using Gee; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; using Dino.Entities; using Qlite; public class Dino.HistorySync { private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Database db; public HashMap> current_catchup_id = new HashMap>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func); public WeakMap sync_streams = new WeakMap(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func); public HashMap> cancellables = new HashMap>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func); public HashMap> mam_times = new HashMap>(); public HashMap hitted_range = new HashMap(); // Server ID of the latest message of the previous segment public HashMap catchup_until_id = new HashMap(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func); // Time of the latest message of the previous segment public HashMap catchup_until_time = new HashMap(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func); private HashMap> stanzas = new HashMap>(); public class HistorySync(Database db, StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.db = db; stream_interactor.account_added.connect(on_account_added); stream_interactor.stream_negotiated.connect((account, stream) => { if (current_catchup_id.has_key(account)) { debug("MAM: [%s] Reset catchup_id", account.bare_jid.to_string()); current_catchup_id[account].clear(); } }); } public bool process(Account account, Xmpp.MessageStanza message_stanza) { var mam_flag = Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(message_stanza); if (mam_flag != null) { process_mam_message(account, message_stanza, mam_flag); return true; } else { update_latest_db_range(account, message_stanza); return false; } } public void update_latest_db_range(Account account, Xmpp.MessageStanza message_stanza) { Jid mam_server = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).might_be_groupchat(message_stanza.from.bare_jid, account) ? message_stanza.from.bare_jid : account.bare_jid; if (!current_catchup_id.has_key(account) || !current_catchup_id[account].has_key(mam_server)) return; string? stanza_id = UniqueStableStanzaIDs.get_stanza_id(message_stanza, mam_server); if (stanza_id == null) return; db.mam_catchup.update() .with(, "=", current_catchup_id[account][mam_server]) .set(db.mam_catchup.to_time, (long)new DateTime.now_utc().to_unix()) .set(db.mam_catchup.to_id, stanza_id) .perform(); } public void process_mam_message(Account account, Xmpp.MessageStanza message_stanza, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag mam_flag) { Jid mam_server = mam_flag.sender_jid; Jid message_author = message_stanza.from; // MUC servers may only send MAM messages from that MUC bool is_muc_mam = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).might_be_groupchat(mam_server, account) && message_author.equals_bare(mam_server); bool from_our_server = mam_server.equals_bare(account.bare_jid); if (!is_muc_mam && !from_our_server) { warning("Received alleged MAM message from %s, ignoring", mam_server.to_string()); return; } if (!stanzas.has_key(mam_flag.query_id)) stanzas[mam_flag.query_id] = new ArrayList(); stanzas[mam_flag.query_id].add(message_stanza); } private void on_unprocessed_message(Account account, XmppStream stream, MessageStanza message) { // Check that it's a legit MAM server bool is_muc_mam = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).might_be_groupchat(message.from, account); bool from_our_server = message.from.equals_bare(account.bare_jid); if (!is_muc_mam && !from_our_server) return; // Get the server time of the message and store it in `mam_times` Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.Flag? mam_flag = stream != null ? stream.get_flag(Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.Flag.IDENTITY) : null; if (mam_flag == null) return; string? id = message.stanza.get_deep_attribute(mam_flag.ns_ver + ":result", "id"); if (id == null) return; StanzaNode? delay_node = message.stanza.get_deep_subnode(mam_flag.ns_ver + ":result", StanzaForwarding.NS_URI + ":forwarded", DelayedDelivery.NS_URI + ":delay"); if (delay_node == null) { warning("MAM result did not contain delayed time %s", message.stanza.to_string()); return; } DateTime? time = DelayedDelivery.get_time_for_node(delay_node); if (time == null) return; mam_times[account][id] = time; // Check if this is the target message string? query_id = message.stanza.get_deep_attribute(mam_flag.ns_ver + ":result", mam_flag.ns_ver + ":queryid"); if (query_id != null && id == catchup_until_id[account]) { debug("[%s] Hitted range (id) %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), id); hitted_range[query_id] = -2; } } public void on_server_id_duplicate(Account account, Xmpp.MessageStanza message_stanza, Entities.Message message) { Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag? mam_flag = Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(message_stanza); if (mam_flag == null) return; // debug(@"MAM: [%s] Hitted range duplicate server id. id %s qid %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), message.server_id, mam_flag.query_id); if (catchup_until_time.has_key(account) &&[account]) < 0) { hitted_range[mam_flag.query_id] = -1; // debug(@"MAM: [%s] In range (time) %s < %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_flag.server_time.to_string(), catchup_until_time[account].to_string()); } } public async void fetch_everything(Account account, Jid mam_server, Cancellable? cancellable = null, DateTime until_earliest_time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(0)) { debug("Fetch everything for %s %s", mam_server.to_string(), until_earliest_time != null ? @"(until $until_earliest_time)" : ""); RowOption latest_row_opt = .with(db.mam_catchup.account_id, "=", .with(db.mam_catchup.server_jid, "=", mam_server.to_string()) .with(db.mam_catchup.to_time, ">=", (long) until_earliest_time.to_unix()) .order_by(db.mam_catchup.to_time, "DESC") .single().row(); Row? latest_row = latest_row_opt.is_present() ? latest_row_opt.inner : null; Row? new_row = yield fetch_latest_page(account, mam_server, latest_row, until_earliest_time, cancellable); if (new_row != null) { current_catchup_id[account][mam_server] = new_row[]; } else if (latest_row != null) { current_catchup_id[account][mam_server] = latest_row[]; } // Set the previous and current row Row? previous_row = null; Row? current_row = null; if (new_row != null) { current_row = new_row; previous_row = latest_row; } else if (latest_row != null) { current_row = latest_row; RowOption previous_row_opt = .with(db.mam_catchup.account_id, "=", .with(db.mam_catchup.server_jid, "=", mam_server.to_string()) .with(db.mam_catchup.to_time, "<", current_row[db.mam_catchup.from_time]) .with(db.mam_catchup.to_time, ">=", (long) until_earliest_time.to_unix()) .order_by(db.mam_catchup.to_time, "DESC") .single().row(); previous_row = previous_row_opt.is_present() ? previous_row_opt.inner : null; } // Fetch messages between two db ranges and merge them while (current_row != null && previous_row != null) { if (current_row[db.mam_catchup.from_end]) return; debug("[%s] Fetching between ranges %s - %s", mam_server.to_string(), previous_row[db.mam_catchup.to_time].to_string(), current_row[db.mam_catchup.from_time].to_string()); current_row = yield fetch_between_ranges(account, mam_server, previous_row, current_row); if (current_row == null) return; RowOption previous_row_opt = .with(db.mam_catchup.account_id, "=", .with(db.mam_catchup.server_jid, "=", mam_server.to_string()) .with(db.mam_catchup.to_time, "<", current_row[db.mam_catchup.from_time]) .with(db.mam_catchup.to_time, ">=", (long) until_earliest_time.to_unix()) .order_by(db.mam_catchup.to_time, "DESC") .single().row(); previous_row = previous_row_opt.is_present() ? previous_row_opt.inner : null; } // We're at the earliest range. Try to expand it even further back. if (current_row == null || current_row[db.mam_catchup.from_end]) return; // We don't want to fetch before the earliest range over and over again in MUCs if it's after until_earliest_time. // For now, don't query if we are within a week of until_earliest_time if (until_earliest_time != null && current_row[db.mam_catchup.from_time] > until_earliest_time.add(-TimeSpan.DAY * 7).to_unix()) return; yield fetch_before_range(account, mam_server, current_row, until_earliest_time); } // Fetches the latest page (up to previous db row). Extends the previous db row if it was reached, creates a new row otherwise. public async Row? fetch_latest_page(Account account, Jid mam_server, Row? latest_row, DateTime? until_earliest_time, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { debug("[%s | %s] Fetching latest page", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_server.to_string()); int latest_row_id = -1; DateTime latest_message_time = until_earliest_time; string? latest_message_id = null; if (latest_row != null) { latest_row_id = latest_row[]; latest_message_time = (new DateTime.from_unix_utc(latest_row[db.mam_catchup.to_time])).add_minutes(-5); latest_message_id = latest_row[db.mam_catchup.to_id]; // Make sure we only fetch to until_earliest_time if latest_message_time is further back if (until_earliest_time != null && < 0) { latest_message_time = until_earliest_time.add_minutes(-5); latest_message_id = null; } } var query_params = new Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams.query_latest(mam_server, latest_message_time, latest_message_id); PageRequestResult page_result = yield get_mam_page(account, query_params, null, cancellable); debug("[%s | %s] Latest page result: %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_server.to_string(), page_result.page_result.to_string()); if (page_result.page_result == PageResult.Error || page_result.page_result == PageResult.Cancelled) { return null; } // If we get PageResult.Duplicate, we still want to update the db row to the latest message. // Catchup finished within first page. Update latest db entry. if (latest_row_id != -1 && page_result.page_result in new PageResult[] { PageResult.TargetReached, PageResult.NoMoreMessages, PageResult.Duplicate }) { if (page_result.stanzas == null || page_result.stanzas.is_empty) return null; string latest_mam_id = page_result.query_result.last; long latest_mam_time = (long) mam_times[account][latest_mam_id].to_unix(); var query = db.mam_catchup.update() .with(, "=", latest_row_id) .set(db.mam_catchup.to_time, latest_mam_time) .set(db.mam_catchup.to_id, latest_mam_id); if (page_result.page_result == PageResult.NoMoreMessages) { // If the server doesn't have more messages, store that this range is at its end. query.set(db.mam_catchup.from_end, true); } query.perform(); return null; } if (page_result.query_result.first == null || page_result.query_result.last == null) { return null; } // Either we need to fetch more pages or this is the first db entry ever debug("[%s | %s] Creating new db range for latest page", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_server.to_string()); string from_id = page_result.query_result.first; string to_id = page_result.query_result.last; if (!mam_times[account].has_key(from_id) || !mam_times[account].has_key(to_id)) { debug("Missing from/to id %s %s", from_id, to_id); return null; } long from_time = (long) mam_times[account][from_id].to_unix(); long to_time = (long) mam_times[account][to_id].to_unix(); int new_row_id = (int) db.mam_catchup.insert() .value(db.mam_catchup.account_id, .value(db.mam_catchup.server_jid, mam_server.to_string()) .value(db.mam_catchup.from_id, from_id) .value(db.mam_catchup.from_time, from_time) .value(db.mam_catchup.from_end, page_result.page_result == PageResult.NoMoreMessages) .value(db.mam_catchup.to_id, to_id) .value(db.mam_catchup.to_time, to_time) .perform(); return, "=", new_row_id).single().row().inner; } /** Fetches messages between the end of `earlier_range` and start of `later_range` ** Merges the `earlier_range` db row into the `later_range` db row. ** @return The resulting range comprising `earlier_range`, `later_rage`, and everything in between. null if fetching/merge failed. **/ private async Row? fetch_between_ranges(Account account, Jid mam_server, Row earlier_range, Row later_range) { int later_range_id = (int) later_range[]; DateTime earliest_time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(earlier_range[db.mam_catchup.to_time]); DateTime latest_time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(later_range[db.mam_catchup.from_time]); debug("[%s | %s] Fetching between %s (%s) and %s (%s)", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_server.to_string(), earliest_time.to_string(), earlier_range[db.mam_catchup.to_id], latest_time.to_string(), later_range[db.mam_catchup.from_id]); var query_params = new Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams.query_between(mam_server, earliest_time, earlier_range[db.mam_catchup.to_id], latest_time, later_range[db.mam_catchup.from_id]); PageRequestResult page_result = yield fetch_query(account, query_params, later_range_id); if (page_result.page_result == PageResult.TargetReached) { debug("[%s | %s] Merging range %i into %i", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_server.to_string(), earlier_range[], later_range_id); // Merge earlier range into later one. db.mam_catchup.update() .with(, "=", later_range_id) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_time, earlier_range[db.mam_catchup.from_time]) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_id, earlier_range[db.mam_catchup.from_id]) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_end, earlier_range[db.mam_catchup.from_end]) .perform(); db.mam_catchup.delete().with(, "=", earlier_range[]).perform(); // Return the updated version of the later range return, "=", later_range_id).single().row().inner; } return null; } private async void fetch_before_range(Account account, Jid mam_server, Row range, DateTime? until_earliest_time, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { DateTime latest_time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(range[db.mam_catchup.from_time]); string latest_id = range[db.mam_catchup.from_id]; debug("[%s | %s] Fetching before range < %s, %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), mam_server.to_string(), latest_time.to_string(), latest_id); Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams query_params; if (until_earliest_time == null) { query_params = new Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams.query_before(mam_server, latest_time, latest_id); } else { query_params = new Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams.query_between( mam_server, until_earliest_time, null, latest_time, latest_id ); } yield fetch_query(account, query_params, range[], cancellable); } /** * Iteratively fetches all pages returned for a query (until a PageResult other than MorePagesAvailable is returned) * @return The last PageRequestResult result **/ private async PageRequestResult fetch_query(Account account, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams query_params, int db_id, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { debug("[%s | %s] Fetch query %s - %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), query_params.mam_server.to_string(), query_params.start != null ? query_params.start.to_string() : "", query_params.end != null ? query_params.end.to_string() : ""); PageRequestResult? page_result = null; do { page_result = yield get_mam_page(account, query_params, page_result, cancellable); debug("Page result %s %b", page_result.page_result.to_string(), page_result.stanzas == null); if (page_result.page_result == PageResult.Error || page_result.page_result == PageResult.Cancelled || page_result.stanzas == null) return page_result; string earliest_mam_id = page_result.query_result.first; long earliest_mam_time = (long)mam_times[account][earliest_mam_id].to_unix(); debug("Updating %s to %s, %s", query_params.mam_server.to_string(), earliest_mam_time.to_string(), earliest_mam_id); var query = db.mam_catchup.update() .with(, "=", db_id) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_time, earliest_mam_time) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_id, earliest_mam_id); if (page_result.page_result == PageResult.NoMoreMessages) { // If the server doesn't have more messages, store that this range is at its end. query.set(db.mam_catchup.from_end, true); } query.perform(); } while (page_result.page_result == PageResult.MorePagesAvailable); return page_result; } enum PageResult { MorePagesAvailable, TargetReached, NoMoreMessages, Duplicate, Error, Cancelled } /** * prev_page_result: null if this is the first page request **/ private async PageRequestResult get_mam_page(Account account, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams query_params, PageRequestResult? prev_page_result, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account); Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.QueryResult query_result = null; if (prev_page_result == null) { query_result = yield Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.query_archive(stream, query_params, cancellable); } else { query_result = yield Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.page_through_results(stream, query_params, prev_page_result.query_result, cancellable); } return yield process_query_result(account, query_params, query_result, cancellable); } private async PageRequestResult process_query_result(Account account, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.V2.MamQueryParams query_params, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.QueryResult query_result, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { PageResult page_result = PageResult.MorePagesAvailable; if (query_result.malformed || query_result.error) { page_result = PageResult.Error; } // We wait until all the messages from the page are processed (and we got the `mam_times` from them) Idle.add(process_query_result.callback, Priority.LOW); yield; // We might have successfully reached the target or the server doesn't have all messages stored anymore // If it's the former, we'll overwrite the value with PageResult.MorePagesAvailable below. if (query_result.complete) { page_result = PageResult.NoMoreMessages; } string selection = null; string[] selection_args = {}; string query_id = query_params.query_id; string? after_id = query_params.start_id; if (cancellable != null && cancellable.is_cancelled()) { return new PageRequestResult(PageResult.Cancelled, query_result, stanzas[query_id]); } if (stanzas.has_key(query_id) && !stanzas[query_id].is_empty) { // Check it we reached our target (from_id) foreach (Xmpp.MessageStanza message in stanzas[query_id]) { Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag? mam_message_flag = Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(message); if (mam_message_flag != null && mam_message_flag.mam_id != null) { if (after_id != null && mam_message_flag.mam_id == after_id) { // Successfully fetched the whole range yield send_messages_back_into_pipeline(account, query_id, cancellable); if (cancellable != null && cancellable.is_cancelled()) { return new PageRequestResult(PageResult.Cancelled, query_result, stanzas[query_id]); } return new PageRequestResult(PageResult.TargetReached, query_result, stanzas[query_id]); } } } if (hitted_range.has_key(query_id) && hitted_range[query_id] == -2) { // Message got filtered out by xmpp-vala, but succesful range fetch nevertheless yield send_messages_back_into_pipeline(account, query_id); if (cancellable != null && cancellable.is_cancelled()) { return new PageRequestResult(PageResult.Cancelled, query_result, stanzas[query_id]); } return new PageRequestResult(PageResult.TargetReached, query_result, stanzas[query_id]); } // Check for duplicates. Go through all messages and build a db query. foreach (Xmpp.MessageStanza message in stanzas[query_id]) { Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag? mam_message_flag = Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(message); if (mam_message_flag != null && mam_message_flag.mam_id != null) { if (selection == null) { selection = @"$(db.message.server_id) = ?"; } else { selection += @" OR $(db.message.server_id) = ?"; } selection_args += mam_message_flag.mam_id; } } var duplicates_qry = .with(db.message.account_id, "=", .where(selection, selection_args); // We don't want messages from different MAM servers to interfere with each other. if (!query_params.mam_server.equals_bare(account.bare_jid)) { duplicates_qry.with(db.message.counterpart_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(query_params.mam_server)); } else { duplicates_qry.with(db.message.type_, "=", Message.Type.CHAT); } var duplicates_count = duplicates_qry.count(); if (duplicates_count > 0) { // We got a duplicate although we thought we have to catch up. // There was a server bug where prosody would send all messages if it didn't know the after ID that was given page_result = PageResult.Duplicate; } } yield send_messages_back_into_pipeline(account, query_id); if (cancellable != null && cancellable.is_cancelled()) { page_result = PageResult.Cancelled; } return new PageRequestResult(page_result, query_result, stanzas.has_key(query_id) ? stanzas[query_id] : null); } private async void send_messages_back_into_pipeline(Account account, string query_id, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { if (!stanzas.has_key(query_id)) return; foreach (Xmpp.MessageStanza message in stanzas[query_id]) { if (cancellable != null && cancellable.is_cancelled()) break; yield stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).run_pipeline_announce(account, message); } stanzas.unset(query_id); } private void on_account_added(Account account) { cleanup_db_ranges(db, account); mam_times[account] = new HashMap(); stream_interactor.connection_manager.stream_attached_modules.connect((account, stream) => { if (!current_catchup_id.has_key(account)) { current_catchup_id[account] = new HashMap(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); } else { current_catchup_id[account].clear(); } }); stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.Module.IDENTITY).feature_available.connect((stream) => { consider_fetch_everything(account, stream); }); stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xmpp.MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message_unprocessed.connect((stream, message) => { on_unprocessed_message(account, stream, message); }); } private void consider_fetch_everything(Account account, XmppStream stream) { if (sync_streams.has(account, stream)) return; debug("[%s] MAM available", account.bare_jid.to_string()); sync_streams[account] = stream; if (!cancellables.has_key(account)) { cancellables[account] = new HashMap(); } if (cancellables[account].has_key(account.bare_jid)) { cancellables[account][account.bare_jid].cancel(); } cancellables[account][account.bare_jid] = new Cancellable(); fetch_everything.begin(account, account.bare_jid, cancellables[account][account.bare_jid], new DateTime.from_unix_utc(0), (_, res) => { fetch_everything.end(res); cancellables[account].unset(account.bare_jid); }); } public static void cleanup_db_ranges(Database db, Account account) { var ranges = new HashMap>(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); foreach (Row row in, "=", { var mam_range = new MamRange(); = row[]; mam_range.server_jid = new Jid(row[db.mam_catchup.server_jid]); mam_range.from_time = row[db.mam_catchup.from_time]; mam_range.from_id = row[db.mam_catchup.from_id]; mam_range.from_end = row[db.mam_catchup.from_end]; mam_range.to_time = row[db.mam_catchup.to_time]; mam_range.to_id = row[db.mam_catchup.to_id]; if (!ranges.has_key(mam_range.server_jid)) ranges[mam_range.server_jid] = new ArrayList(); ranges[mam_range.server_jid].add(mam_range); } var to_delete = new ArrayList(); foreach (Jid server_jid in ranges.keys) { foreach (var range1 in ranges[server_jid]) { if (to_delete.contains(range1)) continue; foreach (MamRange range2 in ranges[server_jid]) { debug("[%s | %s] | %s - %s vs %s - %s", account.bare_jid.to_string(), server_jid.to_string(), range1.from_time.to_string(), range1.to_time.to_string(), range2.from_time.to_string(), range2.to_time.to_string()); if (range1 == range2 || to_delete.contains(range2)) continue; // Check if range2 is a subset of range1 // range1: ##################### // range2: ###### if (range1.from_time <= range2.from_time && range1.to_time >= range2.to_time) { warning("Removing db range which is a subset of %li-%li", range1.from_time, range1.to_time); to_delete.add(range2); continue; } // Check if range2 is an extension of range1 (towards earlier) // range1: ##################### // range2: ############### if (range1.from_time <= range2.to_time <= range1.to_time && range2.from_time <= range1.from_time) { warning("Removing db range that overlapped %li-%li (towards earlier)", range1.from_time, range1.to_time); db.mam_catchup.update() .with(, "=", .set(db.mam_catchup.from_id, range2.from_id) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_time, range2.from_time) .set(db.mam_catchup.from_end, range2.from_end) .perform(); to_delete.add(range2); continue; } } } } foreach (MamRange row in to_delete) { db.mam_catchup.delete().with(, "=",; warning("Removing db range %s %li-%li", row.server_jid.to_string(), row.from_time, row.to_time); } } class MamRange { public int id; public Jid server_jid; public long from_time; public string from_id; public bool from_end; public long to_time; public string to_id; } class PageRequestResult { public Gee.List stanzas { get; set; } public PageResult page_result { get; set; } public Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.QueryResult query_result { get; set; } public PageRequestResult(PageResult page_result, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.QueryResult query_result, Gee.List? stanzas) { this.page_result = page_result; this.query_result = query_result; this.stanzas = stanzas; } } }