using Secret; public class Tooth.SecretAccountStore : AccountStore { const string VERSION = "1"; Secret.Schema schema; GLib.HashTable schema_attributes; public override void init () throws GLib.Error { message (@"Using libsecret v$(Secret.MAJOR_VERSION).$(Secret.MINOR_VERSION).$(Secret.MICRO_VERSION)"); schema_attributes = new GLib.HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); schema_attributes["login"] = SchemaAttributeType.STRING; schema_attributes["version"] = SchemaAttributeType.STRING; schema = new Secret.Schema.newv ( Build.DOMAIN, Secret.SchemaFlags.NONE, schema_attributes ); base.init (); } public override void load () throws GLib.Error { var attrs = new GLib.HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); attrs["version"] = VERSION; var secrets = Secret.password_searchv_sync ( schema, attrs, Secret.SearchFlags.ALL, null ); secrets.foreach (item => { var account = secret_to_account (item); if (account != null) { new Request.GET (@"/api/v1/accounts/$(") .with_account (account) .then ((sess, msg) => { var node = network.parse_node (msg); var acc = API.Account.from (node); account.display_name = acc.display_name; account.avatar = acc.avatar; }) .exec (); saved.add (account); account.added (); } }); changed (saved); message (@"Loaded $(saved.size) accounts"); } public override void save () throws GLib.Error { saved.foreach (account => { account_to_secret (account); return true; }); message (@"Saved $(saved.size) accounts"); } public override void remove (InstanceAccount account) throws GLib.Error { base.remove (account); var attrs = new GLib.HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); attrs["version"] = VERSION; attrs["login"] = account.handle; Secret.password_clearv_sync ( schema, attrs, null ); } void account_to_secret (InstanceAccount account) { var attrs = new GLib.HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); attrs["login"] = account.handle; attrs["version"] = VERSION; var generator = new Json.Generator (); account.instance_info = null; generator.set_root (account.to_json ()); var secret = generator.to_data (null); // translators: The variable is the backend like "Mastodon" var label = _("%s Account").printf (account.backend); try { Secret.password_storev_sync ( schema, attrs, Secret.COLLECTION_DEFAULT, label, secret, null ); } catch (GLib.Error e) { warning (e.message); app.inform (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, _("Error"), e.message); } message (@"Saved secret for $(account.handle)"); } InstanceAccount? secret_to_account (Secret.Retrievable item) { InstanceAccount? account = null; try { var secret = item.retrieve_secret_sync (); var contents = secret.get_text (); var parser = new Json.Parser (); parser.load_from_data (contents, -1); account = accounts.create_account (parser.get_root ()); } catch (GLib.Error e) { warning (e.message); } return account; } }