2023-02-17 17:59:26 +02:00

177 lines
4.2 KiB

using Gtk;
using Gdk;
public class Tooth.Views.Timeline : AccountHolder, Streamable, Views.ContentBase {
public string url { get; construct set; }
public bool is_public { get; construct set; default = false; }
public Type accepts { get; set; default = typeof (API.Status); }
protected InstanceAccount? account { get; set; default = null; }
public bool is_last_page { get; set; default = false; }
public string? page_next { get; set; }
public string? page_prev { get; set; }
construct {
app.refresh.connect (on_refresh);
status_button.clicked.connect (on_refresh);
construct_account_holder ();
construct_streamable ();
stream_event[InstanceAccount.EVENT_NEW_POST].connect (on_new_post);
stream_event[InstanceAccount.EVENT_DELETE_POST].connect (on_delete_post);
settings.notify["show-spoilers"].connect (on_refresh);
content.bind_model (model, on_create_model_widget);
~Timeline () {
destruct_account_holder ();
destruct_streamable ();
content.bind_model (null, null);
public virtual bool is_status_owned (API.Status status) {
return status.is_owned ();
public override void clear () {
this.page_prev = null;
this.page_next = null;
this.is_last_page = false;
this.needs_attention = false;
this.badge_number = 0;
base.clear ();
public void get_pages (string? header) {
page_next = page_prev = null;
if (header == null)
var pages = header.split (",");
foreach (var page in pages) {
var sanitized = page
.replace ("<","")
.replace (">", "")
.split (";")[0];
if ("rel=\"prev\"" in page)
page_prev = sanitized;
page_next = sanitized;
is_last_page = page_prev != null & page_next == null;
public virtual string get_req_url () {
if (page_next != null)
return page_next;
return url;
public virtual Request append_params (Request req) {
if (page_next == null)
return req.with_param ("limit", @"$(settings.timeline_page_size)");
return req;
public virtual void on_request_finish () {}
public virtual bool request () {
var req = append_params (new Request.GET (get_req_url ()))
.with_account (account)
.with_ctx (this)
.then ((sess, msg) => {
Network.parse_array (msg, node => {
var e = entity_cache.lookup_or_insert (node, accepts);
model.append (e); //FIXME: use splice();
get_pages (msg.response_headers.get_one ("Link"));
on_content_changed ();
on_request_finish ();
.on_error (on_error);
req.exec ();
return GLib.Source.REMOVE;
public virtual void on_refresh () {
scrolled.vadjustment.value = 0;
status_button.sensitive = false;
clear ();
status_loading = true;
GLib.Idle.add (request);
protected virtual void on_account_changed (InstanceAccount? acc) {
account = acc;
update_stream ();
on_refresh ();
protected override void on_bottom_reached () {
if (is_last_page) {
info ("Last page reached");
request ();
// Streamable
public string? t_connection_url { get; set; }
public bool subscribed { get; set; }
protected override void on_streaming_policy_changed () {
var allow_streaming = settings.live_updates;
if (is_public)
allow_streaming = allow_streaming && settings.public_live_updates;
subscribed = allow_streaming;
public virtual string? get_stream_url () {
return null;
public virtual void on_new_post (Streamable.Event ev) {
try {
var entity = Entity.from_json (accepts, ev.get_node ());
model.insert (0, entity);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (@"Error getting Entity from json: $(e.message)");
public virtual void on_delete_post (Streamable.Event ev) {
try {
var status_id = ev.get_string ();
for (uint i = 0; i < model.get_n_items(); i++) {
var status_obj = (API.Status)model.get_item(i);
// Not sure if there can be both the original
// and a boost of it at the same time.
if ( == status_id || == status_id) {
// If there can be both the original
// and boosts at the same time, then
// it shouldn't stop at the first find.
} catch (Error e) {
warning (@"Error getting String from json: $(e.message)");