import * as graphics from "./graphics_core.mjs"; export * from "./graphics_core.mjs"; import { range, iter_2d } from "./utils/range.mjs"; import * as entity from "./entity.mjs"; import * as world from "./world.mjs"; const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); const canvas_context = canvas.getContext("2d"); graphics.set_size(canvas.width, canvas.height); const BASE_SCALE = 81; export function draw_rect (x, y, size = BASE_SCALE) { graphics.fill_rect(x, y, size, size); } function checkerboard (x, y) { return ((x ^ y) & 1) === 0; } function should_be_darker (x, y) { const CENTER = world.CENTER; const BOX_SIZE = world.BOX_SIZE; return x === CENTER && y === CENTER || (x === 0 || x === BOX_SIZE - 1) && (y === 0 || y === BOX_SIZE - 1) } export function draw_floor (start_x, start_y, scale, invert = false) { iter_2d(range(0, world.BOX_SIZE - 1), (x, y) => { let dark = "#888"; let bright = "#aaa"; if (should_be_darker(x, y)) { dark = "#555"; bright = "#666"; } graphics.set_color(dark); draw_rect(x * scale + start_x, y * scale + start_y, scale); graphics.set_color(bright); draw_rect(x * scale + start_x, y * scale + start_y, scale / 2); draw_rect((x + 0.5) * scale + start_x, (y + 0.5) * scale + start_y, scale / 2); }); } export function draw_world (box, start_x = 0, start_y = 0, scale = BASE_SCALE) { if (scale < 1) return; draw_floor(start_x, start_y, scale, !checkerboard(start_x, start_y)); world.for_each_tile(box, (x, y, tile) => { draw_tile(tile, x * scale + start_x, y * scale + start_y, scale); }); entity.for_each((entity, id) => { if ( !== box) return; graphics.set_color(entity.color); const [visual_x, visual_y] = project_pos(entity.x, entity.y, scale); draw_rect(start_x + visual_x, start_y + visual_y, scale); }); } function draw_tile (tile, x, y, scale) { switch (tile.type) { case "box": { // recursively draw box contents. draw_world(, x, y, scale / world.BOX_SIZE); break; } case "paint": { graphics.set_color(tile.color); draw_rect(x, y, scale); break; } // temporary: in the future, textures will exist and tile definitions will exist and keep track of textures for tiles. case "grass": { graphics.set_color("#2a0"); draw_rect(x, y, scale); graphics.set_color("#4c0"); draw_rect(x, y, scale * 0.5); draw_rect(x + scale / 2, y + scale / 2, scale * 0.5); break; } } } function project_pos (x, y, scale) { return [x, y].map(a => a * scale); } export function render () { graphics.render(canvas_context); }