
92 lines
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using Gtk;
using Gdk;
public class Tootle.Widgets.Attachment.Picture : DrawingArea {
public string url { get; set; }
Cache.Reference? cached;
construct {
hexpand = vexpand = true;
get_style_context ().add_class ("pic");
public class Picture (string url) {
Object (url: url);
~Picture () {
cache.unload (cached);
public void on_request () {
cached = null;
on_redraw ();
cache.load (url, on_cache_update);
void on_cache_update (Cache.Reference? result) {
cached = result;
if (cached != null)
visible = !cached.loading;
on_redraw ();
void on_redraw () {
var w = get_allocated_width ();
var h = get_allocated_height ();
queue_draw_area (0, 0, w, h);
float get_ratio (int w, int h) {
var ow = ();
var oh = ();
var xscale = (float) w / ow;
var yscale = (float) h / oh;
if (xscale > yscale)
return xscale;
return yscale;
public override bool draw (Cairo.Context ctx) {
var w = get_allocated_width ();
var h = get_allocated_height ();
var style = get_style_context ();
var border_radius = style.get_property (Gtk.STYLE_PROPERTY_BORDER_RADIUS, style.get_state ()).get_int ();
if (cached != null) {
if (!cached.loading) {
Cairo.Surface surface = Gdk.cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf (, 1, null); ();
Drawing.draw_rounded_rect (ctx, 0, 0, w, h, border_radius);
//Proportionally scale to fit into the allocated container
var ratio = get_ratio (w, h);
ctx.scale (ratio, ratio);
//Center the result
var oh = ();
var result_h = oh*ratio;
var offset_y = (h - result_h) / 2;
var ow = ();
var result_w = ow*ratio;
var offset_x = (w - result_w) / 2;
ctx.translate (offset_x, offset_y);
//Draw it
ctx.set_source_surface (surface, 0, 0);
ctx.fill ();
ctx.restore ();
return false;