2022-12-05 04:00:43 +02:00

320 lines
9.6 KiB

using Gtk;
public class Tooth.Views.Profile : Views.Timeline {
public API.Account profile { get; construct set; }
public API.Relationship rs { get; construct set; }
public bool include_replies { get; set; default = false; }
public bool only_media { get; set; default = false; }
public string source { get; set; default = "statuses"; }
protected Cover cover;
protected MenuButton menu_button;
protected Widgets.RelationshipButton rs_button;
protected SimpleAction media_action;
protected SimpleAction replies_action;
protected SimpleAction muting_action;
protected SimpleAction hiding_reblogs_action;
protected SimpleAction blocking_action;
protected SimpleAction domain_blocking_action;
// protected SimpleAction source_action;
construct {
cover = build_cover ();
column_view.prepend (cover);
public Profile (API.Account acc) {
Object (
profile: acc,
rs: new API.Relationship.for_account (acc),
label: _("Profile"),
is_profile: true,
url: @"/api/v1/accounts/$("
cover.bind (profile);
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/dev/geopjr/tooth/ui/views/profile_header.ui")]
protected class Cover : Box {
[GtkChild] unowned Widgets.Background background;
[GtkChild] public unowned ListBox info;
[GtkChild] unowned Widgets.RichLabelContainer display_name;
[GtkChild] unowned Label handle;
[GtkChild] unowned Widgets.Avatar avatar;
[GtkChild] unowned Widgets.MarkupView note;
public void bind (API.Account account) {
// display_name.label = account.display_name;
display_name.set_label(account.display_name, null, account.emojis_map);
handle.label = account.handle;
avatar.account = account;
note.content = account.note;
if (account.header.contains("/headers/original/missing.png")) {
avatar.bind_property("custom_image", background, "paintable", GLib.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
} else {
image_cache.request_paintable (account.header, on_cache_response);
if (account.fields != null) {
foreach (API.AccountField f in account.fields) {
var row = new Adw.ActionRow ();
var val = new Widgets.RichLabel (HtmlUtils.simplify (f.val));
val.wrap = true;
val.hexpand = true;
val.xalign = 1;
row.title =;
row.add_suffix (val);
info.append (row);
void on_cache_response (bool is_loaded, owned Gdk.Paintable? data) {
background.paintable = data;
protected void build_profile_stats(ListBox info) {
var row = new Gtk.ListBoxRow ();
var box = new Box (Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6) {
homogeneous = true
box.append(build_profile_stats_button(@"$(profile.statuses_count) " + _("Posts"), "statuses"));
box.append(build_profile_stats_button(@"$(profile.following_count) " + _("Following"), "following"));
box.append(build_profile_stats_button(@"$(profile.followers_count) " + _("Followers"), "followers"));
row.activatable = false;
row.child = box;
info.append (row);
protected Button build_profile_stats_button(string btn_label, string t_source) {
var btn = new Button.with_label(btn_label);
btn.clicked.connect(() => {
source = t_source;
accepts = source == "statuses" ? typeof (API.Status) : typeof (API.Account);
url = @"/api/v1/accounts/$($source";
invalidate_actions (true);
return btn;
protected override void build_header () {
base.build_header ();
menu_button = new MenuButton ();
var menu_builder = new Builder.from_resource (@"$(Build.RESOURCES)ui/menus.ui");
var menu = "profile-menu";
menu_button.menu_model = menu_builder.get_object (menu) as MenuModel;
menu_button.popover.width_request = 250;
menu_button.icon_name = "tooth-view-more-symbolic";
header.pack_end (menu_button);
rs_button = new Widgets.RelationshipButton () {
rs =
if ( !=
header.pack_end (rs_button);
protected virtual Cover build_cover () {
return new Cover ();
protected override void build_actions () {
base.build_actions ();
media_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("only-media", null, false);
media_action.change_state.connect (v => {
media_action.set_state (only_media = v.get_boolean ());
invalidate_actions (true);
actions.add_action (media_action);
replies_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("include-replies", null, false);
replies_action.change_state.connect (v => {
replies_action.set_state (include_replies = v.get_boolean ());
invalidate_actions (true);
actions.add_action (replies_action);
// source_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("source", VariantType.STRING, source);
// source_action.change_state.connect (v => {
// source = v.get_string ();
// source_action.set_state (source);
// accepts = (source == "statuses" ? typeof (API.Status) : typeof (API.Account));
// url = @"/api/v1/accounts/$($source";
// invalidate_actions (true);
// });
// actions.add_action (source_action);
var mention_action = new SimpleAction ("mention", VariantType.STRING);
mention_action.activate.connect (v => {
var status = new API.Status.empty ();
status.visibility = v.get_string ();
status.content = @"$(profile.handle) ";
new Dialogs.Compose (status);
actions.add_action (mention_action);
var copy_handle_action = new SimpleAction ("copy_handle", null);
copy_handle_action.activate.connect (v => {
Host.copy (profile.full_handle);
actions.add_action (copy_handle_action);
muting_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("muting", null, false);
muting_action.change_state.connect (v => {
var state = v.get_boolean ();
rs.modify (state ? "mute" : "unmute");
actions.add_action (muting_action);
hiding_reblogs_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("hiding_reblogs", null, false);
hiding_reblogs_action.change_state.connect (v => {
if (!rs.following) {
warning ("Trying to hide boosts while not following an account.");
var state = !v.get_boolean ();
rs.modify ("follow", "reblogs", @"$state");
actions.add_action (hiding_reblogs_action);
blocking_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("blocking", null, false);
blocking_action.change_state.connect (v => {
var block = v.get_boolean ();
var q = block ? _("Block \"%s\"?") : _("Unblock \"%s\"?");
warning (q);
var confirmed = app.question (
q.printf (profile.handle),
block ? _("Block") : _("Unblock"),
confirmed.response.connect(res => {
if (res == "yes") {
rs.modify (block ? "block" : "unblock");
confirmed.present ();
actions.add_action (blocking_action);
domain_blocking_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("domain_blocking", null, false);
domain_blocking_action.change_state.connect (v => {
var block = v.get_boolean ();
var q = block ? _("Block Entire \"%s\"?") : _("Unblock Entire \"%s\"?");
warning (q);
var confirmed = app.question (
q.printf (profile.domain),
_("Blocking a domain will:\n\n• Remove its public posts and notifications from your timelines\n• Remove its followers from your account\n• Prevent you from following its users"),
block ? _("Block") : _("Unblock"),
confirmed.response.connect(res => {
if (res == "yes") {
var req = new Request.POST ("/api/v1/domain_blocks")
.with_account (
.with_param ("domain", profile.domain)
.then (() => {
rs.request ();
if (!block) req.method = "DELETE";
req.exec ();
confirmed.present ();
actions.add_action (domain_blocking_action);
invalidate_actions (false);
void invalidate_actions (bool refresh) {
replies_action.set_enabled (accepts == typeof (API.Status));
media_action.set_enabled (accepts == typeof (API.Status));
muting_action.set_state (rs.muting);
hiding_reblogs_action.set_state (!rs.showing_reblogs);
hiding_reblogs_action.set_enabled (rs.following);
blocking_action.set_state (rs.blocking);
domain_blocking_action.set_state (rs.domain_blocking);
domain_blocking_action.set_enabled ( != profile.domain);
if (refresh) {
page_next = null;
on_refresh ();
// TODO: RS badges
// void on_rs_updated () {
// var label = "";
// if (rs_button.sensitive = rs != null) {
// if (rs.requested)
// label = _("Sent follow request");
// else if (rs.followed_by && rs.following)
// label = _("Mutually follows you");
// else if (rs.followed_by)
// label = _("Follows you");
// string action_icon = "";
// string action_label = "";
// get_rs_button_state (ref action_label, ref action_icon, ref rs_button_action);
// rs_button.icon_name = action_icon;
// rs_button.label = action_label;
// }
// relationship.label = label;
// relationship.visible = label != "";
// invalidate_actions (false);
// }
public override Request append_params (Request req) {
if (page_next == null && source == "statuses") {
req.with_param ("exclude_replies", @"$(!include_replies)");
req.with_param ("only_media", @"$(only_media)");
return base.append_params (req);
else return req;
public static void open_from_id (string id) {
var msg = new Soup.Message ("GET", @"$($id");
network.queue (msg, (sess, mess) => {
var node = network.parse_node (mess);
var acc = API.Account.from (node);
app.main_window.open_view (new Views.Profile (acc));