
97 lines
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using GLib;
public class Tootle.Desktop {
// Open a URI in the user's default application
public static bool open_uri (string uri) {
message (@"Opening URI: $uri");
try {
Gtk.show_uri (null, uri, Gdk.CURRENT_TIME);
catch (Error e){
try {
string[] spawn_args = {"/usr/bin/xdg-open", uri};
Process.spawn_sync (null, spawn_args, null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, null, null);
catch (Error e){
warning (@"Can't open URI \"$uri\": $(e.message)");
app.error (_("Open this URL in your browser:\n\n%s").printf (uri), "");
return true;
// Copy a string to the clipboard
public static void copy (string str) {
var display = window.get_display ();
var clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get_for_display (display, Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
clipboard.set_text (Widgets.RichLabel.restore_entities (str), -1);
public static string get_uri_host (string uri) {
var p1 = uri;
if ("//" in uri)
p1 = uri.split ("//")[1];
return p1.split ("/")[0];
// Download a file from the web to a user's configured Downloads folder
public delegate void DownloadCallback (string path);
public static void download (string url, owned DownloadCallback cb, owned Network.ErrorCallback ecb) {
message (@"Downloading file: $url...");
var file_name = Path.get_basename (url);
var dir_name = Path.get_dirname (url);
var dir_path = Path.build_path (
Environment.get_user_special_dir (UserDirectory.DOWNLOAD),
get_uri_host (dir_name));
var file_path = Path.build_path (
str_hash (dir_name).to_string () + file_name);
new Request.GET (url)
.then ((sess, msg) => {
try {
var dir = File.new_for_path (dir_path);
if (!dir.query_exists ())
dir.make_directory ();
var file = File.new_for_path (file_path);
if (!file.query_exists ()) {
var data =;
FileOutputStream stream = file.create (FileCreateFlags.PRIVATE);
stream.write (data);
message (@"OK: File written to: $file_path");
cb (file_path);
} catch (Error e) {
warning ("Error: %s\n", e.message);
ecb (0, e.message);
.on_error ((owned) ecb)
.exec ();
public static string fallback_icon (string normal, string fallback, string fallback2 = "broken") {
var theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
if (theme.has_icon (normal))
return normal;
return theme.has_icon (fallback) ? fallback : fallback2;
public static Gdk.Pixbuf icon_to_pixbuf (string name) {
var theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
return theme.load_icon (name, 32, Gtk.IconLookupFlags.GENERIC_FALLBACK);