using GLib; public class Tooth.DateTime { public static string humanize_left (string iso8601) { var date = new GLib.DateTime.from_iso8601 (iso8601, null); var now = new GLib.DateTime.now_local (); var delta = date.difference (now); if (delta < 0) { return humanize(iso8601); } else if (delta <= TimeSpan.MINUTE) { return _("expires soon"); } else if (delta < TimeSpan.HOUR) { var minutes = delta / TimeSpan.MINUTE; return _(@"$(minutes)m left"); } else if (delta <= TimeSpan.DAY) { var hours = delta / TimeSpan.HOUR; return _(@"$(hours)h left"); } else if (delta <= (TimeSpan.DAY * 60)) { var days = delta / TimeSpan.DAY; return _(@"$(days)d left"); } else { // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number // %Y is the year (with century) return date.format (_("expires on %b %-e, %Y")); } } public static string humanize_ago (string iso8601) { var date = new GLib.DateTime.from_iso8601 (iso8601, null); var now = new GLib.DateTime.now_local (); var delta = now.difference (date); if (delta < 0) // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number // %Y is the year (with century) // %H is the hours (24h format) // %m is the minutes return date.format (_("expires on %b %-e, %Y %H:%m")); else if (delta <= TimeSpan.MINUTE) return _("expired on just now"); else if (delta < TimeSpan.HOUR) { var minutes = delta / TimeSpan.MINUTE; return _(@"expired $(minutes)m ago"); } else if (delta <= TimeSpan.DAY) { var hours = delta / TimeSpan.HOUR; return _(@"expired $(hours)h ago"); } else if (is_same_day (now, date.add_days (1))) { return _("expired yesterday"); } else if (date.get_year () == now.get_year ()) { // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number return date.format (_("expired on %b %-e")); } else { // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number // %Y is the year (with century) return date.format (_("expired on %b %-e, %Y")); } } public static string humanize (string iso8601) { var date = new GLib.DateTime.from_iso8601 (iso8601, null); var now = new GLib.DateTime.now_local (); var delta = now.difference (date); if (delta < 0) // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number // %Y is the year (with century) // %H is the hours (24h format) // %m is the minutes return date.format (_("%b %-e, %Y %H:%m")); else if (delta <= TimeSpan.MINUTE) return _("Just now"); else if (delta < TimeSpan.HOUR) { var minutes = delta / TimeSpan.MINUTE; return _(@"$(minutes)m"); } else if (delta <= TimeSpan.DAY) { var hours = delta / TimeSpan.HOUR; return _(@"$(hours)h"); } else if (is_same_day (now, date.add_days (1))) { return _("Yesterday"); } else if (date.get_year () == now.get_year ()) { // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number return date.format (_("%b %-e")); } else { // translators: %b is Month name (short) // %-e is the Day number // %Y is the year (with century) return date.format (_("%b %-e, %Y")); } } public static bool is_same_day (GLib.DateTime d1, GLib.DateTime d2) { return (d1.get_day_of_year () == d2.get_day_of_year ()) && (d1.get_year () == d2.get_year ()); } }