#!/bin/bash PS1="$" basedir=`pwd` workdir=$basedir/work minecraftversion=$(cat BuildData/info.json | grep minecraftVersion | cut -d '"' -f 4) minecrafthash=$(cat BuildData/info.json | grep minecraftHash | cut -d '"' -f 4) accesstransforms=BuildData/mappings/$(cat BuildData/info.json | grep accessTransforms | cut -d '"' -f 4) classmappings=BuildData/mappings/$(cat BuildData/info.json | grep classMappings | cut -d '"' -f 4) membermappings=BuildData/mappings/$(cat BuildData/info.json | grep memberMappings | cut -d '"' -f 4) packagemappings=BuildData/mappings/$(cat BuildData/info.json | grep packageMappings | cut -d '"' -f 4) jarpath=$workdir/$minecraftversion/$minecraftversion echo "Downloading unmapped vanilla jar..." if [ ! -f "$jarpath.jar" ]; then mkdir -p "$workdir/$minecraftversion" curl -s -o "$jarpath.jar" "https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/$minecraftversion/minecraft_server.$minecraftversion.jar" if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Failed to download the vanilla server jar. Check connectivity or try again later." exit 1 fi fi checksum=$(md5sum "$jarpath.jar" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [ "$checksum" != "$minecrafthash" ]; then echo "The MD5 checksum of the downloaded server jar does not match the BuildData hash." exit 1 fi echo "Applying class mappings..." if [ ! -f "$jarpath-cl.jar" ]; then java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -i "$jarpath.jar" -m "$classmappings" -o "$jarpath-cl.jar" 1>/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Failed to apply class mappings." exit 1 fi fi echo "Applying member mappings..." if [ ! -f "$jarpath-m.jar" ]; then java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -i "$jarpath-cl.jar" -m "$membermappings" -o "$jarpath-m.jar" 1>/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Failed to apply member mappings." exit 1 fi fi echo "Creating remapped jar..." if [ ! -f "$jarpath-mapped.jar" ]; then java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource.jar --kill-lvt -i "$jarpath-m.jar" --access-transformer "$accesstransforms" -m "$packagemappings" -o "$jarpath-mapped.jar" 1>/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Failed to create remapped jar." exit 1 fi fi echo "Installing remapped jar..." cd CraftBukkit # Need to be in a directory with a valid POM at the time of install. mvn install:install-file -q -Dfile="$jarpath-mapped.jar" -Dpackaging=jar -DgroupId=org.spigotmc -DartifactId=minecraft-server -Dversion="$minecraftversion-SNAPSHOT" if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Failed to install remapped jar." exit 1 fi