using Gee; using Gdk; using Gtk; using Pango; using Xmpp; using Dino.Entities; namespace Dino.Ui { public class CallMetaItem : ConversationSummary.ContentMetaItem { private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; public CallMetaItem(ContentItem content_item, StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { base(content_item); this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; } public override Object? get_widget(Plugins.ConversationItemWidgetInterface outer, Plugins.WidgetType type) { CallItem call_item = content_item as CallItem; CallState? call_state = stream_interactor.get_module(Calls.IDENTITY).call_states[]; return new CallWidget(stream_interactor,, call_state, call_item.conversation); } public override Gee.List? get_item_actions(Plugins.WidgetType type) { return null; } } [GtkTemplate (ui = "/im/dino/Dino/call_widget.ui")] public class CallWidget : SizeRequestBox { [GtkChild] public unowned Image image; [GtkChild] public unowned Label title_label; [GtkChild] public unowned Label subtitle_label; [GtkChild] public unowned Revealer incoming_call_revealer; [GtkChild] public unowned Box outer_additional_box; [GtkChild] public unowned Box incoming_call_box; [GtkChild] public unowned Box multiparty_peer_box; [GtkChild] public unowned Button accept_call_button; [GtkChild] public unowned Button reject_call_button; private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private CallState call_manager; private Call call; private Conversation conversation; public Call.State call_state { get; set; } // needs to be public for binding private uint time_update_handler_id = 0; private ArrayList multiparty_peer_widgets = new ArrayList(); construct { margin_top = 4; size_request_mode = SizeRequestMode.HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH; } /** @param call_state Null if it's an old call and we can't interact with it anymore */ public CallWidget(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Call call, CallState? call_state, Conversation conversation) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.call_manager = call_state; = call; this.conversation = conversation; // size_allocate.connect((allocation) => { // if (allocation.height > parent.get_allocated_height()) { // Idle.add(() => { parent.queue_resize(); return false; }); // } // }); call.bind_property("state", this, "call-state"); this.notify["call-state"].connect(update_call_state); if (call_manager != null && (call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING || call.state == Call.State.IN_PROGRESS)) { call_manager.peer_joined.connect(update_counterparts); } accept_call_button.clicked.connect(() => { call_manager.accept(); var call_window = new CallWindow(); call_window.controller = new CallWindowController(call_window, call_state, stream_interactor); call_window.present(); }); reject_call_button.clicked.connect(call_manager.reject); update_call_state(); } private void update_counterparts() { if (call.state != Call.State.IN_PROGRESS && call.state != Call.State.ENDED) return; if (call.counterparts.size <= 1 && conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) return; foreach (Widget peer_widget in multiparty_peer_widgets) { multiparty_peer_box.remove(peer_widget); } foreach (Jid counterpart in call.counterparts) { AvatarImage image = new AvatarImage() { force_gray=true, margin_top=2 }; image.set_conversation_participant(stream_interactor, conversation, counterpart.bare_jid); multiparty_peer_box.append(image); multiparty_peer_widgets.add(image); } AvatarImage image2 = new AvatarImage() { force_gray=true, margin_top=2 }; image2.set_conversation_participant(stream_interactor, conversation, call.account.bare_jid); multiparty_peer_box.append(image2); multiparty_peer_widgets.add(image2); outer_additional_box.add_css_class("multiparty-participants"); multiparty_peer_box.visible = true; incoming_call_box.visible = false; incoming_call_revealer.reveal_child = true; } private void update_call_state() { incoming_call_revealer.reveal_child = false; incoming_call_revealer.remove_css_class("incoming"); outer_additional_box.remove_css_class("incoming-call-box"); // It doesn't make sense to display MUC calls as missed or declined by the whole MUC. Just display as ended. // TODO: maybe not let them be missed/declined in first place. Call.State relevant_state = call.state; if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT && call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_OUTGOING && (relevant_state == Call.State.MISSED || relevant_state == Call.State.DECLINED)) { relevant_state = Call.State.ENDED; } switch (relevant_state) { case Call.State.RINGING: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-ring-symbolic"); if (call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING) { bool video = call_manager.should_we_send_video(); title_label.label = video ? _("Incoming video call") : _("Incoming call"); if (call_manager.invited_to_group_call != null) { title_label.label = video ? _("Incoming video group call") : _("Incoming group call"); } if (stream_interactor.get_module(Calls.IDENTITY).can_we_do_calls(call.account)) { subtitle_label.label = "Ring ring…!"; incoming_call_box.visible = true; incoming_call_revealer.reveal_child = true; incoming_call_revealer.add_css_class("incoming"); outer_additional_box.add_css_class("incoming-call-box"); } else { subtitle_label.label = "Dependencies for call support not met"; } } else { title_label.label = _("Calling…"); subtitle_label.label = "Ring ring…?"; } break; case Call.State.ESTABLISHING: case Call.State.IN_PROGRESS: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-in-talk-symbolic"); title_label.label = _("Call started"); string duration = get_duration_string((new DateTime.now_utc()).difference(call.local_time)); subtitle_label.label = _("Started %s ago").printf(duration); time_update_handler_id = Timeout.add_seconds(get_next_time_change() + 1, () => { if (time_update_handler_id != 0) { Source.remove(time_update_handler_id); time_update_handler_id = 0; update_call_state(); } return true; }); break; case Call.State.OTHER_DEVICE: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-hangup-symbolic"); title_label.label = call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING ? _("Incoming call") : _("Outgoing call"); subtitle_label.label = _("You handled this call on another device"); break; case Call.State.ENDED: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-hangup-symbolic"); title_label.label = _("Call ended"); string formated_end = Util.format_time(call.end_time.to_local(), _("%H∶%M"), _("%l∶%M %p")); string duration = get_duration_string(call.end_time.difference(call.local_time)); subtitle_label.label = _("Ended at %s").printf(formated_end) + " · " + _("Lasted %s").printf(duration); break; case Call.State.MISSED: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-missed-symbolic"); title_label.label = _("Call missed"); if (call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING) { subtitle_label.label = _("You missed this call"); } else { string who = Util.get_conversation_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation); subtitle_label.label = _("%s missed this call").printf(who); } break; case Call.State.DECLINED: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-hangup-symbolic"); title_label.label = _("Call declined"); if (call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING) { subtitle_label.label = _("You declined this call"); } else { string who = Util.get_conversation_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation); subtitle_label.label = _("%s declined this call").printf(who); } break; case Call.State.FAILED: image.set_from_icon_name("dino-phone-hangup-symbolic"); title_label.label = _("Call failed"); subtitle_label.label = "Call failed to establish"; break; } update_counterparts(); } private string get_duration_string(TimeSpan duration) { DateTime a = new DateTime.now_utc(); DateTime b = new DateTime.now_utc(); a.difference(b); TimeSpan remainder_duration = duration; int hours = (int) Math.floor(remainder_duration / TimeSpan.HOUR); remainder_duration -= hours * TimeSpan.HOUR; int minutes = (int) Math.floor(remainder_duration / TimeSpan.MINUTE); remainder_duration -= minutes * TimeSpan.MINUTE; string ret = ""; if (hours > 0) { ret += n("%i hour", "%i hours", hours).printf(hours); } if (minutes > 0) { if (ret.length > 0) { ret += " "; } ret += n("%i minute", "%i minutes", minutes).printf(minutes); } if (ret.length > 0) { return ret; } return _("a few seconds"); } private int get_next_time_change() { DateTime now = new DateTime.now_local(); DateTime item_time = call.local_time; if (now.get_second() < item_time.get_second()) { return item_time.get_second() - now.get_second(); } else { return 60 - (now.get_second() - item_time.get_second()); } } public override void dispose() { base.dispose(); if (time_update_handler_id != 0) { Source.remove(time_update_handler_id); time_update_handler_id = 0; } if (call_manager != null) { call_manager.peer_joined.disconnect(update_counterparts); } } } }