using Gtk; using Gee; public class Tooth.Widgets.RichLabelContainer : Adw.Bin { Button widget; Box button_child; string on_click_url = null; public weak ArrayList? mentions; construct { widget = new Button (); button_child = new Box(Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0); widget.child = button_child; widget.halign = Align.START; child = widget; widget.clicked.connect (on_click); } public void set_label (string text, string? url, Gee.HashMap? emojis, bool force_no_style = false, bool should_markup = false) { if (text.contains(":") && emojis != null) { string[] labelss = text.split (":"); // Whether the last item was an emoji bool was_emoji = false; // Whether its the first item bool is_first = labelss[0].get_char() != ':'; // The last created label Label? last_label = null; foreach (unowned string str in labelss) { // If str is an available emoji if (emojis.has_key(str)) { button_child.append(new Widgets.Emoji(emojis.get(str))); was_emoji = true; } else { // The label // if the last item was not an emoji // and its not the first item, prefix // it with a ":" // This way if someone has a name that // includes ":" (and its not an emoji) // we re-create the original string string txt = (!was_emoji && !is_first ? ":" : "") + str; // If the last label was not an emoji // append the new label to it // instead of creating a new one if (last_label != null && !was_emoji) { last_label.label = last_label.label + txt; } else { var tmp_child = new Label ("") { xalign = 0, wrap = true, wrap_mode = Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR, justify = Justification.LEFT, single_line_mode = false, use_markup = false }; tmp_child.label = txt; button_child.append(tmp_child); } was_emoji = false; } is_first = false; } } else { var tmp_child = new Label ("") { xalign = 0, wrap = true, wrap_mode = Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR, justify = Justification.LEFT, single_line_mode = false, use_markup = should_markup }; tmp_child.label = text; button_child.append(tmp_child); } // if there's no url // make the button look // like a label if (url ==null || force_no_style) { widget.add_css_class("ttl-label-emoji-no-click"); } on_click_url = url; } protected void on_click () { if (on_click_url == null) return; if (mentions != null){ mentions.@foreach (mention => { if (on_click_url == mention.url) (); return true; }); } if ("/tags/" in on_click_url) { var encoded = on_click_url.split ("/tags/")[1]; var tag = Soup.URI.decode (encoded); app.main_window.open_view (new Views.Hashtag (tag)); return; } if (should_resolve_url (on_click_url)) { (on_click_url, (obj, res) => { try { (res).open (); } catch (Error e) { warning (@"Failed to resolve URL \"$on_click_url\":"); warning (e.message); Host.open_uri (on_click_url); } }); } else { Host.open_uri (on_click_url); } return; } public static bool should_resolve_url (string url) { return settings.aggressive_resolving || "@" in url || "user" in url; } }