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2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
#ifndef CON_console_H
#define CON_console_H
/*! \mainpage
\section intro Introduction
SDL_Console is a console that can be added to any SDL application. It is similar to Quake and other games consoles.
A console is meant to be a very simple way of interacting with a program and executing commands. You can also have
more than one console at a time.
\section docs Documentation
For a detailed description of all functions see \ref CON_console.h. Remark that functions that have the mark "Internal"
are only used internally. There's not much use of calling these functions.
Have Fun!
\author Garett Banuk <mongoose@mongeese.org> (Original Version)
\author Clemens Wacha <reflex-2000@gmx.net> (Version 2.x, Documentation)
\author Boris Lesner <talanthyr@tuxfamily.org> (Package Maintainer)
\author Bradley Bell <btb@icculus.org> (Descent Version)
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
#include "gr.h"
#include "key.h"
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
//! Cut the buffer line if it becomes longer than this
#define CON_CHARS_PER_LINE 128
//! Cursor blink frequency in ms
#define CON_BLINK_RATE 500
//! Border in pixels from the most left to the first letter
//! Spacing in pixels between lines
#define CON_LINE_SPACE 1
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
//! Default prompt used at the commandline
//! Scroll this many lines at a time (when pressing PGUP or PGDOWN)
//! Indicator showing that you scrolled up the history
//! Cursor shown if we are in insert mode
#define CON_INS_CURSOR "_"
//! Cursor shown if we are in overwrite mode
#define CON_OVR_CURSOR "|"
//! Defines the default hide key (Hide() the console if pressed)
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
//! Defines the opening/closing speed
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
enum {
CON_CLOSED, //! The console is closed (and not shown)
CON_CLOSING, //! The console is still open and visible but closing
CON_OPENING, //! The console is visible and opening but not yet fully open
CON_OPEN //! The console is open and visible
/*! This is a struct for each consoles data */
typedef struct console_information_td {
int Visible; //! enum that tells which visible state we are in CON_HIDE, CON_SHOW, CON_RAISE, CON_LOWER
int RaiseOffset; //! Offset used when scrolling in the console
int HideKey; //! the key that can hide the console
char **ConsoleLines; //! List of all the past lines
char **CommandLines; //! List of all the past commands
int TotalConsoleLines; //! Total number of lines in the console
int ConsoleScrollBack; //! How much the user scrolled back in the console
int TotalCommands; //! Number of commands in the Back Commands
int LineBuffer; //! The number of visible lines in the console (autocalculated)
int VChars; //! The number of visible characters in one console line (autocalculated)
char* Prompt; //! Prompt displayed in command line
char Command[CON_CHARS_PER_LINE]; //! current command in command line = lcommand + rcommand
char RCommand[CON_CHARS_PER_LINE]; //! left hand side of cursor
char LCommand[CON_CHARS_PER_LINE]; //! right hand side of cursor
char VCommand[CON_CHARS_PER_LINE]; //! current visible command line
int CursorPos; //! Current cursor position in CurrentCommand
int Offset; //! CommandOffset (first visible char of command) - if command is too long to fit into console
int InsMode; //! Insert or Overwrite characters?
grs_canvas *ConsoleSurface; //! Canvas of the console
grs_screen *OutputScreen; //! This is the screen to draw the console to
grs_bitmap *BackgroundImage; //! Background image for the console
grs_bitmap *InputBackground; //! Dirty rectangle to draw over behind the users background
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
int DispX, DispY; //! The top left x and y coords of the console on the display screen
#if 0
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
unsigned char ConsoleAlpha; //! The consoles alpha level
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
int CommandScrollBack; //! How much the users scrolled back in the command lines
void(*CmdFunction)(struct console_information_td *console, char* command); //! The Function that is executed if you press <Return> in the console
char*(*TabFunction)(char* command); //! The Function that is executed if you press <Tab> in the console
/*! Takes keys from the keyboard and inputs them to the console if the console isVisible().
If the event was not handled (i.e. WM events or unknown ctrl- or alt-sequences)
the function returns the event for further processing. */
int CON_Events(int event);
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
/*! Makes the console visible */
void CON_Show(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Hides the console */
void CON_Hide(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Returns 1 if the console is visible, 0 else */
int CON_isVisible(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Updates visible state. Used in CON_DrawConsole() */
void CON_UpdateOffset(ConsoleInformation* console);
/*! Draws the console to the screen if it isVisible()*/
void CON_DrawConsole(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Initializes a new console */
ConsoleInformation *CON_Init(grs_font *Font, grs_screen *DisplayScreen, int lines, int x, int y, int w, int h);
/*! Calls CON_Free */
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
void CON_Destroy(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Frees all the memory loaded by the console */
void CON_Free(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! printf for the console */
void CON_Out(ConsoleInformation *console, const char *str, ...);
#if 0
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
/*! Sets the alpha channel of an SDL_Surface to the specified value (0 - transparend,
255 - opaque). Use this function also for OpenGL. */
void CON_Alpha(ConsoleInformation *console, unsigned char alpha);
/*! Internal: Sets the alpha channel of an SDL_Surface to the specified value.
Preconditions: the surface in question is RGBA. 0 <= a <= 255, where 0 is transparent and 255 opaque */
void CON_AlphaGL(SDL_Surface *s, int alpha);
/*! Sets a background image for the console */
int CON_Background(ConsoleInformation *console, grs_bitmap *image);
/*! Sets font info for the console */
void CON_Font(ConsoleInformation *console, grs_font *font, int fg, int bg);
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
/*! Changes current position of the console */
void CON_Position(ConsoleInformation *console, int x, int y);
/*! Changes the size of the console */
int CON_Resize(ConsoleInformation *console, int x, int y, int w, int h);
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
/*! Beams a console to another screen surface. Needed if you want to make a Video restart in your program. This
function first changes the OutputScreen Pointer then calls CON_Resize to adjust the new size. */
int CON_Transfer(ConsoleInformation* console, grs_screen* new_outputscreen, int x, int y, int w, int h);
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
/*! Give focus to a console. Make it the "topmost" console. This console will receive events
sent with CON_Events() */
void CON_Topmost(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Modify the prompt of the console */
void CON_SetPrompt(ConsoleInformation *console, char* newprompt);
/*! Set the key, that invokes a CON_Hide() after press. default is ESCAPE and you can always hide using
ESCAPE and the HideKey. compared against event->key.keysym.sym !! */
void CON_SetHideKey(ConsoleInformation *console, int key);
/*! Internal: executes the command typed in at the console (called if you press ENTER)*/
void CON_Execute(ConsoleInformation *console, char* command);
/*! Sets the callback function that is called if a command was typed in. The function could look like this:
void my_command_handler(ConsoleInformation* console, char* command). @param console: the console the command
came from. @param command: the command string that was typed in. */
void CON_SetExecuteFunction(ConsoleInformation *console, void(*CmdFunction)(ConsoleInformation *console2, char* command));
/*! Sets the callback tabulator completion function. char* my_tabcompletion(char* command). If Tab is
pressed, the function gets called with the already typed in command. my_tabcompletion then checks if if can
complete the command or if it should display a list of all matching commands (with CON_Out()). Returns the
completed command or NULL if no completion was made. */
void CON_SetTabCompletion(ConsoleInformation *console, char*(*TabFunction)(char* command));
/*! Internal: Gets called when TAB was pressed */
void CON_TabCompletion(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: makes newline (same as printf("\n") or CON_Out(console, "\n") ) */
void CON_NewLineConsole(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: shift command history (the one you can switch with the up/down keys) */
void CON_NewLineCommand(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: updates console after resize etc. */
void CON_UpdateConsole(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Default Execute callback */
void Default_CmdFunction(ConsoleInformation *console, char* command);
/*! Internal: Default TabCompletion callback */
char* Default_TabFunction(char* command);
/*! Internal: draws the commandline the user is typing in to the screen. called by update? */
void DrawCommandLine();
/*! Internal: Gets called if you press the LEFT key (move cursor left) */
void Cursor_Left(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Gets called if you press the RIGHT key (move cursor right) */
void Cursor_Right(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Gets called if you press the HOME key (move cursor to the beginning
of the line */
void Cursor_Home(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Gets called if you press the END key (move cursor to the end of the line*/
void Cursor_End(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Called if you press DELETE (deletes character under the cursor) */
void Cursor_Del(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Called if you press BACKSPACE (deletes character left of cursor) */
void Cursor_BSpace(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Called if you type in a character (add the char to the command) */
void Cursor_Add(ConsoleInformation *console, int event);
2003-06-02 01:55:03 +00:00
/*! Internal: Called if you press Ctrl-C (deletes the commandline) */
void Clear_Command(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Called if you press Ctrl-L (deletes the History) */
void Clear_History(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Called if you press UP key (switches through recent typed in commands */
void Command_Up(ConsoleInformation *console);
/*! Internal: Called if you press DOWN key (switches through recent typed in commands */
void Command_Down(ConsoleInformation *console);
#ifdef __cplusplus