Evangelos Paterakis 9e3851858f
feat: hashtags
- search results are now ActionRows and display information about usage
- you can now (un)follow hashtags
2023-02-16 00:44:34 +02:00

78 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file

using Gee;
using Json;
public class Tooth.API.Poll : GLib.Object, Json.Serializable{
public string id { get; set; }
public string expires_at{ get; set; }
public bool expired { get; set; }
public bool multiple { get; set; }
public int64 votes_count { get; set; }
public bool voted { get; set; default = true;}
public ArrayList<int> own_votes { get; set; }
public ArrayList<PollOption>? options{ get; set; default = null; }
public Poll (string _id) {
id = _id;
public override bool deserialize_property (string prop, out Value val, ParamSpec spec, Json.Node node) {
var success = default_deserialize_property (prop, out val, spec, node);
// var type = spec.value_type;
if (prop=="options"){
return Entity.des_list (out val, node, typeof (API.PollOption));
if (prop=="own-votes"){
return Poll.des_list_int (out val, node);
return success;
public static bool des_list_int (out Value val, Json.Node node) {
var arr = new Gee.ArrayList<int> ();
if (!node.is_null ()) {
node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, i, elem) => {
arr.add ((int)elem.get_int());
val = arr;
return true;
public static Poll from_json (Type type, Json.Node? node) throws Oopsie {
if (node == null)
throw new Oopsie.PARSING (@"Received Json.Node for $( ()) is null!");
var obj = node.get_object ();
if (obj == null)
throw new Oopsie.PARSING (@"Received Json.Node for $( ()) is not a Json.Object!");
return Json.gobject_deserialize (type, node) as Poll;
public static Request vote (InstanceAccount acc,ArrayList<PollOption> options,ArrayList<string> selection, string id) {
message (@"Voting poll $(id)...");
//Creating json to send
var builder = new Json.Builder ();
builder.begin_object ();
builder.set_member_name ("choices");
builder.begin_array ();
var row_number=0;
foreach (API.PollOption p in options){
foreach (string select in selection){
if (select == p.title){
builder.add_string_value (row_number.to_string());
builder.end_array ();
builder.end_object ();
var generator = new Json.Generator ();
generator.set_root (builder.get_root ());
var json = generator.to_data (null);
Request voting=new Request.POST (@"/api/v1/polls/$(id)/votes")
.with_account (acc);
return voting;