using Gtk; using Gdk; [GtkTemplate (ui = "/dev/geopjr/tooth/ui/widgets/status.ui")] public class Tooth.Widgets.Status : ListBoxRow { API.Status? _bound_status = null; public API.Status? status { get { return _bound_status; } set { if (_bound_status != null) warning ("Trying to rebind a Status widget! This is not supposed to happen!"); _bound_status = value; if (_bound_status != null) bind (); } } public API.Account? kind_instigator { get; set; default = null; } string? _kind = null; public string? kind { get { return _kind; } set { _kind = value; change_kind (); } } [GtkChild] protected unowned Grid grid; [GtkChild] protected unowned Image header_icon; [GtkChild] protected unowned Widgets.RichLabelContainer header_label; [GtkChild] public unowned Image thread_line; [GtkChild] public unowned Widgets.Avatar avatar; [GtkChild] protected unowned Widgets.RichLabelContainer name_label; [GtkChild] protected unowned Label handle_label; [GtkChild] protected unowned Box indicators; [GtkChild] protected unowned Label date_label; [GtkChild] protected unowned Image pin_indicator; [GtkChild] protected unowned Image indicator; [GtkChild] protected unowned Box content_column; [GtkChild] protected unowned Stack spoiler_stack; [GtkChild] protected unowned Box content_box; [GtkChild] protected unowned Widgets.MarkupView content; [GtkChild] protected unowned Widgets.Attachment.Box attachments; [GtkChild] protected unowned Button spoiler_button; [GtkChild] protected unowned Widgets.RichLabel spoiler_label; [GtkChild] protected unowned Label spoiler_label_rev; [GtkChild] protected unowned Box spoiler_status_con; [GtkChild] protected unowned Box status_stats; [GtkChild] protected unowned Label reblog_count_label; [GtkChild] protected unowned Label fav_count_label; [GtkChild] public unowned Box actions; [GtkChild] public unowned Widgets.VoteBox poll; protected Button reply_button; protected Adw.ButtonContent reply_button_content; protected StatusActionButton reblog_button; protected StatusActionButton favorite_button; protected StatusActionButton bookmark_button; public bool is_conversation_open { get; set; default = false; } construct { open.connect (on_open); rebuild_actions (); } public Status (API.Status status) { Object ( kind_instigator: status.account, status: status ); if (kind == null && status.reblog != null) { kind = Mastodon.Account.KIND_REMOTE_REBLOG; } check_actions(); } ~Status () { message ("Destroying Status widget"); } private void check_actions() { if (kind == Mastodon.Account.KIND_FOLLOW || kind == Mastodon.Account.KIND_FOLLOW_REQUEST) { actions.visible = false; } } protected string spoiler_text { owned get { var text = status.formal.spoiler_text; if (text == null || text == "") { return _("Show More"); } else { spoiler_text_revealed = text; return text; } } } public string spoiler_text_revealed { get; set; default = _("Sensitive"); } public bool reveal_spoiler { get; set; default = true; } protected string date { owned get { return DateTime.humanize (status.formal.created_at); } } public string title_text { owned get { return status.formal.account.display_name; } } public string subtitle_text { owned get { return status.formal.account.handle; } } public string? avatar_url { owned get { return status.formal.account.avatar; } } public signal void open (); public virtual void on_open () { if ( == "") on_avatar_clicked (); else (); } protected virtual void change_kind () { string icon = null; string descr = null; string label_url = null; check_actions(); (this.kind, out icon, out descr, this.kind_instigator, out label_url); header_icon.visible = header_label.visible = (icon != null); if (icon == null) return; header_icon.icon_name = icon; header_label.set_label(descr, label_url, this.kind_instigator.emojis_map); } protected virtual void bind () { // Content bind_property ("spoiler-text", spoiler_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); bind_property ("spoiler-text-revealed", spoiler_label_rev, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); status.formal.bind_property ("content", content, "content", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); bind_property ("is_conversation_open", status_stats, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); status.formal.bind_property ("reblogs_count", reblog_count_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { int64 srcval = (int64) src; target.set_string (@"$srcval " + _("Reblogs")); return true; }); status.formal.bind_property ("favourites_count", fav_count_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { int64 srcval = (int64) src; target.set_string (@"$srcval " + _("Favourites")); return true; }); status.formal.bind_property ("replies_count", reply_button_content, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { int64 srcval = (int64) src; if (srcval > 0) { reply_button_content.margin_start = 6; reply_button_content.margin_end = 6; } else { reply_button_content.margin_start = 0; reply_button_content.margin_end = 0; } if (srcval == 1) target.set_string (@"1"); else if (srcval > 1) target.set_string (@"1+"); else target.set_string(""); return true; }); // bind_property ("title_text", name_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); // title_text name_label.set_label(title_text, status.formal.account.handle, status.formal.account.emojis_map, true); bind_property ("subtitle_text", handle_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); bind_property ("date", date_label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); status.formal.bind_property ("pinned", pin_indicator, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); status.formal.bind_property ("visibility", indicator, "icon_name", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { target.set_string ([src.get_string ()].icon_name); return true; }); status.formal.bind_property ("account", avatar, "account", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); // Spoiler //TODO: Spoilers // reveal_spoiler = true; // spoiler_stack.visible_child_name = "content"; // status.formal.bind_property ("has-spoiler", this, "reveal-spoiler", BindingFlags.INVERT_BOOLEAN); status.formal.bind_property ("has-spoiler", this, "reveal-spoiler", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { target.set_boolean (!src.get_boolean () || settings.show_spoilers); return true; }); bind_property ("reveal-spoiler", spoiler_stack, "visible-child-name", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { var name = reveal_spoiler ? "content" : "spoiler"; spoiler_status_con.visible = src.get_boolean() && status.formal.has_spoiler; target.set_string (name); return true; }); // Actions reblog_button.bind (status.formal); favorite_button.bind (status.formal); bookmark_button.bind (status.formal); reply_button.set_child(reply_button_content); reply_button.add_css_class("ttl-status-action-reply"); reply_button.tooltip_text = _("Reply"); if (status.formal.in_reply_to_id != null) reply_button_content.icon_name = "tooth-reply-all-symbolic"; else reply_button_content.icon_name = "tooth-reply-sender-symbolic"; if (!status.can_be_boosted) { reblog_button.sensitive = false; reblog_button.tooltip_text = _("This post can't be boosted"); reblog_button.icon_name =[status.visibility].icon_name; } else { reblog_button.sensitive = true; reblog_button.tooltip_text = _("Boost"); reblog_button.icon_name = "tooth-media-playlist-repeat-symbolic"; } if ( == "") { actions.destroy (); date_label.destroy (); } if (status.poll==null){ poll.hide(); } else{ poll.status_parent=status; status.bind_property ("poll", poll, "poll", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); } // Attachments attachments.list = status.formal.media_attachments; } protected virtual void append_actions () { reply_button = new Button (); reply_button_content = new Adw.ButtonContent (); reply_button.clicked.connect (() => new Dialogs.Compose.reply (status)); actions.append (reply_button); reblog_button = new StatusActionButton () { prop_name = "reblogged", action_on = "reblog", action_off = "unreblog" }; reblog_button.add_css_class("ttl-status-action-reblog"); reblog_button.tooltip_text = _("Boost"); actions.append (reblog_button); favorite_button = new StatusActionButton () { prop_name = "favourited", action_on = "favourite", action_off = "unfavourite", icon_name = "tooth-unstarred-symbolic", icon_toggled_name = "tooth-starred-symbolic" }; favorite_button.add_css_class("ttl-status-action-star"); favorite_button.tooltip_text = _("Favourite"); actions.append (favorite_button); bookmark_button = new StatusActionButton () { prop_name = "bookmarked", action_on = "bookmark", action_off = "unbookmark", icon_name = "tooth-bookmarks-symbolic", icon_toggled_name = "tooth-bookmarks-filled-symbolic" }; bookmark_button.add_css_class("ttl-status-action-bookmark"); bookmark_button.tooltip_text = _("Bookmark"); actions.append (bookmark_button); } void rebuild_actions () { for (var w = actions.get_first_child (); w != null; w = w.get_next_sibling ()) actions.remove (w); append_actions (); // var menu_button = new MenuButton (); //TODO: Status menu // menu_button.icon_name = "tooth-view-more-symbolic"; // menu_button.get_first_child ().add_css_class ("flat"); // actions.append (menu_button); for (var w = actions.get_first_child (); w != null; w = w.get_next_sibling ()) { w.add_css_class ("flat"); w.add_css_class ("circular"); w.halign = Align.CENTER; } } [GtkCallback] public void toggle_spoiler () { reveal_spoiler = !reveal_spoiler; } [GtkCallback] public void on_avatar_clicked () { (); } public void expand_root () { activatable = false; content.selectable = true; content.get_style_context ().add_class ("ttl-large-body"); var mgr = (content_column.get_parent () as Grid).get_layout_manager (); var child = mgr.get_layout_child (content_column); child.set_property ("column", 0); child.set_property ("column_span", 2); } // Threads public enum ThreadRole { NONE, START, MIDDLE, END; public static void connect_posts (Widgets.Status? prev, Widgets.Status curr) { if (prev == null) { curr.thread_role = NONE; return; } switch (prev.thread_role) { case NONE: prev.thread_role = START; curr.thread_role = END; break; case END: prev.thread_role = MIDDLE; curr.thread_role = END; break; } } } public ThreadRole thread_role { get; set; default = ThreadRole.NONE; } public void install_thread_line () { var l = thread_line; switch (thread_role) { case NONE: l.visible = false; break; case START: l.valign = Align.FILL; l.margin_top = 24; l.visible = true; break; case MIDDLE: l.valign = Align.FILL; l.margin_top = 0; l.visible = true; break; case END: l.valign = Align.START; l.margin_top = 0; l.visible = true; break; } } }