Evangelos Paterakis 4aa033f496
feat(Base): make the status box match AdwStatusPage style
and split the messages into title and description
2023-02-15 22:22:37 +02:00

116 lines
2.9 KiB

using Gtk;
public class Tooth.Views.TabbedBase : Views.Base {
static int ID_COUNTER = 0;
protected Adw.ViewSwitcherTitle switcher_title;
protected Adw.ViewSwitcherBar switcher_bar;
protected Adw.ViewStack stack;
Views.Base? last_view = null;
construct {
state = "content";
var states_box = states.get_parent () as Box;
if (states_box != null)
states_box.remove (states);
view.get_style_context ().remove_class ("ttl-view");
var scrolled_box = scrolled.get_parent () as Box;
if (scrolled_box != null)
scrolled_box.remove (scrolled);
insert_child_after (states, header);
stack = new Adw.ViewStack ();
stack.notify["visible-child"].connect (on_view_switched);
content_box.append (stack);
switcher_bar.stack = switcher_title.stack = stack;
public override void build_header () {
switcher_title = new Adw.ViewSwitcherTitle ();
bind_property ("label", switcher_title, "title", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
// header.bind_property ("subtitle", switcher_title, "subtitle", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
header.title_widget = switcher_title;
switcher_bar = new Adw.ViewSwitcherBar ();
switcher_title.bind_property ("title-visible", switcher_bar, "reveal", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
append (switcher_bar);
public void add_tab (Views.Base view) {
var page = stack.add_titled (view, ID_COUNTER.to_string (), view.label);
view.bind_property ("icon", page, "icon-name", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
view.bind_property ("needs-attention", page, "needs-attention", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
view.bind_property ("badge-number", page, "badge-number", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
view.header.hide ();
public Views.ContentBase add_list_tab (string label, string icon) {
var tab = new Views.ContentBase ();
tab.label = label;
tab.icon = icon;
add_tab (tab);
return tab;
public delegate void TabCB (Views.ContentBase tab);
public void foreach_tab (TabCB cb) {
for (var w = stack.get_first_child (); w != null; w = w.get_next_sibling ()) {
var tab = w as Views.ContentBase;
if (tab != null)
cb (tab);
public override void clear () {
foreach_tab (tab => tab.clear ());
on_content_changed ();
// TODO: Why did I write this? What does it do??? Why does it crash????
public override void on_content_changed () {
// var empty = true;
foreach_tab (tab => {
// tab.visible = !tab.empty;
// if (tab.visible)
// empty = false;
tab.on_content_changed ();
state = "content";
// if (empty) {
// state = "status";
// status_title = STATUS_EMPTY;
// }
// else {
// state = "content";
// }
void on_view_switched () {
var view = stack.visible_child as Views.Base;
if (last_view != null) {
last_view.current = false;
last_view.on_hidden ();
if (view != null) {
label = view.label;
view.current = true;
view.on_shown ();
last_view = view;