
290 lines
11 KiB

;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
;;; This is a patch from the nonguix repo:
;;; TODO Remove patch when merged into nonguix
;;; Copyright © 2023 Saku Laesvuori <>
(define-module (nongnu services version-control)
#:use-module ((rnrs) :version (6))
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu services base)
#:use-module (gnu services certbot)
#:use-module (gnu services configuration)
#:use-module (gnu services databases)
#:use-module (gnu services shepherd)
#:use-module (gnu services web)
#:use-module (gnu services)
#:use-module (gnu system shadow)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix records)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 string-fun)
#:use-module (nongnu packages version-control)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
(define (gitea-fields? x)
(match x
(((section . ((name . value) ...)) ...)
(and (all symbol? section)
(all symbol? name)))
(define-maybe string)
(define-configuration/no-serialization gitea-configuration
(string "Gitea: Git with a cup of tea")
"Instance name")
(string "localhost")
"Domain name of the server")
"Public root url, default http(s)://DOMAIN/")
(gitea-fields '())
"Extra gitea configuration")
(boolean #t)
"Set up HTTPS with certbot")
(boolean #t)
"Set up NGINX as a reverse proxy")
(boolean #t)
"Set up a PostgreSQL database")
(package gitea)
"The Gitea package to use")
(string "/var/lib/gitea")
"Gitea working directory")
(string "/var/run/gitea")
"Gitea runtime directory")
"Path to gitea's internal token"))
(define (gitea-internal-token config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(internal-token work-dir)
(if (maybe-value-set? internal-token)
(string-append work-dir "/internal-token"))))
(define (gitea-configuration->fields config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(app-name domain root-url extra-gitea-fields nginx? https? postgresql? run-dir)
`((DEFAULT . ((app-name . ,app-name)))
(security . ((internal-token-uri . ,(string-append "file:" (gitea-internal-token config)))
(install-lock . #t)))
,@(if postgresql?
'((database . ((db-type . "postgres")
(host . "/var/run/postgresql/")
(user . "gitea")
(name . "gitea"))))
(server . ((domain . ,domain)
,@(if root-url `((root-url . ,root-url)) '())
,@(if nginx?
`((protocol . "http+unix")
(http-addr . ,(string-append run-dir "/gitea.socket")))
(if https?
`((protocol . "https")
(cert-file . ,(string-append "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" domain "/fullchain.pem"))
(key-file . ,(string-append "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" domain "/privkey.pem")))
(define (gitea-shepherd-service config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(work-dir run-dir postgresql? gitea)
(let ((config-file (gitea-serialize-config config)))
(list (shepherd-service
(documentation "Run the gitea server")
(requirement `(networking ,@(if postgresql? '(postgres) '())))
(provision '(gitea))
(start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
#$(file-append gitea "/bin/gitea")
"--config" #$config-file
"--work-path" #$work-dir
"--custom-path" (string-append #$work-dir "/custom")
"--pid" (string-append #$run-dir "/pid"))
#:user "gitea"
#:group "gitea"
#:directory #$work-dir
; TODO can these be set automatically
#:environment-variables (cons*
(string-append "HOME=" #$work-dir)
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
(actions (list (shepherd-configuration-action config-file))))))))
(define (gitea-certbot config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(https? domain nginx?)
(if (not https?) '()
(list (certificate-configuration
(domains (list domain))
(deploy-hook (if nginx? %nginx-cert-deploy-hook %gitea-cert-deploy-hook)))))))
(define (gitea-postgresql-roles config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(if postgresql?
(list (postgresql-role
(name "gitea")
(create-database? #t)))
(define (gitea-accounts config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(list (user-group
(name "gitea")
(system? #t))
(name "gitea")
(system? #t)
(group "gitea")
(comment "Gitea server user")
(home-directory work-dir)
(shell (file-append bash-minimal "/bin/bash"))))))
(define (gitea-activation config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(work-dir run-dir)
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(ice-9 string-fun))
(let* ((user (getpw "gitea"))
(user-id (passwd:uid user))
(group-id (passwd:gid user))
(internal-token #$(gitea-internal-token config))
(shell-escape (lambda (str)
(string-append "'"
(string-replace-substring str "'" "'\"'\"'")
(lambda _
(if (not (file-exists? internal-token))
(string-append #$bash-minimal "/bin/bash") "-c"
"umask 277 ; "
; /dev/random blocks if there isn't enough entropy which
; might be useful as this might be ran right after booting
#$coreutils "/bin/head -c 30 /dev/urandom | "
#$coreutils "/bin/base64 > " (shell-escape internal-token)))))))
(mkdir-p #$work-dir)
(mkdir-p #$run-dir)
(unless (file-exists? internal-token) (generate-internal-token))
(chown #$work-dir user-id group-id)
(chown #$run-dir user-id group-id)
(chown internal-token user-id group-id)))))
(define (gitea-nginx config)
(match-record config <gitea-configuration>
(https? domain nginx? run-dir)
(if (not nginx?) '()
(list (nginx-server-configuration
(listen (if https? '("443 ssl") '("80")))
(server-name (list domain))
(ssl-certificate (if https? (string-append "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" domain "/fullchain.pem") #f))
(ssl-certificate-key (if https? (string-append "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" domain "/privkey.pem") #f))
(locations (list
(uri "/")
(body `(,(string-append "proxy_pass http://unix:" run-dir "/gitea.socket;")
"proxy_set_header Host $host;"
"proxy_set_header X-Real_IP $remote_addr;"
"proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;"
"proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;"))))))))))
(define %nginx-cert-deploy-hook
#~(let ((pid (call-with-input-file "/var/run/nginx/pid" read)))
(kill pid SIGHUP))))
(define %gitea-cert-deploy-hook
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
#~(begin (use-modules (guix build utils))
(invoke "herd" "restart" "gitea")))))
(define (gitea-serialize-name name)
(let ((str (symbol->string name)))
(if (string-suffix? "?" str)
(string-drop-right str 1)
(define (gitea-serialize-field-name field-name)
(string-upcase (gitea-serialize-name field-name)))
(define (gitea-escape-string str)
(string-append "`" (string-replace-substring str "`" "\\`") "`"))
; this is not safe escaping as an input of \`evil\` gets transformed into `\\`evil\\``, escaping the quotes.
; However, the input is from a semi-trusted source, so it's not all that bad.
; At worst a user can mess up their config without knowing how and why
(define (gitea-serialize-config config)
(gitea-serialize-fields (gitea-configuration->fields config)))
(define (gitea-serialize-fields fields)
(plain-file "app.ini" (string-concatenate (map gitea-serialize-sections fields))))
(define (gitea-serialize-sections sections)
(match sections
((section . (fields ...))
(string-append "[" (gitea-serialize-name section) "]\n"
(string-concatenate (map gitea-serialize-field fields))))))
(define (gitea-serialize-field field)
(match field
((name . value)
(string-append (gitea-serialize-field-name name) " = " (gitea-serialize-value value) "\n"))))
(define (gitea-serialize-value value)
(cond ((number? value) (number->string value))
((boolean? value) (if value "true" "false"))
((string? value) (gitea-escape-string value))
((list? value) (string-join (map gitea-serialize-value value) ","))
(else (error (format #f "Invalid type for gitea-serialize-value: ~a" value)))))
(define (all pred struct)
(match struct
('() #t)
((a . b) (and (all pred a) (all pred b)))
(leaf (pred leaf))))
(define gitea-service-type
(name 'gitea)
(list (service-extension account-service-type gitea-accounts)
(service-extension activation-service-type gitea-activation)
(service-extension shepherd-root-service-type gitea-shepherd-service)
(service-extension nginx-service-type gitea-nginx)
(service-extension certbot-service-type gitea-certbot)
(service-extension postgresql-role-service-type gitea-postgresql-roles)))
(description "Run the gitea server")
(default-value (gitea-configuration))))