using Gtk; public class Tooth.EditorPage : ComposerPage { protected uint char_limit { get; set; default = 500; } //TODO: Ask the instance to get this value protected int remaining_chars { get; set; default = 0; } construct { title = _("Text"); icon_name = "document-edit-symbolic"; } public override void on_build (Dialogs.Compose dialog, API.Status status) { base.on_build (dialog, status); install_editor (); install_visibility (); install_cw (); validate (); } protected virtual signal void recount_chars () {} protected void validate () { recount_chars (); } public override void on_pull () { populate_editor (); } public override void on_push () { status.content = editor.buffer.text; status.sensitive =; if (status.sensitive) { status.spoiler_text = cw_entry.text; } status.visibility = (visibility_button.selected_item as InstanceAccount.Visibility).id; } public override void on_modify_req (Request req) { req.with_form_data ("status", status.content); req.with_form_data ("visibility", status.visibility); if (dialog.status.in_reply_to_id != null) req.with_form_data ("in_reply_to_id", dialog.status.in_reply_to_id); if (dialog.status.in_reply_to_account_id != null) req.with_form_data ("in_reply_to_account_id", dialog.status.in_reply_to_account_id); if ( { req.with_form_data ("sensitive", "true"); req.with_form_data ("spoiler_text", status.spoiler_text); } } protected TextView editor; protected Label char_counter; protected void install_editor () { recount_chars.connect (() => { remaining_chars = (int) char_limit; }); recount_chars.connect_after (() => { char_counter.label = remaining_chars.to_string (); if (remaining_chars < 0) char_counter.add_css_class ("error"); else char_counter.remove_css_class ("error"); }); editor = new TextView () { vexpand = true, hexpand = true, top_margin = 6, right_margin = 6, bottom_margin = 6, left_margin = 6, pixels_below_lines = 6, accepts_tab = false, wrap_mode = WrapMode.WORD_CHAR }; recount_chars.connect (() => { remaining_chars -= editor.buffer.get_char_count (); }); content.prepend (editor); char_counter = new Label (char_limit.to_string ()) { margin_end = 6 }; char_counter.add_css_class ("heading"); bottom_bar.pack_end (char_counter); editor.buffer.changed.connect (validate); } protected void populate_editor () { editor.buffer.text = dialog.status.content; } protected ToggleButton cw_button; protected Entry cw_entry; protected void install_cw () { cw_entry = new Gtk.Entry () { placeholder_text = _("Write your warning here"), margin_top = 6, margin_end = 6, margin_start = 6 }; cw_entry.buffer.inserted_text.connect (validate); cw_entry.buffer.deleted_text.connect (validate); var revealer = new Gtk.Revealer () { child = cw_entry }; revealer.add_css_class ("view"); content.prepend (revealer); cw_button = new ToggleButton () { icon_name = "dialog-warning-symbolic", tooltip_text = _("Spoiler Warning") }; cw_button.toggled.connect (validate); cw_button.bind_property ("active", revealer, "reveal_child", GLib.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); add_button (cw_button); recount_chars.connect (() => { if ( remaining_chars -= (int) cw_entry.buffer.length; }); } protected DropDown visibility_button; protected void install_visibility () { visibility_button = new DropDown (, null) { expression = new PropertyExpression (typeof (InstanceAccount.Visibility), null, "name"), factory = new BuilderListItemFactory.from_resource (null, Build.RESOURCES+"gtk/dropdown/icon.ui"), list_factory = new BuilderListItemFactory.from_resource (null, Build.RESOURCES+"gtk/dropdown/full.ui") }; add_button (visibility_button); add_button (new Gtk.Separator (Orientation.VERTICAL)); } }