_angle = jp->p - pobjp->p;
if (delta_angle >= F1_0/2)
delta_2 = -ANIM_RATE;
else if (delta_angle >= 0)
delta_2 = ANIM_RATE;
else if (delta_angle >= -F1_0/2)
delta_2 = -ANIM_RATE;
delta_2 = ANIM_RATE;
if (flinch_attack_scale != 1)
delta_2 *= flinch_attack_scale;
Ai_local_info[objnum].delta_angles[jointnum].p = delta_2/DELTA_ANG_SCALE; // complete revolutions per second
if (jp->b != pobjp->b) {
if (gun_num == 0)
at_goal = 0;
Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_angles[jointnum].b = jp->b;
delta_angle = jp->b - pobjp->b;
if (delta_angle >= F1_0/2)
delta_2 = -ANIM_RATE;
else if (delta_angle >= 0)
delta_2 = ANIM_RATE;
else if (delta_angle >= -F1_0/2)
delta_2 = -ANIM_RATE;
delta_2 = ANIM_RATE;
if (flinch_attack_scale != 1)
delta_2 *= flinch_attack_scale;
Ai_local_info[objnum].delta_angles[jointnum].b = delta_2/DELTA_ANG_SCALE; // complete revolutions per second
if (jp->h != pobjp->h) {
if (gun_num == 0)
at_goal = 0;
Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_angles[jointnum].h = jp->h;
delta_angle = jp->h - pobjp->h;
if (delta_angle >= F1_0/2)
delta_2 = -ANIM_RATE;
else if (delta_angle >= 0)
delta_2 = ANIM_RATE;
else if (delta_angle >= -F1_0/2)
delta_2 = -ANIM_RATE;
delta_2 = ANIM_RATE;
if (flinch_attack_scale != 1)
delta_2 *= flinch_attack_scale;
Ai_local_info[objnum].delta_angles[jointnum].h = delta_2/DELTA_ANG_SCALE; // complete revolutions per second
if (at_goal) {
//ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info;
ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects];
ailp->achieved_state[gun_num] = ailp->goal_state[gun_num];
if (ailp->achieved_state[gun_num] == AIS_RECO)
ailp->goal_state[gun_num] = AIS_FIRE;
if (ailp->achieved_state[gun_num] == AIS_FLIN)
ailp->goal_state[gun_num] = AIS_LOCK;
if (at_goal == 1) //num_guns)
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move all sub-objects in an object towards their goals.
// Current orientation of object is at: pobj_info.anim_angles
// Goal orientation of object is at: ai_info.goal_angles
// Delta orientation of object is at: ai_info.delta_angles
void ai_frame_animation(object *objp)
int objnum = objp-Objects;
int joint;
int num_joints;
num_joints = Polygon_models[objp->rtype.pobj_info.model_num].n_models;
for (joint=1; joint<num_joints; joint++) {
fix delta_to_goal;
fix scaled_delta_angle;
vms_angvec *curangp = &objp->rtype.pobj_info.anim_angles[joint];
vms_angvec *goalangp = &Ai_local_info[objnum].goal_angles[joint];
vms_angvec *deltaangp = &Ai_local_info[objnum].delta_angles[joint];
delta_to_goal = goalangp->p - curangp->p;
if (delta_to_goal > 32767)
delta_to_goal = delta_to_goal - 65536;
else if (delta_to_goal < -32767)
delta_to_goal = 65536 + delta_to_goal;
if (delta_to_goal) {
scaled_delta_angle = fixmul(deltaangp->p, FrameTime) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
curangp->p += scaled_delta_angle;
if (abs(delta_to_goal) < abs(scaled_delta_angle))
curangp->p = goalangp->p;
delta_to_goal = goalangp->b - curangp->b;
if (delta_to_goal > 32767)
delta_to_goal = delta_to_goal - 65536;
else if (delta_to_goal < -32767)
delta_to_goal = 65536 + delta_to_goal;
if (delta_to_goal) {
scaled_delta_angle = fixmul(deltaangp->b, FrameTime) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
curangp->b += scaled_delta_angle;
if (abs(delta_to_goal) < abs(scaled_delta_angle))
curangp->b = goalangp->b;
delta_to_goal = goalangp->h - curangp->h;
if (delta_to_goal > 32767)
delta_to_goal = delta_to_goal - 65536;
else if (delta_to_goal < -32767)
delta_to_goal = 65536 + delta_to_goal;
if (delta_to_goal) {
scaled_delta_angle = fixmul(deltaangp->h, FrameTime) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
curangp->h += scaled_delta_angle;
if (abs(delta_to_goal) < abs(scaled_delta_angle))
curangp->h = goalangp->h;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void set_next_fire_time(object *objp, ai_local *ailp, robot_info *robptr, int gun_num)
// For guys in snipe mode, they have a 50% shot of getting this shot in free.
if ((gun_num != 0) || (robptr->weapon_type2 == -1))
if ((objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior != AIB_SNIPE) || (d_rand() > 16384))
// Old way, 10/15/95: Continuous rapidfire if rapidfire_count set.
// -- if (((robptr->weapon_type2 == -1) || (gun_num != 0)) && (ailp->rapidfire_count < robptr->rapidfire_count[Difficulty_level])) {
// -- ailp->next_fire = min(F1_0/8, robptr->firing_wait[Difficulty_level]/2);
// -- } else {
// -- if ((robptr->weapon_type2 == -1) || (gun_num != 0)) {
// -- ailp->rapidfire_count = 0;
// -- ailp->next_fire = robptr->firing_wait[Difficulty_level];
// -- } else
// -- ailp->next_fire2 = robptr->firing_wait2[Difficulty_level];
// -- }
if (((gun_num != 0) || (robptr->weapon_type2 == -1)) && (ailp->rapidfire_count < robptr->rapidfire_count[Difficulty_level])) {
ailp->next_fire = min(F1_0/8, robptr->firing_wait[Difficulty_level]/2);
} else {
if ((robptr->weapon_type2 == -1) || (gun_num != 0)) {
ailp->next_fire = robptr->firing_wait[Difficulty_level];
if (ailp->rapidfire_count >= robptr->rapidfire_count[Difficulty_level])
ailp->rapidfire_count = 0;
} else
ailp->next_fire2 = robptr->firing_wait2[Difficulty_level];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When some robots collide with the player, they attack.
// If player is cloaked, then robot probably didn't actually collide, deal with that here.
void do_ai_robot_hit_attack(object *robot, object *playerobj, vms_vector *collision_point)
ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[robot-Objects];
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[robot->id];
//#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!Robot_firing_enabled)
// If player is dead, stop firing.
if (Objects[Players[Player_num].objnum].type == OBJ_GHOST)
if (robptr->attack_type == 1) {
if (ailp->next_fire <= 0) {
if (!(Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED))
if (vm_vec_dist_quick(&ConsoleObject->pos, &robot->pos) < robot->size + ConsoleObject->size + F1_0*2) {
collide_player_and_nasty_robot( playerobj, robot, collision_point );
if (robptr->energy_drain && Players[Player_num].energy) {
Players[Player_num].energy -= robptr->energy_drain * F1_0;
if (Players[Player_num].energy < 0)
Players[Player_num].energy = 0;
// -- unused, use claw_sound in bitmaps.tbl -- digi_link_sound_to_pos( SOUND_ROBOT_SUCKED_PLAYER, playerobj->segnum, 0, collision_point, 0, F1_0 );
robot->ctype.ai_info.GOAL_STATE = AIS_RECO;
set_next_fire_time(robot, ailp, robptr, 1); // 1 = gun_num: 0 is special (uses next_fire2)
#ifndef _OBJECT_H
extern int Player_exploded;
#define FIRE_K 8 // Controls average accuracy of robot firing. Smaller numbers make firing worse. Being power of 2 doesn't matter.
// ====================================================================================================================
#define MIN_LEAD_SPEED (F1_0*4)
#define MAX_LEAD_DISTANCE (F1_0*200)
#define LEAD_RANGE (F1_0/2)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes point at which projectile fired by robot can hit player given positions, player vel, elapsed time
fix compute_lead_component(fix player_pos, fix robot_pos, fix player_vel, fix elapsed_time)
return fixdiv(player_pos - robot_pos, elapsed_time) + player_vel;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lead the player, returning point to fire at in fire_point.
// Rules:
// Player not cloaked
// Player must be moving at a speed >= MIN_LEAD_SPEED
// Player not farther away than MAX_LEAD_DISTANCE
// dot(vector_to_player, player_direction) must be in -LEAD_RANGE..LEAD_RANGE
// if firing a matter weapon, less leading, based on skill level.
int lead_player(object *objp, vms_vector *fire_point, vms_vector *believed_player_pos, int gun_num, vms_vector *fire_vec)
fix dot, player_speed, dist_to_player, max_weapon_speed, projected_time;
vms_vector player_movement_dir, vec_to_player;
int weapon_type;
weapon_info *wptr;
robot_info *robptr;
if (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED)
return 0;
player_movement_dir = ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.velocity;
player_speed = vm_vec_normalize_quick(&player_movement_dir);
if (player_speed < MIN_LEAD_SPEED)
return 0;
vm_vec_sub(&vec_to_player, believed_player_pos, fire_point);
dist_to_player = vm_vec_normalize_quick(&vec_to_player);
if (dist_to_player > MAX_LEAD_DISTANCE)
return 0;
dot = vm_vec_dot(&vec_to_player, &player_movement_dir);
if ((dot < -LEAD_RANGE) || (dot > LEAD_RANGE))
return 0;
// Looks like it might be worth trying to lead the player.
robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id];
weapon_type = robptr->weapon_type;
if (robptr->weapon_type2 != -1)
if (gun_num == 0)
weapon_type = robptr->weapon_type2;
wptr = &Weapon_info[weapon_type];
max_weapon_speed = wptr->speed[Difficulty_level];
if (max_weapon_speed < F1_0)
return 0;
// Matter weapons:
// At Rookie or Trainee, don't lead at all.
// At higher skill levels, don't lead as well. Accomplish this by screwing up max_weapon_speed.
if (wptr->matter)
if (Difficulty_level <= 1)
return 0;
max_weapon_speed *= (NDL-Difficulty_level);
projected_time = fixdiv(dist_to_player, max_weapon_speed);
fire_vec->x = compute_lead_component(believed_player_pos->x, fire_point->x, ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x, projected_time);
fire_vec->y = compute_lead_component(believed_player_pos->y, fire_point->y, ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y, projected_time);
fire_vec->z = compute_lead_component(believed_player_pos->z, fire_point->z, ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z, projected_time);
Assert(vm_vec_dot(fire_vec, &objp->orient.fvec) < 3*F1_0/2);
// Make sure not firing at especially strange angle. If so, try to correct. If still bad, give up after one try.
if (vm_vec_dot(fire_vec, &objp->orient.fvec) < F1_0/2) {
vm_vec_add2(fire_vec, &vec_to_player);
vm_vec_scale(fire_vec, F1_0/2);
if (vm_vec_dot(fire_vec, &objp->orient.fvec) < F1_0/2) {
return 0;
return 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: Parameter vec_to_player is only passed now because guns which aren't on the forward vector from the
// center of the robot will not fire right at the player. We need to aim the guns at the player. Barring that, we cheat.
// When this routine is complete, the parameter vec_to_player should not be necessary.
void ai_fire_laser_at_player(object *obj, vms_vector *fire_point, int gun_num, vms_vector *believed_player_pos)
int objnum = obj-Objects;
ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objnum];
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[obj->id];
vms_vector fire_vec;
vms_vector bpp_diff;
int weapon_type;
fix aim, dot;
int count;
Assert(robptr->attack_type == 0); // We should never be coming here for the green guy, as he has no laser!
// If this robot is only awake because a camera woke it up, don't fire.
if (obj->ctype.ai_info.SUB_FLAGS & SUB_FLAGS_CAMERA_AWAKE)
if (!Robot_firing_enabled)
if (obj->control_type == CT_MORPH)
// If player is exploded, stop firing.
if (Player_exploded)
if (obj->ctype.ai_info.dying_start_time)
return; // No firing while in death roll.
// Don't let the boss fire while in death roll. Sorry, this is the easiest way to do this.
// If you try to key the boss off obj->ctype.ai_info.dying_start_time, it will hose the endlevel stuff.
if (Boss_dying_start_time & Robot_info[obj->id].boss_flag)
// If player is cloaked, maybe don't fire based on how long cloaked and randomness.
if (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED) {
fix cloak_time = Ai_cloak_info[objnum % MAX_AI_CLOAK_INFO].last_time;
if (GameTime - cloak_time > CLOAK_TIME_MAX/4)
if (d_rand() > fixdiv(GameTime - cloak_time, CLOAK_TIME_MAX)/2) {
set_next_fire_time(obj, ailp, robptr, gun_num);
// Handle problem of a robot firing through a wall because its gun tip is on the other
// side of the wall than the robot's center. For speed reasons, we normally only compute
// the vector from the gun point to the player. But we need to know whether the gun point
// is separated from the robot's center by a wall. If so, don't fire!
if (obj->ctype.ai_info.SUB_FLAGS & SUB_FLAGS_GUNSEG) {
// Well, the gun point is in a different segment than the robot's center.
// This is almost always ok, but it is not ok if something solid is in between.
int conn_side;
int gun_segnum = find_point_seg(fire_point, obj->segnum);
// See if these segments are connected, which should almost always be the case.
conn_side = find_connect_side(&Segments[gun_segnum], &Segments[obj->segnum]);
if (conn_side != -1) {
// They are connected via conn_side in segment obj->segnum.
// See if they are unobstructed.
if (!(WALL_IS_DOORWAY(&Segments[obj->segnum], conn_side) & WID_FLY_FLAG)) {
// Can't fly through, so don't let this bot fire through!
} else {
// Well, they are not directly connected, so use find_vector_intersection to see if they are unobstructed.
fvi_query fq;
fvi_info hit_data;
int fate;
fq.startseg = obj->segnum;
fq.p0 = &obj->pos;
fq.p1 = fire_point;
fq.rad = 0;
fq.thisobjnum = obj-Objects;
fq.ignore_obj_list = NULL;
fq.flags = FQ_TRANSWALL;
fate = find_vector_intersection(&fq, &hit_data);
if (fate != HIT_NONE) {
Int3(); // This bot's gun is poking through a wall, so don't fire.
move_towards_segment_center(obj); // And decrease chances it will happen again.
// -- mprintf((0, "Firing from gun #%i at time = %7.3f\n", gun_num, f2fl(GameTime)));
// Set position to fire at based on difficulty level and robot's aiming ability
aim = FIRE_K*F1_0 - (FIRE_K-1)*(robptr->aim << 8); // F1_0 in bitmaps.tbl = same as used to be. Worst is 50% more error.
// Robots aim more poorly during seismic disturbance.
if (Seismic_tremor_magnitude) {
fix temp;
temp = F1_0 - abs(Seismic_tremor_magnitude);
if (temp < F1_0/2)
temp = F1_0/2;
aim = fixmul(aim, temp);
// Lead the player half the time.
// Note that when leading the player, aim is perfect. This is probably acceptable since leading is so hacked in.
// Problem is all robots will lead equally badly.
if (d_rand() < 16384) {
if (lead_player(obj, fire_point, believed_player_pos, gun_num, &fire_vec)) // Stuff direction to fire at in fire_point.
goto player_led;
dot = 0;
count = 0; // Don't want to sit in this loop forever...
while ((count < 4) && (dot < F1_0/4)) {
bpp_diff.x = believed_player_pos->x + fixmul((d_rand()-16384) * (NDL-Difficulty_level-1) * 4, aim);
bpp_diff.y = believed_player_pos->y + fixmul((d_rand()-16384) * (NDL-Difficulty_level-1) * 4, aim);
bpp_diff.z = believed_player_pos->z + fixmul((d_rand()-16384) * (NDL-Difficulty_level-1) * 4, aim);
vm_vec_normalized_dir_quick(&fire_vec, &bpp_diff, fire_point);
dot = vm_vec_dot(&obj->orient.fvec, &fire_vec);
player_led: ;
weapon_type = robptr->weapon_type;
if (robptr->weapon_type2 != -1)
if (gun_num == 0)
weapon_type = robptr->weapon_type2;
Laser_create_new_easy( &fire_vec, fire_point, obj-Objects, weapon_type, 1);
#ifdef NETWORK
if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) {
ai_multi_send_robot_position(objnum, -1);
multi_send_robot_fire(objnum, obj->ctype.ai_info.CURRENT_GUN, &fire_vec);
create_awareness_event(obj, PA_NEARBY_ROBOT_FIRED);
set_next_fire_time(obj, ailp, robptr, gun_num);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vec_goal must be normalized, or close to it.
// if dot_based set, then speed is based on direction of movement relative to heading
void move_towards_vector(object *objp, vms_vector *vec_goal, int dot_based)
physics_info *pptr = &objp->mtype.phys_info;
fix speed, dot, max_speed;
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id];
vms_vector vel;
// Trying to move towards player. If forward vector much different than velocity vector,
// bash velocity vector twice as much towards player as usual.
vel = pptr->velocity;
dot = vm_vec_dot(&vel, &objp->orient.fvec);
if (robptr->thief)
dot = (F1_0+dot)/2;
if (dot_based && (dot < 3*F1_0/4)) {
// This funny code is supposed to slow down the robot and move his velocity towards his direction
// more quickly than the general code
pptr->velocity.x = pptr->velocity.x/2 + fixmul(vec_goal->x, FrameTime*32);
pptr->velocity.y = pptr->velocity.y/2 + fixmul(vec_goal->y, FrameTime*32);
pptr->velocity.z = pptr->velocity.z/2 + fixmul(vec_goal->z, FrameTime*32);
} else {
pptr->velocity.x += fixmul(vec_goal->x, FrameTime*64) * (Difficulty_level+5)/4;
pptr->velocity.y += fixmul(vec_goal->y, FrameTime*64) * (Difficulty_level+5)/4;
pptr->velocity.z += fixmul(vec_goal->z, FrameTime*64) * (Difficulty_level+5)/4;
speed = vm_vec_mag_quick(&pptr->velocity);
max_speed = robptr->max_speed[Difficulty_level];
// Green guy attacks twice as fast as he moves away.
if ((robptr->attack_type == 1) || robptr->thief || robptr->kamikaze)
max_speed *= 2;
if (speed > max_speed) {
pptr->velocity.x = (pptr->velocity.x*3)/4;
pptr->velocity.y = (pptr->velocity.y*3)/4;
pptr->velocity.z = (pptr->velocity.z*3)/4;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void move_towards_player(object *objp, vms_vector *vec_to_player)
// vec_to_player must be normalized, or close to it.
move_towards_vector(objp, vec_to_player, 1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// I am ashamed of this: fast_flag == -1 means normal slide about. fast_flag = 0 means no evasion.
void move_around_player(object *objp, vms_vector *vec_to_player, int fast_flag)
physics_info *pptr = &objp->mtype.phys_info;
fix speed;
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id];
int objnum = objp-Objects;
int dir;
int dir_change;
fix ft;
vms_vector evade_vector;
int count=0;
if (fast_flag == 0)
dir_change = 48;
ft = FrameTime;
if (ft < F1_0/32) {
dir_change *= 8;
count += 3;
} else
while (ft < F1_0/4) {
dir_change *= 2;
ft *= 2;
dir = (FrameCount + (count+1) * (objnum*8 + objnum*4 + objnum)) & dir_change;
dir >>= (4+count);
Assert((dir >= 0) && (dir <= 3));
switch (dir) {
case 0:
evade_vector.x = fixmul(vec_to_player->z, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.y = fixmul(vec_to_player->y, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.z = fixmul(-vec_to_player->x, FrameTime*32);
case 1:
evade_vector.x = fixmul(-vec_to_player->z, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.y = fixmul(vec_to_player->y, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.z = fixmul(vec_to_player->x, FrameTime*32);
case 2:
evade_vector.x = fixmul(-vec_to_player->y, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.y = fixmul(vec_to_player->x, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.z = fixmul(vec_to_player->z, FrameTime*32);
case 3:
evade_vector.x = fixmul(vec_to_player->y, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.y = fixmul(-vec_to_player->x, FrameTime*32);
evade_vector.z = fixmul(vec_to_player->z, FrameTime*32);
Error("Function move_around_player: Bad case.");
// Note: -1 means normal circling about the player. > 0 means fast evasion.
if (fast_flag > 0) {
fix dot;
// Only take evasive action if looking at player.
// Evasion speed is scaled by percentage of shields left so wounded robots evade less effectively.
dot = vm_vec_dot(vec_to_player, &objp->orient.fvec);
if ((dot > robptr->field_of_view[Difficulty_level]) && !(ConsoleObject->flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED)) {
fix damage_scale;
if (robptr->strength)
damage_scale = fixdiv(objp->shields, robptr->strength);
damage_scale = F1_0;
if (damage_scale > F1_0)
damage_scale = F1_0; // Just in case...
else if (damage_scale < 0)
damage_scale = 0; // Just in case...
vm_vec_scale(&evade_vector, i2f(fast_flag) + damage_scale);
pptr->velocity.x += evade_vector.x;
pptr->velocity.y += evade_vector.y;
pptr->velocity.z += evade_vector.z;
speed = vm_vec_mag_quick(&pptr->velocity);
if ((objp-Objects != 1) && (speed > robptr->max_speed[Difficulty_level])) {
pptr->velocity.x = (pptr->velocity.x*3)/4;
pptr->velocity.y = (pptr->velocity.y*3)/4;
pptr->velocity.z = (pptr->velocity.z*3)/4;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void move_away_from_player(object *objp, vms_vector *vec_to_player, int attack_type)
fix speed;
physics_info *pptr = &objp->mtype.phys_info;
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id];
int objref;
pptr->velocity.x -= fixmul(vec_to_player->x, FrameTime*16);
pptr->velocity.y -= fixmul(vec_to_player->y, FrameTime*16);
pptr->velocity.z -= fixmul(vec_to_player->z, FrameTime*16);
if (attack_type) {
// Get value in 0..3 to choose evasion direction.
objref = ((objp-Objects) ^ ((FrameCount + 3*(objp-Objects)) >> 5)) & 3;
switch (objref) {
case 0: vm_vec_scale_add2(&pptr->velocity, &objp->orient.uvec, FrameTime << 5); break;
case 1: vm_vec_scale_add2(&pptr->velocity, &objp->orient.uvec, -FrameTime << 5); break;
case 2: vm_vec_scale_add2(&pptr->velocity, &objp->orient.rvec, FrameTime << 5); break;
case 3: vm_vec_scale_add2(&pptr->velocity, &objp->orient.rvec, -FrameTime << 5); break;
default: Int3(); // Impossible, bogus value on objref, must be in 0..3
speed = vm_vec_mag_quick(&pptr->velocity);
if (speed > robptr->max_speed[Difficulty_level]) {
pptr->velocity.x = (pptr->velocity.x*3)/4;
pptr->velocity.y = (pptr->velocity.y*3)/4;
pptr->velocity.z = (pptr->velocity.z*3)/4;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move towards, away_from or around player.
// Also deals with evasion.
// If the flag evade_only is set, then only allowed to evade, not allowed to move otherwise (must have mode == AIM_STILL).
void ai_move_relative_to_player(object *objp, ai_local *ailp, fix dist_to_player, vms_vector *vec_to_player, fix circle_distance, int evade_only, int player_visibility)
object *dobjp;
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[objp->id];
Assert(player_visibility != -1);
// See if should take avoidance.
// New way, green guys don't evade: if ((robptr->attack_type == 0) && (objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num != -1)) {
if (objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num != -1) {
dobjp = &Objects[objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num];
if ((dobjp->type == OBJ_WEAPON) && (dobjp->signature == objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_signature)) {
fix dot, dist_to_laser, field_of_view;
vms_vector vec_to_laser, laser_fvec;
field_of_view = Robot_info[objp->id].field_of_view[Difficulty_level];
vm_vec_sub(&vec_to_laser, &dobjp->pos, &objp->pos);
dist_to_laser = vm_vec_normalize_quick(&vec_to_laser);
dot = vm_vec_dot(&vec_to_laser, &objp->orient.fvec);
if ((dot > field_of_view) || (robptr->companion)) {
fix laser_robot_dot;
vms_vector laser_vec_to_robot;
// The laser is seen by the robot, see if it might hit the robot.
// Get the laser's direction. If it's a polyobj, it can be gotten cheaply from the orientation matrix.
if (dobjp->render_type == RT_POLYOBJ)
laser_fvec = dobjp->orient.fvec;
else { // Not a polyobj, get velocity and normalize.
laser_fvec = dobjp->mtype.phys_info.velocity; //dobjp->orient.fvec;
vm_vec_sub(&laser_vec_to_robot, &objp->pos, &dobjp->pos);
laser_robot_dot = vm_vec_dot(&laser_fvec, &laser_vec_to_robot);
if ((laser_robot_dot > F1_0*7/8) && (dist_to_laser < F1_0*80)) {
int evade_speed;
ai_evaded = 1;
evade_speed = Robot_info[objp->id].evade_speed[Difficulty_level];
move_around_player(objp, vec_to_player, evade_speed);
// If only allowed to do evade code, then done.
// Hmm, perhaps brilliant insight. If want claw-type guys to keep coming, don't return here after evasion.
if ((!robptr->attack_type) && (!robptr->thief) && evade_only)
// If we fall out of above, then no object to be avoided.
objp->ctype.ai_info.danger_laser_num = -1;
// Green guy selects move around/towards/away based on firing time, not distance.
if (robptr->attack_type == 1) {
if (((ailp->next_fire > robptr->firing_wait[Difficulty_level]/4) && (dist_to_player < F1_0*30)) || Player_is_dead) {
// 1/4 of time, move around player, 3/4 of time, move away from player
if (d_rand() < 8192) {
move_around_player(objp, vec_to_player, -1);
} else {
move_away_from_player(objp, vec_to_player, 1);
} else {
move_towards_player(objp, vec_to_player);
} else if (robptr->thief) {
move_towards_player(objp, vec_to_player);
} else {
int objval = ((objp-Objects) & 0x0f) ^ 0x0a;
// Changes here by MK, 12/29/95. Trying to get rid of endless circling around bots in a large room.
if (robptr->kamikaze) {
move_towards_player(objp, vec_to_player);
} else if (dist_to_player < circle_distance)
move_away_from_player(objp, vec_to_player, 0);
else if ((dist_to_player < (3+objval)*circle_distance/2) && (ailp->next_fire > -F1_0)) {
move_around_player(objp, vec_to_player, -1);
} else {
if ((-ailp->next_fire > F1_0 + (objval << 12)) && player_visibility) {
// Usually move away, but sometimes move around player.
if ((((GameTime >> 18) & 0x0f) ^ objval) > 4) {
move_away_from_player(objp, vec_to_player, 0);
} else {
move_around_player(objp, vec_to_player, -1);
} else
move_towards_player(objp, vec_to_player);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute a somewhat random, normalized vector.
void make_random_vector(vms_vector *vec)
vec->x = (d_rand() - 16384) | 1; // make sure we don't create null vector
vec->y = d_rand() - 16384;
vec->z = d_rand() - 16384;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void mprintf_animation_info(object *objp)
ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info;
ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[objp-Objects];
if (!Ai_info_enabled)
mprintf((0, "Goal = "));
switch (aip->GOAL_STATE) {
case AIS_NONE: mprintf((0, "NONE ")); break;
case AIS_REST: mprintf((0, "REST ")); break;
case AIS_SRCH: mprintf((0, "SRCH ")); break;
case AIS_LOCK: mprintf((0, "LOCK ")); break;
case AIS_FLIN: mprintf((0, "FLIN ")); break;
case AIS_FIRE: mprintf((0, "FIRE ")); break;
case AIS_RECO: mprintf((0, "RECO ")); break;
case AIS_ERR_: mprintf((0, "ERR_ ")); break;
mprintf((0, " Cur = "));
switch (aip->CURRENT_STATE) {
case AIS_NONE: mprintf((0, "NONE ")); break;
case AIS_REST: mprintf((0, "REST ")); break;
case AIS_SRCH: mprintf((0, "SRCH ")); break;
case AIS_LOCK: mprintf((0, "LOCK ")); break;
case AIS_FLIN: mprintf((0, "FLIN ")); break;
case AIS_FIRE: mprintf((0, "FIRE ")); break;
case AIS_RECO: mprintf((0, "RECO ")); break;
case AIS_ERR_: mprintf((0, "ERR_ ")); break;
mprintf((0, " Aware = "));
switch (ailp->player_awareness_type) {
case AIE_FIRE: mprintf((0, "FIRE ")); break;
case AIE_HITT: mprintf((0, "HITT ")); break;
case AIE_COLL: mprintf((0, "COLL ")); break;
case AIE_HURT: mprintf((0, "HURT ")); break;
mprintf((0, "Next fire = %6.3f, Time = %6.3f\n", f2fl(ailp->next_fire), f2fl(ailp->player_awareness_time)));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Break_on_object = -1;
void do_firing_stuff(object *obj, int player_visibility, vms_vector *vec_to_player)
if ((Dist_to_last_fired_upon_player_pos < FIRE_AT_NEARBY_PLAYER_THRESHOLD ) || (player_visibility >= 1)) {
// Now, if in robot's field of view, lock onto player
fix dot = vm_vec_dot(&obj->orient.fvec, vec_to_player);
if ((dot >= 7*F1_0/8) || (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED)) {
ai_static *aip = &obj->ctype.ai_info;
ai_local *ailp = &Ai_local_info[obj-Objects];
switch (aip->GOAL_STATE) {
case AIS_NONE:
case AIS_REST:
case AIS_SRCH:
case AIS_LOCK:
if (ailp->player_awareness_type <= PA_NEARBY_ROBOT_FIRED) {
ailp->player_awareness_type = PA_NEARBY_ROBOT_FIRED;
ailp->player_awareness_time = PLAYER_AWARENESS_INITIAL_TIME;
} else if (dot >= F1_0/2) {
ai_static *aip = &obj->ctype.ai_info;
switch (aip->GOAL_STATE) {
case AIS_NONE:
case AIS_REST:
case AIS_SRCH:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If a hiding robot gets bumped or hit, he decides to find another hiding place.
void do_ai_robot_hit(object *objp, int type)
if (objp->control_type == CT_AI) {
switch (objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior) {
int r;
// Attack robots (eg, green guy) shouldn't have behavior = still.
Assert(Robot_info[objp->id].attack_type == 0);
r = d_rand();
// 1/8 time, charge player, 1/4 time create path, rest of time, do nothing
if (r < 4096) {
// -- mprintf((0, "Still guy switching to Station, creating path to player."));
create_path_to_player(objp, 10, 1);
objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior = AIB_STATION;
objp->ctype.ai_info.hide_segment = objp->segnum;
Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].mode = AIM_CHASE_OBJECT;
} else if (r < 4096+8192) {
// -- mprintf((0, "Still guy creating n segment path."));
create_n_segment_path(objp, d_rand()/8192 + 2, -1);
Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].mode = AIM_FOLLOW_PATH;
#ifndef NDEBUG
int Do_ai_flag=1;
int Cvv_test=0;
int Cvv_last_time[MAX_OBJECTS];
int Gun_point_hack=0;
int Robot_sound_volume=DEFAULT_ROBOT_SOUND_VOLUME;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: This function could be optimized. Surely player_is_visible_from_object would benefit from the
// information of a normalized vec_to_player.
// Return player visibility:
// 0 not visible
// 1 visible, but robot not looking at player (ie, on an unobstructed vector)
// 2 visible and in robot's field of view
// -1 player is cloaked
// If the player is cloaked, set vec_to_player based on time player cloaked and last uncloaked position.
// Updates ailp->previous_visibility if player is not cloaked, in which case the previous visibility is left unchanged
// and is copied to player_visibility
void compute_vis_and_vec(object *objp, vms_vector *pos, ai_local *ailp, vms_vector *vec_to_player, int *player_visibility, robot_info *robptr, int *flag)
if (!*flag) {
if (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED) {
fix delta_time, dist;
int cloak_index = (objp-Objects) % MAX_AI_CLOAK_INFO;
delta_time = GameTime - Ai_cloak_info[cloak_index].last_time;
if (delta_time > F1_0*2) {
vms_vector randvec;
Ai_cloak_info[cloak_index].last_time = GameTime;
vm_vec_scale_add2(&Ai_cloak_info[cloak_index].last_position, &randvec, 8*delta_time );
dist = vm_vec_normalized_dir_quick(vec_to_player, &Ai_cloak_info[cloak_index].last_position, pos);
*player_visibility = player_is_visible_from_object(objp, pos, robptr->field_of_view[Difficulty_level], vec_to_player);
// *player_visibility = 2;
if ((ailp->next_misc_sound_time < GameTime) && ((ailp->next_fire < F1_0) || (ailp->next_fire2 < F1_0)) && (dist < F1_0*20)) {
// mprintf((0, "ANGRY! "));
ailp->next_misc_sound_time = GameTime + (d_rand() + F1_0) * (7 - Difficulty_level) / 1;
digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->see_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
} else {
// Compute expensive stuff -- vec_to_player and player_visibility
vm_vec_normalized_dir_quick(vec_to_player, &Believed_player_pos, pos);
if ((vec_to_player->x == 0) && (vec_to_player->y == 0) && (vec_to_player->z == 0)) {
// -- mprintf((0, "Warning: Player and robot at exactly the same location.\n"));
vec_to_player->x = F1_0;
*player_visibility = player_is_visible_from_object(objp, pos, robptr->field_of_view[Difficulty_level], vec_to_player);
// This horrible code added by MK in desperation on 12/13/94 to make robots wake up as soon as they
// see you without killing frame rate.
ai_static *aip = &objp->ctype.ai_info;
if ((*player_visibility == 2) && (ailp->previous_visibility != 2))
if ((aip->GOAL_STATE == AIS_REST) || (aip->CURRENT_STATE == AIS_REST)) {
if ((ailp->previous_visibility != *player_visibility) && (*player_visibility == 2)) {
if (ailp->previous_visibility == 0) {
if (ailp->time_player_seen + F1_0/2 < GameTime) {
// -- mprintf((0, "SEE! "));
// -- if (Player_exploded)
// -- digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->taunt_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
// -- else
digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->see_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
ailp->time_player_sound_attacked = GameTime;
ailp->next_misc_sound_time = GameTime + F1_0 + d_rand()*4;
} else if (ailp->time_player_sound_attacked + F1_0/4 < GameTime) {
// -- mprintf((0, "ANGRY! "));
// -- if (Player_exploded)
// -- digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->taunt_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
// -- else
digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->attack_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
ailp->time_player_sound_attacked = GameTime;
if ((*player_visibility == 2) && (ailp->next_misc_sound_time < GameTime)) {
// -- mprintf((0, "ATTACK! "));
ailp->next_misc_sound_time = GameTime + (d_rand() + F1_0) * (7 - Difficulty_level) / 2;
// -- if (Player_exploded)
// -- digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->taunt_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
// -- else
digi_link_sound_to_pos( robptr->attack_sound, objp->segnum, 0, pos, 0 , Robot_sound_volume);
ailp->previous_visibility = *player_visibility;
*flag = 1;
// @mk, 09/21/95: If player view is not obstructed and awareness is at least as high as a nearby collision,
// act is if robot is looking at player.
if (ailp->player_awareness_type >= PA_NEARBY_ROBOT_FIRED)
if (*player_visibility == 1)
*player_visibility = 2;
if (*player_visibility) {
ailp->time_player_seen = GameTime;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move the object objp to a spot in which it doesn't intersect a wall.
// It might mean moving it outside its current segment.
void move_object_to_legal_spot(object *objp)
vms_vector original_pos = objp->pos;
int i;
segment *segp = &Segments[objp->segnum];
for (i=0; i<MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT; i++) {
if (WALL_IS_DOORWAY(segp, i) & WID_FLY_FLAG) {
vms_vector segment_center, goal_dir;
fix dist_to_center; // Value not used so far.
compute_segment_center(&segment_center, &Segments[segp->children[i]]);
vm_vec_sub(&goal_dir, &segment_center, &objp->pos);
dist_to_center = vm_vec_normalize_quick(&goal_dir);
vm_vec_scale(&goal_dir, objp->size);
vm_vec_add2(&objp->pos, &goal_dir);
if (!object_intersects_wall(objp)) {
int new_segnum = find_point_seg(&objp->pos, objp->segnum);
if (new_segnum != -1) {
obj_relink(objp-Objects, new_segnum);
} else
objp->pos = original_pos;
if (Robot_info[objp->id].boss_flag) {
Int3(); // Note: Boss is poking outside mine. Will try to resolve.
} else {
mprintf((0, "Note: Killing robot #%i because he's badly stuck outside the mine.\n", objp-Objects));
apply_damage_to_robot(objp, objp->shields*2, objp-Objects);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move object one object radii from current position towards segment center.
// If segment center is nearer than 2 radii, move it to center.
void move_towards_segment_center(object *objp)
int segnum = objp->segnum;
fix dist_to_center;
vms_vector segment_center, goal_dir;
compute_segment_center(&segment_center, &Segments[segnum]);
vm_vec_sub(&goal_dir, &segment_center, &objp->pos);
dist_to_center = vm_vec_normalize_quick(&goal_dir);
if (dist_to_center < objp->size) {
// Center is nearer than the distance we want to move, so move to center.
objp->pos = segment_center;
mprintf((0, "Object #%i moved to center of segment #%i (%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f)\n", objp-Objects, objp->segnum, f2fl(objp->pos.x), f2fl(objp->pos.y), f2fl(objp->pos.z)));
if (object_intersects_wall(objp)) {
mprintf((0, "Object #%i still illegal, trying trickier move.\n"));
} else {
int new_segnum;
// Move one radii towards center.
vm_vec_scale(&goal_dir, objp->size);
vm_vec_add2(&objp->pos, &goal_dir);
new_segnum = find_point_seg(&objp->pos, objp->segnum);
if (new_segnum == -1) {
objp->pos = segment_center;
// -- mprintf((0, "Obj %i moved twrds seg %i (%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f), dists: [%6.2f %6.2f]\n", objp-Objects, objp->segnum, f2fl(objp->pos.x), f2fl(objp->pos.y), f2fl(objp->pos.z), f2fl(vm_vec_dist_quick(&objp->pos, &segment_center)), f2fl(vm_vec_dist_quick(&objp->pos, &segment_center))));
extern int Buddy_objnum;
//int Buddy_got_stuck = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return true if door can be flown through by a suitable type robot.
// Brains, avoid robots, companions can open doors.
// objp == NULL means treat as buddy.
int ai_door_is_openable(object *objp, segment *segp, int sidenum)
int wall_num;
wall *wallp;
if (!IS_CHILD(segp->children[sidenum]))
return 0; //trap -2 (exit side)
wall_num = segp->sides[sidenum].wall_num;
if (wall_num == -1) //if there's no door at all...
return 0; //..then say it can't be opened
// The mighty console object can open all doors (for purposes of determining paths).
if (objp == ConsoleObject) {
if (Walls[wall_num].type == WALL_DOOR)
return 1;
wallp = &Walls[wall_num];
if ((objp == NULL) || (Robot_info[objp->id].companion == 1)) {
int ailp_mode;
if (wallp->flags & WALL_BUDDY_PROOF) {
if ((wallp->type == WALL_DOOR) && (wallp->state == WALL_DOOR_CLOSED))
return 0;
else if (wallp->type == WALL_CLOSED)
return 0;
else if ((wallp->type == WALL_ILLUSION) && !(wallp->flags & WALL_ILLUSION_OFF))
return 0;
if (wallp->keys != KEY_NONE) {
if (wallp->keys == KEY_BLUE)
return (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_BLUE_KEY);
else if (wallp->keys == KEY_GOLD)
return (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_GOLD_KEY);
else if (wallp->keys == KEY_RED)
return (Players[Player_num].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_RED_KEY);
if ((wallp->type != WALL_DOOR) && (wallp->type != WALL_CLOSED))
return 1;
// If Buddy is returning to player, don't let him think he can get through triggered doors.
// It's only valid to think that if the player is going to get him through. But if he's
// going to the player, the player is probably on the opposite side.
if (objp == NULL)
ailp_mode = Ai_local_info[Buddy_objnum].mode;
ailp_mode = Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].mode;
// -- if (Buddy_got_stuck) {
if (ailp_mode == AIM_GOTO_PLAYER) {
if ((wallp->type == WALL_BLASTABLE) && (wallp->state != WALL_BLASTED))
return 0;
if (wallp->type == WALL_CLOSED)
return 0;
if (wallp->type == WALL_DOOR) {
if ((wallp->flags & WALL_DOOR_LOCKED) && (wallp->state == WALL_DOOR_CLOSED))
return 0;
// -- }
if ((ailp_mode != AIM_GOTO_PLAYER) && (wallp->controlling_trigger != -1)) {
int clip_num = wallp->clip_num;
if (clip_num == -1)
return 1;
else if (WallAnims[clip_num].flags & WCF_HIDDEN) {
if (wallp->state == WALL_DOOR_CLOSED)
return 0;
return 1;
} else
return 1;
if (wallp->type == WALL_DOOR) {
if (wallp->type == WALL_BLASTABLE)
return 1;
else {
int clip_num = wallp->clip_num;
if (clip_num == -1)
return 1;
// Buddy allowed to go through secret doors to get to player.
else if ((ailp_mode != AIM_GOTO_PLAYER) && (WallAnims[clip_num].flags & WCF_HIDDEN)) {
if (wallp->state == WALL_DOOR_CLOSED)
return 0;
return 1;
} else
return 1;
} else if ((objp->id == ROBOT_BRAIN) || (objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior == AIB_RUN_FROM) || (objp->ctype.ai_info.behavior == AIB_SNIPE)) {
if (wall_num != -1)
if ((wallp->type == WALL_DOOR) && (wallp->keys == KEY_NONE) && !(wallp->flags & WALL_DOOR_LOCKED))
return 1;
else if (wallp->keys != KEY_NONE) { // Allow bots to open doors to which player has keys.
if (wallp->keys & Players[Player_num].flags)
return 1;
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return side of openable door in segment, if any. If none, return -1.
int openable_doors_in_segment(int segnum)
int i;
if ((segnum < 0) || (segnum > Highest_segment_index))
return -1;
for (i=0; i<MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT; i++) {
if (Segments[segnum].sides[i].wall_num != -1) {
int wall_num = Segments[segnum].sides[i].wall_num;
if ((Walls[wall_num].type == WALL_DOOR) && (Walls[wall_num].keys == KEY_NONE) && (Walls[wall_num].state == WALL_DOOR_CLOSED) && !(Walls[wall_num].flags & WALL_DOOR_LOCKED) && !(WallAnims[Walls[wall_num].clip_num].flags & WCF_HIDDEN))
return i;
return -1;
// -- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- // Return true if a special object (player or control center) is in this segment.
// -- int special_object_in_seg(int segnum)
// -- {
// -- int objnum;
// --
// -- objnum = Segments[segnum].objects;
// --
// -- while (objnum != -1) {
// -- if ((Objects[objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER) || (Objects[objnum].type == OBJ_CNTRLCEN)) {
// -- mprintf((0, "Special object of type %i in segment %i\n", Objects[objnum].type, segnum));
// -- return 1;
// -- } else
// -- objnum = Objects[objnum].next;
// -- }
// --
// -- return 0;
// -- }
// -- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- // Randomly select a segment attached to *segp, reachable by flying.
// -- int get_random_child(int segnum)
// -- {
// -- int sidenum;
// -- segment *segp = &Segments[segnum];
// --
// -- sidenum = (rand() * 6) >> 15;
// --
// -- while (!(WALL_IS_DOORWAY(segp, sidenum) & WID_FLY_FLAG))
// -- sidenum = (rand() * 6) >> 15;
// --
// -- segnum = segp->children[sidenum];
// --
// -- return segnum;
// -- }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return true if placing an object of size size at pos *pos intersects a (player or robot or control center) in segment *segp.
int check_object_object_intersection(vms_vector *pos, fix size, segment *segp)
int curobjnum;
// If this would intersect with another object (only check those in this segment), then try to move.
curobjnum = segp->objects;
while (curobjnum != -1) {
object *curobjp = &Objects[curobjnum];
if ((curobjp->type == OBJ_PLAYER) || (curobjp->type == OBJ_ROBOT) || (curobjp->type == OBJ_CNTRLCEN)) {
if (vm_vec_dist_quick(pos, &curobjp->pos) < size + curobjp->size)
return 1;
curobjnum = curobjp->next;
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return objnum if object created, else return -1.
// If pos == NULL, pick random spot in segment.
int create_gated_robot( int segnum, int object_id, vms_vector *pos)
int objnum;
object *objp;
segment *segp = &Segments[segnum];
vms_vector object_pos;
robot_info *robptr = &Robot_info[object_id];
int i, count=0;
fix objsize = Polygon_models[robptr->model_num].rad;
int default_behavior;
if (GameTime - Last_gate_time < Gate_interval)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++)
if (Objects[i].type == OBJ_ROBOT)
if (Objects[i].matcen_creator == BOSS_GATE_MATCEN_NUM)
if (count > 2*Difficulty_level + 6) {
//mprintf((0, "Cannot gate in a robot until you kill one.\n"));
Last_gate_time = GameTime - 3*Gate_interval/4;
return -1;
compute_segment_center(&object_pos, segp);
if (pos == NULL)
pick_random_point_in_seg(&object_pos, segp-Segments);
object_pos = *pos;
// See if legal to place object here. If not, move about in segment and try again.
if (check_object_object_intersection(&object_pos, objsize, segp)) {
//mprintf((0, "Can't get in because object collides with something.\n"));
Last_gate_time = GameTime - 3*Gate_interval/4;
return -1;
objnum = obj_create(OBJ_ROBOT, object_id, segnum, &object_pos, &vmd_identity_matrix, objsize, CT_AI, MT_PHYSICS, RT_POLYOBJ);
if ( objnum < 0 ) {
// mprintf((1, "Can't get object to gate in robot. Not gating in.\n"));
Last_gate_time = GameTime - 3*Gate_interval/4;
return -1;
//mprintf((0, "Gating in object %i in segment %i\n", objnum, segp-Segments));
Objects[objnum].lifeleft = F1_0*30; // Gated in robots only live 30 seconds.
#ifdef NETWORK
Net_create_objnums[0] = objnum; // A convenient global to get objnum back to caller for multiplayer
objp = &Objects[objnum];
//Set polygon-object-specific data
objp->rtype.pobj_info.model_num = robptr->model_num;
objp->rtype.pobj_info.subobj_flags = 0;
//set Physics info
objp->mtype.phys_info.mass = robptr->mass;
objp->mtype.phys_info.drag = robptr->drag;
objp->mtype.phys_info.flags |= (PF_LEVELLING);
objp->shields = robptr->strength;
objp->matcen_creator = BOSS_GATE_MATCEN_NUM; // flag this robot as having been created by the boss.
default_behavior = Robot_info[objp->id].behavior;
init_ai_object(objp-Objects, default_behavior, -1 ); // Note, -1 = segment this robot goes to to hide, should probably be something useful
object_create_explosion(segnum, &object_pos, i2f(10), VCLIP_MORPHING_ROBOT );
digi_link_sound_to_pos( Vclip[VCLIP_MORPHING_ROBOT].sound_num, segnum, 0, &object_pos, 0 , F1_0);
Last_gate_time = GameTime;
return objp-Objects;
#define MAX_SPEW_BOT 3
int Spew_bots[NUM_D2_BOSSES][MAX_SPEW_BOT] = {
{38, 40, -1},
{37, -1, -1},
{43, 57, -1},
{26, 27, 58},
{59, 58, 54},
{60, 61, 54},
{69, 29, 24},
{72, 60, 73}
int Max_spew_bots[NUM_D2_BOSSES] = {2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// objp points at a boss. He was presumably just hit and he's supposed to create a bot at the hit location *pos.
int boss_spew_robot(object *objp, vms_vector *pos)
int objnum, segnum;
int boss_index;
boss_index = Robot_info[objp->id].boss_flag - BOSS_D2;
Assert((boss_index >= 0) && (boss_index < NUM_D2_BOSSES));
segnum = find_point_seg(pos, objp->segnum);
if (segnum == -1) {
mprintf((0, "Tried to spew a bot outside the mine! Aborting!\n"));
return -1;
objnum = create_gated_robot( segnum, Spew_bots[boss_index][(Max_spew_bots[boss_index] * d_rand()) >> 15], pos);
// Make spewed robot come tumbling out as if blasted by a flash missile.
if (objnum != -1) {
object *newobjp = &Objects[objnum];
int force_val;
force_val = F1_0/FrameTime;
if (force_val) {
newobjp->ctype.ai_info.SKIP_AI_COUNT += force_val;
newobjp->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.x = ((d_rand() - 16384) * force_val)/16;
newobjp->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.y = ((d_rand() - 16384) * force_val)/16;
newobjp->mtype.phys_info.rotthrust.z = ((d_rand() - 16384) * force_val)/16;
newobjp->mtype.phys_info.flags |= PF_USES_THRUST;
// Now, give a big initial velocity to get moving away from boss.
vm_vec_sub(&newobjp->mtype.phys_info.velocity, pos, &objp->pos);
vm_vec_scale(&newobjp->mtype.phys_info.velocity, F1_0*128);
return objnum;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call this each time the player starts a new ship.
void init_ai_for_ship(void)
int i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_AI_CLOAK_INFO; i++) {
Ai_cloak_info[i].last_time = GameTime;
Ai_cloak_info[i].last_segment = ConsoleObject->segnum;
Ai_cloak_info[i].last_position = ConsoleObject->pos;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make object objp gate in a robot.
// The process of him bringing in a robot takes one second.
// Then a robot appears somewhere near the player.
// Return objnum if robot successfully created, else return -1
int gate_in_robot(int type, int segnum)
if (segnum < 0)
segnum = Boss_gate_segs[(d_rand() * Num_boss_gate_segs) >> 15];
Assert((segnum >= 0) && (segnum <= Highest_segment_index));
return create_gated_robot(segnum, type, NULL);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int boss_fits_in_seg(object *boss_objp, int segnum)
vms_vector segcenter;
int boss_objnum = boss_objp-Objects;
int posnum;
compute_segment_center(&segcenter, &Segments[segnum]);
for (posnum=0; posnum<9; posnum++) {
if (posnum > 0) {
vms_vector vertex_pos;
Assert((posnum-1 >= 0) && (posnum-1 < 8));
vertex_pos = Vertices[Segments[segnum].verts[posnum-1]];
vm_vec_avg(&boss_objp->pos, &vertex_pos, &segcenter);
} else
boss_objp->pos = segcenter;
obj_relink(boss_objnum, segnum);
if (!object_intersects_wall(boss_objp))
return 1;
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void teleport_boss(object *objp)
int rand_segnum, rand_index;
vms_vector boss_dir;
Assert(Num_boss_teleport_segs > 0);
// Pick a random segment from the list of boss-teleportable-to segments.
rand_index = (d_rand() * Num_boss_teleport_segs) >> 15;
rand_segnum = Boss_teleport_segs[rand_index];
Assert((rand_segnum >= 0) && (rand_segnum <= Highest_segment_index));
//mprintf((0, "Frame %i: Boss teleporting to segment #%i, pos = {%8x %8x %8x}.\n", FrameCount, rand_segnum, objp->pos.x, objp->pos.y, objp->pos.z));
#ifdef NETWORK
if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
multi_send_boss_actions(objp-Objects, 1, rand_segnum, 0);
compute_segment_center(&objp->pos, &Segments[rand_segnum]);
obj_relink(objp-Objects, rand_segnum);
Last_teleport_time = GameTime;
// make boss point right at player
vm_vec_sub(&boss_dir, &Objects[Players[Player_num].objnum].pos, &objp->pos);
vm_vector_2_matrix(&objp->orient, &boss_dir, NULL, NULL);
digi_link_sound_to_pos( Vclip[VCLIP_MORPHING_ROBOT].sound_num, rand_segnum, 0, &objp->pos, 0 , F1_0);
digi_kill_sound_linked_to_object( objp-Objects);
digi_link_sound_to_object2( Robot_info[objp->id].see_sound, objp-Objects, 1, F1_0, F1_0*512 ); // F1_0*512 means play twice as loud
// After a teleport, boss can fire right away.
Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].next_fire = 0;
Ai_local_info[objp-Objects].next_fire2 = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void start_boss_death_sequence(object *objp)
if (Robot_info[objp->id].boss_flag) {
Boss_dying = 1;
Boss_dying_start_time = GameTime;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// General purpose robot-dies-with-death-roll-and-groan code.
// Return true if object just died.
// scale: F1_0*4 for boss, much smaller for much smaller guys
int do_robot_dying_frame(object *objp, fix start_time, fix roll_duration, byte *dying_sound_playing, int death_sound, fix expl_scale, fix sound_scale)
fix roll_val, temp;
fix sound_duration;
if (!roll_duration)
roll_duration = F1_0/4;
roll_val = fixdiv(GameTime - start_time, roll_duration);
fix_sincos(fixmul(roll_val, roll_val), &temp, &objp->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x);
fix_sincos(roll_val, &temp, &objp->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y);
fix_sincos(roll_val-F1_0/8, &temp, &objp->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z);
objp->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x = (GameTime - start_time)/9;
objp->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y = (GameTime - start_time)/5;
objp->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z = (GameTime - start_time)/7;
if (digi_sample_rate)
sound_duration = fixdiv(GameSounds[digi_xlat_sound(death_sound)].length,digi_sample_rate);
sound_duration = F1_0;
if (start_time + roll_duration - sound_duration < GameTime) {
if (!*dying_sound_playing) {
mprintf((0, "Starting death sound!\n"));
*dying_sound_playing = 1;
digi_link_sound_to_object2( death_sound, objp-Objects, 0, sound_scale, sound_scale*256 ); // F1_0*512 means play twice as loud
} else if (d_rand() < FrameTime*16)
create_small_fireball_on_object(objp, (F1_0 + d_rand()) * (16 * expl_scale/F1_0)/8, 0);
} else if (d_rand() < FrameTime*8)
create_small_fireball_on_object(objp, (F1_0/2 + d_rand()) * (16 * expl_scale/F1_0)/8, 1);
if (start_time + roll_duration < GameTime)
return 1;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void start_robot_death_sequence(object *objp)
objp->ctype.ai_info.dying_start_time = GameTime;
objp->ctype.ai_info.dying_sound_playing = 0;
objp->ctype.ai_info.SKIP_AI_COUNT = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void do_boss_dying_frame(object *objp)
int rval;
rval = do_robot_dying_frame(objp, Boss_dying_start_time, BOSS_DEATH_DURATION, &Boss_dying_sound_playing, Robot_info[objp->id].deathroll_sound, F1_0*4, F1_0*4);
if (rval) {
explode_object(objp, F1_0/4);
digi_link_sound_to_object2(SOUND_BADASS_EXPLOSION, objp-Objects, 0, F2_0, F1_0*512);
extern void recreate_thief(object *objp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int do_any_robot_dying_frame(object *objp)
if (objp->ctype.ai_info.dying_start_time) {
int rval, death_roll;
death_roll = Robot_info[objp->id].death_roll;
rval = do_robot_dying_frame(objp, objp->ctype.ai_info.dying_start_time, min(death_roll/2+1,6)*F1_0, &objp->ctype.ai_info.dying_sound_playing, Robot_info[objp->id].deathroll_sound, death_roll*F1_0/8, death_roll*F1_0/2);
if (rval) {
explode_object(objp, F1_0/4);
digi_link_sound_to_object2(SOUND_BADASS_EXPLOSION, objp-Objects, 0, F2_0, F1_0*512);
if ((Current_level_num < 0) && (Robot_info[objp->id].thief))
return 1;
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called for an AI object if it is fairly aware of the player.
// awareness_level is in 0..100. Larger numbers indicate greater awareness (eg, 99 if firing at player).
// In a given frame, might not get called for an object, or might be called more than once.
// The fact that this routine is not called for a given object does not mean that object is not interested in the player.
// Objects are moved by physics, so they can move even if not interested in a player. However, if their velocity or
// orientation is changing, this routine will be called.
// Return value:
// 0 this player IS NOT allowed to move this robot.
// 1 this player IS allowed to move this robot.
int ai_multiplayer_awareness(object *objp, int awareness_level)
int rval=1;
#ifdef NETWORK
if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI) {
if (awareness_level == 0)
return 0;
rval = multi_can_move_robot(objp-Objects, awareness_level);
return rval;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fix Prev_boss_shields = -1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do special stuff for a boss.
void do_boss_stuff(object *objp, int player_visibility)
int boss_id, boss_index;
boss_id = Robot_info[objp->id].boss_flag;
Assert((boss_id >= BOSS_D2) && (boss_id < BOSS_D2 + NUM_D2_BOSSES));
boss_index = boss_id - BOSS_D2;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (objp->shields != Prev_boss_shields) {
mprintf((0, "Boss shields = %7.3f, object %i\n", f2fl(objp->shields), objp-Objects));
Prev_boss_shields = objp->shields;
// New code, fixes stupid bug which meant boss never gated in robots if > 32767 seconds played.
if (Last_teleport_time > GameTime)
Last_teleport_time = GameTime;
if (Last_gate_time > GameTime)
Last_gate_time = GameTime;
// @mk, 10/13/95: Reason:
// Level 4 boss behind locked door. But he's allowed to teleport out of there. So he
// teleports out of there right away, and blasts player right after first door.
if (!player_visibility && (GameTime - Boss_hit_time > F1_0*2))
if (!Boss_dying && Boss_teleports[boss_index]) {
if (objp->ctype.ai_info.CLOAKED == 1) {
Boss_hit_time = GameTime; // Keep the cloak:teleport process going.
if ((GameTime - Boss_cloak_start_time > BOSS_CLOAK_DURATION/3) && (Boss_cloak_end_time - GameTime > BOSS_CLOAK_DURATION/3) && (GameTime - Last_teleport_time > Boss_teleport_interval)) {
if (ai_multiplayer_awareness(objp, 98))
} else if (GameTime - Boss_hit_time > F1_0*2) {
Last_teleport_time -= Boss_teleport_interval/4;
if (GameTime > Boss_cloak_end_time || GameTime < Boss_cloak_start_time)
objp->ctype.ai_info.CLOAKED = 0;
} else if ((GameTime - Boss_cloak_end_time > Boss_cloak_interval) || (GameTime - Boss_cloak_end_time < -Boss_cloak_duration)) {
if (ai_multiplayer_awareness(objp, 95)) {
Boss_cloak_start_time = GameTime;
Boss_cloak_end_time = GameTime+Boss_cloak_duration;
objp->ctype.ai_info.CLOAKED = 1;
#ifdef NETWORK
if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
multi_send_boss_actions(objp-Objects, 2, 0, 0);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- // Do special stuff for a boss.
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- void do_super_boss_stuff(object *objp, fix dist_to_player, int player_visibility)
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- static int eclip_state = 0;
// -- Obsolete D1 code --
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- do_boss_stuff(objp, player_visibility);
// -- Obsolete D1 code --
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- // Only master player can cause gating to occur.
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && !network_i_am_master())
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- return;
// -- Obsolete D1 code --
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if ((dist_to_player < BOSS_TO_PLAYER_GATE_DISTANCE) || player_visibility || (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)) {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if (GameTime - Last_gate_time > Gate_interval/2) {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- restart_effect(BOSS_ECLIP_NUM);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if (eclip_state == 0) {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- multi_send_boss_actions(objp-Objects, 4, 0, 0);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- eclip_state = 1;
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- else {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- stop_effect(BOSS_ECLIP_NUM);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if (eclip_state == 1) {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- multi_send_boss_actions(objp-Objects, 5, 0, 0);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- eclip_state = 0;
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code --
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if (GameTime - Last_gate_time > Gate_interval)
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if (ai_multiplayer_awareness(objp, 99)) {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- int rtval;
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- int randtype = (d_rand() * MAX_GATE_INDEX) >> 15;
// -- Obsolete D1 code --
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- Assert(randtype < MAX_GATE_INDEX);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- randtype = Super_boss_gate_list[randtype];
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- Assert(randtype < N_robot_types);
// -- Obsolete D1 code --
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- rtval = gate_in_robot(randtype, -1);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- if ((rtval != -1) && (Game_mode & GM_MULTI))
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- {
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- multi_send_boss_actions(objp-Objects, 3, randtype, Net_create_objnums[0]);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- map_objnum_local_to_local(Net_create_objnums[0]);
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
// -- Obsolete D1 code -- }
//int multi_can_move_robot(object *objp, int awareness_level)
// return 0;
void ai_multi_send_robot_position(int objnum, int force)
#ifdef NETWORK
if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
if (force != -1)
multi_send_robot_position(objnum, 1);
multi_send_robot_position(objnum, 0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if this object should be allowed to fire at the player.
int maybe_ai_do_actual_firing_stuff(object *obj, ai_static *aip)
#ifdef NETWORK
if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
if ((aip->GOAL_STATE != AIS_FLIN) && (obj->id != ROBOT_BRAIN))
return 1;
return 0;
vms_vector Last_fired_upon_player_pos;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If fire_anyway, fire even if player is not visible. We're firing near where we believe him to be. Perhaps he's
// lurking behind a corner.
void ai_do_actual_firing_stuff(object *obj, ai_static *aip, ai_local *ailp, robot_info *robptr, vms_vector *vec_to_player, fix dist_to_player, vms_vector *gun_point, int player_visibility, int object_animates, int gun_num)
fix dot;
if ((player_visibility == 2) || (Dist_to_last_fired_upon_player_pos < FIRE_AT_NEARBY_PLAYER_THRESHOLD )) {
vms_vector fire_pos;
fire_pos = Believed_player_pos;
// Hack: If visibility not == 2, we're here because we're firing at a nearby player.
// So, fire at Last_fired_upon_player_pos instead of the player position.
if (!robptr->attack_type && (player_visibility != 2))
fire_pos = Last_fired_upon_player_pos;
// Changed by mk, 01/04/95, onearm would take about 9 seconds until he can fire at you.
// Above comment corrected. Date changed from 1994, to 1995. Should fix some very subtle bugs, as well as not cause me to wonder, in the future, why I was writing AI code for onearm ten months before he existed.
if (!object_animates || ready_to_fire(robptr, ailp)) {
dot = vm_vec_dot(&obj->orient.fvec, vec_to_player);
if ((dot >= 7*F1_0/8) || ((dot > F1_0/4) && robptr->boss_flag)) {
if (gun_num < Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns) {
if (robptr->attack_type == 1) {
if (!Player_exploded && (dist_to_player < obj->size + ConsoleObject->size + F1_0*2)) { // robptr->circle_distance[Difficulty_level] + ConsoleObject->size) {
if (!ai_multiplayer_awareness(obj, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION-2))
do_ai_robot_hit_attack(obj, ConsoleObject, &obj->pos);
} else {
// mprintf((0, "Green won't fire: Too far: dist = %7.3f, threshold = %7.3f\n", f2fl(dist_to_player), f2fl(obj->size + ConsoleObject->size + F1_0*2)));
} else {
if ((gun_point->x == 0) && (gun_point->y == 0) && (gun_point->z == 0)) {
; //mprintf((0, "Would like to fire gun, but gun not selected.\n"));
} else {
if (!ai_multiplayer_awareness(obj, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION))
// New, multi-weapon-type system, 06/05/95 (life is slipping away...)
if (gun_num != 0) {
if (ailp->next_fire <= 0) {
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, gun_num, &fire_pos);
Last_fired_upon_player_pos = fire_pos;
if ((ailp->next_fire2 <= 0) && (robptr->weapon_type2 != -1)) {
calc_gun_point(gun_point, obj, 0);
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, 0, &fire_pos);
Last_fired_upon_player_pos = fire_pos;
} else if (ailp->next_fire <= 0) {
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, gun_num, &fire_pos);
Last_fired_upon_player_pos = fire_pos;
// Wants to fire, so should go into chase mode, probably.
if ( (aip->behavior != AIB_RUN_FROM)
&& (aip->behavior != AIB_STILL)
&& (aip->behavior != AIB_SNIPE)
&& (aip->behavior != AIB_FOLLOW)
&& (!robptr->attack_type)
&& ((ailp->mode == AIM_FOLLOW_PATH) || (ailp->mode == AIM_STILL)))
ailp->mode = AIM_CHASE_OBJECT;
ailp->goal_state[aip->CURRENT_GUN] = AIS_RECO;
// Switch to next gun for next fire. If has 2 gun types, select gun #1, if exists.
if (aip->CURRENT_GUN >= Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns)
if ((Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns == 1) || (Robot_info[obj->id].weapon_type2 == -1))
aip->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
aip->CURRENT_GUN = 1;
} else if ( ((!robptr->attack_type) && (Weapon_info[Robot_info[obj->id].weapon_type].homing_flag == 1)) || (((Robot_info[obj->id].weapon_type2 != -1) && (Weapon_info[Robot_info[obj->id].weapon_type2].homing_flag == 1))) ) {
// Robots which fire homing weapons might fire even if they don't have a bead on the player.
if (((!object_animates) || (ailp->achieved_state[aip->CURRENT_GUN] == AIS_FIRE))
&& (((ailp->next_fire <= 0) && (aip->CURRENT_GUN != 0)) || ((ailp->next_fire2 <= 0) && (aip->CURRENT_GUN == 0)))
&& (vm_vec_dist_quick(&Hit_pos, &obj->pos) > F1_0*40)) {
if (!ai_multiplayer_awareness(obj, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION))
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, gun_num, &Believed_player_pos);
ailp->goal_state[aip->CURRENT_GUN] = AIS_RECO;
// Switch to next gun for next fire.
if (aip->CURRENT_GUN >= Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns)
aip->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
} else {
// Switch to next gun for next fire.
if (aip->CURRENT_GUN >= Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns)
aip->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
} else {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
vms_vector vec_to_last_pos;
if (d_rand()/2 < fixmul(FrameTime, (Difficulty_level << 12) + 0x4000)) {
if ((!object_animates || ready_to_fire(robptr, ailp)) && (Dist_to_last_fired_upon_player_pos < FIRE_AT_NEARBY_PLAYER_THRESHOLD)) {
vm_vec_normalized_dir_quick(&vec_to_last_pos, &Believed_player_pos, &obj->pos);
dot = vm_vec_dot(&obj->orient.fvec, &vec_to_last_pos);
if (dot >= 7*F1_0/8) {
if (aip->CURRENT_GUN < Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns) {
if (robptr->attack_type == 1) {
if (!Player_exploded && (dist_to_player < obj->size + ConsoleObject->size + F1_0*2)) { // robptr->circle_distance[Difficulty_level] + ConsoleObject->size) {
if (!ai_multiplayer_awareness(obj, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION-2))
do_ai_robot_hit_attack(obj, ConsoleObject, &obj->pos);
} else {
// mprintf((0, "Green won't fire: Too far: dist = %7.3f, threshold = %7.3f\n", f2fl(dist_to_player), f2fl(obj->size + ConsoleObject->size + F1_0*2)));
} else {
if ((gun_point->x == 0) && (gun_point->y == 0) && (gun_point->z == 0)) {
; //mprintf((0, "Would like to fire gun, but gun not selected.\n"));
} else {
if (!ai_multiplayer_awareness(obj, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION))
// New, multi-weapon-type system, 06/05/95 (life is slipping away...)
if (gun_num != 0) {
if (ailp->next_fire <= 0)
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, gun_num, &Last_fired_upon_player_pos);
if ((ailp->next_fire2 <= 0) && (robptr->weapon_type2 != -1)) {
calc_gun_point(gun_point, obj, 0);
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, 0, &Last_fired_upon_player_pos);
} else if (ailp->next_fire <= 0)
ai_fire_laser_at_player(obj, gun_point, gun_num, &Last_fired_upon_player_pos);
// Wants to fire, so should go into chase mode, probably.
if ( (aip->behavior != AIB_RUN_FROM) && (aip->behavior != AIB_STILL) && (aip->behavior != AIB_SNIPE) && (aip->behavior != AIB_FOLLOW) && ((ailp->mode == AIM_FOLLOW_PATH) || (ailp->mode == AIM_STILL)))
ailp->mode = AIM_CHASE_OBJECT;
ailp->goal_state[aip->CURRENT_GUN] = AIS_RECO;
// Switch to next gun for next fire.
if (aip->CURRENT_GUN >= Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns)
if (Robot_info[obj->id].n_guns == 1)
aip->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
aip->CURRENT_GUN = 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------