using Gtk; using Gdk; [GtkTemplate (ui = "/dev/geopjr/tooth/ui/dialogs/main.ui")] public class Tooth.Dialogs.MainWindow: Adw.ApplicationWindow, Saveable { public const string ZOOM_CLASS = "ttl-scalable"; [GtkChild] public unowned Adw.Flap flap; [GtkChild] unowned Adw.Leaflet leaflet; [GtkChild] unowned Views.Sidebar sidebar; Views.Base? last_view = null; construct { construct_saveable (settings); var gtk_settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default (); // settings.bind_property ("dark-theme", gtk_settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); settings.notify["post-text-size"].connect (() => on_zoom_level_changed ()); on_zoom_level_changed (); // button_press_event.connect (on_button_press); } public MainWindow (Adw.Application app) { Object ( application: app, icon_name: Build.DOMAIN, title: Build.NAME, resizable: true ); sidebar.set_sidebar_selected_item(0); open_view (new Views.Main ()); if (Build.PROFILE == "development") { this.add_css_class ("devel"); } } public Views.Base open_view (Views.Base view) { if (last_view != null && last_view.label == view.label && !view.is_profile) return view; if (last_view != null && !last_view.is_main && view.is_sidebar_item) { leaflet.remove(last_view); } leaflet.append (view); leaflet.visible_child = view; return view; } public bool back () { if (last_view == null) return true; if (last_view.is_sidebar_item) sidebar.set_sidebar_selected_item(0); leaflet.navigate (Adw.NavigationDirection.BACK); return true; } public void go_back_to_start () { var navigated = true; while(navigated) { navigated = leaflet.navigate (Adw.NavigationDirection.BACK); } } // public override bool delete_event (Gdk.EventAny event) { // window = null; // return app.on_window_closed (); // } //FIXME: switch timelines with 1-4. Should be moved to Views.TabbedBase public void switch_timeline (int32 num) {} //FIXME: Handle back mouse button // bool on_button_press (EventButton ev) { // if (ev.button == 8) // return back (); // return false; // } void on_zoom_level_changed () { var scale = settings.post_text_size; var css = ""; if (scale > 100) { css =""" .%s label { font-size: %i%; } """.printf (ZOOM_CLASS, scale); } // app.zoom_css_provider.load_from_data (; } [GtkCallback] void on_view_changed () { var view = leaflet.visible_child as Views.Base; on_child_transition (); if (last_view != null) { last_view.current = false; last_view.on_hidden (); } if (view != null) { view.current = true; view.on_shown (); } last_view = view; } [GtkCallback] void on_child_transition () { if (leaflet.child_transition_running) return; Widget unused_child = null; while ((unused_child = leaflet.get_adjacent_child (Adw.NavigationDirection.FORWARD)) != null) { leaflet.remove (unused_child); unused_child.dispose (); } } }