#!/usr/bin/env bash ( PS1="$" basedir="$(cd "$1" && pwd -P)" workdir="$basedir/work" source "$basedir/scripts/functions.sh" gitcmd="git -c commit.gpgsign=false -c core.safecrlf=false" echo "Rebuilding patch files from current fork state..." function cleanupPatches { cd "$1" for patch in *.patch; do echo "$patch" gitver=$(tail -n 2 "$patch" | grep -ve "^$" | tail -n 1) diffs=$($gitcmd diff --staged "$patch" | grep --color=none -E "^(\+|\-)" | grep --color=none -Ev "(From [a-z0-9]{32,}|\-\-\- a|\+\+\+ b|^.index)") testver=$(echo "$diffs" | tail -n 2 | grep --color=none -ve "^$" | tail -n 1 | grep --color=none "$gitver") if [ "x$testver" != "x" ]; then diffs=$(echo "$diffs" | sed 'N;$!P;$!D;$d') fi if [ "x$diffs" == "x" ] ; then $gitcmd reset HEAD "$patch" >/dev/null $gitcmd checkout -- "$patch" >/dev/null fi done } function savePatches { what=$1 what_name=$(basename "$what") target=$2 echo "Formatting patches for $what..." cd "$basedir/${what_name}-Patches/" if [ -d "$basedir/$target/.git/rebase-apply" ]; then # in middle of a rebase, be smarter echo "REBASE DETECTED - PARTIAL SAVE" last=$(cat "$basedir/$target/.git/rebase-apply/last") next=$(cat "$basedir/$target/.git/rebase-apply/next") orderedfiles=$(find . -name "*.patch" | sort) for i in $(seq -f "%04g" 1 1 $last) do if [ $i -lt $next ]; then rm $(echo "$orderedfiles{@}" | sed -n "${i}p") fi done else rm -rf *.patch fi cd "$basedir/$target" $gitcmd format-patch --no-stat -N -o "$basedir/${what_name}-Patches/" upstream/upstream >/dev/null cd "$basedir" $gitcmd add -A "$basedir/${what_name}-Patches" cleanupPatches "$basedir/${what_name}-Patches" echo " Patches saved for $what to $what_name-Patches/" } savePatches "$workdir/Spigot/Spigot-API" "Paper-API" if [ -f "$basedir/Paper-API/.git/patch-apply-failed" ]; then echo "$(color 1 31)[[[ WARNING ]]] $(color 1 33)- Not saving Paper-Server as it appears Paper-API did not apply clean.$(colorend)" echo "$(color 1 33)If this is a mistake, delete $(color 1 34)Paper-API/.git/patch-apply-failed$(color 1 33) and run rebuild again.$(colorend)" echo "$(color 1 33)Otherwise, rerun ./paper patch to have a clean Paper-API apply so the latest Paper-Server can build.$(colorend)" else savePatches "$workdir/Spigot/Spigot-Server" "Paper-Server" fi ) || exit 1