Congratulations, your Luminus site is ready!

This page will help guide you through the first steps of building your site. #### Why are you seeing this page? The `home-routes` handler in the `shapey-shifty.routes.home` namespace defines the route that invokes the `home-page` function whenever an HTTP request is made to the `/` URI using the `GET` method. ``` (defn home-routes [] ["" {:middleware [middleware/wrap-csrf middleware/wrap-formats]} ["/" {:get home-page}] ["/about" {:get about-page}]]) ``` The `home-routes` are wrapped with two middleware functions. The first enables CSRF protection. The second takes care of serializing and deserializing various encoding formats, such as JSON. The `home-page` function will in turn call the `shapey-shifty.layout/render` function to render the HTML content: ``` (defn home-page [_] (layout/render "home.html" {:docs (-> "docs/" io/resource slurp)})) ``` The `render` function will render the `home.html` template found in the `resources/templates` folder using a parameter map containing the `:docs` key. This key points to the contents of the `resources/docs/` file containing these instructions. The HTML templates are written using [Selmer]( templating engine. ```
``` learn more about HTML templating » #### Organizing the routes The routes are aggregated and wrapped with middleware in the `shapey-shifty.handler` namespace: ``` (mount/defstate app :start (middleware/wrap-base (ring/ring-handler (ring/router [(home-routes)]) (ring/routes (ring/create-resource-handler {:path "/"}) (wrap-content-type (wrap-webjars (constantly nil))) (ring/create-default-handler {:not-found (constantly (error-page {:status 404, :title "404 - Page not found"})) :method-not-allowed (constantly (error-page {:status 405, :title "405 - Not allowed"})) :not-acceptable (constantly (error-page {:status 406, :title "406 - Not acceptable"}))}))))) ``` The `app` definition groups all the routes in the application into a single handler. A default route group is added to handle the `404`, `405`, and `406` errors. learn more about routing » #### Managing your middleware Request middleware functions are located under the `shapey-shifty.middleware` namespace. This namespace is reserved for any custom middleware for the application. Some default middleware is already defined here. The middleware is assembled in the `wrap-base` function. Middleware used for development is placed in the `` namespace found in the `env/dev/clj/` source path. learn more about middleware »
#### Database configuration is required If you haven't already, then please follow the steps below to configure your database connection and run the necessary migrations. * Create the database for your application. * Update the connection URL in the `dev-config.edn` and `test-config.edn` files with your database name and login credentials. * Run `lein run migrate` in the root of the project to create the tables. * Let `mount` know to start the database connection by `require`-ing `shapey-shifty.db.core` in some other namespace. * Restart the application. learn more about database access »
#### Need some help? Visit the [official documentation]( for examples on how to accomplish common tasks with Luminus. The `#luminus` channel on the [Clojurians Slack]( and [Google Group](!forum/luminusweb) are both great places to seek help and discuss projects with other users.