using Json; public class Tootle.Entity : GLib.Object, Widgetizable, Json.Serializable { public static string[] ignore_props = {"formal", "handle", "domain", "has-spoiler"}; public virtual bool is_local (InstanceAccount account) { return true; } public new ParamSpec[] list_properties () { ParamSpec[] specs = {}; foreach (ParamSpec spec in get_class ().list_properties ()) { if (!( in ignore_props)) specs += spec; } return specs; } public void patch (GLib.Object with) { var props = with.get_class ().list_properties (); foreach (var prop in props) { var name = prop.get_name (); var defined = get_class ().find_property (name) != null; var forbidden = name in ignore_props; if (defined && !forbidden) { var val = Value (prop.value_type); with.get_property (name, ref val); base.set_property (name, val); } } } public static Entity from_json (Type type, Json.Node? node) throws Oopsie { if (node == null) throw new Oopsie.PARSING (@"Received Json.Node for $( ()) is null!"); var obj = node.get_object (); if (obj == null) throw new Oopsie.PARSING (@"Received Json.Node for $( ()) is not a Json.Object!"); //Replace with something more elegant var kind = obj.get_member ("type"); if (kind != null) { obj.set_member ("kind", kind); obj.remove_member ("type"); } var val = obj.get_member ("value"); if (val != null) { obj.set_member ("val", val); obj.remove_member ("value"); } return Json.gobject_deserialize (type, node) as Entity; } public Json.Node to_json () { return Json.gobject_serialize (this); } public string to_json_data () { size_t len; return Json.gobject_to_data (this, out len); } public override bool deserialize_property (string prop, out Value val, ParamSpec spec, Json.Node node) { // debug (@"deserializing $prop of type $(val.type_name ())"); var success = default_deserialize_property (prop, out val, spec, node); var type = spec.value_type; if (val.type () == Type.INVALID) { // Fix for glib-json < 1.5.1 val.init (type); spec.set_value_default (ref val); type = spec.value_type; } if (type.is_a (typeof (Gee.ArrayList))) { Type contains; //There has to be a better way switch (prop) { case "media-attachments": contains = typeof (API.Attachment); break; case "mentions": contains = typeof (API.Mention); break; case "fields": contains = typeof (API.AccountField); break; case "accounts": contains = typeof (API.Account); break; case "statuses": contains = typeof (API.Status); break; case "hashtags": contains = typeof (API.Tag); break; default: contains = typeof (Entity); break; } return des_list (out val, node, contains); } else if (type.is_a (typeof (API.NotificationType))) return des_notification_type (out val, node); return success; } static bool des_notification_type (out Value val, Json.Node node) { var str = node.get_string (); val = API.NotificationType.from_string (str); return true; } static bool des_list (out Value val, Json.Node node, Type type) { if (!node.is_null ()) { var arr = new Gee.ArrayList (); node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, i, elem) => { var obj = Entity.from_json (type, elem); arr.add (obj); }); val = arr; } return true; } public override Json.Node serialize_property (string prop, Value val, ParamSpec spec) { var type = spec.value_type; // debug (@"serializing $prop of type $(val.type_name ())"); if (type.is_a (typeof (Gee.ArrayList))) return ser_list (prop, val, spec); if (type.is_a (typeof (API.NotificationType))) return ser_notification_type (prop, val, spec); return default_serialize_property (prop, val, spec); } static Json.Node ser_notification_type (string prop, Value val, ParamSpec spec) { var enum_val = (API.NotificationType) val; var node = new Json.Node (NodeType.VALUE); node.set_string (enum_val.to_string ()); return node; } static Json.Node ser_list (string prop, Value val, ParamSpec spec) { var list = (Gee.ArrayList) val; if (list == null) return new Json.Node (NodeType.NULL); var arr = new Json.Array (); list.@foreach (e => { var enode = e.to_json (); arr.add_element (enode); return true; }); var node = new Json.Node (NodeType.ARRAY); node.set_array (arr); return node; } }