
254 lines
7.0 KiB

using Gtk;
using Gdk;
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/widgets/status.ui")]
public class Tootle.Widgets.Status : ListBoxRow {
public API.Status status { get; construct set; }
public API.NotificationType? kind { get; construct set; }
protected Grid grid;
protected Image header_icon;
protected Widgets.RichLabel header_label;
public Widgets.Avatar avatar;
protected Widgets.RichLabel name_label;
protected Widgets.RichLabel handle_label;
protected Box indicators;
protected Widgets.RichLabel date_label;
protected Image pin_indicator;
protected Image indicator;
protected Stack spoiler_stack;
protected Box content_box;
protected Widgets.RichLabel content;
protected Widgets.Attachment.Box attachments;
protected Button spoiler_button;
protected Widgets.RichLabel spoiler_label;
protected Box actions;
protected Button reply_button;
protected ToggleButton reblog_button;
protected Image reblog_icon;
protected ToggleButton favorite_button;
protected ToggleButton bookmark_button;
protected Button menu_button;
protected string spoiler_text {
owned get {
var text = status.formal.spoiler_text;
if (text == null || text == "")
return _("Click to show sensitive content");
return text;
public bool reveal_spoiler { get; set; default = false; }
protected string date {
owned get {
var date = status.formal.created_at;
return @"<small>$(DateTime.humanize (date))</small>";
public string title_text {
owned get {
var name = Html.simplify (status.formal.account.display_name);
return @"<b>$name</b>";
public string subtitle_text {
owned get {
return @"<small>$(status.formal.account.handle)</small>";
public string? avatar_url {
owned get {
return status.formal.account.avatar;
public signal void open ();
public virtual void on_open () {
if ( == "")
on_avatar_clicked ();
else ();
construct {
notify["kind"].connect (on_kind_changed);
open.connect (on_open);
if (kind == null) {
if (status.reblog != null)
kind = API.NotificationType.REBLOG_REMOTE_USER;
status.formal.bind_property ("favourited", favorite_button, "active", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
favorite_button.clicked.connect (() => {
status.action (status.formal.favourited ? "unfavourite" : "favourite");
status.formal.bind_property ("reblogged", reblog_button, "active", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
reblog_button.clicked.connect (() => {
status.action (status.formal.reblogged ? "unreblog" : "reblog");
status.formal.bind_property ("bookmarked", bookmark_button, "active", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
bookmark_button.clicked.connect (() => {
status.action (status.formal.bookmarked ? "unbookmark" : "bookmark");
reply_button.clicked.connect (() => new Dialogs.Compose.reply (status));
bind_property ("spoiler-text", spoiler_label, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
status.formal.bind_property ("content", content, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
bind_property ("title_text", name_label, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
bind_property ("subtitle_text", handle_label, "text", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
bind_property ("date", date_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
status.formal.bind_property ("pinned", pin_indicator, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
bind_property ("avatar_url", avatar, "url", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
status.formal.bind_property ("has-spoiler", this, "reveal-spoiler", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => {
target.set_boolean (!src.get_boolean ());
return true;
bind_property ("reveal-spoiler", spoiler_stack, "visible-child-name", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => {
var name = reveal_spoiler ? "content" : "spoiler";
target.set_string (name);
return true;
if (status.formal.visibility == API.Visibility.DIRECT) {
reblog_icon.icon_name = status.formal.visibility.get_icon ();
reblog_button.sensitive = false;
reblog_button.tooltip_text = _("This post can't be boosted");
if ( == "") {
actions.destroy ();
date_label.destroy ();
content.single_line_mode = true;
content.lines = 2;
content.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END;
if (!attachments.populate (status.formal.media_attachments) || == "") {
attachments.destroy ();
menu_button.clicked.connect (open_menu);
public Status (API.Status status, API.NotificationType? kind = null) {
Object (
status: status,
kind: kind
~Status () {
notify["kind"].disconnect (on_kind_changed);
public void toggle_spoiler () {
reveal_spoiler = !reveal_spoiler;
protected virtual void on_kind_changed () {
header_icon.visible = header_label.visible = (kind != null);
if (kind == null)
header_icon.icon_name = kind.get_icon ();
header_label.label = kind.get_desc (status.account);
public void on_avatar_clicked () { ();
protected void open_menu () {
var menu = new Gtk.Menu ();
var item_open_link = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Open in Browser"));
item_open_link.activate.connect (() => Desktop.open_uri (status.formal.url));
var item_copy_link = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Copy Link"));
item_copy_link.activate.connect (() => Desktop.copy (status.formal.url));
var item_copy = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Copy Text"));
item_copy.activate.connect (() => {
var sanitized = Html.remove_tags (status.formal.content);
Desktop.copy (sanitized);
// if (is_notification) {
// var item_muting = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (status.muted ? _("Unmute Conversation") : _("Mute Conversation"));
// item_muting.activate.connect (() => status.update_muted (!is_muted) );
// menu.add (item_muting);
// }
menu.add (item_open_link);
menu.add (new SeparatorMenuItem ());
menu.add (item_copy_link);
menu.add (item_copy);
if (status.is_owned ()) {
menu.add (new SeparatorMenuItem ());
var item_pin = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (status.pinned ? _("Unpin from Profile") : _("Pin on Profile"));
item_pin.activate.connect (() => {
status.action (status.formal.pinned ? "unpin" : "pin");
menu.add (item_pin);
var item_delete = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Delete"));
item_delete.activate.connect (() => {
status.annihilate ()
.then ((sess, mess) => {
streams.force_delete (;
.exec ();
menu.add (item_delete);
var item_redraft = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Redraft"));
item_redraft.activate.connect (() => new Dialogs.Compose.redraft (status.formal));
menu.add (item_redraft);
menu.show_all ();
menu.popup_at_widget (menu_button, Gravity.SOUTH_EAST, Gravity.SOUTH_EAST);