import * as world from "./world.mjs"; const BOX_SIZE = world.BOX_SIZE; const entities = []; export function create (box, x = 0, y = 0, color = "#fff") { const entity = { id: entities.length, box, x, y, color, }; entities.push(entity); return entity; } export function destroy (id) { // returns the destroyed entity, idk if that makes sense. return entities.splice(id, 1)[0]; } export function for_each (callback) { entities.forEach(entity => { callback(entity,; }); } function clamp_pos (entity) { if (entity.x < 0) entity.x = 0; if (entity.x >= BOX_SIZE) entity.x = BOX_SIZE - 1; if (entity.y < 0) entity.y = 0; if (entity.y >= BOX_SIZE) entity.y = BOX_SIZE - 1; return entity; } export function set_pos (entity, x, y) { entity.x = x; entity.y = y; if (out_of_bounds(entity)) { if ( { =; // TODO: exit from side of box. } clamp_pos(entity); } if (world.get_tile(, entity.x, entity.y)?.type === "box") { = world.get_tile(, entity.x, entity.y).box; // TODO: enter at edge of box. } } export function move (entity, d_x, d_y) { set_pos(entity, entity.x + d_x, entity.y + d_y); } function out_of_bounds (entity) { const { x, y } = entity; return x < 0 || x >= BOX_SIZE || y < 0 || y >= BOX_SIZE }