
110 lines
2.6 KiB

using Soup;
using Gee;
public class Tootle.Request : Soup.Message {
public string url { set; get; }
private Network.SuccessCallback? cb;
private Network.ErrorCallback? error_cb;
private HashMap<string, string>? pars;
private weak InstanceAccount? account;
private bool needs_token = false;
public Request.GET (string url) {
Object (method: "GET", url: url);
public Request.POST (string url) {
Object (method: "POST", url: url);
public Request.DELETE (string url) {
Object (method: "DELETE", url: url);
public Request then (owned Network.SuccessCallback cb) {
this.cb = (owned) cb;
return this;
public Request then_parse_array (owned Network.NodeCallback _cb) {
this.cb = (sess, msg) => {
var parser = new Json.Parser ();
parser.load_from_data ((string) msg.response_body.flatten ().data, -1);
parser.get_root ().get_array ().foreach_element ((array, i, node) => _cb (node, msg));
return this;
public Request then_parse_obj (owned Network.ObjectCallback _cb) {
this.cb = (sess, msg) => {
_cb (network.parse (msg));
return this;
public Request on_error (owned Network.ErrorCallback cb) {
this.error_cb = (owned) cb;
return this;
public Request with_account (InstanceAccount? account = null) {
this.needs_token = true;
if (account != null)
this.account = account;
return this;
public Request with_param (string name, string val) {
if (pars == null)
pars = new HashMap<string, string> ();
pars[name] = val;
return this;
// Should be used for requests with default priority
public Request queue () {
var parameters = "";
if (pars != null) {
parameters = "?";
var parameters_counter = 0;
pars.@foreach (entry => {
var key = (string) entry.key;
var val = (string) entry.value;
parameters += @"$key=$val";
if (parameters_counter < pars.size)
parameters += "&";
return true;
if (needs_token) {
if (account == null) {
warning (@"No account was specified or found for $method: $url$parameters");
return this;
request_headers.append ("Authorization", @"Bearer $(account.access_token)");
if (!("://" in url)) {
url = account.instance + url;
this.uri = new URI (url + "" + parameters);
url = uri.to_string (false);
debug (@"$method: $url");
network.queue (this, (owned) cb, (owned) error_cb);
return this;
// Should be used for real-time user interactions (liking, removing and browsing posts)
public Request exec () {
this.priority = MessagePriority.HIGH;
return this.queue ();