change the way some functions are declared.
140 lines
4.1 KiB
140 lines
4.1 KiB
blockgame.crafting = blockgame.crafting or {}
local api = blockgame.crafting
local recipes = {}
api.registered_recipes = recipes
function api.register_stack_recipe (top_node, bottom_node, result, consumes_top)
local consumes_top = consumes_top
if consumes_top == nil then consumes_top = true end
recipes[top_node] = recipes[top_node] or {}
table.insert(recipes[top_node], {
["type"] = "stack_two_nodes",
index_key = top_node,
top_node = top_node,
bottom_node = bottom_node,
result = result,
consumes_top = consumes_top,
function api.handle_placement (pos, new_node, placer, old_node, itemstack, pointed_thing)
if recipes[new_node.name] == nil then return false end
for _, recipe in pairs(recipes[new_node.name]) do
local result = api.handle_stack_recipe(recipe, pos, new_node)
if result then return not recipe.consumes_top end
return false
function api.handle_stack_recipe (recipe, pos, top_node)
if top_node.name ~= recipe.top_node then return false end
local down = vector.add(pos, vector.new(0, -1, 0))
local below = minetest.get_node(down)
if below.name ~= recipe.bottom_node then return false end
minetest.set_node(down, recipe.result)
return true
-- pummeling is heavily based on nodecore by Warr1024 (both the mechanic itself and the code here implementing it).
local pummel_recipes = {}
function api.register_pummel_recipe (def)
local def = def or {}
def.label = def.label or "unnamed pummel recipe"
-- TODO: throw errors when these defs are invalid instead of just returning.
if not def.used_item then return false end
if not def.target_node then return false end
if not type(def.on_success) == "function" then return false end
local key = def.used_item
def.index_key = key
pummel_recipes[key] = pummel_recipes[key] or {}
table.insert(pummel_recipes[key], def)
-- TODO: add support for pummel recipes using groups instead of just specific node names.
function api.pummel_check (pos, used_item, target_node)
local key = used_item
if not pummel_recipes[key] then return false end
local potential_recipes = pummel_recipes[key]
for _, def in pairs(potential_recipes) do
if def.target_node == target_node.name then
if type(def.check) == "function" and not def.check(pos, used_item, target_node) then
return false
def.on_success(pos, used_item, target_node)
return true
local pummeling = {}
-- NOTE: might wanna change this to somehow store pummels per-node instead of per-player?
minetest.register_on_dignode(function (_, _, digger)
if not (digger and digger:is_player()) then return end
pummeling[digger:get_player_name()] = nil
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node, puncher, pointed)
if (not puncher:is_player()) or puncher:get_player_control().sneak then return end
local player_name = puncher:get_player_name()
-- if not minetest.interact(player_name) then return end
if not minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, "interact") then return end
node = node or minetest.get_node(pos)
local node_def = minetest.registered_items[node.name] or {}
if not node_def.pointable then return end
local wield = puncher:get_wielded_item()
local now = minetest.get_us_time() / 1000000
local pummel_data = {
action = "pummel",
crafter = puncher,
crafter_name = player_name,
pos = pos,
pointed = pointed,
node = node,
node_def = node_def,
start = now,
wield = wield:get_name() .. " " .. wield:get_count(),
count = 0,
local old_data = pummeling[player_name]
local hash = minetest.hash_node_position
if old_data and hash(old_data.pos) == hash(pummel_data.pos)
and hash(old_data.pointed.above) == hash(pummel_data.pointed.above)
and hash(old_data.pointed.under) == hash(pummel_data.pointed.under)
and old_data.wield == pummel_data.wield
and old_data.last >= (now - 3)
then pummel_data = old_data
pummel_data.count = pummel_data.count + 1
pummel_data.last = now
pummel_data.duration = now - pummel_data.start - 1
pummeling[player_name] = pummel_data
if pummel_data.count < 2 then return end
if api.pummel_check(pos, wield:get_name(), minetest.get_node(pointed.under)) then
pummeling[player_name] = nil