--- - hosts: all # Install python if required # https://www.josharcher.uk/code/ansible-python-connection-failure-ubuntu-server-1604/ gather_facts: False pre_tasks: - name: check lemmy_base_dir fail: msg: "`lemmy_base_dir` is unset. if you are upgrading from an older version, add `lemmy_base_dir=/lemmy` to your inventory file." when: lemmy_base_dir is not defined - name: install python for Ansible # python2-minimal instead of python-minimal for ubuntu 20.04 and up raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python3-minimal python3-setuptools) args: executable: /bin/bash register: output changed_when: output.stdout != '' - setup: # gather facts tasks: - name: install dependencies dnf: state: latest update_cache: true pkg: - "nginx" - "certbot" - "python3-certbot-nginx" - "ca-certificates" - "curl" - "python3-pip" - "python3-virtualenv" - "python3-setuptools" - name: request initial letsencrypt certificate command: certbot certonly --nginx --agree-tos --cert-name '{{ domain }}' -d '{{ domain }}' -m '{{ letsencrypt_contact_email }}' args: creates: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{domain}}/privkey.pem" - name: create lemmy folder file: path: "{{item.path}}" owner: "{{item.owner}}" state: directory with_items: - path: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/" owner: "root" - path: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/volumes/" owner: "root" - path: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/volumes/pictrs/" owner: "991" - block: - set_fact: lemmy_port: "{{ 32767 |random(start=1024) }}" - name: add template files template: src: "{{item.src}}" dest: "{{item.dest}}" mode: "{{item.mode}}" with_items: - src: "templates/docker-compose.yml" dest: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/docker-compose.yml" mode: "0600" - src: "templates/nginx_internal.conf" dest: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/nginx_internal.conf" mode: "0644" - src: "templates/nginx.conf" dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{domain}}.conf" mode: "0644" vars: lemmy_docker_image: "dessalines/lemmy:{{ lemmy_version | default( lookup('file', 'VERSION') )}}" lemmy_docker_ui_image: "dessalines/lemmy-ui:{{ lemmy_ui_version | default(lemmy_version | default(lookup('file', 'VERSION')))}}" - block: - name: gather stats on site enabled config stat: path: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{domain}}.conf" register: reg_enabled - name: remove if regular file (legacy) instead of symlink file: path: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{domain}}.conf" state: absent when: reg_enabled.stat.exists and reg_enabled.stat.isreg - name: enable nginx site file: src: "../sites-available/{{domain}}.conf" dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{domain}}.conf" state: link - name: add the config.hjson template: src: "inventory/host_vars/{{domain}}/config.hjson" dest: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/lemmy.hjson" mode: "0600" owner: "1000" group: "1000" - name: add the customPostgresql.conf template: src: "inventory/host_vars/{{domain}}/customPostgresql.conf" dest: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}/customPostgresql.conf" mode: "0600" owner: "1000" group: "1000" vars: postgres_password: "{{ lookup('password', 'inventory/host_vars/{{domain}}/passwords/postgres chars=ascii_letters,digits') }}" - name: enable and start podman service systemd: name: podman.socket enabled: yes state: started # - name: Change the working directory to /opt # ansible.builtin.shell: # cmd: find . # To list files under /opt directory # chdir: /opt # changes to /opt directory # register: shell_output # - debug: var=shell_output - name: start docker-compose docker_compose: project_src: "{{lemmy_base_dir}}/{{domain}}" state: present pull: yes remove_orphans: yes - name: reload nginx with new config shell: nginx -s reload - name: certbot renewal cronjob cron: special_time: daily name: certbot-renew-lemmy user: root job: "certbot certonly --nginx --cert-name '{{ domain }}' -d '{{ domain }}' --deploy-hook 'nginx -s reload'"