using Gtk; [GtkTemplate (ui = "/dev/geopjr/Tooth/ui/dialogs/new_account.ui")] public class Tooth.Dialogs.NewAccount: Adw.Window { const string AUTO_AUTH_DESCRIPTION = _("Allow access to your account in the browser. If something went wrong, try manual authorization."); const string CODE_AUTH_DESCRIPTION = _("Copy the authorization code from the browser and paste it below."); const string scopes = "read write follow"; protected bool is_working { get; set; default = false; } protected string? redirect_uri { get; set; } protected bool use_auto_auth { get; set; default = true; } protected InstanceAccount account { get; set; default = new InstanceAccount.empty (""); } [GtkChild] unowned Adw.Leaflet deck; [GtkChild] unowned Box instance_step; [GtkChild] unowned Box code_step; [GtkChild] unowned Box done_step; [GtkChild] unowned Adw.EntryRow instance_entry; [GtkChild] unowned Label instance_entry_error; [GtkChild] unowned Adw.EntryRow code_entry; [GtkChild] unowned Label code_entry_error; [GtkChild] unowned Adw.StatusPage auth_page; [GtkChild] unowned Adw.StatusPage done_page; public NewAccount () { Object (transient_for: app.main_window); app.add_account_window = this; app.add_window (this); bind_property("use-auto-auth", auth_page, "description", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => { target.set_string (src.get_boolean () ? AUTO_AUTH_DESCRIPTION : CODE_AUTH_DESCRIPTION); return true; }); reset (); present (); } public override bool close_request () { warning ("Close Request"); app.add_account_window = null; return base.close_request (); } string setup_redirect_uri () { try { if (!use_auto_auth) throw new Oopsie.INTERNAL ("Using manual auth method"); // GLib.Process.spawn_command_line_sync (@"xdg-mime default $(Build.DOMAIN).desktop x-scheme-handler/tooth"); // message ("Successfully associated MIME type for automatic authorization"); return "tooth://auth_code"; } catch (Error e) { warning (e.message); use_auto_auth = false; return "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"; } } void reset () { message ("Reset state"); clear_errors (); use_auto_auth = true; account = new InstanceAccount.empty (account.instance); deck.visible_child = instance_step; } void oopsie (string title, string msg = "") { warning (@"$title $msg."); app.inform (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, title, msg, this); } async void step () throws Error { if (deck.visible_child == instance_step) { setup_instance (); yield accounts.guess_backend (account); } if (account.client_secret == null || account.client_id == null) { yield register_client (); return; } yield request_token (); } void setup_instance () throws Error { message ("Checking instance URL"); var str = instance_entry.text .replace ("/", "") .replace (":", "") .replace ("https", "") .replace ("http", ""); account.instance = "https://"+str; instance_entry.text = str; if (str.char_count () <= 0 || !("." in account.instance)) throw new Oopsie.USER (_("Please enter a valid instance URL")); } async void register_client () throws Error { message ("Registering client"); var msg = new Request.POST (@"/api/v1/apps") .with_account (account) .with_form_data ("client_name", Build.NAME) .with_form_data ("redirect_uris", redirect_uri = setup_redirect_uri ()) .with_form_data ("scopes", scopes) .with_form_data ("website", Build.WEBSITE); yield msg.await (); var root = network.parse (msg); account.client_id = root.get_string_member ("client_id"); account.client_secret = root.get_string_member ("client_secret"); message ("OK: Instance registered client"); deck.visible_child = code_step; open_confirmation_page (); } void open_confirmation_page () { message ("Opening permission request page"); var pars = @"scope=$scopes&response_type=code&redirect_uri=$redirect_uri&client_id=$(account.client_id)"; var url = @"$(account.instance)/oauth/authorize?$pars"; Host.open_uri (url); } async void request_token () throws Error { if (code_entry.text.char_count () <= 10) throw new Oopsie.USER (_("Please enter a valid authorization code")); message ("Requesting access token"); var token_req = new Request.POST (@"/oauth/token") .with_account (account) .with_param ("client_id", account.client_id) .with_param ("client_secret", account.client_secret) .with_param ("redirect_uri", redirect_uri) .with_param ("grant_type", "authorization_code") .with_param ("code", code_entry.text); yield token_req.await (); var root = network.parse (token_req); account.access_token = root.get_string_member ("access_token"); if (account.access_token == null) throw new Oopsie.INSTANCE (_("Instance failed to authorize the access token")); yield account.verify_credentials (); account = accounts.create_account (account.to_json ()); message ("Saving account"); accounts.add (account); done_page.title = _("Hello, %s!").printf (account.display_name); deck.visible_child = done_step; message ("Switching to account"); accounts.activate (account); } public void redirect (string uri) { present (); message (@"Received uri: $uri"); if ("manual_auth" in uri) { use_auto_auth = false; register_client.begin (); // reset(); return; } var query = new Soup.URI (uri).get_query (); var split = query.split ("="); var code = split[1]; var code_clean = code.splice(code.index_of_char('&'), -1); code_entry.text = code_clean; is_working = false; on_next_clicked (); } public void mark_errors (string error_message) { instance_entry.add_css_class("error"); instance_entry_error.label = error_message; code_entry.add_css_class("error"); code_entry_error.label = error_message; } [GtkCallback] public void clear_errors () { instance_entry.remove_css_class("error"); instance_entry_error.label = ""; code_entry.remove_css_class("error"); code_entry_error.label = ""; } [GtkCallback] void on_next_clicked () { clear_errors (); if (is_working) return; is_working = true; step.begin ((obj, res) => { try { step.end (res); clear_errors (); } catch (Oopsie.INSTANCE e) { oopsie (_("Server returned an error"), e.message); mark_errors(e.message); } catch (Error e) { oopsie (e.message); mark_errors(e.message); } is_working = false; }); } [GtkCallback] void on_done_clicked () { app.present_window (); app.add_account_window = null; destroy(); } [GtkCallback] void on_back_clicked () { reset (); } [GtkCallback] void on_visible_child_notify () { if (!deck.child_transition_running && deck.visible_child == instance_step) reset (); deck.can_navigate_back = deck.visible_child != done_step; } }