
251 lines
6.8 KiB

using GLib;
using Gee;
public class Tooth.InstanceAccount : API.Account, Streamable {
public const string EVENT_NEW_POST = "update";
public const string EVENT_DELETE_POST = "delete";
public const string EVENT_NOTIFICATION = "notification";
public string? backend { set; get; }
public string? instance { get; set; }
public string? client_id { get; set; }
public string? client_secret { get; set; }
public string? access_token { get; set; }
public Error? error { get; set; } //TODO: use this field when server invalidates the auth token
public GLib.ListStore known_places = new GLib.ListStore (typeof (Place));
public HashMap<Type,Type> type_overrides = new HashMap<Type,Type> ();
public new string handle_short {
owned get { return @"@$username"; }
public new string handle {
owned get { return full_handle; }
public bool is_active {
get {
if ( == null)
return false;
return == access_token;
public virtual signal void activated () {}
public virtual signal void deactivated () {}
public virtual signal void added () {
subscribed = true;
check_notifications ();
public virtual signal void removed () {
subscribed = false;
construct {
this.construct_streamable ();
this.stream_event[EVENT_NOTIFICATION].connect (on_notification_event);
this.register_known_places (this.known_places);
~InstanceAccount () {
destruct_streamable ();
public InstanceAccount.empty (string instance){
Object (
id: "",
instance: instance
// Visibility options
public class Visibility : Object {
public string id { get; construct set; }
public string name { get; construct set; }
public string icon_name { get; construct set; }
public string description { get; construct set; }
public HashMap<string,Visibility> visibility = new HashMap<string,Visibility> ();
public ListStore visibility_list = new ListStore (typeof (Visibility));
public void set_visibility (Visibility obj) {
this.visibility[] = obj;
visibility_list.append (obj);
// Core functions
public T create_entity<T> (Json.Node node) throws Error {
var type = typeof (T);
if (type_overrides.has_key (type))
type = type_overrides[type];
return Entity.from_json (type, node);
public Entity create_dynamic_entity (Type type, Json.Node node) throws Error {
if (type_overrides.has_key (type))
type = type_overrides[type];
return Entity.from_json (type, node);
public async void verify_credentials () throws Error {
var req = new Request.GET ("/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials").with_account (this);
yield req.await ();
var node = network.parse_node (req);
var updated = API.Account.from (node);
patch (updated);
message (@"$handle: profile updated");
public async Entity resolve (string url) throws Error {
message (@"Resolving URL: \"$url\"...");
var results = yield API.SearchResults.request (url, this);
var entity = results.first ();
message (@"Found $(entity.get_class ().get_name ())");
return entity;
public virtual void describe_kind (string kind, out string? icon, out string? descr, API.Account account, out string? descr_url) {
icon = null;
descr = null;
descr_url = null;
public virtual void register_known_places (GLib.ListStore places) {}
// Notifications
public int unread_count { get; set; default = 0; }
public bool has_unread { get; set; default = false; }
public int last_read_id { get; set; default = 0; }
public int last_received_id { get; set; default = 0; }
// public HashMap<int,GLib.Notification> unread_toasts { get; set; default = new HashMap<int,GLib.Notification> (); }
public ArrayList<string> sent_notification_ids { get; set; default = new ArrayList<string> (); }
public ArrayList<Object> notification_inhibitors { get; set; default = new ArrayList<Object> (); }
private bool passed_init_notifications = false;
public void init_notifications () {
if (passed_init_notifications) return;
new Request.GET ("/api/v1/notifications")
.with_account (this)
.with_param ("min_id", @"$last_read_id")
.then ((sess, msg) => {
var array = Network.get_array_mstd(msg);
if (array != null) {
unread_count = (int)array.get_length();
if (unread_count > 0) {
last_received_id = int.parse (array.get_object_element(0).get_string_member_with_default ("id", "-1"));
has_unread = unread_count > 0;
passed_init_notifications = true;
.exec ();
public virtual void check_notifications () {
new Request.GET ("/api/v1/markers?timeline[]=notifications")
.with_account (this)
.then ((sess, msg) => {
var root = network.parse (msg);
var notifications = root.get_object_member ("notifications");
last_read_id = int.parse (notifications.get_string_member_with_default ("last_read_id", "-1") );
if (!passed_init_notifications) init_notifications();
.exec ();
public void read_notifications (int up_to_id) {
message (@"Reading notifications up to id $up_to_id");
if (up_to_id > last_read_id) {
last_read_id = up_to_id;
if (last_read_id != -1) {
// Mark as read
new Request.POST ("/api/v1/markers")
.with_account (this)
.with_form_data ("notifications[last_read_id]", @"$up_to_id")
.then(() => {})
.exec ();
unread_count = 0;
has_unread = false;
if (sent_notification_ids.size > 0) {
sent_notification_ids.@foreach (entry => {
app.withdraw_notification (entry);
return true;
// unread_toasts.@foreach (entry => {
// var id = entry.key;
// read_notification (id);
// return true;
// });
// public void read_notification (int id) {
// if (id <= last_read_id) {
// message (@"Read notification with id: $id");
// app.withdraw_notification (id.to_string ());
// unread_toasts.unset (id);
// }
// unread_count = unread_toasts.size;
// has_unread = unread_count > 0;
// }
public void send_toast (API.Notification obj) {
var toast = obj.to_toast (this);
var id =;
app.send_notification (id, toast);
// Streamable
public string? t_connection_url { get; set; }
public bool subscribed { get; set; }
public virtual string? get_stream_url () {
if (instance == null || access_token == null) return null;
return @"$instance/api/v1/streaming/?stream=user&access_token=$access_token";
public virtual void on_notification_event (Streamable.Event ev) {
try {
var entity = create_entity<API.Notification> (ev.get_node ());
var id = int.parse (;
if (id > last_received_id) {
last_received_id = id;
if (notification_inhibitors.is_empty) {
has_unread = true;
send_toast (entity);
else {
read_notifications (last_received_id);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (@"on_notification_event: $(e.message)");