
250 lines
6.8 KiB

using Gtk;
namespace Tooth {
public errordomain Oopsie {
public static Application app;
public static Settings settings;
public static AccountStore accounts;
public static Network network;
public static Streams streams;
public static EntityCache entity_cache;
public static ImageCache image_cache;
public static GLib.Regex rtl_regex;
public static bool is_rtl;
public static bool start_hidden = false;
public class Application : Adw.Application {
public Dialogs.MainWindow? main_window { get; set; }
public Dialogs.NewAccount? add_account_window { get; set; }
// These are used for the GTK Inspector
public Settings app_settings { get {return Tooth.settings; } }
public AccountStore app_accounts { get {return Tooth.accounts; } }
public Network app_network { get {return; } }
public Streams app_streams { get {return Tooth.streams; } }
public signal void refresh ();
public signal void toast (string title);
public CssProvider css_provider = new CssProvider ();
public CssProvider zoom_css_provider = new CssProvider (); //FIXME: Zoom not working
public const GLib.OptionEntry[] app_options = {
{ "hidden", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref start_hidden, "Do not show main window on start", null },
{ null }
private const GLib.ActionEntry[] app_entries = {
{ "about", about_activated },
{ "compose", compose_activated },
{ "back", back_activated },
{ "refresh", refresh_activated },
{ "search", search_activated },
construct {
application_id = Build.DOMAIN;
flags = ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN;
public string[] ACCEL_ABOUT = {"F1"};
public string[] ACCEL_NEW_POST = {"<Ctrl>T"};
public string[] ACCEL_BACK = {"<Alt>BackSpace", "<Alt>Left"};
public string[] ACCEL_REFRESH = {"<Ctrl>R", "F5"};
public string[] ACCEL_SEARCH = {"<Ctrl>F"};
public static int main (string[] args) {
try {
var opt_context = new OptionContext ("- Options");
opt_context.add_main_entries (app_options, null);
opt_context.parse (ref args);
catch (GLib.OptionError e) {
warning (e.message);
try {
rtl_regex = new GLib.Regex("[\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFD\uFE70-\uFEFC]", GLib.RegexCompileFlags.OPTIMIZE, GLib.RegexMatchFlags.ANCHORED);
} catch (GLib.RegexError e) {
warning (e.message);
app = new Application ();
return (args);
protected override void startup () {
base.startup ();
try {
Build.print_info ();
Adw.init ();
settings = new Settings ();
streams = new Streams ();
network = new Network ();
entity_cache = new EntityCache ();
image_cache = new ImageCache ();
accounts = new SecretAccountStore();
accounts.init ();
// css_provider.load_from_resource (@"$(Build.RESOURCES)app.css");
StyleContext.add_provider_for_display (Gdk.Display.get_default (), css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
StyleContext.add_provider_for_display (Gdk.Display.get_default (), zoom_css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
catch (Error e) {
var msg = _("Could not start application: %s").printf (e.message);
inform (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, _("Error"), msg);
error (msg);
set_accels_for_action ("app.about", ACCEL_ABOUT);
set_accels_for_action ("app.compose", ACCEL_NEW_POST);
set_accels_for_action ("app.back", ACCEL_BACK);
set_accels_for_action ("app.refresh", ACCEL_REFRESH);
set_accels_for_action ("", ACCEL_SEARCH);
add_action_entries (app_entries, this);
protected override void activate () {
present_window ();
if (start_hidden) {
start_hidden = false;
public override void open (File[] files, string hint) {
foreach (File file in files) {
string uri = file.get_uri ();
if (add_account_window != null)
add_account_window.redirect (uri);
warning (@"Received an unexpected uri to open: $uri");
public void present_window (bool destroy_main = false) {
if (accounts.saved.is_empty) {
if (main_window != null && destroy_main)
message ("Presenting NewAccount dialog");
if (add_account_window == null)
new Dialogs.NewAccount ();
add_account_window.present ();
else {
message ("Presenting MainWindow");
if (main_window == null) {
main_window = new Dialogs.MainWindow (this);
is_rtl = main_window.get_default_direction() == Gtk.TextDirection.RTL;
main_window.present ();
// TODO: Background mode
// public bool on_window_closed () {
// if (!settings.work_in_background || accounts.saved.is_empty)
// app.remove_window (window_dummy);
// return false;
// }
void compose_activated () {
new Dialogs.Compose ();
void back_activated () {
main_window.back ();
void search_activated () {
main_window.open_view (new Views.Search ());
void refresh_activated () {
refresh ();
void about_activated () {
const string[] artists = {
"Tobias Bernard"
const string[] developers = {
"Evangelos \"GeopJr\" Paterakis"
var dialog = new Adw.AboutWindow () {
transient_for = main_window,
modal = true,
application_icon = Build.DOMAIN,
application_name = Build.NAME,
version = Build.VERSION,
support_url = Build.SUPPORT_WEBSITE,
license_type = License.GPL_3_0_ONLY,
copyright = Build.COPYRIGHT,
debug_info = Build.SYSTEM_INFO,
developers = developers,
artists = artists,
translator_credits = Build.TRANSLATOR != " " ? Build.TRANSLATOR : ""
// For some obscure reason, const arrays produce duplicates in the credits.
// Static functions seem to avoid this peculiar behavior.
// dialog.translator_credits = Build.TRANSLATOR != " " ? Build.TRANSLATOR : null;
dialog.present ();
public void inform (Gtk.MessageType type, string text, string? msg = null, Gtk.Window? win = main_window){
var dlg = new Gtk.MessageDialog (
dlg.text = text;
dlg.secondary_text = msg;
dlg.transient_for = win;
// ();
dlg.destroy ();
public Adw.MessageDialog question (string text, string? msg = null, Gtk.Window? win = main_window, string yes_label = _("Yes"), Adw.ResponseAppearance yes_appearence = Adw.ResponseAppearance.DEFAULT, string no_label = _("Cancel"), Adw.ResponseAppearance no_appearence = Adw.ResponseAppearance.DEFAULT) {
var dlg = new Adw.MessageDialog (
dlg.add_response("no", no_label);
dlg.set_response_appearance("no", no_appearence);
dlg.add_response("yes", yes_label);
dlg.set_response_appearance("yes", yes_appearence);
dlg.transient_for = win;
return dlg;