Evangelos Paterakis 5ffed3ec5f
chore: rebrand
2022-11-13 22:57:43 +02:00

84 lines
1.8 KiB

using Gdk;
// This widget fits a Paintable inside its bounds without letterboxing.
public class Tooth.Widgets.Background : Gtk.Widget {
public Paintable? paintable { get; set; default = null; }
construct {
add_css_class ("header-image");
notify["paintable"].connect (() => {
this.queue_draw ();
overflow = Gtk.Overflow.HIDDEN;
public Graphene.Size widget_size {
get {
return Graphene.Size () {
width = get_width (),
height = get_height ()
public Graphene.Size image_size {
get {
if (paintable == null)
return ();
return Graphene.Size () {
width = paintable.get_intrinsic_width (),
height = paintable.get_intrinsic_height ()
Graphene.Rect get_bounds () {
var bounds = Graphene.Rect ();
bounds.init (0, 0, widget_size.width, widget_size.height);
return bounds;
public override void snapshot (Gtk.Snapshot snapshot) {
if (paintable == null)
// Get ratio
float image_ratio;
var xscale = (float) widget_size.width / image_size.width;
var yscale = (float) widget_size.height / image_size.height;
if (xscale > yscale)
image_ratio = xscale;
image_ratio = yscale;
// Start drawing ();
// Clip image
snapshot.push_clip (get_bounds ());
// Center the image
var result_h = image_size.height * image_ratio;
var result_w = image_size.width * image_ratio;
var offset_y = (widget_size.height - result_h) / 2;
var offset_x = (widget_size.width - result_w) / 2;
var offset = Graphene.Point ();
offset.init (offset_x, offset_y);
snapshot.translate (offset);
// Scale and draw the paintable
snapshot.scale (image_ratio, image_ratio);
paintable.snapshot (snapshot, image_size.width, image_size.height);
// Clean-up
snapshot.pop ();
snapshot.restore ();
base.snapshot (snapshot);